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World in Tatters Ch. 18

by Kevin Barkman

By Kevin BarkmanPublished 7 months ago 9 min read
World in Tatters Ch. 18
Photo by Vince Gx on Unsplash

Once Corina and Isabella get the clinic’s gear packed back up, George shows us all out through the back door into the garden. Clouds drift high overhead, covering the midday sun. The air has cooled significantly, which likely means rain is coming soon. That’s good for us. It means the roads won’t be as busy, and it gives us a good excuse to hide our faces. When it rains, people tend to keep to themselves, only paying attention to their own problems. Plus, the cool afternoon air is a nice break from the oppressive heat we’ve had recently.

“Head out that gate and down the path.” George directs us to the back of the garden to a gateway set into the hedge. “It’s pretty private back there. Follow it to the end, and you’ll come out at one of the markets. You should be able to find your way from there.”

“Thank you, George.” Corina smiles gently. “Without you and Rowena, I don’t think Mateo would have made it through the night.”

“You’re probably right.” Rowena hovers in the doorway, a sharp edge to her voice. “We can’t help you again. I think you know why.”

“Of course. Well, thank you again. We should be going now.”

Corina and the others turn to leave. Isabella walks by her brother’s side as he hobbles along on a pair of makeshift crutches. Courtesy of George’s craftsmanship.

“Alice, can you hold on a moment?” Even I can feel the heat of Rowena’s gaze, and I’m standing several feet away from Alice.

“I’ll wait with the others.” As I turn to leave, Alice flashes me a smile letting me know she’s alright.

“No, Steven. You stay too. Just for a moment, if you please.”

“Uh…okay, sure.”

Once Corina and the siblings are out of the garden, Rowena stalks toward us. The storm in her eyes subsiding as she approaches. She and George stand together facing the two of us.

“Alice, you’re always welcome here. That’ll never change.” Rowena’s voice takes on that motherly tone she only seems to get with Alice. “However, the stuff you two are mixed up in, it’s dangerous.” She turns to me, some fire returning to her eyes. “You. With those guys after you, you are the greatest danger to her. She wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for you.”

“Hey! Row, that’s…” Alice tries to interject, but trails off when Rowena holds up her hand.

“However, from what I’ve seen, you will do everything you can to keep her safe. And for that, we are grateful. That being said…”

“We’re askin’ you not to come back here again.” George’s words seem to hit Alice like a truck. “Not until you’ve got your situation sorted. Unless your friend here is out of the picture. However, we know you won’t leave him to deal with this alone. It’s the right thing to do, and we love you for that. You have your work cut out for you. We’ll take you in if you ask, but…we’re asking you not to ask. I’m sorry, Miss Alice.”

“I…uh…” Alice’s voice quivers as she tries to find her words. “I understand.”

Alice relied on these two and they came through. I can’t really blame them. Just my being here puts them in danger. Story of my life lately.

“I’m sorry, George. Rowena.” My problems cost Alice her safe haven. I hope she can forgive me for that. “You’re right. It’s my fault that Alice is involved in this. I swear to you, I won’t come back here. I never intended to put anyone in danger on my account.”

“We know that, son.” George doesn’t seem angry. His words are more somber, sad even. The pain of having to turn away someone they care for like their own child is evident. “When you’re safe again, we’ll be here.”

“Take care of each other. Be safe.” Rowena hugs Alice tightly to herself. George and I exchange a handshake before he takes Rowena’s place. The two wave at us before heading back inside.

“Alice…I’m sorry… I…”

“I made my choice.”

Before I can say anything else, Alice leaves through the gate, leaving me standing in the garden with my own thoughts. Just as I turn to join her, a thick drop of water lands on my cheek. Looks like the rain is coming sooner than expected.


Half-way to the clinic, the bottom drops out. The rain comes in sheets, the wind howling through the near-empty streets of the city. The dirt pathways turn to puddles and rivers of muck. The five of us slog through the streets, keeping to the side to avoid the brunt of the storm. Once the storm got bad, Mateo really started struggling with the crutches, so I offered him my assistance to make the rest of the journey.

This storm is already pretty bad, and it looks like it’s only going to get worse. I just hope Rachel and Jason are able to find some shelter to ride it out. Pretty soon, the tents won’t be enough. I can’t help but worry about them as lightning flashes and thunder crashes overhead. With everything else going on, there’s no reason to think they’re any safer than I am just because they’re outside the walls.

As we approach the area near the clinic, something feels off. With the rain, it’s hard to place the feeling. But there’s a smell to the air. A smell that wouldn’t last long in this storm, meaning it’s fresh. Smoke.

As we round the corner, all at once the five of us look up to see a pillar of white smoke rising where the clinic once stood. The charred remains smoldering in the storm. Looking around, I realize dozens of injured, soot covered people are out in the streets, taking shelter anywhere they can. This fire must have been burning long before the rains started. Corina, struck by the sight, runs over to one of the nurses digging through the wreckage.

“What happened here?” She frantically shouts over the torrent.

“I don’t know.” His voices is shaky, agitated. Barely audible over the raging winds. “Everything was business as usual, then the entire place went up. I don’t know what happened.” Before Corina can ask him anything else, the man runs off to assist some of the others.

Corina rushes back over to where the rest of us stand, staring at the carnage. “We need to find Gracie and Charlie. I don’t see them in the crowds.”

With a nod to her brother, Isabella runs off with Corina searching the area for their comrades. I take Mateo over to a nearby awning and sit him down before pulling Alice aside.

“We need to leave.”

“What? What are you talking about? We have to help them!”

“Alice. We both know what happened here. I have to leave. I wouldn’t doubt it if Charlie and Gracie are dead, and that tears me up. But as long I’m here, things like this are going to keep happening. I can’t be responsible for the death of another friend. I won’t.” After a pause, I drop my voice and look directly into Alice’s deep brown eyes. “I am asking you to come with me.”

“I…if you have to go,” Struggling to find her voice, “Of course I’m coming with you, but please. Not like this.” Her loyalties are torn, I can hear it in her words, see it in her eyes. I can’t blame her really. Corina’s her friend, but I can’t afford to wait. Her tone suddenly turns from shock to pleading. “What about talking to Charlie? She’s supposed to be able to help you, right? What about these people? Corina, the resistance, all those supplies?”

“Stop. Please.” I don’t know what to say to her. As I’m standing there, my face inches from hers, I feel every drop of rain as it crashes into my skin and clothing. Looking in her eyes, my resolve wavers for a moment. But I can’t let her stop me. “I’m leaving. I have to. I don’t think Charlie knows anything helpful. All of this was for nothing. I can’t stay here. I’m not risking anyone else. If you’re coming, we have to go now.”

“We can’t just leave. We should at least let Corina know!”

Without warning, Mateo appears by my side. Leaning onto his crutch, wincing at the pain in his leg, “It’s alright. I’ll tell her. She’ll understand.”

I grip his shoulder, showing my gratitude how I can. This man took a bullet for me. I don’t know what I could say to express it, except… “Thank you, my friend.”

“Eh, no worries. Beer’s on you next time you’re in town, though.”

“And every time after. I owe you.” With the last words, I grab Alice’s hand and take off toward the city gates.


Alice and I spent the next couple of hours slogging through the mud, trying desperately to make it out of the city. Luckily, the storm would make it very difficult for someone to follow us. I don’t even know for sure if someone is trying to follow us. The fact that they went after the clinic and not George and Rowena’s indicates they probably didn’t follow us there. Hopefully that means the two of them are safe.

By the time we reach the gate where we entered the city, almost no one is out in the streets. Even the guards have taken shelter in a shack outside, but they’ve left the gate open enough to let through anyone brave enough to fight the storm. Right now, it looks like we’re the only ones.

Alice and I sneak through the gate and out into the tent city that surrounds Picayune proper. Luckily, with the rainfall as heavy as it is, we’re able to sidestep the guard shack without being seen. Considering that my pack still has a couple of handguns and a significant amount of ammo in it, it’s probably for the best. I had meant to hand those off to Corina’s crew this morning, but considering everything else going on, I kinda forgot.

Most of the larger tents are intact, but many of the smaller ones have collapsed under the forces of rain and wind. It’s much harder to navigate these pathways now, but Alice is still able to guide us with sure foot. To me, this place was a maze before, but in this storm, there’s no way I would have been able to get back to our camp without her help.

It takes another few hours before we can even get close to camp. The wind and rain refuse to let up. Alice and I are soaked through to the bone, my pants chafing my thighs as we keep pushing. The whole way, all I can think is that I hope Rachel and the others weren’t caught out in it.

Progress is slow, though eventually we make it to the clearing where we left the others a few days ago.

“No one’s here!” I bark over the howls. “They must’ve gone for shelter!”

“Maybe we should too! We can find them when this passes!”

Not really paying attention to what she said. “Where would Bert have taken them? They probably wouldn’t have gone far, right?”

“Steven, we need to f—Steven! This storm is getting worse. We need to find shelter for us.”

Without warning, a strong gust of wind whips from behind, almost knocking the two of us to the ground. Not far away, I hear a loud cracking and a thunderous crash that brings me back to my senses. But this time, it isn’t thunder. One of the nearby pines snaps in two, crashing to the ground only a few dozen feet away.

“Alright! Alright! Where can we go!?”

Without another word, Alice grabs my hand and pulls back in the direction of town. Before we make it to the now tarnished tent village, Alice tugs me off course toward a two story cinderblock structure well away from the tree line. The door to the lower level is locked, so we have to jimmy open the rolling metal window just to get inside. I tumble through the window onto the concrete floor in the middle of old kitchen. A bunch of ancient, rusted stainless steel equipment is pushed up against the walls. Alice jumps down off the window ledge next to me, snickering at my graceful entrance.

I lay out on the floor for the moment exhausted from fighting the winds, my rain soaked clothing clinging tight to my skin. Alice collapses down next to me leaning against one of the larger appliances, tossing her pack against the wall. After a moment, I pull myself up off the ground next to Alice, sliding my pack off my shoulders.

The cool concrete and sounds from the storm lull me into a bit of a trance. Alice and I sit there for what feels like hours, just listening to the winds and rain howling outside.

Young AdultSeriesSci FifamilyAdventure

About the Creator

Kevin Barkman

Somehow, my most popular story is smut. I don't usually write smut. I did it once, and look what happened. Ugh.

Anyway, Hope you enjoy my work. I do pour my heart, soul, sweat and tears into it.

PS: Please read more than my smut story.I beg

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    Kevin BarkmanWritten by Kevin Barkman

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