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Mary's prayers Answered

A woman's fantasy satisfied

By DSPublished 4 years ago 10 min read
Mary's prayers Answered
Photo by Ferdinand studio on Unsplash

Hello my name is Mary, I am an only child raised by my grandmother, because my mother has passed and my father worked as a traveling salesman and was not around too often. I have graduated high school now by two years and yet still do not know the touch of a man's love. I dream of things I have no clue on, what it will feel like and how I will feel after words. Grandma has never talked of such things and all I know is what other girls have told me.

I was riding home from a friends house during a rain storm on my bike and had a spill, my bike was broke, my clothes ripped and barely on exposing most of my body to the elements. A young man very tall, about 25 years old, dirty blonde hair with muscles that went on for days came to my aid from his home shirtless. He was covered in rain water just running down his rippled body and asked "Are you alright".

I said " I have hurt my ankle and it is very sore, plus my bike is no longer rideable."

Without a word Kevin scooped me into his arms and took me inside, He lay me on his big bed and started undressing me ever so carefully , first my shoes and socks, then my ripped jean shorts and panties, then he finished tearing my tee off as I was not wearing any bra. I lay completely nude on Kevin's bed wondering what I had gotten myself into.

Kevin ducked out of the room for a minute and came back with some medical supplies, he activated a cold pack and placed it on ankle and fixed it with an ace bandage then started massaging my legs with his strong hands which was coarse feeling from his callouses. He worked all the way to my inner thighs, rubbing each leg till I felt warm, up and down each leg, he then stood and removed his jeans but left his boxer shorts on exposing a huge bulge in his crotch. It was so hard it was peeking out his little hole in his boxers. He climbed beside me and started rubbing my shoulders ever so smoothly, running down between my breasts, cupping them and massaging them , he got so close I could feel his hot breath on my nipples which were standing on end by now from all this attention. His touch was so gentle yet firm, I could feel his touch throughout my whole body so much I felt something stirring in my loins, I was creaming so bad it showed as I was getting the bed so wet.

Kevin noticed and asked "If he could relax me further it would ease the pain and take your mind off your ankle."

I replied in a soft hesitant voice "Yes sure just be gentle I have never been with anyone."

Kevin in a soothing voice replied " I understand , I will be gentle and if you need to stop let me know ok."

Kevin still sitting on the edge of the bed turned and started massaging my pelvic area all over ever so gently, rubbing my inner thigh with his hands and parting my legs ever so gently, he massaged my mound of hair for an eternity and I could feel my juices flowing on the bed, so hot and so much I was moaning with every touch. He spun around and got between my legs and cupped my ass in either hand and brought me up to his mouth where he began nibbling on my inner thigh and licking his way to my honey pot, he gently licked me, parted my lips with his tongue and drank my juices just producing more to flow, he start licking my button and I could not stop from moaning so loud and I felt an intense surge come over me, a release I have never felt that made my body spasm all over. Kevin held me there while he inserted his tongue as deep as it would go into my sex and started lapping it up as if he was a man on a dessert with nothing to drink. This just continued me to keep feeling this feeling, I was exploding one after another and he kept drinking me down, I was in heaven and yet I had not even seen his thing yet. This carried on for hours and my body was so relaxed and felt like I would not be able to cum any more and yet another would come one right after another.

Kevin finally let me down from his mouth and laid beside me and asked "Are you relaxed , do you feel better, how's your ankle?"

Barely able to answer I muttered "Oh Kevin yes I am very relaxed, my body is still feeling the waves of ecstasy moving through my body, can I see it, would it be ok?"

Kevin replied " If and only if you want too, I am just glad I was able to take care of you."

I took off the ice pack on my ankle as it was froze by now and I definitely was not feeling no pain, and I shifted to between Kevin's legs and reached inside his little hole on his boxers to feel his organ and it was hot and felt extremely wet inside. I went ahead and pulled off his boxers to reveal his cock, the first one I had ever seen close enough to touch. I gently grabbed it and it was wet as can be with a ton of clear liquid on it all over, it looked as if Kevin enjoyed his self while he was busy taking care of me. I wrapped my hand around it and moved it up and down real slow, it started getting bigger, I bent over and started licking his head and his little slit kept pouring out juices, I took his whole head into my mouth which as big as it was it filled my mouth up like a giant lollypop, the ones you see at the movies, I pursed my lips around his head and moved my tongue all around licking and flicking his sensitive head, with every flick he would buck ever so slightly. He was so big I could grab him with both hands and still have room for my whole mouth to encase him. I got braver and started taking him deeper into my mouth and stroking it with both hands, stopping on the top to flick his tip and purse and suck it hard like a big lollypop. Kevin was moaning with each stroke, each touch, every flick of my tongue, and he finally exploded with a massive load that poured into my mouth ever so much it was dripping everywhere, It tasted so sweet yet a bit salty, nothing like the other girls had said, it was not gross, it tasted good and I swallowed what I could and licked his whole body clean from his mess. I guess with all this attention he was still ready for more because even though he had cum he was still as hard as ever.

I climbed on top and steadied myself hovering over his erect dick and took one hand and guided him toward my body , slipping him into the folds of my lips moving him all around and even used his head to rub my button to make me cum all over his shaft which I had tucked into my lips like a flagpole. He was extremely slick and I was extra wet so I pushed his head into me, it was gigantic yet not to painful, he was busy massaging my breasts as I rode just the tip in and out not going past the head, I started creaming and yet another orgasm which poured all over his hard cock which was so wet it pierced me past his head, it was a sharp quick pain as it entered but ever so slightly as I could feel his shaft with my insides, each move I made sent vibrations throughout my body. I stayed still and lowered myself a little at a time until I had engulfed his whole shaft into my virgin hole, it felt so wonderful, tight, as if I was a part of him, he would pulse his shaft and I would feel his head go a little deeper with each pulse he was or seemed to get bigger. I took it slow and started moving up and down on his shaft, he helped with his hands grabbing my sides and lifting me up a little at a time then he would thrust home , we were at this for what seemed hours and the bed was soaked, I came multiple times and coated his shaft over and over, I was able to keep a steady pace finally with everything being so wet and I was riding him like it was my pony back home. I had dropped all the way down hard on him when I lost my balance and I heard a loud moan erupt from Kevin and felt his cock pulse and throb dumping his hot sticky load deep into me. He reached up and stopped me from moving and pulled me to his chest still inside me , we lay there and fell asleep.

I awoke the next morning to Kevin going down on me making me have yet even more multiple orgasms, after he seen my contented smile he got out of bed with his shaft still erect bouncing all around and made me breakfast in bed. We both climbed into the shower to clean our night of extreme pleasure up from each other, after drying from our shower he carried me to the front room lay me on the couch and went into the other room and grabbed a bikini and some jogging shorts with a cute crop top which he gently dressed me in, then he got my shoes and put them back on with my socks. He said his step sister would not mind as they were the only ones who lived there and she has borrowed mine before too. He had mentioned he had a pool and he and his step sister had just moved in a month ago and had no friends around town yet and that he would enjoy my company any time as he and his step sister both worked from home and set their own schedules.

Kevin said " Sit here and catch some tv and I will get dressed and grab your bike from the yard and put it into my garage for now, I will fix it after I get the parts and if you need a ride just call me here is my number alright."

As I was waiting his step sister came out of her bedroom completely naked and said good morning, she was a very beautiful girl , very slim and a chest just slightly bigger than mine. She sat down beside me naked as a jaybird like it was normal and asked "If Kevin had treated me well, and that her name was Kathy."

I had replied with yes he indeed treat me very well and that he was a dream come true. Kathy filled me in on her and her brothers work at home jobs which seemed to be a dream all of its own, they worked for an online cam website and made plenty of money to live the way they wanted too. She had just finished a private session and was going to the shower and remarked she would see me later if I was gonna start hanging out.

Kathy came in still a little water covered from her shower and still naked as all get out, and paused at the kitchen and grabbed a coffee sit it on the breakfast bar and sit on the stool. Kevin came out in his jean shorts and a tee that just bulged from his muscles, you could see every ripple.

Kevin said to me "I am almost ready I just need to check on Kathy here, I am the cook around here and she hasn't had breakfast yet."

Kevin went on that Kathy was his step sister but he never lived with her and she was from his mother's 2nd marriage to a guy from California, they met one family reunion and clicked. His mother remarried after he left for college and had not been home since. Well except for the wedding of course.

Kathy replied "I am fine this morning I can wait till you get back, take her home and make sure to invite her back I would like to get to know your first love , the one you obviously lost your virginity last night how was it?"

Kevin said "What were you watching the whole time?"

Kathy laughed and said" I could hear you two from my room with the tv on, the way you took care of Mary and being a virgin herself I think you two are on the right path to a great relationship. All those tutoring sessions paid off for you didn't they Kevin, I told you you would make a great lover and a wonderful husband some day. And my teasing you all this time obviously improved your staying time ," Giggling so much she could hardly set on the chair as Kevin's face turned flush red.

Kevin took me home and I introduced him to my grandma and we traded numbers and emails, we had a great lunch at my house and let my grandmother know I was fine and would be staying over more with Kevin and his step sister Kathy.

I did not know what Kevin and Kathy meant from earlier but I'm sure they will tell me some day.


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