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The Grisly, Gory Details of Mazie May Warren's Double Life

What to do when you are a Natural Born Killer

By Susan Eileen Published 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 11 min read
The Grisly, Gory Details of Mazie May Warren's Double Life
Photo by Doug Kelley on Unsplash

Author's Note - this is a sequel to The Macabre Life of one Daisy Jones.

Here lies the details to the ghastly, gory life of Mazie May Warren, a direct descendant of the Macabre Daisy Jones.

Mazie’s grandmother lived some distance from any road, unless you count the dirt roads. Her domain looked like a plantation, a plantation with a farmhouse mansion, complete with cornices, crown molding and a wraparound porch. Now it has been reduced to rubble. However, it is the garden that provides Mazie May with the most memories from her childhood, especially the pea plants and petunias. No two dwellings are precisely alike, as farmhouses vary in size and style, but a garden… a garden is where memories are made as far as Mazie is concerned.

Although Mazie has done nothing wrong yet, she refuses to give in to the new regime, an even more imposing regime than what her grandmother experienced. She wants to live off the grid. Fortunately, her grandmother’s garden, and her thirst for human flesh, gave Mazie all the secrets Daisy ever had, that and her grandmother’s journal. What follows is the direct result of Mazie coming to visit her grandmother at the the most importune of time while she was in from out of town. Mazie herself is settled outside of Louisville, Kentucky.

Mazie was quite startled that to discover that her grandmother was in the habit of killing panhandlers. Her interest is piqued - she has always had a darkness to her soul, but as of yet, has not acted upon her urges. However, now she is in possession of her grandmother's journal - the journal that details how to get away with murder. She tucks the journal in her pocket, and as the farmhouse is in ruins, she turns on her heels and heads back home to Lousiville.

While so much of Louisville is congested by mid-western standards, there is also a river bordering the state line. It making bridges quite the necessity, with limited options. But Mazie lives in the suburbs in a development that was built in the 1920’s. Her suburb is almost entirely residential, somewhat narrow streets. The house was old, but gorgeous. Dramatic entryways, dining rooms, even archways. When she found this house she would check out the kitchen, and the cellar.

It is indeed necessary to entrust you with this information, once again, as I did with her grandmother Daisy so that you may understand the gory, ghastly life of one Mazie May, and how she was able to get away with murder. I am here, now, to give a history of the tumultuous events in the Appalachian district of the United States of America during a period of time that could only be described as living through a great economic expansion that can only happen when America is at War. (She is currently living through the war on terror)

Mazie May is only twenty seven. She is separated in age by exactly fifty years from her grandmother, Daisy Jones. Even the worst cynic will find this story to be true, but I am here to tell you that Mazie May was the quite the imperfect serial killer; she did not read her grandmother's journal quite attentively enough, nor did she take it to heart. This is the sin of being under thirty; wisdom had not yet entered the repertoire of her young mind.

Let me now introduce you to Mazie May. She is only twenty seven. She is grumpy, lost in too many crowds and quite possibly a natural born killer - and a little more than mildly psychotic, during her manic episodes with psychotic features (Her doctor’s assessment, not mine). She is currently on a break from reality after refusing to take the meds her doctor has prescribed. The problem is exacerbated by her addiction to crystal meth. She just might become a member of the 27 club, an age where addiction catches up to the most invincible of people.


I have grown to loathe texting, Daisy thinks to herself. As if we aren’t isolated enough, nobody picks up a phone anymore. Digital immigrants are lost and confused by technology. As a society, we don’t drop by and visit. The pandemic has permanently altered this new normal: we are all alone, yet constantly in touch; we move rapidly, yet never wander; and our connections have no real value. All I want is to go to a Coffee Shop and ruminate out loud; a fantastically rapid Socratic Discussion with conspiracy theorists.


Mazie, while addicted to Kentucky Slim Fast (crystal meth) is also exceptionally well read. There is so much German Influence in this part of the United States. The Amish and Mennonite religions took root here and are infamously known for their refusal to take part in the technological or even the industrial revolution. The women are plain and only wear subdued blue dresses, and facial hair on a man indicates if he is taken on not. She has learned information about the Amish through her formal education, but the interactions in daily living provide a better picture into the Amish.

She did read about one loophole. There is one caveat to the puritanical ways. The teenagers are allowed to go on Rumspringe - literally translated, it mean the teens can “bounce around.” While not the norm, some Amish experiment with drugs, sex and technology and the hope is that they are as disgusted by the English (what the Amish call US Citizens) as they should be and will return.

Mazie thinks back to her preoccupation with Germany and it started from a young age with the Sound of Music. Her babysitter always played the Sound the Music at nap time. She truly loved the musical and eventually all things German. She would go on to become captain of the show choir dance troupe at her local high school and even become an exchange student in Germany.

However, she views the Amish with complete disdain. The Amish are known to be a drain on local resources in her opinion. The gene pool is so small that birth defects abound in the Amish Community. Further, she feels they pillage the land of natural resources with no reclaimation activities after the land has been abused and left without minerals or topsoil for that matter . Quite honestly, Mazie just hates any organized religion.

Mazie by all accounts is a model citizen; volunteers at the YMCA, is a girl scout leader, raises her children with enthusiasm, and has a prominent role at a national airline company. To lead her double life, she must make stops to the ghetto outside of Lousiville to obtain crystal meth. Its exhausting to be a working mother that is living vicariously through her children.

It is also difficult to be a minority in the South. It does help that she can pass for white and has blue eyes, Her white grandfather became the vanishing half of her parentage.

She loves her husband dearly, but she is also secretly becoming unhinged and even quite possibly untethered from her connections in town. She has yet to discover that she will become profoundly bi-polar because of her addiction to crystal meth. Her grandmother was addicted to Special K - a sombre reminder that addiction is a family disease.


The Amish girl she spots in on Rumpringe while in the ghetto is at the local dive bar where she picks up some meth; Some of these Amish girls are up for anything. Mazie is very self-conscious of her looks. She does a few shots of bourbon while she waits. For as long as she can remember, she has needed some liquid courage to lead her double life. She believes the liquor is soothing her nerves.


She doesn’t notice, but she is currently in a fit of madness herself. She doesn’t recognize the delusions of grandeur. It is during these fits that her talents are piqued, writing voraciously until her dusty blue eyes fade to the color of water. These fits also bring about the dark side to her personality. She has always wanted to know what it be like to kill a man, an Amish Man at that. When crushed, what noises would the bones make. When killed, how can you avoid suspicion. However, in her writing she breaks some rules - She is openly spreading the madness, providing all that will listen her backstory. She has posted her incoherent ramblings all over Facebook for everyone to see.

Her husband and colleagues don’t notice the duality to her personality just yet and she is still trying to find the Singular Mazie May. She will have to get sober or else she will be locked up, covered up, or sobered up. She is constantly dieting, constantly shopping, constantly running; such is the life of unmedicated mania. She is worse off than unmedicated - she is self medicating with alcohol and street drugs.


The Amish girl she spots in on Rumpringe; some are promiscuous and on a path to addiction more often than not. The Amish take their chances with the girls not returning. Now Mazie is hoping this girl is holding some Kentucky Slim Fast.

For once it pays off to speak German, low German anyway. Of course, the Amish have their own dialect, but she knows enough to make the conversation interesting. The Amish girl probably knows un petit German herself.


But I digress, Mazie is very self-conscious about her looks. She is a plump person of color, but passing for white. But her lips were thin, her hair hard to curl, and she felt her backside was just a little too big since she didn’t have time to exercise since her kids were born. She is exceptionally awkward around people. At any rate, she found that two shots of whiskey and some meth will do the trick.


There were so many reasons to kill the Amish - those are her thoughts when the Singular Mazie May goes on a vacation from reality. She has a slight God Complex, well maybe more than slight. She thought that these were perfectly abnormal thoughts until she found her grandmothers secrets to serial killing - her grandmother had a double life too. The apple didn't fall too far from the tree.

She’s trying to remember Daisy’s rules. She is secretly paranoid that she is committing the most heinous crime - the crimes are only heinous if caught by the way - That is one of rules. Die before being found out.

More with the rules later. Mazie has spotted a particularly attractive Amish girl at the club. She must be on Rumspringe. And as she gazes upon this german interloper, her tendency to admire all things German finally roars its initial scream. I decide who lives and who dies she thinks. She should be horrified by her thoughts, but she is off her meds; that is all that needs to be said on that matter.

But Mazie must start somewhere.. she sees that the girl is having a cigarette - another act of rebellion. She’ll ask to bum a cigarette, its a great opener. She bums a cigarette and silence follows. She does look, but not too hard, but look long enough to visually assess the girl standing in front of her.

The girl, or rather young woman, is rather plain and quite homely. She is wearing close to normal street clothes, but her bonnet, shyness and awkwardness give her away. Mazie offers to buy her a drink.

Remember, Mazie, like her grandmother is trying to live off the grid. Hanging out with the Amish makes perfect sense.

But I digress, Mazie has just bought the Amish Girl a drink. The conversation is flowing so well, that something seems a little too comfortable. She realizes that the Amish girl is not heterosexual. Again Mazie's interest is piqued. She has always wondered what it would be like to be with a woman. As she is in a fit a mania, as previously mentioned, her sexual appetite is highly charged. She wants to dance seductively with this young woman, but not at the bar. Finally, her connection for meth walks in the door. She discretely exchanges the money for drugs and then asks the young woman if she would like to go to a motel room with her. This night is shaping up quite nicely. She has not considered that her husband and children are waiting for her at home. Such is the perils of addiction.

Mazie is now suffering from perpetual partial distraction - this is why she hates technology - this is a side effect of her damn smart phone. While she has no designs to kill anyone just yet, she is still perturbed by the discovery at her grandmother's house.

Mazie mentally reviews the contents of the Daisy Jones' journal.

1. Don't kill anyone someone will go looking for

2. Don’t let them know your backstory

3. Hide the bodies well

4. Don’t keep trophies from your kills

5. Be anything but a while male - the typical serial killer

6. Put nothing in writing (oops, the Facebook posts)

7. Die or disappear before being found out


Mazie and the young Amish woman (Mazie is promiscuous enough that stopped asking or remembering names a long time ago) make it to the nearby motel. She has picked up some liquor at the store, paying cash for everything so there is no trace of her whereabouts on any given day.

Regrettably, the events at the motel take a turn for the worse almost immediately. The Amish woman appears to go into cardiac arrest after the first sniff. Mazie doesn't know what to do and she departs from reality almost immediately from the drugs, alcohol, lack of meds and the panic that is setting in. She starts hallucinating as her brain has a tendency to do when unmedicated. She is not sure who is alive and who is dead, what is real and what is not. As a result, she never calls 911 and the Amish girl dies, the death rattle of her last breathe will be something that permeates the distorted mind of Mazie May.

Unknowingly, her life of crime has started as innocently as her grandmother's. The first death is an accident that is excerbated by her addiction. If only Daisy Jones were around to give her granddaughter advice.

Mazie leaves the motel in a rush and doesn't want to chance driving; she knows she is too impaired for that. What happens next is entirely unexpected. She decides to hitchhike. A young man, also on Rumspringe, picks her up in a old, beat up car. He almost immediately tries to force himself on her. It is a dangerous business to be a female hitchiker. Again, she doesn't call the cops for fear of retribution.

Its time for a real kill. Its time for someone to die. The darkness is now taking over, but then everything fades to black.

She awakes with a start at a rest stop. The man who picked her up is nowhere in sight, but she she surrounded by cops. This is it, she thinks, I decide who lives and who dies. The Amish girl was an accident, the Amish boy's whereabouts are a mystery - is he alive or dead - did she kill him? She must've broken a rule about killing because she is surrounded by cops.

This appears to be the end of the line for Mazie, but is it? She is starting to come down from the drugs, and she is remembering her training, her acting classes, she will surely get out of this. And she does this time, but she is secretly planning another kill.

Don't worry grandma, she thinks. I won't let you down.


About the Creator

Susan Eileen

If you like what you see here, please find me on Amazon. I have two published books under the name of Susan Eileen. I am currently working on a selection of short stories and poems. My two published books are related to sobriety.

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    Susan Eileen Written by Susan Eileen

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