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The Purple Light Witches Vs Blue Riders


By DarkosPublished 8 months ago Updated 8 months ago 5 min read
Iron Queen of the Witches by Ai

Abra Cadabrra Mary's spells, throw four mice and rats into the goblet

mix it all with herbal oils and transform them all into healed beautiful shapeless forms 

One of the Gaga Saga From the Purple Light Witches group said to the whole of them. 

Their clothes were black purple and blue in a dark tone.

 They gathered each Sunday for a mutual meeting with one another exchanging all the knowledge from all the monthly practices and together with all experiences and research they chose the best mixtures and herbs and rituals to Heal themselves and to heal another 

These Witches were the Good Ones.

They may have looked like the bad or were considered by others as awful but in reality, They were such good people. Purple Light witches were focused seriously on their tasks and needed to follow their intuitive hearts to heal one another on time. Still, there was another group The Blue Riders Witches and they were extremely cruel individuals. Their eyes were crystal blue with an empty non-emotional look every time they watched You it felt like they were about to freeze your whole body and It was happening. It lasted from twenty minutes sometimes even up to some hours so It was better to avoid Eye contact with them and every kind of contact with them. On a normal Life day, They looked like average people and were pretending ideal neighbors. Their gardens, houses, clothes, and kids were looking all perfect at least from the outside. 

Purple Light Witch

    What is more they not only used their bad magic at night and during their weekly gatherings but they simply were doing bad violent things to other local people on a daily basis. Some of them were even politicians and worked in the government of the city to be able to control manipulate and sabotage good people and support their terror with no human help on Earth by uniting with services like Police or other security services so that the real victims had no chance of justice not mentioning help in dealing with all kind of possible terror.

They were sending many cruel individuals to work in all kinds of services so that the violence in the city was even more supported. Control and manipulation were their only real power.

The Blue Riders Witches were so sadistic that they were playing with the life of another. They usually chose the best kind of people who not only carried huge hearts but were serving day and night to those in need even to them.

The worst of The Blue Riders were the black haired twin sisters they could clon each other within a minute so if they needed double support they had it immediately. The BlueRiders' twin Witches did not carry any soul, human heart or any kind of emotional intelligence also their magia was poorly developed and was always causing huge explosions.

They were simply imbalanced in everything, especially in their behavior so it was not possible for them to do any kind of magic without horrible side effects to another being. Many times during the gatherings from their huge magic boiler ugly-smelling rotting substances were going out and it was causing sickness to each person that was able to sense it even from far away.

Mostly only highly sensitive people were able to discover the unknown smell so if any of the Purple Light Witches were near it, they started to experience horrible health problems and pains healing them was more than just complex and only Thanks to the incredible wisdom, knowledge and Open Hearts of The Purple Light Witches it was possible to help to save them from the killing smog of the Blue Riders Magia.

Blue Riders Twins

Blue Riders Witches

The Purple Light Witches were always exhousted, not having a single day to rest from the terror that Blue Riders were entirely implementing it led Purple Light Witches to develop paranormal abilities that The Blue Riders could only dream about. Blue Riders even though trying many practices were not able to know and develop it. They lacked intuition and emotional intelligence so they could only use it in an easy way to convince another that they were good in the public eye while doing the worst kind of things to others behind the public view. 

Blue Rider Witch

The Purple Light Witches decided it was enough, it really was too much.

They are not able to help heal and save all good people without other human support that was not there the Universe was not enough

They needed a Super Magic Witch The Queen of the Highly sensitive Witches The Best Warrior of this World to be able to make The Blue Riders Witches simply fade away. They called the Super Magic Witch The Queen of The Highly Sensitive Witch, Her name was Kallidalia, amongst all of them She was the most sensitive one. She was not only trained but She was born a Witch so her abilities were beyond any human and witch's imagination out of this world and out of the Universe. Her connection and ability to read the future and energy and every movement were more than just exact to the 1 minute before the event that She predicted was exactly happening. She could walk outside and She knew the Boy would lose His bag of candies So Her hand was naturally automatically already grabbing it. She knew about upcoming wars, She knew about each exact experience before. She knew people real inside and thoughts and She needed to practice every day because otherwise, It was impossible to survive in this inhuman world for Her even as a Witch.

Years of practice made Her an Iron Queen, her energy secret weapon could heal immediately in just three seconds. She was the only one, none of the others had such incredible power. All her Life She was looking for at least one female able to learn the knowledge from her to be able to help She couldn't find one. Until one day She was called by the Purple Light Witches. She was amazed by the abilities of the girls both young and older ones, She was even inspired by their incredible wisdom and it inspired her to create new more modern healing practices in magia so that It was easier to support humanity and not only local people but each person in this world even from very far away. She was able to recharge with the Superpower each of the Purple Light Witch as a result the Power of the group together with Kallidalia became so strong that they finally managed to blow away all the Blue Riders Witches to the Black Hole without a way to come back on Earth again.

 The town became a completely different place, the country whole continents and the World shifted into a harmony of the being.

People finally could walk outside without experiencing violence and didn't need to struggle with mean behaviors anymore. All the children were finally able to play outside without any fear and became good people as the environment had zero rates of crime and violence so they felt safe. All people were finally able to take care of their health, learn new things, and experience life in peace and full of Love and Joy rhythm of the harmonious World where people were Opening their hearts and able to heal themselves quickly and helping to heal others in need.

Purple Light Witches
Light Purple Witches

Sci Fi

About the Creator


Human : painter, digital art maker, sound composer, poet, writer, qigong healer & trainer

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Comments (1)

  • Test8 months ago

    I would be interested in reading more about the Purple Light Witches and the Blue Riders Witches in the future.

DarkosWritten by Darkos

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