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The Super Train

As Elaine dosed off in class

By Hadayai Majeed aka Dora SpencerPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
The Super Train
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

The Super Train was a technological wonder. It combined and improved upon all the past innovations of railroad engineering. It actually glided a few inches above the tracks, it had the latest in computerized technology and could hit a speed of 200+ miles per hour. It went so fast that the developers installed windows with monitors so the passengers could not tell how fast it was actually moving at any time. All they could see was a countryside landscape that appeared to move much slower than the train was actually moving.

As Elaine dosed off in math class she started to dream and then her dream became a reality. When she woke, she was on the Super Train as it glided over tracks at 100 miles per hour headed to Chicago. Luckily, she had her purse so she could prove her identify if asked. Her cell phone was missing, and this threw her into a tailspin. Her phone had become a part of her body. She was very rarely without it. This was her communication to family, friends how to get tickets to concerts and to get help in case of an emergency. This was definitely an emergency.

Now what was she going to do about not having a ticket? This confusion was about to make her scream however the last thing she wanted to do was draw attention. What would she tell the conductor? Elaine was physically shaken and beginning to cry she knew she had to dry her tears, so she did not risk appearing as though she did not belong on the train. Who is going to believe her if she tells them she does not know how she got on the train? She took the first empty seat and hoped no one came to claim it. The train glided so smoothly along the country side that it felt like it was floating. Although it was going over 100 miles per hour you did not feel it or could tell by looking out the monitored windows.

Then one of the passengers pressed the PA button and asked why the train was still moving. “We should have been at our destination about 10 minutes ago.” The voice over the PA responded sounding like a computer “we lost the engineering team over an hour ago. They all had heart attacks. We are working on a solution to this problem. Please do not panic. The emergency system has been engaged. All the station chiefs at the other depots are aware of the problem. There is nothing to fear. Please do not continue to press the PA button we will update you every 15 minutes.”

Of course, everyone panics, and they press the PA button for the conductor. As they boarded no one noticed that the conductor was not human he was an AI (artificial intelligence) in a very human looking body. He was so lifelike in his appearance. The coloring of his complexion was perfect, his uniform well pressed and his hair well styled and hands well-manicured. The only thing that gave him away now was that a small child had climbed on him and removed his hat, and he did not flinch. Of course, a human would have moved and acknowledged the child. Total pandemonium had broken out in the passenger car. People were pounding on the windows, praying out loud to God, calling the customer service number of the train company and some were even screaming in full blown hysteria as children watched with puzzled looks on their faces. One little girl asked, “Mommy are we going to die?” Her mom reassured her as she wiped away her tears that they were not going to die. Then she tried to get her to focus on the view of the countryside on the monitors.

Elaine was sitting across from a very well-dressed older gentlemen who appeared to be totally oblivious to what was going on around him. She asked him Sir, aren’t you concerned about what is happening? The man in a very calm voice told her no. She inquired in an elevated voice why not; the train has passed our destination there appears to be no humans running the train. The man answered I am not concerned the AI's are programmed to handle any emergency that could possibly happen, and they will get us safely to another train depot.

Wow (smacking her lips)! You are confident I must say (rolling her eyes). He said Elaine you must not worry. Anyway, worrying will not help right now. In a few seconds after he spoke there was a quiet hissing sound, and everyone miraculously stopped talking and appeared to have fallen asleep. Elaine and the man across from her were the only two who were not affected by whatever had been released into the car. Elaine is now very, very scared. Why was she not affected by the spray? She did not smell a thing. What about the man across from her? How did he know her name? She started to speak to him again he now had a very deadpan look on his face like that of a department store mannequin. She snapped her fingers in front of his face and nothing. Then she touched him, and he was cold to the touch and hard as a rock. Damn it! He’s an AI. Oh boy! Now what?

The train continues to move forward through the window Elaine could see the sun was about to set. She looked around her cabin everyone was sound asleep like babies put down for a nap. Oh no why me? She begins to cry again. Then decided to walk to the next car to see what was going on as she opens the doors, she is amazed to see a team of people with computers in front of them monitoring the trains every activity. One of the techs looked over at her and said, “This is only a test then winked. We will be in Chicago safely in about 30 minutes.” How did I get here? I was at school one moment and here the next. The tech replied, “while you dosed in your math class, we quietly abducted you (with your parent’s permission) and placed you on the train.” Elaine returns to her seat exhausted although relieved.


About the Creator

Hadayai Majeed aka Dora Spencer

Hadayai Majeed writes short, intriguing stories in many genres. The Joy of Islam series and Pieces of Me with Company are collections of her diverse works and those of others. Each book is unique always leaving the reader wanting for more.

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    Hadayai Majeed aka Dora SpencerWritten by Hadayai Majeed aka Dora Spencer

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