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The bunny and the bull

He really couldn't stay mad at this thing, could he?

By Anastasia SPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

The sun was slowly rising across the fields, casting long shadows along the grass.

It was a lovely morning, filled with birdsong and the fresh smell of dew. The flowers in full bloom seemed to glow in its light, their petals gently swaying back and forth with the wind. It was peaceful, tranquil. Everything about it was beautiful.

Yet, there was one thing that wasn't at peace. In fact, it would be impossible for anyone else but himself to believe this. His mind had wandered from its usual routine after he'd gotten up, wandering aimlessly around the farm grounds before finally finding his way here. His feet guided him through the soft grass as his eyes looked around the surroundings, occasionally looking over at where the sun had just begun to rise.

He took a deep breath as he came to a stop beside a tree, watching as a bird soared high into the sky. His eyes followed him, admiring every movement.

He felt happy, and he felt alone. Everyone around him, people, animals or insects, seem to be wary of him.

He didn't have any clue why they were like that, though he knew he deserved their fear. Even so, he still wished he could change their minds about him.

But what would happen if he ever did? Would they hate him even more than before?

A frown began to form on his face.

No. They couldn't. Couldn't possibly hate someone who was kind and generous and patient and loved them dearly. He let out another breath, letting himself sink down into the ground beneath him until he sat in a comfortable position.

His head bowed, watching the leaves above him flutter in the gentle breeze. He heard movement and his head quickly rose. Something was moving in the grass, but then he stopped carrying. No matter what he did or didn't do, everyone will be afraid of him.

He hated being a bull. Hated how big and scary and mean he looks because it scared others away and made others afraid of him. Hates when people call him "the raging bull" and other words such as "ugly beast", "monstrous creature", and "good for nothing guy".

The movement in the grass was coming towards him, and it will be in front of him in just a moment. It was only a few meters away, but it was still too far for comfort. He closed his eyes, waiting for an attack. When none came, he opened his eyes once again, looking directly in front of him. He watched as the tiny figure moved closer to him. He saw it come into view; the figure, small, small like it could never hope to match up to him, stood in front of him. He looked up at its face.

It was…

It was…


It was…

A small bunny looking at him with curious eyes.

Why is he not afraid of him. He could literally eat him in one go; he should run now. Maybe I can scare it away, the bull thought. It shouldn't be this hard…

Then, it smiled at him. It gave him a small wave, and he almost jumped right out of his skin. He stared at the rabbit in confusion. What are you doing here?! You must be dead! He was meant to scare the little thing away, not the other way around. What is his life? He thought angrily to himself.

He sighed, his gaze averting away from the small creature. Why does it keep staring at him? It's annoying. Just leave me alone!

As the thoughts ran through his head, he felt the pressure building behind his eyes. How can it be so bright out already?

The bunny shakily said, "Hello, Mr. big bull."

He blinked. Did he hear correctly?

He glanced back at the small creature, a furrow forming between his brows. Are those words supposed to be coming from it? He thought as the corners of his mouth tilted downward. He looked back at it in disbelief. Is the world going insane? Did that tiny thing just talk? What is wrong with all these people?

"Why…why are you talking…to me?" he asked softly. The bunny gave him another smile.

"You're alone, and I wanted to come to join you. My mom said I shouldn't go to strangers, but I wanted to be your friend." it replied.

He frowned. Friends? Friends with someone like me? He looked at the bunny in surprise. This tiny thing wants to be his friend? Why would such an insignificant thing want to be his friend? He wondered, staring back blankly at it. Why are they friends with something like me anyway?

The bunny gave a slight bow, bowing in respect and admiration.

"My name is Kitten, Mr big bull." it said in a quiet voice. He nodded, returning the bow.

"Mine's Bull." he replied.

They both stared for a short second.

"That's a pretty cool name." said the bunny. He frowned.

"It is?" he questioned. The bunny smiled brightly at him.

"Yes! You've got nice horns too!" he said excitedly. Bull paused, staring at him, confused.

"Um…yeah...I guess…." he answered, giving a small chuckle as he rubbed the base of his horn, wondering why it felt so uncomfortable. Kitten giggled.

"Are you laughing at me, kitty?" asked Bull.

"Of course not, bull!" answered Kitten as he continued to giggle.

Bull chuckled lightly. He really couldn't stay mad at this thing, could he?

"So…I need to go back before mom finds out I disappeared, but can I visit you again?" he asked the bull.

Bull tilted his head. "Visit me?" he repeated questioningly. Kitten nodded.

"Yeah! Can I?" He nodded slowly. Kitten smiled, clapping his paws together.

"Yay! Bye, friend!" cheered the bunny.

He turned around, running back home, moving the grass as he hopped back. He bowed his head once again, watching the leaves above him flutter in the gentle breeze. Such a strange encounter. He thought everyone at the farm was afraid of him, and why would such a tiny creature still want to be his friend?

Maybe he needed friends more than others realized.

Perhaps he needed someone to share things with, someone who cared about him, who wouldn't judge him. Someone that would love him and accept him. He was alone. Everyone else avoided him or told lies about him because of how he looked, but this bunny was different.

He was different.

Maybe it wasn't bad for him to have someone who accepted him despite everything he was.

It was a good change.

'Good change?' Bull shook his head, pushing that thought out of his mind. There was no good point thinking about it anymore. He could only wait and see if Kitten will indeed return.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this story! I would appreciate it if you leave a heart or any tip is more than welcomed.

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About the Creator

Anastasia S

I always loved writing, but I never got the courage to start

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    Anastasia SWritten by Anastasia S

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