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Screams in Space

A normal space mission is met with deadly screams.

By Rebecca HackneyPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Nobody can hear a scream in the vacuum of space, or so they say. I, on the other hand, have heard plenty of screams. My name is Lieutenant Yatri Selene and I was born to explore space. From the time I was four years old I have been training to travel through space. Then again both my parents are astronauts so it’s genetic and in the blood. I have had other opportunities if I wanted but I always came back to space. I got accepted to join the first team of new space explorers. We are going to venture beyond what prevsiously was explored to see what is out there.

That however is where the trouble began…

“Yatri Selene? Is there a Ms. Yatri Selene here?” The man asked.

“Yes. I’m right here and its Lieutenant.”

“Oh sorry… um ma’am? I’m Dr. Reynolds and looks like we are on the same ship.”

“Nice to meet you Doctor and you don’t have to ma’am me.”

“Oh sorry… again. I’m new to this. Not exactly sure where to go or who to report too. But noticed your name on the doctor crew sheet.” Dr. Reynolds said.

“No worries. It is going to be a learning experience for all of us.” Yatri smiled then said, “You can call me Yatri and lieutenant,” then she stuck her hand out for a shake.

“Jack or Doc is fine with me. Nice to meet you.” Jack replied shaking Yatri’s hand.

The overhead intercom came on and a deep voice said, “Calling all crew members for Explorer One. Report to the ship deck to board.”

“Looks like its time to go. You ready Doc?” Yatri excitedly asked.

“I guess. Ready as I’ll ever be.” He replied with a shrug.

They walked over to the deck and looked at the ship. It looked like a rocket but had bigger wings on the side. It was the color gray and had Explorer One stuck to the side, either painted on or a sticker.

“Whoa!” They both said in unison.

They walked to the check in desk and gave their names. Once aboard the ship they went their separate ways.

“See you around Doc.” Yatri said turning towards the command center.

“Hopefully not too soon. I’m a doctor after all.” He laughed and turned towards the medical bay.

Yatri walked to the command center and looked around. It was bigger on the inside. There were buttons and flashing lights everywhere.

“Never seen a ship like this before.” Yatri said to herself.

“Doubt you seen a ship at all. What are you doing in here?” A man asked rudely.

Before she could answer someone called her name, “Lieutenant over here,” the Captain called.

The rude man looked shocked as Yatri walked over to the captain.

“Lieutenant Yatri Selene reporting.”

“Good, glad you are here. Heard great things about you. You are going to be hands on in every aspect of this ship. Think you can handle that?” Captain Leroy asked.

“Yes sir!”

“Good let’s get started.”

The day started off good then things took a turn when Yatri was requested to help in the medical bay. She had some medical training but no real life experience. She didn’t know how she could help but she was willing to try. Yatri went through the doors of the command center and headed towards medical bay. Before she even made it to the medical bay doors she heard them, she heard the screams.

Yatri ran towards the doors but Jack put a lock on them.

“What’s going on?” Yatri asked pushing the speaker button on the outside of the door.

“I don’t know. We need the captain!” Jack screamed. Yatri didn’t think she ran straight back to the command center to get the captain.

“Captain Leroy they need you in medical bay!” Yatri said bursting through the doors.

“That’s why I sent you! Can’t you handle it?” He shouted.

“No sir. They asked specifically for you. Something is going wrong.”

The captain didn’t look happy to be leaving his chair, “Fine. Let’s go.” They walked back to medical bay. Yatri was trying to hurry but the captain was taking his time. They finally made it to the medical bay doors and the screaming seemed to have stopped. Yatri tried the doors again but they were still locked.

“Hello this is your Captain. Open the doors. What seems to be the problem?”

“I don’t know sir. It’s one of the crew members. He was infected by something and started screaming for no reason. I finally got him sedated but had to lock the doors as a precaution.” Jack said wearing a protective suit.

“Which crew member was it?” Captain Leroy asked.

“Officer Kevin Wite. He went on the first ground mission today. Came back with a rash, but it’s not a rash. It’s an infection. I need to see the other members that went on the mission today. Make sure they aren’t infected either. Need to make sure it isn’t contagious.” Jack said looking over his shoulder.

“Alright Doc I’ll send them right over. Get a handle on this. Lieutenant Yatri lend him a hand.” Captain said walking off.

“Let me sanitize the area and start the containment procedure then you can come in and help.” Jack told Yatri.

“Okay. I’ll see what…” Yatri started then got cut off by the screams again. This time though it was coming from outside the bay door. “I’ll go check it out!”

“Yatri don’t touch them! And make sure no one else does!” Jack yelled as Yatri raced off.

What she found was more than one person though. There were three crew members screaming on the floor each grabbing a different body part. They looked like they were in pain. People were coming out of their rooms trying to see what was happening.

“Stay back! Doctor Reynolds is on the way. Don’t touch them!” Yatri shouted.

“Everyone back to your rooms. We have this handled.” Jack said coming towards them with two other people in protective suits. He handed one to Yatri.

“Why are you wearing those suits?” Another crew member asked, “Do we need those suits too?”

“No. the Lieutenant here is helping us with the problem that’s why she gets one. Everyone back to your rooms and wait for further instructions from the captain.”

They all made it back to the medical bay and the Officer Kevin was dead. The rash seemed to have disappeared too. Captain sent the other members from the mission over too but so far they didn’t have any rashes or symptoms like the others. The three that were screaming on the floor didn’t even go on the first ground mission so Yatri and Jack figured it was contagious. The screams grew more intense. Jack tried to sedate them but it didn’t seem to be working. The captain put the ship on lockdown and started a remote decontamination procedure.

The rash seemed to spread and Yatri and Jack still didn’t know the cause. Then one of the other doctors started screaming.

MysterySci Fi

About the Creator

Rebecca Hackney

Love writing and taking readers on a journey.

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