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The Dragon Forest

A lost toddler, a forest full of dragons

By Rebecca HackneyPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

“Alex, did you hear that? What is that noise?”

“What noise?”

“That whiny, high pitched cry”

“I don't hear anything, get back to work.”

“But something might be in trouble.”

“Then go check it out Lauren or get back to work.”

Lauren thought about it and ignored it. She went back to work looking for gems like her sister suggested. Then the sound came again. It was louder this time and whatever was making it sounded hurt. Lauren could tell because that was her gift, well healing was her gift but she knew if someone was really hurt. Whatever was making that whiny cry was in distress and it was her job as a healing dragon to help it.

“I'm going to go see what it is.” Lauren said.

“Whatever but be careful. It's human season.”

With that in mind Lauren headed towards the sound. When she found it on the edge of the forest she froze. It was a human. It was small but still a human. Lauren went to turn away but it let out the whine again. Laurens instincts took over and she snuck closer to the tiny human and saw it had a gash on its leg. She got closer still and the human just looked at her. When Lauren reached out her claw the human didn't flinch just stayed staring. Lauren put her claw on the human’s leg and concentrated until it healed. The human looked at her then smiled. Lauren couldn't leave it, it was helpless. She thought about it and picked the human up and went back to her cave. Maybe Alex would know what to do.

Back at her home Laura hide the human until she talked to her sister.

“Oh your back. Glad you didn't get captured. What was the noise?” Alex asked.

“Oh nothing,” Lauren said looking towards the spot she hid the child.

“Lauren?” Alex said looking at her.

“It was a child! A human child! And I brought it back with me!” Lauren blurted out, “dang it Alex I hate it when you use your truth power on me.”

“You brought it here! Why would you do that! Humans are dangerous!”

“I know but this one is small and cute.” Lauren said grabbing the child.

“Letty!” It said.

“What?” They both said in shock.

“Me Letty!” It said again.

“You can talk? Is Letty your name?” Lauren asked sweetly.

“Yes. Me Letty!” She said again.

“Do you know how old you are?” Alex asked.

“Me four.” She said smiling and holding up four fingers.

“Ok, she is cute. But she still shouldn’t be here. We have to get rid of her.”

“I know Alex, but I didn’t know what to do. She was alone and…” Lauren was interrupted by a sound outside the cave door. The sisters looked at each other then panicked. It could be anyone.

“Quick! Hide her!” Alex yelled as she went to look outside. She came across a wounded dragon.

“Is your sister here?” He asked angrily.

“Jeff. I could sense your distress.” Lauren said coming out the cave. She looked over the wound and started the healing process. “How did this happen?”

“How else, humans.” Jeff said wincing in pain. The sisters looked at each other then back towards the cave entrance just as Letty came walking out.

“Keep your eyes closed it will help with the healing.” Lauren said as she focused harder on the wound as Alex tried to usher Letty back inside. Letty started laughing.

“What was that?” Jeff asked.

“Oh nothing, just keep you eyes closed.”

“Dragon, dragon!” Letty shouted then giggled.

“What is that? A human! Are you crazy! I must tell the council.” Jeff said getting up and running away.

“Jeff wait!” Lauren yelled after him.

“No use. Jeff is a warrior dragon; he is bound to the council. We have two options. Get rid of this kid or face the council.”

“We can take her back to where I found her. Maybe someone is looking for her.” Lauren said patting Letty on her head.

“Okay, but we need to be careful and quick.”

Lauren carried Letty through the forest. Alex kept looking around for any hidden dangers. Letty looked around and seemed amazed by everything. When they reached the clearing Alex stopped Lauren and pointed. There was a human search party.

“Are they hunting us or looking for Letty?” Lauren asked.

“I don’t know. But we can’t risk it. Leave her here she can find her way back or the humans will find her.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes Lauren. Now come on.”

“Ok little Letty. Time for you to go back home.” Lauren said putting her on the ground.

“No. Stay here.” Letty said holding Lauren’s claw.

“You need to go back. It isn’t safe.”

“Ok.” Letty said pouting. Letty gave Lauren one last hug then ran off towards the clearing. A grown human picked her up and she laughed.

“There she is home. Let’s go Lauren.” Alex said. Lauren looked back one last time as Letty waved to her.

Back at the village the humans gathered around Letty checking on her, she wondered off passed the barrier before anyone knew it. They have been looking for her for hours. It was a miracle she was alive seeing as she came out the dragon forest.

“You sure you are okay?” Elise, Letty’s mother, asked.

“Yes, mama. Dragon.”

“Dragon? Did you see a dragon.”

“No dragon helped me.” Letty said pointing at her leg. Elsie looked at Letty’s leg closely and saw the new scare.

“What happened? Did a dragon do this?”

“I fell down and a dragon helped me” Letty said smiling.

“Helped you? How?” Elise asked.

Letty grabbed her mother’s hand and put it on her leg, and then Letty closed her eyes just like the dragon did.

“I don’t understand, hunny.”

“That’s what the dragon did. Then my leg was all better.”

“Dragons have healing powers? That’s interesting.” Elise said picking her daughter up and taking her back to there hut.

What Elise and Letty didn’t know was the village leader was listening. Miles was always looking for ways to use the dragons and their powers. A healing dragon should would come in handy, he thought with a wicked grin.

FantasyShort Story

About the Creator

Rebecca Hackney

Love writing and taking readers on a journey.

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Rebecca HackneyWritten by Rebecca Hackney

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