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The Galactic Revolution


By C_M_EstradaPublished 2 years ago 8 min read
The Galactic Revolution
Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash

Chapter 1

"Nobody can hear a scream in the vacuum of space, or so they say. It has been 90 days since we lost communication with Enterprise X." We were inside of a tiny classroom. There were two small windows that barely let in any light. I didn't realize how compact and congested it felt at first. I take a deep breath, point to the white board, and continue with my presentation.

"Enterprise X was on a mission to land on an asteroid we believe held valuable materials for our space program. They began their decent onto the asteroid right before we lost communication. We are unsure if they were able to land safely or even land at all. Some believe that the asteroid entered a part of space where sound does not exist, which is why we have lost all coms. Our focal point for this mission will be to not only find Enterprise X, but to study the sounds of deep space. I have searched all over the world to find the best team possible for this mission, and I am confident we have done just that."

I pause for a second, wiping the sweat from my forehead. "With that being said I would like for you to get to know each other on a more personal note."

Ending my presentation, I turn to Jordan. "Jordan Adamu, please introduce yourself to the team." Jordan is about 6'4, and athletic. Both of his parents were born in Nigeria, they came to America a year before Jordan was born. "Hello team, as you have heard, my name is Jordan Adamu. I am 36 years old, from Coral Gables, Miami Dade, born and raised."

"Go 'Canes!" Molly shouts out

"Yes, go 'Canes" Jordan says with a smirk. "I have flown on 4 different missions, twice to the moon and once to mars. In which I was captain of all 3 missions. My latest mission to the International Space Station was cut short, just like my hopes of an NFL career, but that's a story for another time. I am proud and honored to be selected for this mission and cannot wait to begin training as your co-captain.

"Thank You Jordan." I nod towards Johnathon McBride. He was quiet and reserved, but confident. Stood at about 6'1, 190 pounds, 45 years old. He didn't like confrontation not because he was scared of it, he was more scared of himself. He had a temper, but over the years he learned how to control it. He stands up and addresses the room.

"Johnathon McBride, from Tulsa Oklahoma. Let me start off by saying it is an honor to sit in the same room with 4 of the most prestigious astronauts in the world. I am an O-8 Major General in the United States Air Force. I have flown more missions for the Fighting Falcons than I can name. My most relevant mission being, Operation Inherent Resolve, a global coalition to defeat ISIS. This will be my first mission to space, but I promise you I will be ready, and more than capable of the duties at hand." Before Johnathon takes a seat, he utters. "Aim High... Fly-Fight-Win." He salutes me as I call on Molly Sims. "Thank you, Major General, and to our youngest member Miss Sims."

Molly was from Kingston upon Thames, which was located in Southwest London. She has a strong British accent, with a heavy Estuary dialect. She replaced her l's with u's, and her a's with e's. She pronounced butter like buh-uh and mother like muvver. She came from a long line of Anglo-Saxons. I think that's how she got her bravery, courage, and determination. She was rooted deep in her Christian beliefs. "My name is Molly Sims, I was born in Kingston, London. Even though I am from England I have always been intrigued by America. So, when the time came, I decided to study at the University of Miami." She looks over to Jordan pumping her fist in the air. "Go Canes."

Jordan pumps his fist.

"I know some people like to call me a prodigy." dusting off her shoulder. "I am the youngest astronaut to ever travel to space at 24 years old. It is an honor to be a part of the first team to travel into deep space on this rescue mission. I have a lot to learn, and I cannot wait to learn from the best."

"Thank You Molly" As I call out Rebecca's name. "Everyone give it up for our first female astronaut from Argentina, Rebecca Alvarez." The team gives Rebecca a standing ovation. She begs them to sit down, waving her arms towards the ground.

"Thank you everyone. I am Rebecca Alvarez and yes, I am the first female astronaut from Argentina." she smiles. "Buenos Aires, Argentina, to be exact. I am 34 years old; I have 2 children and 1 adoring husband. I moved to America when I was 12 years old after both of my parents landed jobs here. I grew up admiring spacecrafts and space exploration. At 18 I went back to Argentina to study at the University of Buenos Aires, where I received my bachelor's degree. Later getting my master's at MIT. The spacecraft we will be using for this mission was designed and engineered by me and my team. I have studied and prepared for this my whole life. It is an honor to do this with a team of elitest."

I stand up giving the team a round of applause. "I guess that brings us to me, your Captain." I catch myself in the moment, staring into the faces of the most badass team of astronauts I've ever assembled. Jordan Adamu was scouted as the number 1 recruit coming out of Coral Gables SHS in South Florida. He played linebacker at the University of Miami and was supposed to be a top 10 pick in the NFL draft. After his career was cut short, he studied medicine at The University of Miami. Now he sits in front of me, as a man who has captained 3 major missions. He also was the sole reason that his team made it back to Earth after their mission to the International Space Station had taken a horrible turn. I was honored to be in the presence of Dr. Adamu, an American hero.

Next to him sat Johnathon McBride, the most badass pilot this country has ever known. He sat in his chair, cool as a whistle, with his slick back hair and a few strands of grey. He wore these big shinny aviators'; man, he was the coolest dude I've ever seen. He's a legend, basically wiping out all of ISIS on his own.

There she was, Molly Sims, England's most prized possession. Her accent alone could knock the wind out of you, and her long brown hair with those piercing blue eyes. She is sweet but tough, and boy is she smart. Not only the youngest female to travel to space, but the youngest astronaut to ever do it. I was in awe of her.

Then there was Rebecca Alvarez. Argentina's first female astronaut. She was bold, strong, and confident. You could see deep into her soul through her silky clear brown eyes, with this hint of amber. It was almost like you could see the fire that drove the passion inside of her. She helped design and engineer some of the best spacecrafts ever assembled. A master's from MIT, come on. If there is anyone more qualified to navigate deep space it is her.

This was my team, and I was damn proud of myself for putting it together. I have to shake myself out of the daydream and take a quick look around the room one more time. "Sorry, I am in the presence of some amazing human beings. It is an honor, and I do not take this moment for granted. My name is Captain Miles Anderson; some say I'm a space travel extraordinaire, and a living legend." I stop to take a dramatic bow. Molly claps for me, as the rest of the team ignores my childish antics. "Thank You Molly, at least someone gets me." I walk back over to the white board spinning it around to show the team our mission. "I have been planning this mission for 3 months now, and thanks to Alvarez and her team, they have developed the most advanced spacecraft to date. I know we have not been given much time, but I truly believe that we will be the ones to start a Galactic Revolution."

The team gives me a warm, sincere applause. They approved, and I was grateful for the recognition. I turn towards the windows, wiping the sweat from my forehead again. "I guess our budget is too expensive that we can't afford air conditioning." I open one of the small windows, which lets in a nice breeze. "McBride do you mind getting the other window before we all pass out." McBride nods and opens the window in the back of the classroom. He was a true soldier, everything he did emphasized that. Even when he walked, it seemed almost as if his feet were in sync moving to a silent rhythm. The way he turned around after opening the window, it was like a smooth elegant spin. I continued to explain our mission in detail to the team. Everyone was onboard with the plan at hand. We only have 7 days to prepare for this mission, and I know we will be prepared.

After 6 days of training and preparation, we are ready for the final arrangements. We go over the preliminaries as I lay out the groundwork. We go over every situation, laying out a plan A, B, and C. The team is working hard, they are dedicated and determined. I can see it in everyone's eyes, they are anxious but calm. It's hard to describe the feeling in the room. We know this mission will not be easy, and that it might be the last time we see our families. We know the dangers, but we also know it must be done. We are confident in our training and our team. As the day comes to an end you can feel this overwhelming sense of ease. The team is ready!

It is finally here, the day of the launch. It took 96 days of planning, assembling, and constructing. Everything we have trained for our whole lives was crammed into 6 days of preparation. We are primed and groomed for every and all situations, at least I am confident we are. I can feel the rays from the sun beaming on the back of my neck. There was no escape from it. I look around one last time before I enter the vessel, grabbing onto the side of the door pulling myself in. I see Jordan sitting passenger. Behind him is Molly, in the middle is McBride, and behind me the MIT alum, Rebecca Alveraz. I take my place in the captain seat. "Good morning team, it's a pleasure to be here today with all of you." The team responds with the formals. The door locks behind me, I check all systems and coms. "We are good to go."

Mission control radios in. "It is a pleasure to have all of you here with us today, on this first ever rescue mission into deep space. Please give us the honor of naming the Vessel for the first time."

I chime in "Thank You flight control. Alvarez, the honor is all yours."

Alvarez has a big smile that we cannot see, but we can all feel it. "Thank you, Anderson. Mission control it is my honor to name this vessel, Soteria, after the Greek goddess of safety, salvation, and preservation of harm." Everyone gives a loud ovation. We are finally ready for takeoff. I check all the steps necessary. Here are we are, everything comes down to this moment. "Mission Control we are prepared for launch."


Sci Fi

About the Creator


Telling stories is my passion, and I'm dedicated to becoming a better writer. I welcome constructive criticism and feedback. Your support, whether through subscriptions or pledges, allows me to stay active on Vocal+.

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    C_M_EstradaWritten by C_M_Estrada

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