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The Ghosts of Andromeda

Captain Elara Drake stared out of the viewing window of the SS Horizon as it glided through the void of space.

By Dabasish PalPublished 13 days ago 5 min read
The Ghosts of Andromeda
Photo by Renden Yoder on Unsplash

Captain Elara Drake stared out of the viewing window of the SS Horizon as it glided through the void of space. The Andromeda Galaxy loomed ahead, a swirl of stars and mysteries that had intrigued humanity for centuries. Elara's mission was to investigate the sudden disappearance of an entire colony ship, the Vanguard, which had been sent to establish humanity's first outpost in Andromeda. The last transmission from the Vanguard spoke of a strange anomaly before it went silent.

"Captain, we're approaching the coordinates of the Vanguard's last known position," reported First Officer Malik, his voice tense with anticipation.

"Excellent, Malik," Elara replied, her eyes narrowing as she focused on the screen. "Prepare a full sensor sweep. I want to know what happened here."

As the Horizon approached the coordinates, the crew could see the remnants of the Vanguard drifting aimlessly. The ship was intact but eerily silent, with no signs of life or activity. Elara felt a chill run down her spine.

"Scan for life signs," she ordered.

"Scanning... nothing, Captain. No life signs detected," Malik confirmed.

Elara frowned. "Let's dock and investigate. Assemble an away team."

Minutes later, Elara, Malik, and two security officers donned their suits and crossed the void to the Vanguard. As they entered the silent corridors, the oppressive silence weighed heavily on them. The ship's interior was dark, save for the occasional flicker of emergency lights.

"Where is everyone?" Malik whispered, his voice echoing in the emptiness.

Elara glanced at the crew manifest displayed on her wrist terminal. "There were over a thousand people on this ship. They can't all just vanish."

As they moved deeper into the ship, they found signs of a hurried evacuation: personal belongings scattered, half-eaten meals left on tables, and datapads abandoned mid-use. Yet, there were no signs of struggle or violence.

"Captain, I've found something," one of the security officers called out. They hurried over to find him standing in front of a sealed door. The label read "Engineering."

Elara nodded. "Open it."

The door slid open with a hiss, revealing the engineering bay. The room was dominated by a massive, pulsating device at its center, surrounded by an array of strange, unidentifiable machinery.

"What is that?" Malik asked, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Elara approached the device cautiously. "It looks like... some kind of portal generator."

"Captain, over here!" Malik called out from a console. "There's a log entry."

Elara joined him and activated the log. The face of Chief Engineer Zara Shaw appeared, her expression frantic.

"This is Chief Engineer Shaw. We encountered an anomaly... a rift in space-time. We attempted to study it, but it grew unstable. We activated the portal generator to stabilize it, but... it opened a gateway. Something came through. We had to evacuate... they’re not human. They’re... ghosts."

The log ended abruptly, leaving Elara and her team in stunned silence.

"Ghosts?" Malik repeated, incredulous.

Elara's mind raced. "Not ghosts. Beings from another dimension. We need to find out if any of the crew made it out alive. Search the ship's logs for escape pod launches."

As Malik searched, Elara felt a presence behind her. She turned quickly, but there was nothing there. Just shadows.

"Captain, I found it," Malik said, breaking the silence. "Several escape pods were launched. Their trajectories suggest they headed toward a nearby moon."

"Let's get back to the Horizon and follow those pods," Elara decided.

The team hurried back to the Horizon and set a course for the moon. As they approached, they detected faint signals from the escape pods.

"Life signs detected, Captain," Malik reported with relief.

Elara smiled. "Prepare a shuttle. We're bringing our people home."

The shuttle descended to the moon's surface, landing near a cluster of escape pods. As they exited the shuttle, they were met by a group of weary survivors. Among them was Chief Engineer Shaw.

"Captain Drake," Shaw said, her voice shaky. "We didn't think anyone would come."

"We're here now," Elara assured her. "Tell us what happened."

Shaw took a deep breath. "After the anomaly appeared, we tried to study it, but it was too unstable. When we activated the portal generator, it opened a gateway to another dimension. Creatures from that dimension came through. They were like ghosts, phasing in and out of reality. We had no choice but to evacuate."

"How did you escape?" Malik asked.

Shaw pointed to a device on her wrist. "I managed to calibrate a temporary dimensional stabilizer. It allowed us to phase out of their reach long enough to get to the escape pods."

Elara nodded, her mind working through the implications. "We need to get back to the Horizon and figure out how to close that gateway."

As they prepared to leave, a low, haunting wail echoed across the landscape. The survivors tensed, their eyes wide with fear.

"They're here," Shaw whispered.

Out of the shadows emerged translucent figures, their forms shifting and flickering. The ghostly beings moved towards them with an eerie grace.

"Everyone, back to the shuttle, now!" Elara ordered.

The crew and survivors sprinted back to the shuttle, the ghostly beings close behind. As the shuttle's doors closed, Elara activated the thrusters, lifting them off the ground just as the creatures reached them.

"We need to close that gateway," Elara said, her voice firm. "Shaw, can you help us?"

Shaw nodded. "I think so. But we need to act fast."

Back on the Horizon, Shaw worked with the engineering team to devise a plan. They would use the portal generator to create a controlled collapse of the gateway.

"Captain, the creatures are approaching," Malik warned, monitoring the sensors.

"We're running out of time," Shaw said, her fingers flying over the controls.

The ship shuddered as the ghostly beings began to phase through the hull. Elara drew her weapon, firing at the creatures, but the shots passed through them harmlessly.

"Hold them off as long as you can," Shaw urged.

Elara and her team fought desperately, buying Shaw the time she needed. Finally, the portal generator hummed to life, and a bright light filled the room.

"It's done!" Shaw shouted. "The gateway is closing!"

The ghostly beings wailed in unison as the light intensified, and then, with a blinding flash, they were gone. The ship fell silent once more.

"We did it," Malik said, his voice filled with awe.

Elara let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "Good work, everyone. Let's head home."

As the Horizon set a course for Earth, Elara stared out at the stars, knowing that the mysteries of the universe were far from over. But for now, humanity had won a small victory against the unknown, and that was enough.

Sci FiMysteryHorrorHistoricalFantasyAdventure

About the Creator

Dabasish Pal

Hey there, story lovers! I'm Dabasish Pal, and I write the kind of stories that keep you up way past your bedtime ( don't worry, I've been there too!). Get ready for some twist, turns and maybe even few feels.

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  • Sweileh 88813 days ago

    Thank you I am happy with your exciting stories Watch my stories now

Dabasish PalWritten by Dabasish Pal

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