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The Luminous

Golden Angel

By Vara RainePublished 13 days ago 3 min read

A man in a silken white robe draped over his frame descending towards her. His beautiful but slim body floats with his bare feet accompanied by a mist that follows him down. His skin is a golden hue with bluish tribal tattoos adorned as a crown on his bald head following down his arms and legs. Cerci is sitting before him kneeling down in a praying position as his wings softly flutter out extending way beyond her eyesight. She looks up to his face and he utters the words "unus e lumine” he quickly ascends back to where he came from, leaving her lonely with the most sorrowful feeling she’d wish she never knew.

A bright light shines toward her and only intensifies the longer she is sitting there clambering away from it. This time Cerci was determined to follow the light. Usually it is at this moment she wakes up to her nightgown full of sweat and tears are rolling down her face. Although she was scared, she closed her eyes tight and stood up in front of it with her arms stretched out wide. As the light intensified the warmer Cerci felt, however it was not uncomfortable, it was quite pleasant and replaced the sorrowfulness she would have felt.

The light swallowed her whole and inside she felt herself transforming. She opened her eyes in awe, seeing that her entire body was now illuminated with rich golden hues of the sun adorned in gold gems and beautiful jewel accents.

The man came back to join her wrapping his wings around her body. The light grew brighter within his embrace and Cerci now felt a different kind of warmth she has never experienced before. With instinct she wraps her arms tight around the man. His bluish tattoos now glittering, Cerci also noticed she had the same tattoos that extended from the middle of her belly to the rest of her body.

The longer the man wrapped his wings around her the more the feeling radiated throughout her body. While the feeling was tense he never hurt her and she found herself gasping with a fervent desire for more. Just as she thought this warmth from his light was at its climax, the man's wings extended wide, fluttering about while a burst of light flashed from them. A gust of warm wind blew Cerci about and she found herself slipping from the man's grasp.

Cerci opened her eyes and found herself laying in her bed. She shifted her hair off her face and wiped her eyes as it was a little hazy seeing around the room.She thought to herself, this is the strangest dream I've ever had.

As she proceeds to get up she feels energized unlike before when she would wake up in a cold sweat feeling empty and somewhat lethargic. This time it was as if she completed what she needed to do and was utterly refreshed.

Cerci quickly heads to the shower to start her day. Looking in the mirror she notices a difference in her skin. It was dewy with a light glow about it, her hair seemed to have grown with a lustrous golden brown hue. Even her fingernails seemed stronger when she was used to seeing them brittle or broken off. Her frame seemed to be a little more defined and curved.

Even though she thought all of this to be strange, it was one particular oddness of them all. She looks down examining the center of herself with her eyes. She takes one finger tracing it along her navel line, running back and forth feeling over her protruding belly.

Short Story

About the Creator

Vara Raine

A lover of fiction, writing whatever comes to mind.

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VRWritten by Vara Raine

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