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Mars Discovery

A delicate matter.

By DSPublished 4 years ago 6 min read
Mars Discovery
Photo by Nicolas Lobos on Unsplash

My name is Jennifer, Jen for short. I was picked for the first Mars mission that would include people. We had already sent countless machines and robots to put together a fine city. It had everything we needed to survive now.

Our mission was to explore and create a colony on the planet. Eventually find and transform raw materials into a space port and manufacturing city for spacecraft. It would be easier to launch from Mars.

I found a huge crater, that was so deep it would take a Mars copter to explore it. So I reported back in and Mars central sent out a flatbed with a Mars copter on it. It also sent along rations and oxygen, enough for two weeks in case it took longer to explore.

I loaded the copter with the supplies and started my descent into the crater. It was so large that I could fly straight down. I flew down further and further. Finally sensors picked up a solid bottom. It was nearly two miles down inside the crater.

I crawled out and noticed the floor looked almost like it was designed by someone or something. I grabbed my gear and some extra oxygen. I moved to the sides and started exploring. I found what looked like a door, even though it was a foot taller than most I have seen, it was a door. I walked closer and a light on top of it came on and the door slid open to the left.

I walked in and a light, came on pulsing at first then finally stayed on. It was an orange in color. The door slid shut behind me. I heard the rush of air coming into the chamber stirring up the dust that rest in the chamber. It was an airlock of sorts built into the rock face two miles down. It was not an earth design. What could it be?

I checked my scanner and the room had enough gases I could breathe as long as it did not get any lower. It would be like living in the mountains on earth.

The door in front of me slid open and it had oxygen as well, so I walked in and removed my suit. I grabbed an energy bar and strapped on my pack and started walking through the various rooms. I came across a very peculiar room.

It had long tables with circular screens next to them. On one I seen a very tall skeleton laying on it. It had four arms and four legs. Almost human but about a foot taller, other than the extra arms and legs it would pass as human. On the wall was canisters, tall enough to hold one of these beings. It had lights at the top and one of them had started flashing rapidly. It slowly opened up to reveal one of the beings, totally preserved and looked as if it was waking up.

I quickly grabbed my pack and tried locating my weapon, but I left it in the copter. I looked up and the being had moved in front of me.

It had four arms, with three fingers and a thumb sorta. Four legs, but it looked as if each set worked as one. His skin was bright orange. His mid section sported a nice long extrusion about a foot long and right above it seemed to be another set of female sex organs. They looked close to mine as they had external lips covering a small hole. His cheat had six nipples like an animals, very small breasts.

His face was slim but round in shape, no hair at all. he moved forward and I started walking backward. He raised all four hands and went to his knees at least I think it was his knees. It put him closer to my level. He motioned me closer.

I edged closer and he began pulling and tugging at my clothes. I went ahead and started removing them. My shirt first, then my bra to reveal my breasts. He looked puzzled and reached over and squeezed my breasts. Ever so softly rubbing my nipples between his fingers.

He motioned for me to finish. as he tugged at his mid section exposing his sex organ was getting bigger and started looking like a man's organ as it grew.

I finished taking off my clothes and as soon as I exposed my sex organs he reached out with all four arms and grabbed me by my sides and lifted me straight up to his face. He looked me up and down. Moved me all around checking every inch of me over. He raised me up high enough and stuck his face between my legs and started sniffing with I am guessing his nose, two small holes in his face.

He then took two arms from my sides and grabbed my legs and parted them, He cupped my butt gently and started pulling me onto his very long and stiff member. Ever so softly and ever so gently. He pushed forward till he was buried inside me. He stayed that way for a few minutes.

I heard a small voice in my head, not a man yet not a woman.

It said " Welcome to our city, my name is Ethos. I had to do this so I could read your mind and learn your language. We are very sensitive and can connect our minds with another being if we are linked like this. I see that you do not do this normally as this is an act done in secret. It does seem to bring you great pleasure from the link. "

I said out loud shaking a little " Yes it is how we reproduce, to make more human beings. That is what I am. Are you from this planet ?"

Ethos seeing my whole past starts moving me back and forth on his shaft causing me to start to moan and creating an awesome climax within me that I released all over his shaft. I felt as if he had a thousand tongues inside me as his shaft had small feelers that came out and started tasting my sweet juices.

Ethos starts talking aloud now " I see the joy it brings you, your fluids are quite tasty from there. I have learned your language now. We are a peaceful people and only about a thousand of us has survived since the event that took our atmosphere away. Those many what is the term you use for going around the sun once, ah yes years, Thank you. "

He continues to talk " If you do not mind I will give you a sample of our DNA to take back with you so your scientists can study us. "

He cradles my bottom with one arm and takes the other and rustles through my back pack and pulls out a sample jar we usually use for water and hands it to me to open.

He then once again begins thrusting his shaft in and out of me very rapidly until I hear him moan a low moan. He exploded inside of me and it was pouring out of me like water. I hurried and put the jar down to capture some of it. He pulls me off his shaft and sticks his shaft in the jar and finishes filling it to the top with his seed.

Ethos said " I am so sorry, I have built up so much from being asleep so long I made a mess of you and me. "

I capped up the jar and stowed it away. I grabbed an old shirt from my pack and cleaned us both up with it. I did accidently taste it and it tasted like white chocolate, straight from the melting pot.

Ethos explained that he and his survivors would love to see the rest of our team and he would share the city with them if we could show them how to make rocket ships. He promised the whole of their knowledge. He even said he would have to look but he thinks the thing called cancer he might have a cure for it for us.

I got dressed and said my good byes. Made my way to the copter and back to base. I was the first to publish about another living space being in the whole history of earth. I was also the first to have a Mars and Human hybrid baby on Mars. It was a good thing too. The baby was able to adapt to the atmosphere of Mars and did not need oxygen. We were able to recreate that effect in a pill form that lasted for a full Martian day.

Mars or Bust baby.


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