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The Dragon and The Two Legs

Mako Goes On a Journey

By Deanna FratusPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 12 min read
The Dragon and The Two Legs
Photo by Weronika on Unsplash

One day, Mako decided to fly near the outer parts of the jungle. This wasn't something that the dragons that lived here normally did. They normally stayed away from the outer parts but Mako flew along these outer parts, hoping to catch a glimpse of his freinds returning to the jungle.

Although he had hope, he knew that it was unlikely for them to return. They had left and flown South to join the New Colony. Before they left, they asked him if he wanted to come but he declined. He didn't really see a reason to leave. "The counsel is only here to protect us and the elders have always taught us what's best," Mako thought to himself, "I wonder what they will do without them."

Just then, Mako spotted a strange creature laying upon a rock in the middle of a clearing. He swooped down and landed nearby. He slowly inched his way closer so that he could catch a better glimpse of the creature. Once he was close enough, he realized that it was asleep.

Mako froze as if time stood still. His eyes locked onto the sleeping Two Legs. He'd never seen a Two Legs before. He was surprised to see one now. He'd only ever heard about them in stories. He'd hated the stories growing up. They used to keep him up at night but because of this moment, for once, he was glad that he'd heard them. If he hadn't heard the stories, he would never have known what the creature was that he'd accidently stumbled upon.

It's appearance only slightly matched the stories and it was so small that Mako could not understand why dragons were so afraid of them. In the stories the Two Legs were fierce, mean-hearted creatures who destroyed almost everything in their path and sometimes for no reason at all. They were to the dragons what monsters were to the Two Legs but as Mako stood gazing at the sleeping Two Legs, he didn't feel afraid. He couldn't fathom how a creature like this one could cause such fear.

Just then, Mako heard a roar in the distance. It was a summons, for it was nearly time for the weekly Meeting of the Dragons. Mako, no longer frozen in neither time nor surprise, looked around for any sign of others. He thought that maybe this was only a little Two Legs and that there may be more nearby but he didn't see, hear, nor smell any other creature in the area. "If this is a little one," he thought. "It should not be left here out in the open. I must hide it in a safe place, at least for now until I can find out what else to do with such a creature."

So Mako, who was not afraid of the little Two Legs, scooped it up by the clothing on it's back and whisked it away to the cave he called home. He placed the little Two Legs onto a bed of soft clay, leaves, flowers, and feathers and there it lay peacefully. How this creature could sleep through the flight of a dragon, he didn't know. "Perhaps little Two Legs aren't much different than little dragons," he thought to himself for he knew that little dragons sleep through anything, even the roars of the other dragons.

Mako rolled a large stone in front of the cave entry way. If a little Two Legs was wandering out in the jungle then he knew that it may also wander out of a cave. He had to know more about the Two Legs, for he was beginning to question the stories and everything that he'd heard now that he'd seen one for himself. This little Two Legs didn't seem so bad but perhaps he'd have to further examine it when it awakes. Mako figured it would sleep through the meeting. So he decided to go and ask Uro some questions about it in private. Uro was the wisest dragon he knew and Uro would be there.

Mako was one of the last to arrive at the Meeting of the Dragons. Dragons near and far all gathered around the valley as the elders of the cousel spoke. He took his usual spot next to Tula, one of his friend's who'd stayed, and who was noticably perplexed by his unusual tardiness. He paid her no mind, but only because his eyes were busy searching for Uro. Uro was not at the meeting this day and Mako wondered why he had not come. The elder dragons spoke on and on of regular matters. It seemed to be a meeting no different than the rest, except the elders seemed a little more nervous than usual. Mako didn't think much of it because he was too busy thinking of the situation that he'd found himself in. However, when the meeting seemed to come to a close, one of the elders stepped forward with an unusual parting message.

"Listen here, both dragons near and far, old and young, male and female. Take heed. You've all heard the stories of the treacherous Two Legs and know of the nature of their ways. While we've been fortunate enough to find safety in the depths of the Forbidden Jungle, it seems our safety has been compromised. There is word of a Two Legs wandering about the area. We've lost sight of the creature so it is still out there and as long as it is so, our lives remain in danger. Sometimes a Two Legs may not appear to be the very evil that they are but do not be easily fooled. Two Legs bring death and destruction. If any one of you find this Two Legs and deliver it to the elders at once, you shall receive a reward from us. On the odd chance that any one of you should find this Two Legs and aid it in any way, you shall receive a penalty that will be decided upon by the elders. Likewise, any one that withholds any information regarding this matter will be treated as an accomplice and receive a penalty just the same. Be on alert, the Two Legs tales are not ones of fiction. A Two Legs is a threat to dragons everywhere. "


When Mako arrived back to his cave and rolled the stone away, he was surprised to see that the Two Legs was awake. It was walking around clumsily on its two legs as it chased around one of the feathers from Mako's bed. The bed of course was a mess by now but Mako didn't mind. He could always make a new one but he couldn't always watch a little Two Legs fumble around chasing feathers.

He knew he couldn't keep the little Two Legs here for long. The others would be angry and afraid, unlike Mako. Mako took a liking to the little one and even smiled at the joyous sounds it made as it chased around the feather. It tossed the feather in the air, blew with all its might, and when the feather flew a distance, there was the little Two Legs darting after it.

The Two Legs looked over at Mako and ran over to him with a squeel. Even though Mako wasn't really afraid of the Two Legs, he still was a little nervous when it ran up to him. "What will it do?" Mako wondered but before he could even think of an answer, the little Two Legs wrapped his mini arms aound one of Mako's ankles and squeezed looking up at him. The two gazed into each other's eyes. Mako then knew that he wanted to protect the little one from anyone who might wish to harm it.

Mako knew that the Two Legs had given him a hug. He'd heard of hugs before. It wasn't something dragons did but it was told of in stories. Other creatures did this to show affection toward one another. "Why was this little one showing me affection?" Mako wondered, "Maybe the Two Legs are not all monsters. Maybe they can be loving too."

Just then, Mako's freind Tula, poked her head into the cave. Mako had forgotten to roll the stone back into the entry way. At once, Mako tried to hide the little Two Legs. He would not let it move about in the cave and tried to keep it away from Tulla's view.

"Mako?" Tula said calling out to him, "You're never late to a meeting and you left quickly. That isn't like you. What's going on?"

Mako tried to think of an excuse but before he could find one, the little Two Legs began to cry. It didn't like being confined and hidden. Just then, it squirmed and got away from Mako. It 's cry was loud and Tula both saw and heard the little one. Her eyes grew wide.

"I'll be back Mako. I'm going to get help," and she dashed away from Mako's cave. Then Mako in a panic, scooped up the crying Two Legs by the shirt on its back, and darted out of his cave.

He could see Tula in the distance flying toward the valley where the meetings take place and where the elders hang around for a long time afterward. Mako flew in a different direction. He flew toward Uro's cave. Uro was the wisest dragon he knew and he knew that Uro would know what to do. Mako didn't want to get in trouble but he also wanted to keep the Two Legs safe.

"URO!" Mako bellowed as he stood at the entry way of Uro's cave. He called out for Uro a second time. Then suddenly, the stone guarding the opening, began to roll away.

"Ahh, Mako. Nice to see you. What can I do for you?" asked Uro as he stood in the entry way.

"I need your help," said Mako showing Uro the little Two Legs who no longer was crying but looking about curiously.

"So you found yourself a Two Legs. What a surprise. Come in," urged Uro.

Mako and the little one entered Uro's cave just as Uro rolled the stone back into place, sealing off the entry way.

Mako told Uro everything. He told him about where he found it. Why he took it back to the cave. He told him about the feather, the hug, and the smiles. He even told Uro of how he was not afraid of the little Two Legs and how he thought the stories may be wrong.

Uro understood. As one of the wisest and oldest dragons of all, he knew things about the Two Legs that they didn't tell in stories. He even told Mako that he'd met some Two Legs before in his lifetime and of how long of a lifetime it was.

"Well, what do I do?" asked Mako, "Tula has raced to tell the others. They'll be coming for the Two Legs and me too. I'm afraid I'll be in trouble but if I am, so be it. But what will happen to the little one? What do dragons do with Two Legs who wander into the jungle?"

"Well Mako, I won't sugar coat it for you. You see, they kill them," said Uro looking down at the little one and then back at Mako. "It's the way it goes here. It doesn't mean it's right but it's the way it's been for a very long time."

"Have you ever done anything about it?" asked Mako, "How could you let that happen."

"Not every Two Legs is good, Mako. I'm sure you've heard the stories when you were a kid. Two Legs kill dragons and dragons kill Two Legs. The stories weren't all wrong but they weren't all right either. You see, there's good and bad in both our species. Good dragons, bad dragons. Good humans, bad humans."

"Humans?" asked Mako confused. Uro nodded his head.

"That's what they're really called. Humans, or Man, or Two Legs. I guess they have many names. They also have any names for us. Dragons, Beasts, Monsters. In some lifetimes, we're enemies. In others, we're friends. It's hard to know, who's freind, who's foe. And who knows, what if the little Two Legs you save today, grows up to be a big Two Legs that hunts you tomorrow? It's happened before once. I guess this is all why the counsel doesn't like to take chances. Are they wrong for that? Maybe. But its the decision they make. But they are them, and you are you. You don't have to turn the Two Legs over you know, you have a choice. You could return it back to it's people or you could turn it over to the counsel. Which decision will you make?" asked Uro.

Mako pondered everything that Uro had said. The thought of having a choice, of being able to make his own decision, even if it went against the counsel- intrigued him. All of Mako's life he'd been told to follow the counsel and to do as he was told by them and he had. He never before thought that they may be wrong about anything. He never thought of making a decision based on what he thought was right, on his own. So, right then and there, Mako decided that he would do what he thought was right.

"Forgive me Uro, but I don't think it's right to kill a creature out of fear that it might kill you first. I think its wrong. Unjust. You say there's good and there's bad in both our species. I beleive that mercy is good. This Two Legs hasn't harmed me in any way. I'd like to return it to its people," said Mako.

"Alright Mako," said Uro, "I will tell you where to find them and how to get there." So Uro told Mako everything that he needed to know and Mako nodded in agreement and prepared to leave for the journey.

"One last thing Mako," said Uro, "This is an uncertain journey. You may return but you may not. You may find that you have returned the little one only to be killed out of fear by the big ones. Are you prepared to sacrifice your own life for the safety of a human Two Legs?"

Mako thought the matter over. Mako didn't want to die. He wanted to live. He imagined that even though this little Two Legs chased around feathers and made squeeling noises, that if it could speak as a dragon could speak, that it would say that it wanted to live also.

"What if I don't take the chance?" Mako asked himself. "What if I turned it over? I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

"Then you know what you must do," urged Uro. Mako nodded and appologized for getting Uro involved considering everything that the counsel had said about penalties and accomplices.

"I'm not afraid of the counsel," said Uro boldly, "Before the counsel was, I was. Now go, Mako. If you stay any longer, they will find you here."

Mako left for the journey at once, carrying the little Two Legs by the clothing on it's back. He was glad the Two Legs seemed to enjoy the ride and that it didn't appear to be too afraid. Mako followed the path that Uro had told him of until he arrived at a small village. He circled the village, looking for a safe place to land until he found one.

He landed safely and let the little Two Legs down. Many Two Legs began to emerge. Tall ones, small ones, plump ones, thin ones, ones with different shades and different hair lengths, and colors. They all stood around and looked on at Mako and the little one.

Mako was shocked and amazed. He'd never thought he'd see this many Two Legs in his life. He thought back to the stories he had heard when he was a kid and he thought of Uro's words. "Is this the end for me?" Mako wondered solemly.

Just then, one of the Two Legs slowly inched his way toward Mako and the little one. Mako froze as if time stood still. Then the little Two Legs ran toward the big Two Legs with arms open wide. The big one caught the little one in his arms and Mako saw that they were hugging.

"Thank you," the big Two Legs said to Mako with tears in his eyes, "Thank you for returing my son. I didn't think I'd ever find him."

Mako nodded. Even though he didn't quite understand the words this Two Legs - this human - spoke, he could tell that it wished him no harm and that the little one was now where it belonged.

Mako turned and flew away. Instead of flying back home, he turned and flew South.

Mako had decided that he would join the others in the New Colony after all.

AdventureFantasyShort Story

About the Creator

Deanna Fratus

Deanna Fratus is a writer based out of Massachusetts. She enjoys writing fiction. When not writing, she enjoys producing music, studying genealogy, and raising her 3 children.

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Comments (1)

  • Brendan Parker2 years ago

    Great story! I really liked the exploration of morality and breaking the cycle of hatred

Deanna FratusWritten by Deanna Fratus

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