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Cabin In The Woods

Three Siblings

By C_M_EstradaPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 7 min read
Cabin In The Woods
Photo by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash

"The cabin in the woods had been abandoned for years, but one night, a candle burned in the window." Jess reads aloud.

“What else does it say?” Asks Marie.

“That’s all that it says.”Jess hands the note to Marie. “Take a look.”

Marie reads over the note, she seems puzzled as she hands it back to Jess.“Do you think it’s the same cabin?”

“It has to be, but why end the letter there? One night, a candle burned in the window?” Jess reads softly.



There’s a loud knock at the front door.

Marie confused and concerned looks over to Jess.

Bang! Bang!

“Who’s there!?” Jess yells out.

Bang! Bang!

“We said who’s there!?” Marie shouts, making her way towards the front door. “Jess?” Marie taking a deep breath. “There’s no one here.”

Jess grabs the shovel from the fireplace, and steps outside. They both begin to look around. Marie shouts again. “Anyone there!?”

Jess heads back into the house and calls out to Marie. “Marie! Get back inside.”

Before Jess can close the front door a man barges through knocking her over and to the ground.

Marie yells a piercing scream “ahhhhhh!” She runs into the kitchen and grabs a knife. Before she can get back into the room she hears Jess yelling.


“Wow you girls are too easy.” Peter heeled over in laughter. “When are you going to stop going through those old letters and photographs in the attic?”

Marie enters the room with the knife held above her head. “Peter this isn’t funny.”

Peter puts his hands up in the air. “Whoa now sis, take it easy, don’t turn this into a real life murder mystery.” laughing again.

Jess jumps up and punches Peter in the arm. “Ouch!” He laughs it off, rubbing his arm. “Okay, now let me see this note that you’re talking about.” He reaches for the note, and reads it aloud. "The cabin in the woods had been abandoned for years, but one night, a candle burned in the window."He takes a second “I don’t get the obsession you girls have with these old letters. This literally means nothing.”

Jess snatches the note. “That’s the thing Peter, we found this note today mixed in with the other letters.”

Marie interrupting “And you know that cabin behind our property, that was “supposedly”abandoned for years.” Peter acknowledges and nods. “Well guess what’s in the window tonight Peter?”

“A burning candle?” Peter says sarcastically. As he motions his arms up and down.

“Yes!” Says Jess. “Come on, you have to see something weird in all of this.”

“Okay that is kind of weird.” He reluctantly agrees. “So I guess this means one thing, we have to go find out what’s going on in that cabin?.”

Jess shrugs her shoulders while Marie nods in agreement. “We have too.”

“Okay Fine.” Peter says searching for his flashlight and hunting riffle.

“Really Peter, A rifle?” Jess asks.

“I know you guys are on a ghost hunt, but I’m going to be a little more cautious.” He loads his riffle with ammunition.

The three head out the back of the house, into the woods, Marie gripping tight onto Peter’s arm, he can feel her nails digging into his skin. Jess is at the back of the pack with her flashlight and shovel. Peter shines his light into the distance. “I’m pretty sure it’s down past those trees.” He points towards two big oak trees. “It probably would have been smarter if we waited until the morning to start.”

Marie responds. “That would’ve been the better option.”

“Stop complaining and keep moving. I want to get this over with.” Says Jess. “We’re almost there.” She swipes at some branches to clear the way.

“Ow!” Marie stumbles over a rock, she reaches out pulling on Peters arm. “Marie!” Peter yells as he drops his flashlight shattering the glass.

“Well there goes that” Peter exhales.

“I’m sorry” Marie apologizing and gathering herself. “Good thing Jess brought the other one.”

“Umm.” Jess looking up, concerned, shaking the flashlight and smacking at the bottom with the palm of her hand. “I think the batteries just died.”

Peter throws his hands in the air. “It never fails with you two.”


“Jess don’t shush me right now.” Peter says angrily.

“Peter seriously shut up.” says Jess.

A shadow runs past in the distance.

“Did you hear that?” Jess asking concerned.

Peter looks around. “Hey!” He shouts. A shadow scatters through the bushes and rushes off. “It was probably a fox.” He grabs Marie’s hand. “I think we scared it off, let’s keep going.”

Peter knocks away at some branches to clear a path. “There, over there.” Peter points into the distance. You can see the light from the candle flickering through the window. “There’s the cabin.”

Jess exhales. “Thank Goodness.”

“We still have awhile to go, don’t stop.” Peter pulling Marie ahead.

A shadow appears in the distance.

“Peter!?” Marie says worried.

Peter puts his arm up. Marie and Jess stop moving. He picks up his rifle and points it in the distance.“Hey! We don’t want any trouble. We just have a few questions.” The shadow shifts. Peter raises the rifle into position onto his shoulder. “We found a note.” He looks through his sight. “We were just wondering if there was any meaning behind it?” He releases the safety. The shadow shifts again to the other side of the tree. “We will leave as soon as we know there will be no danger towards us.” Marie takes cover behind Peter. Jess is crouched down holding back tears and whisper’s “Don’t Shoot Peter.”

The shadow appears in front of them. It takes one step back and then charges.

Jess screams as Peter pulls the trigger. ¡BANG!

The shadow disappears.

“WTFF!!?” Peter yells as he drops to his knees. Marie squatting behind him with her hands on her head, as Jess stares in disbelief.

“I told you not to shoot!” Jess says

“Are you kidding me Jess!? Did you not see that thing charging at us!?” Peter yells.

“Yeah well now you just pissed it off.” Jess says concerned.

“Is this really happening?” Marie starts to cry.

“Now you’re crying? I guess you didn’t factor in the chances of the ghost hunter being hunted.” Peter says anxiously.

“Peter stop!” Jess yells. “Just stop with the sarcasm and jokes for a few hours please.”

Marie still crying “what are we going to do?”

“We have to find out what’s in that cabin” Jess says walking over to Marie, she gives her a hug and wipes her tears. “It’s going to be alright.”

Peter loads his rifle again, he blesses himself signing the cross, across his chest. “Okay let’s go.” He says

“Hold on” Marie grabs Peter’s hand. He looks puzzled. She grabs Jess’ hand. Jess smiles. Marie begins to say a prayer. Peter shakes his head and smiles.

“You always find time to pray Marie” he chuckles

Peter leads the way through the woods, as they get closer, the light gets brighter. Finally the cabin is in reach. “There it is.” He says in disbelief. Jess approach’s the cabin. She peaks through the window and sees the candle sitting by itself. “It’s just a candle. Nothing else.”

“Well are we going in?” Peter asks

The door to the cabin swings open, blowing out the candle.

Peter looks at Jess concerned and confused. She nods for him to enter. Pointing at himself. “Me?” He shakes his head and motions for her to enter “You go in first, ghostbuster.” She slowly makes her way towards the front door. Marie rushes up pushing her way through “Watch out I’ll go in first, pansies.”

Peter throws his hands up. “Excuse Me.”

Jess laughs.

“I don’t get it. There’s nothing here but the candle.” Marie says

Jess enters the cabin. Peter follows behind her. The door to the cabin slams shut.“WTF!” Peter exhales. The candle re-lights.

“Okay seriously WTF!?” Peter asks.

A gust of wind sweeps through the windows into the cabin blowing out the candle. The three stare at the candle worried and waiting. A voice whisper’s “we’ve been waiting.”

“What’s going on?” Peter asks. Another gust of wind sweeps through the room reigniting the candle. Peter is picked up off of his feet and slammed to the ground. He weezes in agony

Jess yells, “Tell us what you want!”

The voice whispers “we just want to play” the voice giggles.

Peter is picked up off of his feet again. “Oh come on why me?” He starts to cry.

“Now you’re crying?” The voice giggling. “Don’t cry we’re just playing”

“Who is We.” Peter screams out.

Peter is slammed against the wall. “Okay, Okay we get it. I’m sorry I shot you.”

“Hehehe” the voice laughs.

The candle goes out once again.

“Ohhhhh no fun” the voice whispers.

“The candle” Jess yells.

“The candle it gives it power!” Jess reaches for the candle.

“Nooooo!” The voice screams out

Jess breaks the candle in half. The shadow slowly fades. She rushes over to Peter. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah I’ll be fine” he says

Marie rushes over to hug Jess and Peter. “Let’s lock this place up and get out of here.” They begin to board up the windows and doors. Peter takes one last look inside before he locks it up for good.

“Peace!” he says before sealing the door

When they get home Marie finds another note. She calls out “Hey Jess, Peter, you might want to see this.”

Jess and Peter sit down as Marie reads the note. "The cabin in the woods had been abandoned for years, but one night, three siblings came to play. A candle burned in the window, for our souls please pray .”


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Telling stories is my passion, and I'm dedicated to becoming a better writer. I welcome constructive criticism and feedback. Your support, whether through subscriptions or pledges, allows me to stay active on Vocal+.

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    C_M_EstradaWritten by C_M_Estrada

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