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Aquarium Smut

No Seriously... By Kevin Barkman

By Kevin BarkmanPublished 2 years ago 10 min read
Aquarium Smut
Photo by Maria Talks on Unsplash

Hm, almost time, I think.

For hours, Alicia and I have toured this aquarium. She likes to read every word on every placard in every single room.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed watching the various fish flitting around in their tanks, but it’s much more amusing to watch her fascination grow as we mill about through the crowd. She all but drags me through the dim lit halls. With each new room, she rushes over to the tanks, her face only inches from the glass. Her hand never leaves mine.

I smile at her enthusiasm as I wrap an arm around her waist. We stare up into a massive tank as a sea turtle the size of a man drifts by the window.

Alicia releases a soft hum, leaning back against my chest, our fingers intertwined at her hip. I rest my chin on her shoulder, breathing in the sweet scent of her perfume. Her supple coppery hair tickles my cheek as I kiss her just below the ear.

“The Aquarium will be closing in five minutes,” Comes a woman’s voice over the intercom, “Please make your way toward the main exit. Be sure to check out our gift shop which will stay open for half an hour after the aquarium closes.”

“Awe.” Alicia whines. “I wish we could stay longer.”

“Don’t worry about that.” I whisper. “I have a surprise for you.”

I have been planning this for weeks. Everything is in place for our perfect evening.

“Ooh, a surprise. And when do I get this surprise?”

“Just as soon as we get our privacy.”

I look around at rest of the patrons—other couples enjoying their dates, parents ushering their children toward the gift shop. Most have cleared out by now, but there are still a few stragglers.

“Come on.” I urge, pushing away from the handrail and pulling Alicia along with me. “We have to meet someone.”


“A friend. A very good friend.”

I lead her back through the maze of exhibits until we come to a nondescript hallway tucked behind a jellyfish tank. A moment later, my friend emerges from one of the rooms down the way. When she sees Alicia and me, a sly, knowing smile creeps across her face.

“Hey, you two.” Erin says with a hint of mischief in her voice. “Come with me.”

Alicia looks up to me, puzzled, her sea-green eyes glittering in the lights from nearby exhibits.

Erin leads us down another hallway to a set of opaque glass doors etched with waves and whales.

“Close your eyes,” I whisper in Alicia’s ear.

She cracks a curious, but excited smile before letting her eyes flutter closed. Erin holds the door open for me as I take Alicia’s hand and lead her inside. Erin flashes me a wink before letting the doors close behind Alicia and disappearing back into the aquarium.

With both her hands in mine, I walk Alicia to the table that Erin and I set up for the special occasion.

Once we’re in the center of the large room, “Okay. Open your eyes.”

A look of shock and wonder washes over Alicia as finally sees this place. The soft blue glow permeates the domed room, filtering in through the aquarium glass all around us. Waves of light dance across Alicia’s deep green dress, accentuating her slim, curvy figure. Sharks of all sizes swim around us, accompanied by rays and schools of various fish, lending the impression that we’re standing in a bubble beneath the ocean surface.

I look into her eyes, nothing but love in my heart, as she marvels at the sight. When I squeeze her hands, her attention snaps back to me, a hint of a tear in the corner of her eye.

“You—How did—” She stammers.

“Erin’s brother is a really good friend. And Erin is the manager of the aquarium. She helped me set this up.”

“It’s amazing.” She gasps, slipping her arms around my neck. She lifts herself up to me, her lips pressing hard into mine. We linger in the kiss for a long moment, my brain melting into the passion.

When she eventually pulls back, the taste of her remaining on my tongue, I manage, “Happy Birthday.”

She bites her lower lip, looking up at me with those gorgeous eyes. “Thank you.” She chuckles, a lilting sound that makes my knees weak every time.

“Um, are—” I stutter, trying desperately to reconstitute my thoughts. “Are you hungry?”

I gesture to the table in the center of the room. Erin had the rest of the event hall cleared out in preparation for us, leaving only a two-seat table and chairs. The table is adorned with two overlapping tablecloths—the bottom one black, the top blue and embroidered with irregular wave patterns around the hem.

The table setting is no less impressive than the rest of the décor. A decorative candlestick rises from the center, an electric candle flickering atop. A metal domes cover the plates, holding heat in the delicious-smelling food.

I pull out a chair, offering it to her. She pecks me on the cheek as she lowers herself into the seat. With a flourish, I pull away the plate cover, revealing a chicken dish I prepared beforehand. Alicia sniffs at the plate, the scent of lemon and pepper wafting through the room.

Honestly, I’d half expected the food to be cold by now, but Erin must’ve had one of the staff heat it in the event kitchen’s oven. Despite being reheated, the chicken, asparagus, and rice, thankfully, look like they haven’t dried out too much.

Satisfied, I take my place across from Alicia. We eat our meal in relative silence, mostly content to enjoy each other’s company. The entire time, I can’t help but stare at her face as the lights dance across her freckled nose.

As soon as she’s had her fill, Alicia goes straight to the rail encircling the perimeter of the domed tank. She gazes out into the crystal-clear waters, watching a manta flap its winglike fins as glides between corral structures. I clear our dirty dishes onto a cart Erin left for us before joining Alicia.

I slip my arms around her waist, kissing her exposed shoulder.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” She breathes.

“Yes. You are.” I respond, kissing again on the base of her neck.

She moans softly at the contact, leaning her head away to expose more of herself to me. I continue slowly up her neck then down again. She leans back into me, her head resting in the crook of my neck.

A slight whimper escapes her as my lips find one of her special spots. She grabs one of my hands from her waist, clutching it to her chest.

“I want you.” She breathes.

“Oh, yeah?” I whisper, nibbling at her ear lobe. “Here?”

“Yes.” Her voice comes in rasps, her waist pushing back against my abdomen.

I pull back slightly. She takes the opportunity to turn her head far enough to look at me. Together, we lean in, our lips locking in a moment of deep passion. Our lips part and close around each other, shocks of pleasure tingling through me.

I feel her lips part wider, her tongue dancing against mine. I let my free hand wander over her body, caressing her curves.

She presses her forehead against me separating our lips.

“Touch me, please.” She mutters, breathless, guiding my hand to her heaving breasts.

The fabric of her dress is smooth under my touch she presses my hand into her. I rub my hand over her breast, squeezing the cushiony flesh in my palm. She moans beneath my touch, her green eyes rolling back in her head. Her breathing quickens with arousal.

“Is this what you wanted?”

“More. Please. More.” Her moans grow higher.

With a mischievous grin, I pull my hand off her breast, eliciting a whimper. Instead, I place my hands on her hips. In one fluid motion, I spin her around to face me, pinning her against the handrail.

She gasps at the sudden motion, but her breath catches when she realizes how close I am to her now. With one hand, I raise her chin to look up at me, the other hand still holding her against the rail.

“Are you sure you want this now?” I ask in a firm tone.

“Yes, sir.” She smirks, eyelashes fluttering seductively.

I match her smirk, “Good girl.”

Alicia shudders at the praise—one weakness she can never hide from me. With my hand still beneath her chin, I pull in for another kiss.

This time, while interlocked, Alicia slides her hand over my chest, inching her way lower and lower. When she grasps my manhood through my pants, I snatch her wrist, gently pulling her hand away.

“Not this time. Today is your day.”

As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I slowly lower myself to my knees before her. Instinctively, Alicia spreads her feet, widening her stance. I run my hands down her thighs until my finger alight upon the hem on her dress. Hooking my thumbs beneath the hem, I slide the fabric farther and farther up her legs, kissing her thighs as I move.

Soon I uncover my target still unfortunately covered with thin black panties. The lingerie hardly covers anything, most of the fabric translucent lace wrapped around her waist. Leaving the dress bunched around her waist, I slide the panties down her legs, letting them drop to the floor.

The smell of Alicia’s arousal is intoxicating as I brush my lips across the inside of her thighs. Between her legs is neatly kempt, a cute triangular patch above her slit the only hair left from her waxing.

I trace my fingers up the inside of one thigh, only allowing my fingertips to brush against her skin. When my hand reaches Alicia’s flower, I press my thumb into the slit feeling the wetness of her arousal, her head rolling back at the teasing touch.

With two fingers, I part her lips, opening her labia to further exploration. Without meaning to, I groan in my own arousal, the tent in my pants starting to grow painful. I fight off the urge to touch myself, focusing all my attention on the pretty cunt in front of me.

I glance up at Alicia as I inch my tongue closer to my dessert. With a grunt of desire, I bury my face between her thighs, flicking my tongue around her exposed clit. Every muscle in her body seems to contract at once, her back arching and her thighs pressing against my ears. I smirk to myself as her moans get louder and more vigorous. Her fingers slip into my hair, pulling holding my face against her crotch.

I lick and kiss for several exquisite minutes, letting her moans inform my acts. She squirms and squeals, clamping a hand over her mouth to stifle screams. Then, I pull back, much to Alicia’s chagrin. I rise again from the floor, the taste of her lingering on my lips.

Sweat glistens on Alicia’s blushed cheeks, her eyelids half-close. She’s all but panting from my previous teasing.

“I need you inside me.” She pleads.

“Is that so?” I grunt, my lips mere inches from her ear. “How badly do you need it?”

I slide my hand between her legs again, letting my first two fingers slip inside her tight, moist hole.

“Oh, yes.” She sighs. “I ne…ple…please, sir.”

I let my fingers beckon inside her, massaging that spot as her vagina contracts around them.

My cock aches, still constrained in my pants. Alicia reaches out, rubbing it through my denim. This time, I don’t pull her away. Instead:

“Turn around for me.” I whisper. “Grab the rail.”

“Yes, sir.” Breathless.

I let my hand fall away from her crotch as she eagerly complies with my command. She spreads her legs wide, bending herself over at the waist. As commanded, she wraps her hands around the handrail in front of her.

She starts at the sound of me unbuckling my belt, turning her head to see her present. I pull my jeans and boxers down around my thighs, my stiff member flicking to attention.

I can’t help but marvel at my beautiful Alicia, exposed and ready in front a tank full of sharks. I take my position behind her perfect ass, using my hands to knead and spread her cheeks.

I grab my shaft, rubbing the head between her lips. Alicia’s pleas devolve into mind-melted gibberish as I tease and taunt her.

“Pl…Pleas…Sir, plea…ugh.” She whimpers.

When I can’t take the suspense any longer…my heart beating out of my chest…Almost hyperventilating…my cock throbbing…testicles aching…

I thrust. Deep inside. Her slick tightness swallows my shaft like it always belonged there.

Then again, I thrust. And again, my crotch pounding against her ass with a satisfying smack… smack…smack.

Alicia’s moans come to a fever pitch as I glide in and out with hardly any resistance. The sensation is overwhelming. I all but lose control thrusting over and over and over, our pleasure building and building and building with each smack.

At some point, she loses balance, catching herself on the shimmering glass.

“Finish inside me, Sir. Please, Sir. I want it. I want your seed.” Her orgasmic screams only adding to my excitement.


On the last word, every muscle in my body contracts.

My cock twitches and throbs as every ounce of my life force paints Alicia’s cervix.

“UGH!” We scream together, pleasure wracking through us, her knuckles white against the glass.

Completely spent, my body shivers against her.

Unable and unwilling to move much, I wrap my arm around her waist, supporting myself on the handrail. Faces side by side, we watch a shark swim by as we try to regain our strength.


About the Creator

Kevin Barkman

Somehow, my most popular story is smut. I don't usually write smut. I did it once, and look what happened. Ugh.

Anyway, Hope you enjoy my work. I do pour my heart, soul, sweat and tears into it.

PS: Please read more than my smut story.I beg

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    Kevin BarkmanWritten by Kevin Barkman

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