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Goddess of Depravity

NSFW...Seriously...It's more smut :)

By Kevin BarkmanPublished 2 years ago 33 min read
Goddess of Depravity
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

My eyes gradually drift open, my vision hazy, but slowly clearing.

I find myself suspended between two muscular figures clad in shining bronze breastplates and white kilts. Bronze studs embedded in leather bracers dig into my armpits as I’m dragged over the cobblestone floor. I try to raise my head, but a sharp pain shoots through my skull. I realize with growing horror that a gash has opened along the left side of my head, matting my hair with blood.

The two large women—as I discover they are women—carry me as though I am weightless to them. In lockstep, the march me through the halls of the castle until we come to an iron-strapped wooden door thrice my height and wide enough for a two chariots riding abreast.

With a loud clamber, three mechanical iron latches slide open. The massive doors swing open revealing a wide chamber beyond. My escorts wait for the doors to open fully before continuing forward. Inside the chamber, the cobblestone floor gives way to a velvety carpet leading up to a raised dais at the far end.

A breeze wafts out from the chamber, warm against my bare skin. My feet drag across the soft rug, tickling my toes and rattling my manacles. As we approach the dais, my guards release me, dropping me onto the ground. I wince as my knees slam into the floor, the covered cobblestones digging into my flesh.

I fall flat on my face, unable to catch myself with my manacled arms. A groan escapes me as one of my guards grabs me by the hair and yanks me back up to kneeling. Her hand still wrapped painfully in my hair. She pulls my head back, craning my neck until I’m staring into her face.

Her dark eyes peer menacingly from beneath an ornate helm as she whispers a command, “Behave.”

A chord of power accompanies her order, ricocheting through my mind and muddling my thoughts. She slips her hand out of my locks, her hand roughly caressing my neck. With a sly grin, the tall, muscular woman snaps to attention, taking her place opposite her fellow guard.

The two stand ever vigilant, like pillars at either side of the dais. The comfortably warm air soothes the aches permeating my every muscle. I hazard a glance around chamber, really taking in the sight for the first time.

Several statues line the corners of the great hall, illuminated by glowing orbs in sconces mounted on the dark stone walls. Each statue depicts a different image. Giant marble people, exposed in all their naked glory, caress and grope each other. Exquisite flesh-in-stone sculptures of women and men alike in extasy decorate the perimeter. The ornately carved face of one buried between the legs of another. Men, arms bound with ropes or chains, servicing their women counterparts. A woman’s hand wrapped around the throat of the man beneath her, frozen in stone with his veiny cock thrusting into her cunt.

The flickering light of the flameless lamps lends the figures a sense of sensual movement. If I didn’t know better, I might think the statues were alive.

The orbs aren’t the only source of light in the room, though they provide most of the light. A brass hearth rises from the floor behind the dais, silhouetting an elegant throne carved from a single block of black marble.

I shift uncomfortably, trying to relieve the pressure from my aching knees.

“Hmm.” Comes a silky feminine voice from behind the throne. “What is it you have brought me today?”

“My lady,” Calls one of the guards. “We found this intruder lurking by the main gate.”

“So, you brought it to me? Why?”

The other guard speaks this time: a deeper, harsher voice, “Alice thought you might enjoy toying with it before we dispose of it, Mistress.”

“Indeed. Since you went through all this trouble, I may as well inspect my gift.”

Each word from the mysterious lady echoes in my skull, even more powerful and enchanting than the guard. I have to force my mind to focus just to keep myself conscious.

I first glimpse her hand, running along an edge of the black stone as she emerges into the dim, flickering light.

She is the single most beautiful creature I have ever seen.

She is lean and muscular, her form barely hidden under a sheer white chemise falling to her ankles and bound at her waist with a golden belt. The belt, much like the statues, is etched with graven images of sex and bondage.

I can’t help but stare into her infinitely deep green eyes as she saunters forward. Her hips sway as she takes each deliberate step, her skirt parting giving glances at her smooth olive toned legs. Silhouetted as she is against the light from the hearth, every one of her curves shows through thin fabric.

Her very presence is intoxicating.

I feel my manhood stiffen beneath my loincloth. I shake my head, trying to keep myself lucid. Despite my effort, my mind is a jumble of conflicting sensations.

“Why have you come here, mortal?” She whispers, now only a few steps before me. She stands over me, gazing down into my eyes.

I take in a sharp breath as my head injury lights up in pain. Precious pain.

I try to focus on the pain. I try to focus on anything but the hauntingly beautiful woman before me.

“Why have you come, mortal?” She repeats, leaning closer to my face. From this distance, I smell her scent: an elegant, flowery fragrance befitting her appearance. A warm sensation emanating from her tingles across my flesh, dulling my aches.

“I…” I slur, “I’ve come…for you… I…”

“For me?” She lilts. “Have you come to serve me, darling?”

“I…I don’t know.” I admit, my brain fogging over more with her every word. “I can’t remember.”

“Oh, dear.” She teases. “If you have come to serve me, why are you bound and injured so?”

She reaches out, touching her fingertips to my face.

In an instant, all my aches and pains begin to fade away. A gentle, pleasant burning tingles across my scalp as she brushes her hand over my head wound. I feel the wound close in the wake of her fingers. Every bit of pain disappears as she draws a knuckle down my jaw. When it alights on my chin, she jerks upward, forcing me to look straight into her eyes.

Her mesmerizing eyes.

“You are here to serve me, are you not?” Her tone is harder this time, but smooth, sliding through my consciousness with a burst of power.

“I…Yes.” I say, no longer in full control of my own thoughts.

She rises back up to her full height, her laugh trilling and echoing off the stone walls.

“Good.” She growls, “But, from now on, you shall address me properly. Do you understand?”

“Y…Yes, milady.”

A flash of anger flits across her features, her hand slipping from my chin to around my throat. “That is not the proper way to address me, mortal.” She hisses. “You will address me by my title. You will address me as Goddess. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Goddess.” I blurt, eager to please the magnificent creature before me.

“Good.” She hums, contented. She releases my neck and turns on her heels. Her high heels clack against the smooth stone steps as she ascends the dais to her throne.

From the corner of my eye, I catch one of the guards…Alice, I think… glancing between Goddess and me with a smirk of lust. When Goddess turns back to sit upon her the throne, Alice returns to attention.

“How should I have you serve me, my pet?”

“I…will do anything…you command, my Goddess.”

“Oh, well, of course you will.” She lilts, crossing her legs and leaning against the arm of the throne. With a flick of her hand, “Unchain him for me.”

“But, my Lady! He’s dang—”

“Do you question my judgement, Orana?” She snaps, silencing the other woman.

“Of…” Orana stutters, then hangs her head. “Of course not, my Lady.”

“Then unchain him.”

“Y-yes. My Lady.”

Orana, obeying her orders, fumbles with a set of keys lashed to her belt while crossing over to me. With two snicks and sudden relief, the manacles fall from my wrists, muffledly clattering on the rug. Then another two snicks and my ankles are free. Orana takes up the chains and removes them to a cove behind one of the statues.

“Now. Come to me.” Goddess commands. I move to stand, but… “Ah, ah, ah, pet. Crawl.”

“Yes, Goddess.” I whisper, disappointed in myself for not anticipating Goddess’s desire.

I begin to crawl toward Goddess, my hands and knees digging into the carpet as I approach the dais. I crawl up the stairs, every thought now focused on pleasing Goddess.

Now kneeling before the throne, I sit back on my feet, awaiting my next order.

Goddess sits up straighter in her throne, uncrossing her legs in front of my face. Through the slit in her skirt, I glimpse between her thighs. A wry smile spreads across her lips and she spreads her knees wide. She pinches the sheer fabric on either side, widening the slit over her spread thighs.

My mouth begins to water as I gaze at Goddess’s exposed flesh.

“I know how I’ll use you first.” She sighs. “I believe I would like you to worship me. I am a Goddess after all. And isn’t that what you mortals do? Worship at the feet of your gods?”

“Yes, Goddess.”

“And what better way to worship,” She leans forward, caressing my cheek before grabbing me behind the neck. “than a feast?”

On the last word, she pulls my head forward, burying my face between her thighs.

The scent of her arousal overwhelms my senses. Every bit of remaining thought and resistance vanishing in a swirl of hypnotic desire. My head swims with the sudden lust. A need to serve and please Goddess radiating from my very core.

With a gentle, but firm pressure, she inches my face closer to her perfect slit. A neatly trimmed tuft of hair tickles my nose as I press my mouth into her lips. I feel her body softly shudder as I flick out my tongue.

Her taste only reinforces my zeal. I eagerly eat my fill of her cunt, licking and sucking and teasing at her clit. She grunts and moans, unabashedly displaying her pleasure. I hazard a glance up toward her face. Her eyes roll up behind her eyelids, biting her lower lip. Her chest heaves slightly as her breathing quickens.

“Good, pet.” She moans, “Very good. I believe I can make use of you after all.”

Her thighs gently press against my ears, muffling the world around me. My cock throbs as it rubs helplessly against my loincloth. I feel my heart pounding in my chest, my breathing quickening, as my arousal builds at her praise.

I wrap my arms under her legs, her soft skin rippling with gooseflesh against my cheeks. I allow hands to wander along her thighs, eliciting a series of pleasured moans.

“Enough.” She sighs. Then more forcefully. “That’s enough, pet…for now.”

I slowly pull back, extricating myself from between her thighs. As I sit back on my heels, her juices dripping down my chin, I feel myself whimpering at the loss.

“Orana. Alice.” Goddess commands, rising to her feet before me. With a smirk, she pulls her skirt closed, covering her glistening wetness. Her taste lingers on my tongue as she steps away. “Take my new plaything to my chambers. I have duties to attend to, but I shall find him there shortly.”

“Yes, my Lady.” They say in unison. Orana retrieves one of the manacles from the cove, crossing back to me.

“I don’t believe those will be necessary.” Goddess says, the silky tone returning to her voice. “I have a feeling he will go quite willingly.”

“Of…Of course, Lady Hedone.” Orana hooks the chain onto her belt but makes no attempt to lock me in it.

The two guards position themselves on either side of me, each placing a hand beneath my armpits. I rise to my feet without either having to exert force. My mind clears somewhat, but the urge to serve the Goddess still itches in my brain.

“Let’s go.” Alice prods, placing a firm hand on my lower back.

Providing no resistance, I follow Alice’s guiding hand back out into the corridor.

We walk for while through the stone halls. Along the walls, I glimpse tapestries and sculptures reminiscent of the statues in the great hall. As we enter the west wing of the castle, we pass by bedchambers designated for visiting guests and dignitaries. Several of the doors stand ajar and sounds of extasy echo through the halls. As we pass one of the open doors, I glance inside.

Two stunning women stand over the bound form of a young man. His arms are tied behind his back and to an anchor point embedded in the floor. All of them are naked save for the ropes. The man whimpers softly as one of the women circles behind him and caresses his exposed body. She runs her hand across his chest from behind and down his stomach, trailing ever downward until she finds his stiff cock. She nibbles at his ear as she wraps her hand around the shaft. He tries to squirm at the sensation, moaning against a cloth gag in his mouth.

The second woman slides her hand between her legs, touching herself at the sight. The teasing woman looks up at her companion, whispering something inaudible to her. She unclips the man’s restraint from the floor anchor allowing him some freedom of movement. The two together lift him to his feet, and resecure him to one of the tall bedposts. Together, the women sink to their knees in front of him, positioning themselves on either side of his twitching member. He watches them helplessly as they tease at it with their tongues. They share a lustfully passionate kiss before each takes their turns kissing and stroking at his cock. Uncontrolled moans escape the bound man as the two women tease and taunt him with their mouths.

Soon enough, one of the women lets his cock disappear between her lips. Her head bobs up and down, and up and down on his shaft, her curly brown hair bouncing along with her movement. The other woman, clearly aroused by her partner’s vigor, runs her hands along her partner’s body. She gropes and fondles her, her fingers exploring every inch of exposed flesh. She slips her hands up over her partner’s breasts, lightly pinching her nipples. The brown-haired woman gasps at the sensation, the sound muffled by the stiff cock firmly embedded in her mouth.

The brown-haired woman pulls back, leaning into her partner’s teasing embrace. They share a sloppy kiss over her shoulder before trading positions.

The man, clearly just being used as their plaything… their toy…squirms against his bindings, but his arousal never faulters.

“Do you like what you see?” Comes Alice’s sultry voice, right next to my ear.

“Yes, Mistress Alice.” I gasp.

“Hmm.” Mistress Alice. I like the sound of that.” She lilts, taking a step away from me, looking me up and down. For the first time, I really look at her figure. Alice is as shapely as any woman I’ve ever seen. Her muscular frame is accentuated by a form-fitting tunic cut off at the shoulders. A scaled bronze breastplate falls over her ample bosom and bound around her waist. Her shins are clad in bronze greaves as well with sandals laced up just below them. “Lady Hedone is very lucky woman, to have a pet like you. I can’t wait to see how she has her way with you.”

Her hand presses into my back again, urging me onward. I struggle to pull my eyes away from the arousing sight, but Mistress Alice whispers a word in my ear that muddles my brain and eliminates my desire to resist. My skin tingles beneath her fingers as we continue on our walk.

Moments later, we come to another wooden door, smaller this time. Orana pushes the door open and leads us inside.

The air in the chamber is warm and close, lit by several of the flameless lamps spread throughout the room. A massive four poster, canopy bed rises almost to the ceiling against the far wall. Scattered around the room are an assortment of strange furniture. Several pieces appear seriously uncomfortable. I realize with perverse excitement that that’s probably the point.

My two guards lead me to a wooden structure mounted against a wall opposite the bed. Anchor points protrude from each of four points on the cross, each with a leather cuff dangling from a tough-looking chain.

Mistress Alice places her hands on both my hips, placing her lips next to my ear. “Be a good boy and turn around for me.”

A light pressure on my hips spins me to face her. I step back against the cold wood, raising my arms up to the cuffs above, spreading my feet to the cuffs below. Before Alice can get to it Orana steps in front of me and roughly binds each of my limbs. I tug lightly against the restraints, testing my range of motion.

Now that I am bound and helpless, Orana visibly relaxes. She removes her helm, letting a cascade of black hair fall to her shoulders. Her expression is hard, but she lets her arms fall by her side.

Alice as well removes her helm. She pulls a band out of her hair letting her curly scarlet locks flow around her.

Her face is even more beautiful than I imagined. She is stunning. I swallow hard against my arousal as I feel my cock twitch. Alice notices, flashing me a wry smile. As she stares into my eyes, she pulls long knife free from her belt. She saunters over to me, brandishing the blade before my eyes.

I get nervous as she traces the blade along my chest and belly. She slides it underneath my loincloth and with a jerk, slices through the fabric. The ruined cloth falls, trailing down my leg before settling on the floor.

Alice breaks into a broad grin as my solid member stands to attention.

Seemingly unable to help herself, she stares between my legs. She reaches out toward my aching cock, but Orana snatches her by the wrist.

“What are you doing, Alice?” She demands. “You know how Lady Hedone feels about others playing with her toys. Besides, you’re still on duty.”

“Ugh.” Alice concedes. “You’re right. But you’re no fun.”

“Unlike most of our sisterhood…or our Goddess…I’m not here to have fun.” She cracks a devious smile, “I get enough of that from my bondservant at home.”

“I’m sure you do.” Alice pulls her wrist free from Orana’s grip. The two take their positions on either side of me, contenting themselves to wait for the Goddess to join us.

We don’t have to wait very long.

A loud clattering outside the door alerts us to the approaching retinue.

The iron hinges whine as the heavy doors swing open revealing the Goddess Hedone in all her glory.

With a snap from the Goddess, a servant boy rushes to a brazier at the center of the room. He pulls something I can’t see from a pouch and tosses it into the flames. The fire hisses, flickering a strange green before returning to normal. With a quick bow, the servant dashes back out of the room. Moments later, a powerful aroma assaults my nostrils.

As I breath it in, my body starts to tingle with excitement and strange pleasure. Every nerve in my body lights up with the sensation. Gooseflesh ripples from head to toe.

From the corner of my eyes, I see the aroma effect Alice and Orana as well. Orana shakes it off as soon as it takes effect, but Alice revels in the feeling for a long moment first. The Goddess walks slowly into the room as the doors close behind her. The slam shut with a loud thud, sending a renewed shiver of excitement down my spine.

The Goddess crosses first to the brazier, breathing the aphrodisiacal scent deep into her lungs. Her chest heaves as the aroma washes through her. She groans, a sound so deep and powerful that it echoes through my mind.

“Finally.” She grunts, her voice full of lust. “Finally, some time to play with my new pet.”

She strolls toward me. Her chemise bounces around her, her hips swaying gently as she strolls toward me. The sound of her heels against stone floor is almost hypnotic in the otherwise still room.

I stare deep into her eyes, and her into mine. A thread of power and emanates from her voice as she speaks, “Have you been a good boy for Alice and Orana?”

I feel compelled to speak, but my words become slurred and my skin prickles as she approaches. “Yes, Goddess.”

“Good pet.” She draws out the words. I try to move toward her alluring voice, but my limbs just tug against the restraints.

She gets close…so close I can feel her breath against my skin. She looks down at my throbbing, aching member on full display before her. With a single finger, she lifts the head of my cock a few inches before letting it fall again. An involuntary moan escapes my lips, the thrill of her touch overwhelming my senses.

“Oh.” She whispers. “Have you been this hard the whole time?”

“Y—Yes, Goddess.” I mutter.

“Since you worshipped at my throne?”

“Y—Yes, Goddess.”

“Good boy.” She gingerly wraps her delicate hand around my shaft, stroking ever so lightly.

The feeling is like a lightning of pleasure shooting through every nerve. My head presses back against the solid wood of the cross. My knees get weak, but I can’t collapse, suspended as I am. I feel my cock begin to leak into her palm.

She takes notice but does not stop her stroking. She presses in close to me, her lips almost touching my ear. “Ah, ah, ah, pet. No cumming yet. Don’t worry, I will let you…eventually. But until I say so, you will not be able to cum.”

Her words are not a suggestion. I can feel the power behind them. My body responds in kind, shuddering at the command. I feel my balls contract, almost painfully as they try to release into her hand.

No release comes.

No relief comes.

She strokes, harder now, but I can’t cum.

I don’t want to cum.

Not until my Goddess orders it.

She kisses me gently on my cheek, then my neck, trailing further and further and further down my chest.

Then she stops, taking a few steps back from me. She looks over at Orana, “Come help me, my dear.”

“Yes, my Lady.”

Orana rushes to the Goddess’s side. With practiced hands, Orana unclasps the Goddess’s bronze belt. She quickly sets it aside and returns to untie the remaining ribbon around her waist. The Goddess slowly, teasingly slides the straps of her chemise down over her shoulders. She allows the fabric to bunch over her breasts for just a moment before letting it fall to the ground at her feet.

There she stands…the Goddess…naked before me. Her perfect breasts. Her slim and muscular body. Her round, voluptuous ass. Her glistening, wet cunt.

“Unbind him, please.” She orders.

Alice presses in close to me, releasing the straps on my wrists. When she reaches above my head, her tunic pulls tight beneath her breastplate, showing off the under curves of her large breasts. She lingers for a moment longer than necessary on each binding, surreptitiously brushing against my cock in the process.

With every touch, my muscles tighten and twitch, eager to satisfy my libido.

I wish to please my Goddess, but the way Alice looks at me sends shivers of arousal sparking all over. I merely hope my Goddess doesn’t punish her for the indiscretion.

Once my ankles are free, I step away from the wooden cross and Alice returns to her position opposite Orana, returning her expression to deadpan…or as close to it as she can muster.

I rub my wrists absently as I stare at the Goddess’s divine body. She nibbles her lower lip seductively as she saunters forward. Despite standing several inches taller than the Goddess, her power urges me to submit to her will. I am not a small or untrained man, and if she were anything other than a goddess, I have no doubt I could physically subdue her.

But she is a goddess. And her power is like nothing I have ever felt. Like something I never wish to stop feeling.

She slips one hand behind my neck and laces the other into my hair, pulling herself tight against me. Her delicate breasts, nipples stiff from arousal, press against my chest. She kips up onto her tiptoes, hoisting herself higher onto my body as she brushes her lips against mine. Before long, our lips seem to merge, moving together and apart in a storm of impassioned kissing.

My cock, now harder than rock, painfully presses sidelong into her belly. Her body writhes with every movement of her head, rubbing her flesh against my shaft.

Suddenly, she yanks on my hair, forcing my head back. “Pet. You are here for my pleasure.”

“Yes, Go—"

“And my pleasure requires you to touch me.” Her voice is low, teasing, but almost threatening. “So, why do you let your arms dangle like limp noodles?”

“I—I don’t—I’m sorry, Goddess.” My eyes cast down almost involuntarily. A flush of embarrassment washes over me as she looks at me in feigned disappointment.

“Don’t apologize.” She commands, teasingly. “Just…” She grunts, “Touch me. Pet.”

“Yes, my Goddess.”

With the renewed vigor of consent and desire, I enfold her in my arms, letting my hands explore every reachable inch of her flesh. Her moans and grunts grow louder and more feverish. On an impulse, I run my hands down to her ass, kneading and groping in a needy frenzy.

Without warning, she leaps onto me, latching tight with her arms and legs wrapped around me.

“Take me to the bed.” She whispers.

I eagerly obey, carrying her. Her cunt slickens my belly, her juices drying in my short hairs. With a grunt of effort, but mostly playfulness, I heave the Goddess onto the sprawling bed. She laughs in rapture of our embrace, the sound stoking my desires.

By this point my mind is a puddle of lustful mush. Nothing matters except satisfying my Goddess’s desires.

With her now splayed on her back beneath me on the soft furlike bedding, I press down into her. I kiss her neck first, eliciting a soft chuckle, then trail my lips down…down…down.

But before I can taste her sweet flower again, she stops me. She pushes gently against my side. Realizing what intends for me, I roll off of her and onto my back.

In one flowing motion, the Goddess pulls herself up onto her knees, swings her leg over to straddle me, and pins my arms to the bed above my head.

Before she can go any further, a muffled moan echoes from the other side of the room, giving the Goddess pause.

From the corner of my vision, I see Alice, one hand clasped over her mouth, the other nestled between her thighs. In the sudden stillness, I can see Alice’s eyes grow wider and wider as she realizes what she’s just done.

The Goddess cocks her eyebrow at the sound, following my line of sight straight to Alice.

She slowly extricates herself from atop me, turning to face the perpetrator.

“Alice, dear.” She says in a soft voice, her tone and expression unreadable. “Come here.”

“My Lady!” Alice pleads. Her curly scarlet hair bouncing as shakes her head. “I am so sorry.”

“Come here.”

“I don’t know what came over me.” She insists, walking swiftly across the dimly lit room.

“I warned her.” I see Orana mouth, pinching the bridge of her nose and shaking her head at Alice’s plight. “I warned her.”

The second Alice reaches the foot of the bed, she drops to a knee, bowing her head low before the Goddess.

“Alice, my dear.” The Goddess says, gently caressing the red-haired woman’s cheek. “You are not yet bonded, are you?”

Both Alice and Orana’s heads snap up in shock at the question. Orana’s face contorts with confusion, but Alice…Alice blushes, her pale cheeks turning pink in the soft glow of the flameless lamps. In her fluster, she can’t seem to look her Mistress in the eyes.

The Goddess swings her feet over the edge of the bed. She cups Alice’s chin between her fingers, gently forcing their gazes to meet as she leans in close.

“Does this one please you?” The Goddess whispers.

Alice’s eyes go wider still, her face burning almost as red as her hair.

“Y—Yes, my Lady.” She stammers, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

“And you know the requirements for the bonding ritual?”

“Yes…My Lady.” A broad grin creeping across her face.

“Then this one shall be yours, my dear Alice.” The Goddess’s tone holds a hint of excitement for her loyal guard. “Take him here. Perform the ritual. Then he will be yours, bonded forever to your service. And you will be bonded to him as his Mistress and caretaker.

“Is this what you want?”

“Yes, my Lady. Very much so. More than anything.” She pauses, her excitement faltering, “But…what about you, Lady Hedone? We brought him to you. You seemed to be enjoying him. I wouldn’t want to—”

“Do not worry about that, dear Alice. I have many servants here more than willing to finish the task. Besides. I have not had the opportunity to witness a bonding ritual in some time. I am very much looking forward to it.

“Orana, please send for Erielle. I have need of her…special talents.” As Orana rushes off, Goddess stares deeply into Alice’s eyes, a mischievous grin decorating her beautiful features. “As for you, Alice. He’s all yours. Make me proud.”

The Goddess leans in and kisses Alice gently on the lips. Alice, invigorated, jumps to her feet, futzing with one of the straps on her armor. The Goddess, seeing her struggle, places her hand over Alice’s, calming her frenetic energy. Goddess gingerly plucks Alice’s hand away from the clasp before undoing it herself. She lifts the straps over Alice’s head, letting Alice pull the armor away from her chest. They carefully set it aside, the Goddess rolling her eyes at Alice’s excitement.

Now unencumbered, Alice pulls at the drawstring at her neck. Once free, the lowcut slit in her tunic falls open. She presses her shoulders forward slightly, putting her deep cleavage on full display. She licks her lip while staring into my eyes. With a shimmy, Alice lets the tunic fall off her shoulders and waist to the floor.

Just as Alice starts toward me, the chamber door creaks open again. Through the narrow opening, a pretty young woman steps into the room dressed in only thin strips of fabric covering her breasts and crotch. Erielle, I suspect.

“Come.” Beckons Goddess, and the girl rushes to her side. The Goddess takes her hand and leads her to a large chair several feet from the bed. She positions herself with a clear view of Alice’s activities, urging the newcomer to her knees before her.

With little warning, Alice leaps up onto the bed, straddling my thighs. She sits just below my aching member, her short hairs tingling pleasurably against it as her hips gyrate seductively. She places her hand on my chest, leaning to inches in front of my face.

“Are you ready for what comes next?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Hmm. Mistress.” She draws the word out as though she’s testing it on her tongue. “I like the sound of that.”

Then she kisses me. And not gently.

“Do you know what you have to do? To complete the ritual, I mean.” I get the distinct feeling the question is rhetorical, teasing even. “Your only concern is expelling your seed in…” she brushes a finger against her lips. “Here. And…” Gliding her hand between her legs, “Here.” With a soft groan, she takes my hand and maneuvers it to her backside. With her hand over mind, she presses our middle fingers to her puckered anus. “And, of course…Here.

“Do you think you can manage all that? Because I do.” Biting her lower lip, she thrusts her free hand between my legs, gently squeezing my testicles. I wince at the touch, my balls far too sensitive for even her soft stroking. “Judging by the size and tightness of these, I’d say you have more than enough seed to fulfill the requirements. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes, Mistress. Anything for you.”

“Then…” Planting kisses with each word, “Let’s. Get. Started.”

She traces her kisses down my sternum to my belly and finally…finally…alights a kiss upon the head of my cock.

My vision goes absolutely wonky with pleasure as she begins to kiss and lick every inch of my shaft. “Oh, Goddess…” I feel myself whispering.

I try to focus as I glance down at her, finding her brilliant, icy blue eyes staring right back at me.

“In a moment, I won’t be able to speak much,” She says, teasing, “So, I’ll go ahead and give you permission to cum. But! Only when you can no longer hold back. And I expect you to hold as long as possible.” She punctuates the command with another kiss to my tip. “Is that clear?”

“Crystal, Mistress.” I feel the thread of mystical power inch it’s way through my consciousness, releasing my next orgasm back to my control.

“Good,” She roars. With no more warning, her eyes flutter closed, and my shaft disappears into eager throat.

My instantly and involuntarily responds to the stroking. I’m absently aware of one arm launching over my head to clutch the bed above, my back arching almost painfully at the pleasure. My world darkens as my eyes roll back into my head.

Alice chuckles softly around my cock in her mouth, clearly pleased with my reactions.

Despite my absolute stupor, I force myself not to thrust to much into her. I don’t wish to hurt my new mistress, nor displease her by making her choke, but with every flick of her tongue, every caress of her lips, my resistance becomes more and more difficult. She seems to enjoy torturing me this way. She knows that I will hold out for as long as humanly possible, but that threshold is fast approaching.

Groans and moans and grunts of pain and pleasure rip through me as I try desperately to resist.

As the seconds tick by…or minutes…or an hour…time loses all meaning.

And when I can’t take any more…I feel my hips thrust high into her mouth, hilting my shaft deep in her throat.

My cock spasms. My body twitches. I let out a grunt scream that echoes loudly through the chamber. Every muscle contracts at once, as I explode deep in her throat.

For a brief second before my vision blurs again, I see Alice’s eye’s widen in surprise, before ultimately relishing the feeling of my seed draining into her mouth.

It’s a long moment before my orgasm allows me to settle, collapsing, shaking, on the mattress.

With a self-satisfied smirk, Alice pulls her head back, releasing my cock head with a soft pop. She makes a show of swallowing, rolling her eyes back in a rapturous glow.


No, I’m not imagining it.

As she sits up, onto her knees, it becomes more apparent.

A warm golden glow is emanating from her skin. And mine, I realize with growing alarm. However, Alice does not appear worried in the least. If anything, the sight of our glowing seems to revivify her energy.

Then I realize… I’m still rock hard.

With an orgasm that intense, I should be limp by now, but there I stand, perfectly erect…and glowing.

“That was an excellent start.” She moans. “But there’s still so much more to…cum.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

With a quick lick at my tip, she lets out a joyous laugh. She climbs out from between my legs toward the head of the bed, her exquisite ass bouncing close by my face. On a whim, I reach out for her, grabbing a handful of smooth flesh with a satisfying smack. She turns back over her shoulder in surprise, but quickly smirks at the contact.

“Naughty boy.” Goddess teases, watching from her chair. Suddenly, a gasp of excitement rips through her as the servant girl between her legs evidently does something right.

Alice reaches down beside the bed, retrieving a small vial of thick liquid. She swirls it in its bottle, measuring the contents.

“Sit up.” She urges, rolling onto her side. She keeps one leg crossed over the other, her torso and perky nipples turned upward. With great effort, I push myself onto my knees, crawling toward her. As I kneel beside her on the bed, she presses the vial into my palm. “This is for your…” She says, gesturing at my radiant manhood. “Slather it on, so we can complete the next part of our bonding.”

Suspecting what she has in mind, I eagerly uncap the sweet-smelling liquid. I pour a thin line of it down my shaft, the cold liquid oozing over my manhood. With my free hand, I wrap my fingers around my shaft, stroking and rubbing the lubricant all over.

“A little more than that, please.” Alice teases. “Where you’re going, we’re both going to need it.”

Having confirmed my suspicion, I crack an embarrassed smirk. I feel my cheeks flush at the implication.

“Well.” She urges. She takes the vial from my hand, setting it aside. Then with a gentle guiding hand, she maneuvers me into place, my knees her downturned leg and my shaft poised behind her ass cheeks. “What are you waiting for?”

“Mistress, I…” I hesitate.

She reaches out again, lightly grabbing my shaft. She kips up her leg as she presses my head at her puckered entrance. She slowly gyrates against my tip, sending rockets of pleasure through me. Reinvigorated, I press into her, the head of my cock slipping inside her with little resistance. She lets out a moan of pained pleasure, her body shivering at the pressure.

Overcome with need, and sure of her desires, I thrust hard, my thighs slapping against her bubble butt. She gasps at the suddenness, her eyes shifting out of focus as I bury myself over and over inside her, her tight hole grasping my cock with indescribable sensations.

I thrust and I thrust, losing myself in the repetitive motion. Our moans bleed together in a cacophony of extasy. Even the Goddess’s moans join in the distance, though it barely registers with Alice or I.

Alice and I stare into each other’s eyes as I hilt myself again and again. The warm glowing seems to intensify with each thrust, ebbing and pulsing as our pleasure grows.

“Oh, yes. Oh, gods.” She squeals, unable to form coherent thoughts. “Fuck me.” She pleads. “Fuck me. Oh, yes.”

Her neediness surprises me. It’s as though her veneer of dominance fades as I pound against her ass. As though she would rather I be…

No. I strike the thought from my mind.

I exist to serve my new Mistress. I exist now to serve Alice.

And she is exquisite.

In the heat of passions, I grip her by the waist for leverage. With every thrust, I pull her back onto my shaft. In an especially intense moment, she throws her hands over her head, gripping a pillow and the headboard for support.

I don’t stop.

I don’t slow.

I thrust.

Steadily. Firmly. Passionately. I thrust.

Soon…too soon…I feel my balls start to tighten again. Our gazes still meeting, even in the commotion, Alice sees me begin to struggle against myself.

“It’s alright!” She cries out, breathless. “Cum for me. Please, cum for me. Cum in me.”

My breathing quickens. My body begins to act of its own accord.


Then I…

“UGH!” I scream. She screams. The glow of our bodies burning brighter than ever as…

A hot stream of fluid sprays from the tip of my cock, undiminished by…larger even…than the previous orgasm.

“OH, GODS!” We moan together as I nearly collapse on top of her.

Somehow, I manage not fall directly on her, my muscles twitching, nerves so much more sensitive than ever before. The soft bedding sends prickles across my skin as it tugs at my body hair.

I feel myself panting, but cannot slow my breathing.

And yet…

My cock refuses to go limp.

Despite its sensitivity. Despite the fact I should be empty of all semen, my manhood stands to attention, ready and begging for more.

Alice lays beside me for a moment, basking in sexual afterglow…and our actual glowing flesh. I see her reach between her cheeks, teasing at her now pulsating anus. With a finger, she wipes away another dribble of cum as it leaks out of her.

“Oh, my goddess.” She sighs. “That was better than I even imagined. Perfect fit, like you were made for me.”

“I am…made for you, Mistress.” I whisper, pulling myself closer to her on the bed. In spite of myself, I feel energy return to my limbs. She lets me slide my arm under her head as she rolls over to face me.

I pull her close to me, cuddling naked on the bedding.

Then I kiss her.

I kiss her like a man kisses his devoted wife. I kiss her not in lust, but…love, maybe?

She doesn’t pull away from the intimate contact. She doesn’t assert her authority. She places her hand against my chest in a sweet gesture of affection. With my free arm, I pull the rest of her body to me. The hand from my chest migrates higher, her fingertips brushing my cheek as lips interlock and our legs entwine.

I can’t imagine what we must look like from the outside, but from up close, our bodies feel as though they’re molding together to form something altogether different. Something… greater than we could each be alone.

With a sighing moan, she breaks our kiss. “Hmmm.” She whines. “We aren’t done yet. There’s still one more…”

“Of course, Mistress. I’m sorry. I almost forgot.”

“Don’t be sorry, pet.” She uses the term not derogatorily, but with a newfound familiarity. “You have been doing wonderfully.” Alice takes my hand, guiding it between her legs. “See how wet I am for you now? You have done a magnificent job so far. So…let us finish the ritual. Let us finally be bonded.

“I need you inside me, pet. But you have done such a good job so far, I feel I should reward you.” She drops her voice, placing her lips next to my ear. “So let me take care of you now.”

In a slow fluid motion, she pushes me onto my back and straddles her legs over my waist. She kneels up high, her dripping wet cunt hovering achingly close to my cock. She reaches down between her legs, gently stroking my shaft in her smooth palm. She moves my cock around between her legs, teasing at her slit before lining it up with her entrance.

“Wait!” I cry. She does, but cocks her eyebrows at me confused. I am desperate and needy, my cock aching again for her touch, but I can’t let her do this without… “Shouldn’t we take…precautions?” I stutter. “Don’t we risk—”

She cuts me off with bawdy laughter. “My dear, pet. We don’t need to worry about that. Not now. The magic of the bonding ritual consumes every bit of life energy from your seed to power the spell.

“Besides, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to impregnate me later.”

“Promises, promises.” I whimper, but my words are drowned out when she lowers herself onto my shaft, releasing a feral grunting moan.

She drops herself down, taking my shaft as deep as it can go inside her, until her hips are seated against mine. Her arms begin to tremble as she places her hands on my chest for support. Her eyes cross and her tongue falls loosely over her lip.

Now fully inserted, I feel her inner walls contracting and spasming around my shaft in a massage of immaculate bliss.

I grab onto her hips as she rotates her waist on my cock. She tries, but can’t maintain the measured pace. Her movement rapidly becomes more frantic. More needy. More lustful.

Quickly, she starts to gyrate with me inside her. I feel every slight movement as a shock of intense joy spiraling out from my cock.

Without warning, she grabs my wrists, planting my large hands over her breasts. I fondle and grope like my life depends on it. I gently pinch her erect nipples. Tease her areolas. When she shivers and her cunt contracts around me, I know I’ve done something right.

Together we grind and moan and squirm, her fluids pasting my short hairs to my skin. At one point, a flood of juices squirts over my shaft accompanied by a screaming orgasm. Then another.

Our fucking becomes feverish. More needy. More desperate. More intense the longer we go.

“UNGH. Oh. Fuck…Cu…” Her words an incoherent mess of genuine extasy.

But I get the message.

Whether I want to or not, I can’t stop what’s coming.

What’s cumming…


“OH, FUCK!” I scream. The biggest explosion yet rockets out of my head, painting her insides white with my seed.

She screams in orgasm, sent over the edge my involuntary thrust.

The light surrounding us flashes brilliant white, casting strange shadows across the otherwise darkened room. Then, suddenly, darkness again, the only light being the flameless lamp orbs mounted along the wall.

Then Alice, completely spent, glistening with sweat, lets herself fall forward onto my chest.

As for me, my body can no longer move.

Every iota of energy completely drained from my body.

Alice nestles her head against my chest, my flaccid cock still lodged inside her, her beautiful scarlet hair tickling my arms. I try to enfold her in my arms, but I cannot even muster that.

Her soft skin feels amazing against mine.

She was right before. It’s as though we were made for each other.

The last thing I hear before everything fades to black is the Goddess Hedone’s praises. I can’t make sense of it. I don’t think Alice can either.

Then together, sleep overtakes us.

taboosexual wellnesssex toysroleplayreligionrelationshipsnsfwliteraturehumanityfictionfetisheseroticbeautyart

About the Creator

Kevin Barkman

Somehow, my most popular story is smut. I don't usually write smut. I did it once, and look what happened. Ugh.

Anyway, Hope you enjoy my work. I do pour my heart, soul, sweat and tears into it.

PS: Please read more than my smut story.I beg

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    Kevin BarkmanWritten by Kevin Barkman

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