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The Vampire Story

By Vara RainePublished 14 days ago Updated 13 days ago 6 min read


The Vampire Story, a series of short stories of a young woman who is the direct descendant of Luceda Louis who was turned into a vampire by her lover Lord Ademis Bouquet in the 1900s. When she is killed by a vampire hunter, Ademis is beyond inconsolable, until he realizes he can bring Luceda back through one of her female lineal descendants. When Ademis finds Luce and turns her, she remembers the past life of Luceda through dreams within her transformation.

This story series explores the depth of Luce's dream and how it intertwines with Luceda’s life as a vampire. Within the dream Luce regards herself as Luceda and begins to understand her desires and wants.


Luce was now fully immersed in the dream as she truly believed to be Luceda. Playing in her subconscious like a well rehearsed play she visited all the important aspects of Luceda's life:

Well aware of what he was when I laid with him, yet I did not fully comprehend the burden of what was to come. The introduction of my un-deadly state came quite a shock when I woke up in a dark room locked away without any signs of life. Ademis was intent on keeping me locked up to teach me what it means to be reborn as a vampire.

To be reborn he says that blood is most important. The blood provides a life force necessary for a vampire's survival. Our bodies process the blood similarly to humans, breaking it down for nutrients and keeping our vitality and appearance. Because of the blood we have sharp senses, and have a charismatic nature that entices our prey. There are vampires that have acquired special abilities. These gifts are only given once the blood in the vampire's system matures into ascension, which can take centuries. Ascension makes it possible for order among the vampire factions.

Ademis turns to look me straight in the eyes earnestly. “All vampires are born into blood-lust. It would be at this time that I would have my most viciously insatiable appetite. There would also another reason a vampire will experience blood-lust, when going through a time of despair. Ademis says you must learn how to temper it down when reborn and to live your life without sorrow so it never takes over you. “Once you have felt it there is no escaping it”.

For months he would come to keep me company and we sipped wine glasses of blood from his hunts and danced under the moonlight. As it seemed much like a honeymoon I had no complaints being tucked away. Had it not been for the violent outburst and the one time I tried to rip his head clean off his body it would have been the perfect lovers retreat. Once my blood-lust calmed, Lord Ademis took me out and introduced me to a woman named Lady Evania Bouquet who was adopted as his sister. Their relations are because they were sired from the same vampire. Yet the exact reasons why their master turned her was unclear. Out of the blue she one day showed up on his doorstep knowing nothing of who she was or why she was there. Ademis knew it was his master through the blood scent on her. When a human is turned by a vampire they are forever bonded through their master's blood scent at first bite.

Evania looked me up and down in bewilderment at my existence. She was not overtly petulant but there was a passive tension between us as she is quite protective over Lord Ademis. More so than what a sister should be, but one could only imagine what their bond has been like over 200 years together. She eventually came to accept me and over the years we lived on as one big happy family. I now had a home with Ademis and Evania that was truly unlike any place I've experienced. We filled our days going to lavish parties, dancing, drinking blood to our hearts content and keeping each other as companions.

It was not until one of our evenings in town did I start to miss what was lost to me. Evania and I went to have new dresses made at the seamstress. Another woman walked in with a little girl to have a dress made as well. I turned from my fitting and there she was, the most exquisite little person sitting poised and well behaved. It was evident that her mother doted on her and I started to remember my mothers affection. I turned to Evania with a touch of melancholy as she looked at me with contempt.

Sister, have you never wanted to experience motherhood?

“Luceda you know we can't have children so why waste your time on frivolous thoughts.”

Yes, but have you not thought about it, A child of our own.

Evania raised her head and her body stiff as she glared at me. “You know this is forbidden, now move on from these worries.”

Over the next few days I would go into town by myself and watch as mothers would care for their children within the park. At first it was enough to just observe and then over time became an obsession, I longed to be a mother.

I contemplated my decision but I am sure once it is done Ademis and Evania will come to accept it. As I stood in the park the excitement overtook me and at that moment the sweetest smell flooded my senses. I followed the smell to a young girl standing alone. Walking up to her I could now tell her clothes were soiled and her curls were jumbled up.

Are you ok, child?

She looked at me in the most peculiar way and nodded her head, yes.

Are you hungry?

She nodded yes again and so I reached my hand out to her.

She willingly takes it and we walked down to the street to the diner.

She ordered pancakes, sausage and eggs. I was in amazement of how much this poor little thing could eat. She was such a delicate little one, but she scarfed down the meal. While she was eating I asked her about herself and her parents. She said her name was Adalyn and her mother left her in the park weeks ago.

Well Adalyn, that is a sad story, how about you come home with me?

The child looked up at me with the same peculiar look, she nodded her head yes. I could sense apprehension in her but she was not afraid. I presume it has been hard on her these past weeks and why a mother would inflict this much pain on her child I do not know. As we left the diner I took her little hand. I could feel the excitement again stirring up as we headed home.

Adalyn, There is one last thing we must do before you can come home with me. At first it may seem a little scary but I know you're a brave little girl.

Adalyn looked up at me again, and nodded.

OK, take out your hands.

She stretches her trembling little hands out and I put a small little bottle in them.

You have to drink it.

I searched for the least forceful way I would be able to turn someone. Viciously tearing my teeth into a child and making her drink from me seemed quite absurd so I drained a little of my blood in a vial. She opens up the cap and begins to drink it down her throat. Her eyes widened as she shook her head and gagged. Her bright little eyes went faint as she closed them and she dropped to the floor. Immediately I picked her up, the fact that I had to bite her was not completely lost to me as I had to secure the bond. I quickly pricked her little arm with the cuspids of my teeth and carried her home.


About the Creator

Vara Raine

A lover of fiction, writing whatever comes to mind.

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