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Lust is blind

Lust of a woman

By DSPublished 4 years ago 9 min read
Lust is blind
Photo by Bianca Petrisor on Unsplash

My name is Jeff. I was recently laid off and needed work. My friend Ronald invited me to stay at his place in Iowa. A new plant opened there and they had plenty of work and at a decent wage. I packed up all my stuff and turned in my key to my apartment and drove straight to his house.

I arrived late at his doorstep, it was dark and not a light was showing on in the home. I pounded on the door thinking he was asleep. I did this several times and no response from the home.

I heard a door open and a soft female voice call out " If you are looking for Ronald he will not be home till late morning tomorrow. He always comes by to see If I need anything from the stores. "

I walk over to where the voice was coming from to see a stunning beautiful woman. She looked to be around my age, had long blonde hair. She was dressed in a long flowing robe. It was pulled close but you could see her round full breasts kept the top from closing all the way. He small mound of pubic hair glistened in the starlight as it peeked through a small crevice in her robe. Her body was that of an athlete, slim and curvy, very sexy. She stood about five foot two inches but was quite built for her height.

After taking an eternity to answer her I said " He invited me over to stay at his place so I could job hunt, and possibly get on where he was working."

She reacted to my voice turning around to face me full on and said " You are welcome to stay here for the night until Ronald comes by in the morning. Grab your stuff and I will show you to my guest room. "

She guided me into a bedroom and it was dark as night , I commented on the darkness and she flipped on a lamp that was near the bed. The bed looks as if it was hers, it had the covers a mess and all of her things were about. I could see clothes in the closet that were dresses and frilly blouses.

I spoke up " I can not take your bed miss, miss ?"

She replied " It is fine, I have another room and bed but this is the better of the two. My name Grace and yes it is miss, so no worries. All the lights work around here but I do not bother with them as I am quite used to getting around the house in the dark. "

I said " Oh ok well Thank you for being so kind and letting me sleep here tonight, I will have to buy you dinner or something once I get my first check. "

She said " No worries, let me grab us some drinks and then we can say our good nights. I am sure you are very tired. "

She brought back some coffee and we sit on the edge of the bed drinking it down and she wandered off after saying she would see me in the morning. I felt extremely relaxed after drinking the coffee so I pulled off my shirt and pants and crawled into the bed pushing the covers off to the side as it was very hot. All I had on was my bikini briefs that was having problems containing myself from the beautiful views of Grace and her body. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I awoke in the middle of the night feeling something tugging on my ankle. I went to brush it off with my hands but they were bound together and tied to the headboard. My legs were bound as well and firmly tied to the footboard of the bed. It was dark as midnight in the room and all I could feel was a pair of hands moving up my body massaging every inch of it and probing as to feel her way around it. I felt someone climb in bed and straddle my body. Small soft hands were slowly moving up my body, finally finding my face which they then did a quick survey of and she lowered her mouth onto mine and started kissing me.

She worked her way down my entire length kissing and rubbing my body as she went until she found my manhood standing tall. She ever so softly felt around me, grabbing my shaft and rubbing my head against her lips, sliding her tongue out to lightly lick it as it passed. She licked my shaft up and down and even sucked my balls into mouth ever so gently, massaging them with her tongue. She was like a new bride exploring her husband for the first time. She massaged my inner thighs as she took my head into her waiting mouth where she slowly encircled the head. Licking it and sucking it like a lollypop. Each move was like time was frozen.

She worked real slow on my manhood treasuring each throb and keeping me on the edge of exploding deep into her mouth. She pulled me out and it made a popping sound as I came out of her mouth from sucking so much on it.

She moved her body up to my face and shifted herself so as her hot dripping sweet juices were filling my mouth and was just out of reach from my tongue. She continued filling my awaiting mouth with her dripping juices as she rubbed her nubbin till she exploded. She lowered herself and let me taste her reward of her ever flowing sweet nectar. I lapped up every ounce and started licking her nubbin.

I rubbed it with my tongue and from my first touch she was quivering and letting loose a waterfall of fluids that were sweeter than any candy. Her juices had not stopped, it was one after another flowing like a river into my awaiting mouth.

Shaking and quivering Grace moved out of reach and lowered herself onto my mid section. Reaching down and grabbing my shaft which was throbbing like no tomorrow from her touches. She rubbed it all around her wet box getting her juices all over my whole shaft and head. She slipped the head in her lips right under her awaiting opening. Slowly she guided me in her ever so tight awaiting love . It was creaming and exploding all around me as she took inch after inch into her loving.

She finally had me deep in to her love and her juices were flowing all over my mid section dribbling down every inch of my shaft onto my balls. The juices were so hot it was almost like a steam room on my shaft.

She placed her hands on my chest and leaned forward some. Wiggled around her hips some and started sliding me up and down in her loving. Slowly picking up the pace little by little.

She lay her heaving chest against mine, squishing her breasts down to nothing on my chest and sliding her legs out where she had room to start pounding me with all she had. Her grip around me breath taking and firm yet very loving. She moved like this for a good five minutes.

I heard a loud muffled moan and felt a sharp pain as she bit into my breast as she covered my shaft and head in an avalanche of love juice.

Whether it was her juices or her sheer response of hanging on with every ounce of being that did it I would never know. It caused me to explode deep into her loving and it was earth shattering. I felt like I would never stop filling her tight little love nest with my seed.

We both lay there, Grace finally let loose her grip and set up on me still inside her barely. Her hands running through my hairy chest rubbing in our juices from our session.

Grace asked " Jeff will you take a shower with me, make sure I get completely clean from our little session please. "

I replied " Yes I would love to take a shower with you Grace, it would be my pleasure. "

Grace expertly untied me and took my hand and guided me into the bathroom. She never once turned on a light the whole way. She had the shower on and running a matching towel and wash rag setup for the both of us and was waiting by the edge of the stall for me.

I reached over turned on the light and Grace never moved an inch. I moved forward and cupped her breast and lowered and kissed her long and hard. She wrapped her arms around my neck and guided in to the shower, shutting the door when we cleared it. She handed me the soap and a wash cloth to me and put her arms on my shoulders as I began to wash her.

I had not noticed before but Grace was blind. She had so much to offer someone and in her house she had no issues moving around at all.

I finished cleaning up Grace and she took her turn on me. She made sure to find my shaft and pleased me with her mouth before she started to clean every inch of my body with her very soft hands. We dried each other off and got dressed.

We were having breakfast as we had took up most of the early morning in each others arms. The sun had rose and it was nearly time for Ronald to show up. Me and Grace sat and chatted for a while and she offered me a place to stay while I looked for work.

Ronald finally made it in and was talking with Grace in the other room for a long while. He finally came back to the kitchen and asked " Jeff do you enjoy Grace's company enough to move in with her and help her with her life and take care of shopping and any other things that she may need or want?"

I replied " Yes I could do it when I was not working and be happy to do the sighted errands and shopping and anything else she may need or want. "

Grace had came in and was resting her arm around Ronald and they both started laughing so hard they almost fell on the floor. Grace raised herself and kissed Ronald on the cheek.

Ronald guided Grace to my lap and she sat on my lap and he said " Jeff, I hope you are not mad but me and Grace and my wife were all talking and even though Grace did need some help around the house she needed to take care of her deeper concerns more so than the shopping. She had offered me the position through my wife and my wife let me take care of her a few times but she did not want to share me all the time. "

Grace spoke up and said " Jeff, when you called we were all there and I told Ronald to bring you down and you could apply to the job to see if you qualified for it. Last night was the test and you passed with flying colors. You made no mention of my handicap and treated me as a woman should be, plus you did enjoy my kinky side to an extent. "

I pulled her face closer to mine and gave her a long hard kiss and hugged her with my free arm.

Grace continued " I will give you a salary equal to Ronald's at his place of work for simply being my messenger when needed as I write novels and I am quite well off from them. I need to take things to the publisher at times and sometimes we go on the road so I will need your eyes a lot then. I am demanding and when I write I get extremely turned on while working through the good bits of a novel. So your services would be welcome and required especially while writing. Can you handle those conditions of employment? "

With a smile as large as the moon I simply said "Yes ."

Grace said " Great, one call to my publisher and she will draw up your contract and you start now. Ronald we are going to be a bit busy but if you would grab some deli items for sandwiches and some frozen pizzas for tonight that will do us for now. "

Grace wasted no time, she stripped right down and grabbed my hand and took me to her study and laid her self out on an old roman style bed with her legs spread. She was busy powering up her laptop and waved me over to start pleasuring her cute little hot love machine while she pounded out a new best seller.


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