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A hotter type of grief counselling pt. 1

Simon learnt that there are other sexier ways to cope with the loss of a loved one

By D-DonohoePublished 3 years ago 9 min read
A hotter type of grief counselling pt. 1
Photo by Alessio Lin on Unsplash

But it’s a real beauty, a Mexican cutie

How it got here I haven’t a clue.

This was the third time since Simon arrived at the ferry terminal half an hour ago that he had heard this muzak version of Margaritaville. Others in the crowd likely didn’t even know what the song was, or some may have thought that it added to the atmosphere of heading over to a tropical island. Simon just thought that they were wilfully butchering a Jimmy Buffett classic.

Simon’s pacing took him back to the window, he could now see that the white spot on the horizon had grown bigger and had taken the shape of the catamaran ferry returning to the mainland. He looked at his watch, he had caught the ferry over to the island a few thousand times, he knew from there it would take another 42 minutes, arriving at 2:45pm. Yes, the ferry was on time, yes, he had arrived extra early, but he needed to make sure he got there in plenty of time. It would give him some much-needed reprieve from his family. Simon’s Dad had been living on the island with his Mom in their holiday place when he died suddenly. Because there weren’t the facilities on the island, Simon’s Dad had to come back to the mainland to be cremated so that they could then take his ashes back over and scatter them in the sea. It had been a draining few days.

“Simon? Is that you?”

It was a familiar voice that came from behind him, it made him turn around. When he saw her, a wave of excitement and relief washed over him. She had not changed, it’s a cliché that gets thrown around a lot, but when Simon looked at her, everything about her was just as he remembered her. She was wearing a white blouse with the insignia of the ferry company on it and a pair of blue shorts. He couldn’t help but notice how tanned and tone her legs were, or how amazing she looked all together. The last six years since he had seen her disappeared in a flash.

“Linda, wow” he said as he wrapped his arms around her. As they hugged, he could smell her perfume, everything felt the way he remembered with her. For everything else that had changed in his life, she still felt like home. He paused with the hug for an extra second just enjoying the comfort that it brought. When they stopped hugging, he realised that they were in public and he stepped back, looking to see if anyone else was watching their embrace.

“What are you loitering around the ferry terminal for?” She asked with a cheeky smile.

“Dad’s coming over today, so I thought I’d be here to meet him.” Simon replied. Linda extended her right hand and placed it on his shoulder “Oh right, I heard, you’re a good son.” She said changing her expression to one of concern and then asking, “How’s your mother?” This brought a smile to Simon’s face and he replied, “Oh you know, she loves a good drama and still tells me I’m an idiot for letting that Linda girl go.” They both had a little laugh and Linda said “Yeah, I don’t think that’s what she says”.

Simon started to scan around the ferry terminal again to see if anyone was there that he knew, or that knew him. Linda realised what he was doing and asked, “You looking for Brent?” Realising he’d been caught out he looked to the ground and back at Linda “The last time I saw your husband he tried to cave my head in with a beer bottle”. Linda lifted her left hand and held it in front of Simon’s face, she had the palm facing towards him and she turned it so that the back of her hand was facing him to emphasise that there were no rings on her ring finger. Then Linda said, “The last time you saw my ex-husband he had just found out that we’d been having an emotional affair for the last nine years and he was pretty pissed.”

With those words, Simon’s first instinct was to reach out and grab Linda, pull her close and kiss her. She had not left his thoughts in the time they had been apart. For years Simon and Linda would talk or message each other daily, they had an undeniable physical attraction, but it always went much deeper than that. After Linda’s husband found out, there contact was cut completely. Simon worried his actions would cause for her life, even worse he feared he would never see or speak to her again. He’d regretted letting her go, and no one would ever compare with her.

Finding out she was now single so he could make up for his past mistakes was perhaps the best news he had ever heard. Simon tried to appear empathetic and said, “Oh, I’m sorry to hear you guys broke up.” But Linda tilted her head to the side and raised an eyebrow “Really?” she said, “You’re sorry to hear that we broke up?” Simon looked down at the floor again, he had a little smirk when he looked back at her and replied, “Ok, not that sorry.”

They started chatting about their lives and what they were doing now. Simon talked about how his work had taken him around the World, but he was happy that his travelling had settled down lately. Linda had taken the job as the ferry terminal manager, there was enough flexibility to still spend plenty of time with her two daughters. He felt so comfortable in her presence, they were talking as if all these years with them apart had not changed a thing. Linda said, “I do have to get you to sign the waiver for the transport of your Dad’s body. Can you come up now and sign it?” Before answering, Simon looked back at his watch, then at the ferry coming into the harbour. Detecting his thoughts, Linda said “You still have twenty minutes before the boat gets here, I won’t have you late for your Dad.” Simon shrugged and followed Linda as she walked through a door marked “Staff Only”.

They went up some stairs and into the office. It wasn’t the fanciest office in the world, there was a desk and a few filing cabinets, as well as the buildings server with little LED lights blinking away in the corner. Its redeeming feature was the million-dollar view of the ocean. As Linda closed the door, she reached out and grabbed Simon. She pulled in close and before he could fully comprehend what was going on, she began to kiss him. It was the kisses that he remembered that he had thought about for all these years. As Linda pulled him close, he wrapped his arms around the small of her back, to pull her even closer, her breasts pressed against his chest.

“God, I have missed you”

As Linda whispered those words, so many thoughts passed through Simon’s head, not the least was “why didn’t you contact me?” but then Linda kept kissing him and all he could think that at this moment he was so glad to be there. As Simon started to kiss Linda’s neck, she started to move her hand to his belt and began undoing it. As soon as she had undone the button on his trousers, she slid her hand down and started to wrap her fingers around him hard. Simon kept kissing and loving the sensation of Linda’s fingers on him. Wanting to savour every second, Simon started kissing further around Linda’s neck, he brought one hand around to the front and started to cup and massage her breasts through her top. As he looked down, Simon could see her nipples hard trying to poke their way through the fabric.

The air in the room already smelt like sex, Linda’s fingers were stroking up and down and exciting him. As Simon unbuttoned Linda’s blouse, he leant forward to kiss between her breasts. Without hesitation, Linda reached a hand behind her back and unclipped her bra. As her bosoms were released Simon had to lean forward and begin to gently suck on her nipples. At that point, to Simon’s surprise, Linda pushed his head away, she held his face in her hands, looked into his eyes and said, “I love that you are still a very passionate lover, I have missed you, and we ARE going to make up for lost time.” She paused for a second, as her hand continued to stroke his hard penis, “But we are short on time, and my gift to you today, is that I need you get inside me, and fuck me till you cum.”

Simon was shocked by her statements, but before he could protest, Linda had slid her shorts to the ground and had turned around exposing her perfect little arse cheeks. She placed on hand on her desk, and with the other began to guide Simon’s hard cock to her wet pussy. Linda wasted no time, gently rubbing his tip on some of her juices to help lubricate it, and then she was pushing backward to slide him inside. It was an amazing feeling for him, being back inside her, he could feel her gently squeezing him as he moved inside her.

Resigning himself to the situation, Simon grabbed hold of Linda’s hips and started thrusting back and forth inside her. He loved the way she felt, it was a sensation that is difficult to explain, when you are joined with someone you have had these feelings for so long. The emotional and physical combination made it all so much hotter. Linda started to arch her back like a cat about to pounce, to change the angle that Simon moved inside her. It felt incredible.

Linda moved one hand from the desk and started to rub a couple of fingers on her clit, as she did, Simon could feel her getting wetter. This spurred Simon on, his fingers dug into Linda’s arse cheeks, and he started to smash harder inside her. With the rhythm increasing, Simon was close, before he could speak Linda exclaimed, “I’m going to cum!”

Simon kept sliding back and forth, he could feel Linda’s pussy growing tighter around his hard cock. He could feel how deep he was inside her and he could see her breasts swaying as he moved inside her. At that point Simon started to cum, he could feel it spraying inside Linda. As he started, she began to moan, which started to grow, but wanting to not be heard through the whole terminal she took her hand from her clit and placed it in her mouth. Her body started to spasm; this was an orgasm that she had needed as much as Simon did.

As his orgasm started to die down, he could feel her pussy pulsing little squeezes of his cock. Then she held it, holding onto him as he slowly moved out of her. Linda was squeezing his last drops of cum from him. This was an incredible feeling, so quick still so hot.

Linda reached across her desk to grab a box of tissues, she turned around and started to wipe up Simon’s cum as it began to slowly ooze out of her. She handed a couple of tissues to him. Smiling as she looked into his eyes with lust, Linda said, “The ferry is going to be docking in about a minute, we had better go look respectable to pick up your Dad.” Simon agreed and started to pull up his pants.

Linda reached out her hand and took hold of his hand. “Can I come to the funeral? I always liked your Dad.” Simon nodded, still recovering from the session as he started to remember the reason he was there. Linda followed up with “Good, I want to help you through your grief.”

Simon thought that she had already made a very good start.


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About the Creator


Amateur storyteller, LEGO fanatic, leader, ex-Detective and human. All sorts of stories: some funny, some sad, some a little risqué all of them told from the heart.

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    D-DonohoeWritten by D-Donohoe

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