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The Telltales of a Boy Crying Pearls!

His soul had endured endless injuries that he awaited the Death Angel.

By Syeda Ayesha ArshadPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Telltales of a Boy Crying Pearls!
Photo by Chad Greiter on Unsplash

The throbbing pain in his head, the pounding heart in his chest, the soaked eyes in his sockets, the aching tension in his mind, all indicated what raced in his veins.

He felt as if his soul had left his casket of a body and filled it with all the darkness and damnation it passed through.

He slumped down onto his desk where papers were all soaked up and drenched in his tears. Suddenly a white shimmering light filled the room and something landed beside his chair while flapping of the wings swooshed the air around him.

"Angel of Death! You're here already?" The boy questioned ever so innocently.

"A soul as Young as you must not be awaited here in the deadly realm of the world where the living are feasted upon by their fellow brothers." The Angel replied.

"Such is the reality of this damned world where your loved ones hurt you the most."

"I agree. I'm afraid we might be getting late. Heaven awaits your arrival. You might want to have a last look at your home and family?"

"My family? They're far off happy without me. I don't want to bid them a farewell glance and as far as this house is concerned, I'll only find memories to sorrow upon. I'm glad Heaven awaits my arrival."

"Kids go straight to Heaven. But what injuries has your soul endured at such a small age? Grasp my wings and let's see the inner side of your soul while we travel."

The boy grasped the Angel's wings with his hands ever so delicately and within the blink of an eye, he soared above the clouds, into the realm of mysteries where purified souls roamed about.

The evil nature of this world gulped his soul down so hard that his heart gave up and his brain fuzzed out and left him at the mercy of an Angel, who beautifully embraced his soul and led him far beyond the curtains of living Hell.

Background of the Heaven Boy!

"You are nothing more than a coward! A shame to the family's name. You better back off freak. This is my room, you better not step in ever again. Oh! You sta…amm.err? You were born a weirdo, you still are a weirdo and you'll always stay a weirdo. You better get admitted to the Mental Asylum, because you don't belong here!"

Huddled into a corner, his mind racing with all sorts of bullying and rage he had encountered at every step of his life starting with his birth, he sobbed into his sleeves. He had seen the cruelty of life at such an unripened age.

"Hey what are you doing here? Don't you have a class to attend?" A boy called out to him in the bathroom.

" I… am …uh.. lea..ving! He replied while stammering.

After an entire day of being bullied at school, he reached the other arena of bullies, his home.

He didn't want to face them so he ran up the stairs and locked his room.

"Hey you're not going away with this attitude. We're hungry! Serve us food." His father called out from the lounge room.

He couldn't stay locked up in peace, until he served them food, which he had cooked in the morning already.

"Gi…ve… me … wa..ter… Freak!" His brother tortured him with stammering.

His father started laughing and ordered him,"Hey turn on the TV, I don't wanna miss my show!"

The rage burning inside him always felt like a building burning down in flames, which he never exhaled out.

After gulping down sickening words of his family, he never felt hungry, and always slumped onto his bed pooling it with his most precious tears.

Every night he prayed to Allah for mercy and to call him to Heaven out of the bounds of this unfair world.

As sadness and hopelessness consumed him, he felt like he was drowning in an endless sea of despair.

And just like that, his heart gave out, and his brain went fuzzy, leaving his soul floating aimlessly outside his body.

What could have caused such a catastrophic event that night, that he couldn't endure further, is a mystery we may never solve, but one thing is for sure - his final resting place is one where evil can't even take a breath.

So let's take comfort in the fact that he's in a better, safer, and happier place now, free from the troubles that plagued him in life.

SeriesShort StoryScriptMysteryLoveFantasyfamilyExcerptClassicalAdventure

About the Creator

Syeda Ayesha Arshad

Ayesha, a Medical Student & Wattpad Ambassador from Pakistan, a Content writer, interested in writing fiction stories ranging from Horror & Mystery to epic adventures & non-fiction on Trendy topics. Go enjoy the stories and articles!

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  4. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (1)

  • The Arts Gatsby4 months ago

    This is a sad but true story based on facts.

Syeda Ayesha ArshadWritten by Syeda Ayesha Arshad

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