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The Talking Penguins

Harvey, Mumbles, and Pierre's Adventure

By John Matthews Published 3 years ago 3 min read

The Three talking Penguins

By John Matthews

There once lived three little Penguins down in Iceland. Their names were Harvey, Mumbles and Pierre. Harvey was known as the Pirate and Mumbles and Pierre were Pirates in training. These Penguins were not ordinary Penguins. They were special and very unique. These guys could talk. The other Penguins did not like Harvey, Mumbles and Pierre and told them they weren't welcome and to go find their own kind. Harvey, Mumbles and Pierre decided they needed to go explore and see if there were other Penguins out there like them. They built a small boat and set sail out to sea.

Not that long after they were out to sea and big storm started at sea. Lighting flashed like strobe lights continually lighting up the sky. Thunder roared like a Lion scaring away the prey. Then rain started to pouring buckets of water from the sky.

Harvey yelled "Hit the deck!" Mumbles said "I'm scared", and Pierre and Mumbles took cover under the deck. "I'll try to steer us out of this storm", said Harvey. He grabbed the wheel and starting turning it with all his might. The storm kept coming down. The Penguins didn’t know what to do now. There was thunder roaring and lighting up the sky. “Are we going to die?”, yelled Mumbles Harvey replied “No!” Mumbles, Pierre and Harvey grabbed the wheel with all of their strength. The storm fought back with heavy drenching rain soaking the penguins. Thunder roared like a lion in the jungle while the whole sky lite up with lighting. The Penguins didn’t know what to do or how far away till they reached land. Harvey, Mumbles, and Pierre drifted off course and were now officially lost at sea. Would they ever their way to land?

After a long-unrested night, the sky started open up and peek of sunlight appeared. The penguins awoke and saw the storm had stopped. Harvey, and Pierre didn’t know what to do now. Were they still lost at sea forever? They were not experienced as sailors. Soon the sun was rising and they were able to see ahead. The air was cool and mist. It was clear of fog. Then all of the sudden the penguins saw something from a distance. Was it land? As the ship got closer Harvey yelled” Land Hoe!!” Mumbles and Pierre came up from under the deck. Harvey grabbed the steering wheel and turned it towards the land. They drifted into land and threw their anchor down. Harvey, Mumbles and, Pierre had indeed found land. What was in store for them next? What were they to do? Where were they to go? These penguins were in new territory now and began to miss home. They thought of their families back in Iceland and how they felt when they all ran away. Should they try to go back home? Who would believe or listen to a talking penguin? Then there was a sign it said Welcome to Miami Beach. The penguins had landed in Florida. They were a long way from Iceland.

Mumbles said “Where are we now?” Harvey said “The sign says Miami. I think were in Florida.” Pierre said “Florida!!, How did we get this far from Iceland?” The three penguins looked at one another. They didn’t know what to do. Mumbles said” maybe, we should enjoy this nice beach day. They tried to sit down on the beach but beach patrol came by and chased them off the beach because they were scaring all the people. Mumbles, Harvey, and Pierre were hungry. They didn’t have any money and couldn’t go near the water without being chased away the Beach Patrol. These poor Penguins were hungry, homeless, and tired. It was getting late and they each settled under the boardwalk for the night. They would get started on a new journey in the morning. This was just the start to a series of many different adventures.


About the Creator

John Matthews

I am a Singer, Songwriter, Musician, Writer, and Actor. I have recorded to CD's back 2004 and 2006. I also recently released two singles last year and currently working on an EP. I enjoying excercising, reading, writing stories & poems.

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    John Matthews Written by John Matthews

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