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World in Tatters Ch. 17

By Kevin Barkman

By Kevin BarkmanPublished 7 months ago 10 min read
World in Tatters Ch. 17
Photo by Rachel Park on Unsplash

As it turns out, Rowena was right. As soon as I lay down on the couch, the stress of the last few days really hits me. I crash pretty hard. I’m not even sure how long I’ve slept, but by the time I wake up it’s daylight, and my entire body aches from sleeping on the couch. As I slowly sit up, joints popping, I open my eyes to the piercingly bright sunbeams shooting through the living room windows and a delightful smell coming from the kitchen.

Bacon. The lovely smell of bacon. I don’t even know how long it’s been since I’ve had real bacon. I drag myself up from the couch and head into the dining room. Honestly, I expected to see Mateo lying where we left him last night, but he isn’t there. Whatever mess was left over from last night’s excitement has been washed away. I hope that’s a good sign. I continue on following my nose to the kitchen, where I find quite the party.

I don’t know when he got back, but George is standing over the stove with Alice acting as his assistant. I didn’t know she could cook, but not much about her surprises me anymore. Across the room, Corina, Isabella and Rowena sit around a small card table. Mateo is nowhere in sight.

“G’morning!” came a hearty greeting from George. He seems in a pleasant mood. Another good sign.

“Good morning.” Turning my attention to the three ladies around the table, “Where’s Mateo? Is he okay?”

Rowena: “He’s fine. He woke up for a little while shortly before dawn. We were able to get him blood, courtesy of his sister. He’s resting now, but he’ll be okay.”

“Oh. Good. How long until breakfast? I’m starving.”

Alice turns around, handing me a stack of dishes. “Go set the dining room table. It should be ready by then.”

Rolling my eyes, “Yes, dear.” For that comment, she just sticks her tongue out at me.

“I’ll help you.” Honestly, I’m happy Corina decides to join me. I’d like to ask her some questions.

“Thanks.” Corina and I head into the dining room. As we go to the task of placing settings for everyone, I figure now is as good a time as any. “So…What happened last night? After we split up. Where’s Gracie and Charlie?”

“Well, Gracie and Charlie are back at the clinic. After y’all stayed behind, I assumed that the safe house had been compromised. So, we went to plan B. We were surprised when Mr. George showed up saying Alice sent him. He said Mateo was hurt and needed blood, so we brought Isabella here with us.”

“That’s it? You weren’t followed or attacked?”

“Attacked, no. Followed? We aren’t certain, but we think we got away clean.”


“Alice filled me in on what happened to the three of you, but I had a feeling that she was leaving something out. I’ve been hoping you could complete the picture.”

“What all did she tell you?”

“That some guys with guns confronted y’all, shot Mateo, and y’all were able to get away by luck.”

Sheepishly, “Yeah, that pretty much sums up the events of our evening. What she left out was the reason why.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean…she left out the fact that they weren’t after the wagon. The only reason they were there was for me. They wanted me, and didn’t care at all about the rest of you.”


“Yeah. I don’t know why she would leave that out. Seems kind-of important to me.”

Disconcerted, “I’m sure it does. Do you think they were the same group that took Alexander…”

“And killed Philip and his crew? Yes, I think so. At the very least, those guys match the description.”

A long silence follows. Once we finish putting out all of the place settings, Corina pulls out one of the chairs to take a seat. “And, Alice is up to speed on this?”

“Yeah. I was finally able to tell her about Alexander last night. She knows everything I know.”

“Good. Good. It’s too dangerous for you to stay here in Picayune. You realize that, right?”

“The thought occurred to me. But I still need to figure out why these guys are after me. Even if I leave the city, it doesn’t mean they’ll stop. And with the help of you and your cell, I might just be able to figure something out.”

“I’m gonna have to stop you right there, Steven. I’m really sorry, but I can’t help you.”

“What?” Now I pull up a chair. “Why not? You were willing to help us the other day.”

“That was before that group came after you. Specifically you. If the last few days are any indication, they don’t mind killing anyone in their way. So, we’re not going to be in their way. Too many people rely on us.”

“I understand that, but you already are. The second that Alice and I walked into your camp the other day, you became involved in this. They’ve probably been tracking Alice and me since we came into the city. Meaning, they probably know where your camp is. They probably know about all of you. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate everything you have done for us, but…”

“But you’re asking me to keep putting my people at risk for you. Steven, I barely know you.”

“You’re right. You don’t know me. But you know Alice. Quite frankly, Alice is my best friend, and knowing her, she’s not going to leave my side even if it means she could be hurt. Or worse. Therefore, if they’re coming after me, they’re coming after her. Not only that, but they’re going after my sister. She’s only sixteen. I will do everything in my power to protect them, but I need help. Please.”

“I’m sorry. I can’t help you.”

“Corina, pl—” I rise in frustration.

“Breakfast is ready!” Isabella comes through the door carrying a large bowl of scrambled eggs. “Oh…Did I interrupt something?”

“No.” Corina answers before I can say anything. “Perfect timing actually.”

In short order, the others come from the kitchen: Alice carrying a plate stacked with a mountain of bacon, George toting a loaf of fresh bread. I get a good whiff of it all as they place their treasures on the dining table. The scent is intoxicating. I had almost forgotten the hunger twisting in my gut.

With hardly another word, we all take our places around the table. George sitting at the head with Rowena by his right. Alice takes the seat to his left across from Rowena. Corina takes the chair across from me, with Isabella on the end.

The six of us enjoy our peaceful meal together. If only for a moment, I feel safe and comfortable. It seems that as far as Alice is concerned, she feels the same. It’s nice.

Unfortunately, it’s only momentary. There’s no way we can stay here very long, and frankly, without help from Corina and her crew, I don’t have any sort of plan. Even if we had their help, I’m not sure what we would do. CP…or rather, Charlie said she didn’t have any useful information for us. I don’t know if that’s really true though. Our conversation got cut a little short.

I don’t know, this whole situation has me twisted around. I know what I need, but I have no idea how to get it.

After the six of us finish eating, Alice and I pull the short straw. We get to clean up. Isabella and Corina take the leftovers from our feast and bring it upstairs to Mateo. Honestly, I’m glad for the opportunity to talk with Alice.

“We’re on our own from here on.”

“I expected as much. Corina and I talked before you woke up this morning.”

“Look, Alice…” I don’t know how to say this. I grip the edge of the sink, pinching my eyes shut. “After everything we’ve seen the last few days…I wouldn’t blame you if you stayed with Corina. I don’t have a choice in this thing. No matter what, I have to figure out what’s going on, and stop these guys from coming after Rachel. You, on the other hand, could walk away.”

“No, I can’t.” She doesn’t even look up, just keeps scrubbing away at the dishes.

“Yes, you could. Until a few days ago, we hadn’t seen each other in six years. Now I just walk back into your life, and already, you’ve seen a friend die. Another one taken. Another shot…”

“Okay, fine. I could.” She interrupts. “But I’m not going to.”

“You should.”

Almost inaudibly, “I just got you back. I’m not…” Steel and snark returning to her voice, “I’m not leaving you to deal with this on your own. You’ll screw it up, and get yourself killed. Dummy.” Even though she’s looking down into the dishes, I still see the smile sneaking across her face.

Nudging into her shoulder, a smile of my own overcoming me, “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

I don’t know what it is about her, but the thought of her joining me on my deadly quest is actually comforting. Okay, maybe I do know, but I’m not exactly ready to admit that to her yet. It just doesn’t seem like a good time. Considering that we’re…well, I am…being hunted.

After a moment, I break the silence, “So, any ideas?”

“Plenty! None of them helpful.”

We finish the rest of the dishes in a comfortable quiet.

Once we’re done, we head into the living room to find everyone spread out around the room. Even Mateo is here sitting on the couch next to his sister. It’s good to see him up and not bleeding out. Corina and our hosts are over by the window conversing quietly.

Alice leans over the back of the couch, “How are you feeling?”

“Like I’ve been shot in through the leg.”

“I’m sure.” Alice joins the siblings on the sofa, but I cross over to speak with Corina. I know she won’t help me directly, but maybe she’ll at least let me speak to Charlie again.

I walk up just in time to overhear the end of her conversation with George and Rowena, “We’ll take him out of here as soon as we can. I appreciate you patching him up and letting him stay here.”

“You’re welcome.” George answers back.

“You’ll need to be extra careful getting him out of here.” I interject. “If they somehow tracked us back here last night, they’ll be watching the house.”

“Yeah, thanks. We got that covered.”

“Look, Corina…”

“I already told you. I…we can’t help you anymore. It’s too big of a risk.”

“I know. I’m done trying to convince you. There’s just one thing that I need.”

“We’ll leave you two to talk.” Rowena begins to pull George away.

“Thanks.” Corina gently touches our hostess’s shoulder. Turning back to me, voice darkening, “What is it?”

“I know you and your team can’t help me directly. I get it, but I need to talk to Charlie. I think she may still have some information that can help me figure this out. Figure out who these guys are, and why they’re trying to kill my sister and me.”

“Steven, I don’t know if that’s a good idea. Even if you aren’t being tracked, pretty soon, the militia is going to come after her. She betrayed them when she helped us.”

“I know, but she might be the only person who can help me.”

Corina takes a moment to think about it, before, “I’ll take you to Charlie. I can’t make any promises beyond that. If she wants to talk to you, I won’t stop her, but it’ll be her choice.”

“Thank you.”

“Steven…have you thought about, maybe, just leaving Picayune? I’m sure Alice would go with you.”

“Do you really think that would stop these guys? But if I can find out who’s after me, I can stop them directly. No more cat and mouse. If we don’t cut it off at the source, they’ll just keep sending bad guys. I really don’t want to live as a fugitive.”

“You already are. And besides, you said yourself that the initial bounty was sponsored in Atlanta. What makes you think that Charlie, a low level Picayune militia warehouse guard, is going to be able to tell you anything about it?”

She actually has a point. “I…hadn’t really thought about that. But even so, that doesn’t explain why Hattiesburg spec ops is involved.”

“Then go to Hattiesburg. Go to Atlanta. Get as far away from these guys as you can, as fast as you can. You might be able to buy yourself some time to gather information before they have a chance to catch up to you.”

“I’ll think about it.” It’s really not a bad idea, but what if there’s something here that can help me. “I’d still like to talk to Charlie. Just in case.”

“And I said I’ll help you do that. But really consider what I said.”

“I will.”

Corina drops her voice, enough that we won’t be overheard by anyone else in the room. “Just whatever you do, don’t leave Alice behind. I’ve seen the way you two look at each other. Don’t put her through that.”

Flustered, “I…She…I don’t…” I feel a heat rising in my face. I look over at Alice, curled up on the couch. In this moment, she looks just like she did all those years ago: innocent, content, child-like. Somehow, I get the feeling she doesn’t show this side much nowadays. I can’t help but to smile. “I don’t know if I could leave her.” Almost inaudibly, “Not again.”

SeriesYoung AdultSci FiExcerptAdventure

About the Creator

Kevin Barkman

Somehow, my most popular story is smut. I don't usually write smut. I did it once, and look what happened. Ugh.

Anyway, Hope you enjoy my work. I do pour my heart, soul, sweat and tears into it.

PS: Please read more than my smut story.I beg

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    Kevin BarkmanWritten by Kevin Barkman

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