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Signs that indicate your previous birth

previous birth

By Rohini NenePublished 3 days ago 5 min read
Previous Birth

Do you think you had a past life? Are you curious to know about your previous birth? Do you believe in the concept of rebirth? These questions often linger in our minds.While it’s unlikely that you were a famous historical figure like Hitler or Napoleon, certain events in your everyday life might suggest you had a past life.Let’s explore some signs that might indicate you were born before this life.

  • Unusual fears

It’s normal to be afraid of things that can harm you, like snakes or dangerous animals.But when you have irrational fears of specific colors, numbers, tastes, or smells that don’t usually bother others, it’s not so simple.If you fear darkness, heights, or water, or have a strong preference or aversion to certain clothes or hats, these might be signs of a previous birth.Such fears can make life difficult.If you have phobias that lack a logical explanation, understand that these could be memories from a past life.

For instance, imagine being terrified of a specific flower’s scent.It’s not a common fear, but every time you encounter that smell, you feel an overwhelming sense of dread.This could be tied to an experience in a past life where that flower had significant meaning.Perhaps it was present during a traumatic event, and now, even without a conscious memory of it, your fear persists.This kind of irrational fear is a strong indicator of past life experiences affecting your current life.

  • Disturbing dreams

We often try to ignore the dream world, but it holds many secrets.If you’re plagued by recurring bad dreams, it might be a sign linking you to a previous life.If your dreams frequently start and stop at the same point, this is also considered a sign of a past birth.

Dreams can be powerful messengers from our subconscious.Maybe you repeatedly dream of a place you’ve never been, but it feels incredibly familiar.Or you see faces in your dreams that you don’t recognize in your current life, but they seem to carry emotional weight.These dreams might not just be figments of your imagination but remnants of memories from a previous existence.Exploring these dreams with a sense of curiosity rather than fear can lead to fascinating insights into your past lives.

  • Persistent memories

Are memories of a previous life haunting you?Do you feel like you’ve faced certain situations before?Many dismiss this as coincidence, but if it happens to you, it might be related to a previous birth.This often occurs with children who remember events that couldn’t possibly have happened in their current life.These strange memories can connect us to our past lives.

For example, a child might describe a detailed memory of a place they’ve never visited or people they’ve never met.These descriptions can be surprisingly accurate and specific, leading some to believe that they’re recalling events from a past life.Such memories can fade as the child grows older, but while they last, they offer a compelling glimpse into the possibility of reincarnation.

  • Strong feelings toward people

Meeting someone for the first time but feeling an instant like or dislike towards them, even without any reason, could be a sign of a previous birth.You might feel a positive or negative energy from them that doesn’t logically fit.This person might have had a connection with you in a past life.While there is still debate between science and religion about rebirth, such experiences in our lives must have some significance.

Have you ever met someone and immediately felt like you’ve known them forever?Or conversely, met someone and felt an inexplicable sense of discomfort or distrust?These strong, unexplainable feelings could be echoes of relationships from a past life.Perhaps you were friends, family, or even adversaries in a previous existence.These instant connections or aversions suggest that the bonds we form can transcend individual lifetimes.

  • Intense attractions

Visiting a place for the first time but feeling a strong familiarity or connection with it can be a sign of a past life.For instance, if you visit a hotel and somehow know all its details without having been there before, this is significant.If you have a deep interest in a particular historical period and find yourself reading extensively about it, it might be because you were connected to that time in a past life.

Imagine walking through a city you’ve never visited yet knowing exactly where things are, feeling a profound connection to the streets and buildings.Similarly, you might find yourself inexplicably drawn to a particular era, reading books, watching films, and immersing yourself in its culture and history.These attractions often stem from a deep-seated connection to a past life, where those places and times were once part of your reality.

Unexplained skills and talents

Have you ever picked up a new skill unusually quickly or found that you have a natural talent for something without much practice?This could be another sign of a past life.Perhaps you were a musician, artist, or craftsman in a previous existence, and those skills have carried over into your current life.

For instance, you might discover an innate ability to play a musical instrument despite never having lessons, or you might excel at a particular sport or craft with minimal training.These talents can feel like second nature, almost as if you’re remembering rather than learning.This suggests that the skills and knowledge we acquire in one life can influence and enhance our abilities in subsequent lives.

  • Déjà vu experiences

Déjà vu is the eerie sensation that you’ve experienced something before, even when you know you haven’t.It’s a fleeting, often disorienting feeling that can be surprisingly intense.Some people believe that déjà vu is a glimpse into a past life, where the current moment mirrors a previous experience.

For example, walking into a room you’ve never been in but feeling an overwhelming sense of familiarity, or having a conversation and knowing exactly what the other person is going to say next.These moments of déjà vu might be brief, but they can be incredibly powerful, offering a tantalizing hint at the continuity of our souls across different lifetimes.


These signs, though not definitive proof, offer intriguing possibilities about past lives.Whether it’s irrational fears, recurring dreams, persistent memories, strong feelings toward people, intense attractions to places and times, unexplained skills, or déjà vu experiences, they all point towards the possibility of having lived before.Exploring these signs can be a fascinating journey into understanding yourself and your potential past lives.

While the debate between science and spirituality continues, the personal experiences and stories of many suggest that there might be more to our existence than just one lifetime.Embracing these signs with an open mind and a sense of curiosity can lead to deeper self-awareness and a greater understanding of the mysteries of life and rebirth.


About the Creator

Rohini Nene

Hi! I'm Rohini, a blogger passionate about exploring useful topics and current trends. With a background in blogging, I create engaging content & insist you to join me on Vocal to dive into the world of knowledge and discovery

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    Rohini NeneWritten by Rohini Nene

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