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Tina's Pregnant Desire

When the time's right, it's right. Even if you're seven months pregnant.

By D-DonohoePublished 3 years ago 16 min read

You know those guys that are absolute jerks, but you think they’ll change, even though you really know they won’t, and then you are gutted when you find out that they didn’t change? That was the guy that Tina had been dating. He wasn’t a nice guy, he wasn’t amazingly good-looking, in fact, he wasn’t even that great a lover. Then Tina got pregnant, and she realized that all the other crap behavior had just been a prelude to how much of a prick he was.

When he left in the middle of the night Tina blamed herself, she wondered what she could have done to get him to stay. She didn’t know how she was going to raise a baby on her own in the city. And then she finally realized that she could do it and she would do it. Slowly, she stopped crying over him all the time, although the hormonal changes that her body was throwing at her were making that a lot harder. She spent less time reading his old text messages and more time reading parenting books. She even started getting back to exercise, after making sure with her OBGYN that it would be alright.

Her work had been amazing, especially her boss who moved around meetings so that she could make doctor appointments. Unfortunately for her boss, Tina was quite a diligent accountant, and when she noticed unusual transactions managed by her boss, she reported it up the line. Sure enough, it turned out that she had uncovered large embezzlement, her boss was duly arrested and now she had to do his job, without the embezzlement. Whilst she was going to appreciate the extra money this unplanned promotion would mean, it also meant long days. This was why when the lead detective rang Tina to arrange a time to take her statement, she asked if they could do it at her apartment after work. After explaining that she was seven months pregnant, the female detective agreed and to come around about 6 pm on a Thursday night.

When the female detective Tina has spoken to on the phone arrived, she was accompanied by a male Detective. Upon walking into the apartment, the male detective said “Tina?” his voice sounded familiar, but she couldn’t immediately place the face. He realized that she didn’t recognize him, so he said, “It’s Tom Walker”. With that, Tina realized who he was and why she hadn’t remembered this handsome man. He was the brother of Brian Walker; she had dated four years ago. Brian was a stockbroker, he loved to show off his money and women. He was more interested in people believing he was important than in treating people properly. They didn’t last more than a year, Tina was glad to rid of Brian, she certainly didn’t cry over him.

When Tina met Tom, he was working undercover in narcotics. He had long hair, and even worse, a long scruffy beard. Most of the time that Tina had been with Brian, she thought he looked homeless. It obviously worked because he would often get people to sell to him without question. Tom was the opposite of his brother; he was always polite to Tina and very welcoming. Whilst Brian wouldn’t be caught dead running, Tom was quite a fitness freak, and always kept himself in great shape. As he stood there, Tina admired his handsome, clean-shaven face, crisp clothes, and his physique. The gun and badge on his belt made him look so professional, she was really impressed to see him standing in her apartment.

Tina smiled and went forward to give Tom a hug “Oh my God, Tom, how are you?” As they hugged, Tina’s belly pressed against Tom. He looked down at her stomach and said, “So it looks like you’ve settled down.”

Tina shrugged her shoulders and said, “Oh this, no, I’m just giving myself a permanent reminder that I always date cockheads”. The words were out of her mouth before realizing that she’d just insulted his brother. She started to fumble her words “Ah, look, I’m…” but Tom cut her off.

“Look I love my brother, but he is a cockhead. He has treated a lot of women like shit, but the way he treated you really showed how stupid he is.” He smiled at her, and as she breathed a sigh of relief, she smiled back.

The female detective, feeling a bit left out, introduced herself. Tina couldn’t remember if her name was Karen or Kelly or Sonya. She really wasn’t paying attention; she was quite distracted by Tom. But she also realized that she was a woman that was seven months pregnant, and Tom could have anyone. After all, he was a cop, and he was so good-looking. Tom had remembered Tina; he had always thought that she was way too good for his brother. Even now, with Tina so pregnant, he still thought she looked gorgeous.

The female detective got down to business and took out a laptop computer to type up the statement. Every now and then, during a lull in discussing balance sheets and bank details, Tina would sneak a look at Tom. He had such intense eyes; she could stare into them all day. She really wished that he had shaved when she was dating his brother, or before she dated his brother. Tom was also enjoying seeing Tina again after all this time. He tried to keep a professional veneer, but he had missed seeing her, and he was glad to be back in her presence again.

After about an hour, the female detective got a call about an issue back at the station. Tom suggested that he finish taking the statement and get a lift back with a uniform crew later. Tina was certainly not upset with that scenario and liked the idea of having Tom to herself. Tina felt a lot more relaxed, now. She offered Tom some water and then felt a little bit rude for not offering sooner. They moved between finishing her statement and talking about their lives. Tina told him about her deadbeat ex, and Tom talked about how he had broken up with his girlfriend about a year ago.

Tina’s back and shoulders were hurting so she pulled herself out of her chair. As she struggled to stand Tom stood up and offered her a hand. She didn’t like the fact that she had grown such a large belly, she worried that she would struggle to lose the weight after the baby was born. Tina looked at Tom and said, “Thanks for rolling the whale back in the ocean”.

Sensing her self-consciousness, Tom replied, “You realize that when you’re pregnant you are supposed to put on weight right?”

Feeling like she’d just been scolded by her Mother, Tina replied “Yes, but it doesn’t mean I like looking like an elephant.”

Tom wasn’t having any of it “Look, think about it, there is nothing more feminine than a woman who’s pregnant. Aside from Arnold Schwarzenegger in Junior, there isn’t a guy that can carry a baby inside them. It’s something only a woman can do. Plus, you look really hot!”

By 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

“Tom are you flirting with a pregnant woman?” she inquired with a wry smile.

But he shook his head and looked down at his glass. He looked back at her and said “No, I’m flirting with the woman I always wished I’d stolen off my brother”.

That was probably the sweetest and hottest thing someone could say to her. From the time she had started to show she felt like she’d stopped being a woman and was now just cow carrying a child.

He kept looking at her and smiling, she loved how intently he looked at her. She wanted to reach across and kiss him right there and then.

“Ummm,” Tom said as he pointed to his right breast “You seem to be leaking.”

Tina looked down and saw a wet patch around her nipple. Another joy of pregnancy was her colostrum leaking out at unwanted times. She was embarrassed and started muttering “Shit, shit!” She looked back at Tom and shook her head “What the fuck am I doing?”

Shocked and embarrassed, Tina walked to her bathroom and shut the door. Of course, she would be wearing a white top when this happened. Her own unwanted wet t-shirt competition.

She unbuttoned her blouse and looked at her breasts in her bra. For a few seconds she admired how full her breasts were now, one of the few positives she had found in this whole pregnancy. She took a face washer from the sink and started to soak up her leakage. She became acutely aware of how sensitive her nipples were now.

There was a knock at the bathroom door. “I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.” Tom said, “Is there anything I can do?”

Tina closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “No, sorry, it’s just this whole pregnancy had made my body a mixture of everything that’s repulsive. I’m sorry you had to see that.”

His voice sounded confused “what are you talking about? It’s not like you took a dump on the floor.”

Tina laughed and said “you know that I keep hearing stories about that sort of thing happening when I give birth. How’s that for repulsive?”

“Well, I’d probably avoid that end when that was going on.” Again, his words made Tina laugh. She remembered just how funny he was, and why she enjoyed hanging around him. Then he said, “can I come in?”

Tina was a bit shocked, and still a little embarrassed. She was standing there with her top open and the guy she was just flirting with asking to come in. Tina remembered the advice of a midwife that “you’ll get so used to people seeing your body when you have a baby.” Tina decided now would be a good time to start.

“Come on then,” she said, still mopping up her extra colostrum. As the door opened and Tom walked in Tina held up the washer and said, “Real sexy hey?” Tom stood there staring at her, he didn’t look shocked or repulsed. He tilted his head to the side and said “yeah, you are.”

As he moved closer Tom took the washer from her hand. He put it down on the sink and then he took her hand in his. She loved how big his hands were and she loved how small and feminine they made her hands feel. As they exchanged glances Tina was transfixed. She felt incredibly vulnerable, but the way he looked at her at that moment made her feel so desired.

He leaned in and kissed her as he continued to hold her hand. She loved that she had to look up to kiss him. His height made her feel so secure. As they continued to kiss, he put his other arm around her back and pulled her towards him. Although her belly was sticking out, she leaned forwards so she could feel her breasts press against his chest, the warmth between them was amazing.

Tom started kissing her neck and she let out a little sigh. As he gently nibbled below her ear, she could feel tingles all over her body. She realized that she was getting very turned on and that she was getting wet.

She also realized that she could feel moisture on her breasts again. Shocked she stopped kissing him and pulled back. There was a little wet smudge on his shirt. Embarrassed again she started to say “I-I-I, I’m...” but before she could say anything Tom smiled and said, “it’s ok”.

He reached around and slipped her blouse over her shoulders, he let it fall to the ground. Then his fingers manipulated the clasp on her bra with an amazing degree of dexterity. For a second, she wondered how much practice he had had doing that. Her Full breasts were unleashed, her nipples were hard and some more milky liquid was coming out. He reached out his fingers and gently squeezed her nipples, as a little bit more oozed out he gently rubbed her nipples. The sensation was amazing, the tingles grew even stronger.

Leaning forward he started to circle his tongue around her nipples. The way he was so comfortable with her body also made her feel comfortable to be with him. His hands started to gently massage her breasts, as he continued to excite her already sensitive nipples. She found herself breathing harder. She hadn’t felt this turned on for her whole pregnancy, actually, she couldn’t remember a time in recent history when she had been this horny.

As he started to kiss back up her body she felt the need to participate more. She undid his tie and slid it loose from around his neck. Then she slowly unbuttoned his shirt, to reveal the firm chest she had been pressed against. As she took his shirt off him, she realized just how good a body he had. His shoulders so broad and rugged, his arms so well defined, and she loved that he had abs. She had to reach out and run her hands over him to confirm he wasn’t a mirage.

He stretched out his arms and placed them on her shoulders, turned her around so she was facing towards the bathroom sink. Then she felt him start to massage her shoulders. As his big hands started to gently rub them, Tina sighed “Oh God, I need that!” She had so much tension it was a delight to have him slowly working it all away. His kisses adding to the pleasure she was feeling.

Then he started to kiss down her spine while his hands continued to work on her shoulders. His lips and tongue working the pleasure down through her body. He stopped massaging as his lips got to just above her skirt. He gently unzipped the skirt and let it slide down to the floor.

By Ignacio Campo on Unsplash

At that point, Tina thought of the practical underwear she had elected for this morning. Never imagining that she’d be in her bathroom getting undressed and madly kissed later in the day by a sexy policeman. Apparently, unperturbed Tom’s fingers slid her panties to the floor. His magic fingers that had just made her shoulders feel so good began massaging her arse cheeks. Feeling a little unsure at first, she decided to trust him.

His lips pressed against her backside, replacing his fingers. She leaned slightly forward and held onto the vanity. If he was going to kiss her arse, she was going to enjoy it. His fingers moved to her inner thigh. His hands started to move up and down gently exciting her. She looked at herself in the mirror and loved the look of desire, she loved being desired, this was the woman she had missed.

Tom stopped kissing her and stood up again. He wrapped his arms around her, and she felt him hard pressed against her. She looked at him in the mirror kissing her shoulders. She pressed her arse out further to tease him a little bit.

She turned back around to face him. They started kissing again while her hands messed with his belt and zip. She slid her hand inside his pants and started to feel him throbbing in her hand. She could barely wrap her hand around him it was that thick. She imagined how amazing it was going to feel in her very neglected wet pussy. His hands gently rubbed over her bare swollen belly, and for the first time, she was glad that her belly was there and part of who she was. Tom loved the sensation of the taught soft skin on her belly.

Tina realized that she would need to move things somewhere more practical. “Can we go to the bedroom?” She asked. “You’ll have to show me the way.” He replied.

Gladly, Tina took his hand and started leading him to her bedroom. Tom took off his shoes and then his pants. He carefully placed his handcuff and gun on top of his pants. For a second, she thought about playing with his handcuffs but figured she would save that for another time.

They stood beside the bed and started kissing again. She loved his kisses, she loved how he was making her feel about herself and the way he was making her whole body feel.

Tina on the edge of the bed briefly rested her arms on her belly, and then Tom gently guided her to lay down on her back. He knelt on the floor and placed his hands on her knees. He leaned in and started to kiss her inner thighs, his lips running and up and down the inside of her legs. It felt so good, but Tina also wished he would move his lips and tongue a bit further North. As if sensing that she wanted it, Tom was beginning to tease her body. His kisses on her soft skin getting so terribly close to her pleasure zone, and then he would kiss away again.

Tina was ready to grab his ears and push his head there, but finally, he stopped the teasing. As his tongue pressed against Tina’s clit, she felt a mini orgasm hit her body. A wave of pleasure passed over her, and she realized at that point just how wet she was.

Tom’s tongue started to dance faster as he started to slide his finger inside her. Tom was loving the smell and the taste of Tina so turned on. Tina was loving the way she was feeling so well lubricated and turned on by his kisses, his touch, his everything. She could hear Tom moan in pleasure, she went to look down at him but realized that her belly was blocking her view. Instead, she decided to reach out her hand and run her fingers through his hair.

Tom reciprocated by running one of his hands back up over Tina’s body until he could gently squeeze her rock-hard nipples. The mixture of pleasure and pain was driving Tina wild. She also moaned and said, “Fuck yes!”

Hearing Tina so aroused turned Tom on even more. He loved the taste of her on his lips and was loving the way her whole body was responding. His finger was rubbing against the right spot to send Tina into a frenzy, so as she reacted more and more, Tom moved his tongue and finger faster and faster. With each stroke, there were more juices for Tom to drink, and he lapped up every drop.

Tina realized that she was close, but she knew what she wanted now. Reaching around her belly she pushed Tom’s face away. This was something she had to do a few times as he kept moving back to please her more. Finally, Tina said, “I want you inside me, Now.”

This was one thing Tina had contemplated early in her pregnancy before her ex bolted. How would she have sex late in her pregnancy? She’d read books, and articles and decided that from behind would be her preference. She rolled herself over, with the help of Tom. She was on her knees and her forearms with her arse in the air. She felt Tom teasing her wet pussy with the tip of his hard cock, Tina pushed back to encourage him to enter her as a priority.

Then she felt him move inside her. He was so hard, there was a slight tinge as he moved into her, but very quickly her lubricating juices were making sure he could slide in and out of her with ease. To help with the rhythm Tina starts to rock back and forth, as she felt Tom’s big hands on her hips. Because of the angle, he was deep inside her and it felt amazing. With every stroke, Tom felt so warm, so hard. It was the best feeling Tina had felt in her life. Not just the sex, but the fact that she was so desired by a man like this, and at this stage of her pregnancy.

Tom’s fingers begin to dig into Tina’s arse cheeks, she moved her weight onto one arm so that she could use her other to excite her clit as he moved in her. She could feel it coming, but as she felt him start to tense, he started to move away. Tina said, “What are you doing?” and Tom replied, “I’m close.” But Tina knew how this would be perfect and she said “You can’t get me pregnant. Cum in me.”

The words drove Tom wild. He started thrusting faster, Tina felt him getting even harder and hotter inside her. She was close, her clit was so excited with her fingers rubbing it, she loved how lubricated it got and she was going to make the most of this experience. Tom felt Tina’s pussy start to pulse, it vibrated right through him, as it gripped hard onto him. That did the trick, Tom thrust hard one more time and he started to cum. As tina felt that rush of warm liquid inside her it sent her over the edge, letting out a moan of pleasure the wave of orgasm ripped through her body. She pressed herself backward to make sure that she felt all of Tom for as long as she could.

As his rhythm slowed to a stop, Tina leaned forward onto her elbows, to feel Tom slip from within her. She rolled to her side and for an instant lay there looking at this man who had brought her so much pleasure standing there. As Tom moved onto the bed, he positioned himself, so he was facing Tina, her stomach against his, they kissed some more. Tina was still catching her breath and felt the pulses of that orgasm starting to die down inside her. She was exhausted and satisfied, Tom gently moved his fingers over Tina’s back and belly. She loved that such strong hands touch her so softly.

After a few moments of silence, Tom said, “I have a confession, I’m not normally Jacqui’s partner.” Tina’s mind began to race, “who was Jacqui? Oh crap, that’s the name of the female detective, I really should have paid attention.” Tom continued, “But I saw your name on the crime reports and I had to see you again, so I called in a favor.” Tina was flattered and said, “Well I hope it was worth using up that favor.”

Tom shot a cheeky grin and said, “Oh it sure was.”


About the Creator


Amateur storyteller, LEGO fanatic, leader, ex-Detective and human. All sorts of stories: some funny, some sad, some a little risqué all of them told from the heart.

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    D-DonohoeWritten by D-Donohoe

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