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When pigs fly

“A Solstice tale to remember” for the Vocal Summer Solstice challenge

By Natasha CollazoPublished 8 days ago Updated 7 days ago 5 min read

A storm is brewing.

The town prepares the fatty calf. Every year on solstice they wait for a storm. In fact, they long for it. It hadn’t rained in over a decade in Hollow Hills. Word is, if it storms on solstice when the sun is highest in the sky, they will make a deal with the gods by presenting a sacrifice at dusk in exchange for rain so they can produce a healthy harvest.

“It’s only 11am! The people are rabid mother! Running around bumping into each other like dogs in a pound”

“Darling they are only excited for solstice” she reminded her as she tightened her daughters corset.

“The bread was gone and only two of the bass were left.”

“Maybe you ought to stay in doors, aye? Let me handle the feast for tonight."

She brushed a soft kiss on the cool of her daughters thin pale cheek and exited the room.

Turning towards the window Elizabeth glanced gliding the heavy drapes slightly.

She gasped aloud as soon as she saw Victor approaching. It looked like he was heading straight for the…..



“Darling, Victor is at the door!”

Releasing a grueling breath Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

Taking a seat at the vanity “I am busy” she called out from the room.

Moments later a creek came from her door as it slowly opened revealing Victor. The once love of her youth.

“E, E-Elizabeth” he stammered.

Facing the mirror, she picked up a comb and brushed out the curls.

“Well hello, Victor darling. What drags you in? The solstice of summer has arrived and you are here to convince me to join you?”

"No"… he stammered, "well actually, yes!"

Standing firm stretching his chin up high.

"I think it’ll be a good start!" He sternly suggested.

A deep belly giggle rolled out of Elizabeth baffling her in amazement.

“I’m ready, darling.”

“(Laughter) …are you now?”

“I shall make you mine all over again.”

“(Laughter)…shall you?”

“Will you please let me in darling, the way the rain consumes the pothos thirst, I will drink you.”

“It’s not that I don’t forgive you, your word has expired. And it’s no longer valid to even yourself.”

“I will try to revive it, like electricity bolted to the soles of my heels! Strike me to my senses my love.”

“The way you strike mine when your lips ravished Helena’s ? You cunning fool. Unless a new brain has been exchanged, I desire nothing of you.”

“Let me try, Elizabeth! Be my bride.”

“Sure, when pigs fly, I will weed out the maggots for you.”

(A Dialogue Poem)

Turning for the door, lifting his eyes,

“You have my word.”

Elizabeth scoffed and return senselessly to brushing. The first sound of thunder roared.


It’s around 3pm as Elizabeth's mother diced the shallots.

"This is the longest day, cant it be over already!"

"Where are your manners Elizabeth! This ought to be a celebratory evening, not one you want to get over with, stop patronizing yourself"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes biting a cherry tomato as it popped between her two front teeth.

Elizabeth's mother gently dabs her mouth with hand cloth grazing her face for a moment.

“ Oh darling, it’s that boy isn’t it?” he always seems to trouble you when he comes around and there’s something off about him. He’s not wired right. His family comes from a line of peculiar doctors. I believe his fathers a veterinarian..."

"I don’t need a memoir on Victor Frankenstein mother. He’s mad. We all know it."


Time approaches closer to dusk, the people scurry. The fatty calf is hung by all fours mounted on the point of Hollow Hill where the people will gather for the sacrificing of the animal before returning to City Hall for a feast that’s held by the Councilman.

"Grab your raincoat darling, don’t wanna be late."

It’s 39 minutes till the ceremony and the rain started to gain momentum. The winds picked up and the people crowded around in their hooded capes.

Councilman Griswold rose to the forefront as he begins grinding the blades together.

Elizabeth looks around but doesn’t see Victor at the ceremony.

5 minutes till sacrifice:

The rain thrashes smacking things over. Glass shattering, thunder bellowing and the walls of Victors laboratory are quaking.

Deceased vultures scattered on the floor with their wings missing, which are still attached to their spinal cords. Victor makes his way to the roof top of the building as he pulls the chains lifting a heavy dead weight underneath a covering.

It is now 30 seconds till and the the crowd begins the countdown.

The Councilman raises the blade...

"Ahhhhhhh!" a woman wailed. "There’s a man up there!"

The crowd turned their attention to the man on the edge of the rooftop, halting the councilman from slaying the calf.

Everyone gasped.

“Victor” Elizabeth whispered under her breath.

Victor reels in the body to the top of the roof as it’s still completely covered.

The crowed began to murmur, "what’s he got under there?"

"What’s he doing? He’s a madman!!"

The clock dunged, and a surge of lightening struck the area of Victors location, causing panic amongst the people.

Victor removes the covering as the electricity bolted, traveling down the rods of his contraption and igniting the body in flames!

The Councilman then pierces the lamb with rage!

Blood sprinkled the crowds faces as they scattered.

"SOLSTIIIIIICE!! SEND US RAIN!!!GRANT US THE HARVEST!!..." Councilman Griswold began to shout soaking his face toward the sky as his hood came undone fully emerging himself in the the rain proceeding in the ceremony regardless of the madman's distractions.

The flames on the roof dwindled down from the rain.

Elizabeth not breaking her glance on Victors location, wondered if he was alive? There was no movement on the roof.


Then suddenly another voice from the crowd shrieked "what’s that?!"

And something with large wings started to fall towards their way, as it flapped in a zig-zag motion.

The crowd went silent as the winged thing drew closer. This time scattering in complete hysterics upon the image of the horrific monster honing in. It’s wings were black sewn together enhancing its length creating large gusts of wind as it flapped.

The horrid image of a large deceased hog flew down attacking the members one by one.

The Councilman was the first to go as the creatures rotted teeth decapitated Griswold.

Elizabeth froze in fright watching the creatures talons then shred down a woman's corset through the back revealing her spine bone so cleanly. The creature was connected to some sort of harness where the wings were as if a separate living thing. Whatever it was, they were both, the wings and the hog, alive, and attached as one.

It pounced in a vast motion now looking face to face with Elizabeth.

Victor screamed.




It rained regularly ever since.

And at solstice the following year the sun was high in the sky when Dr. Frankenstein was released from confinement after serving his one year sentence for what had happened. Though unethical, it was not illegal bringing the dead back to life as there were no laws against animals. But there had to be a punishment under the circumstance that it caused an unintentional massacre.

He visited the grave where his beloved now rests. The large tombstone read,


Below Lies Lady Elizabeth Lavenza Frankenstein

Final words:

“ I am Mrs. Frankenstein”

The shovel pierced the dirt.

By Alexey Golubev on Unsplash



A tribute to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.

Image created by the Author on NightCafe


About the Creator

Natasha Collazo

**Studying Modern Journalism NYU **

Student @ American Writers & Artists Institute

Project: The diary of an emo Latina (2025)

Content and freelance creator


Inquiries: [email protected]

Instagram: @sunnycollazo

Do all things in love

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Comments (7)

  • Novel Allena day ago

    Oh I love me some Frankenstein...was so happy to learn that a woman had written it. Moral of the story, don't release a rabid flying pig with your lady standing there. Great plot.

  • Hannah Moore7 days ago

    Gruesome. I got a bit hung up that cherry tomatoes were an anachronism, but then I decided, well, if pigs were flying, who's to say?

  • K. Kocheryan7 days ago

    "Elizabeth froze in fright watching the creatures talons then shred down a woman's corset through the back revealing her spine bone so cleanly" Ugh, I love gruesome imagery. Great Job!

  • Oh wow, I never knew about Elizabeth. Im my defense, I've never actually read Frankenstein but I vaguely know the story. You did such a great job with it here! I loved it!

  • Joe Patterson8 days ago

    An outstanding tribute to Mary Shelly’s classic.

  • shanmuga priya8 days ago

    Victor's gruesome experiment is shocking. Your story kept me on edge from start to finish! It's a gothic horror. I loved reading it.

  • This was an amazing read!

Natasha CollazoWritten by Natasha Collazo

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