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Serena's Song!

For Mackenzie Davis' Official (Unofficial) Exphrastic Challenge!

By Angie the Archivist šŸ“ššŸŖ¶Published 6 months ago ā€¢ 3 min read
Lamar Wigginsā€™ photo: ā€œThe Bronze Beautyā€

So beautifulā€¦ so vibrantā€¦ so lifelike!

ā€˜Serena, The Songstressā€™ the statue readā€¦

Who was she?

The tale began long ago, in Londonā€™s teeming, grimy, slums.

Serena, a guileless youthā€¦ later fondly known as Serena the Songstress, was one of hundreds of starving, street urchinsā€¦ sentenced to exile in a horrifying new landā€¦ enduringā€¦ barely surviving, a harrowing, sixteen weeklong, voyageā€¦ crammed in with 198 other convictsā€¦ moaning with sea sickness and hunger! All on a trumped-up charge of stealing a horse, when all her tender heart sought was to comfort the poor malnourished creature!

One bleak, frigid morning, long ago in 1822ā€¦ the lucky ones who had survived the trip, sailed into Hobart Town, Van Diemenā€™s Land (now Tasmania). Blinking apprehensively as she stepped into the blinding sunlight, Serena believed she was a lucky one! Pallid, she staggered off the ship of nightmares. Her indomitable spirit rose again within herā€¦ sighing, she tipped her face to the skyā€¦ her heart skipped as hope of a fresh start was born!

Soonā€¦ as a convict, recently assigned to a small family of Free Settlers living on 100 acres, she journeyed inlandā€¦ to a vibrant new world!

Farewell to the crowded, sweaty, quartersā€¦ penned like pathetic, helpless livestockā€¦ fearing sheā€™d not awaken tomorrow.

Beside the Derwent River, she travelled in a small wagon pulled by a carthorseā€¦ a surprisingly rejuvenating experience! What a beautiful beast! What luscious green rolling hills! Sunlight glinted like diamonds on the nearby water. Crisp country breezes lazily caressed her face.

Thankful to be assigned to live with a decent familyā€¦ life as the only convict girl on the farm meant work was incessant, gruellingā€¦ cooking, cleaning, gardeningā€¦ however, they all slaved through each daylight hourā€¦ not just her! Life was tough, but she was free from the squalor of London. During her meagre, free waking moments, Serena dreamt of a brighter futureā€¦ of one day being truly free!

Years flew by like flocks of galahsā€¦ and Serena discovered a love for all Godā€™s creatures on this wonderful earth. She chattered to the clucking chooksā€¦ giggled with the goatsā€¦ but the bay-coloured brumby, Sam, was her favourite! The mere sight of his reddish-brown flanks and sooty coloured mane and tail cheered her heartā€¦ even after the most trying, tiring day.

Sam seemed to eagerly await herā€¦ just as he anticipated his master Jack, the farmerā€™s son.

The cadence of life continuedā€¦ like the mobs of kangaroos bounding across the paddocksā€¦ better times arrived and the small, struggling farm grew into a flourishing property. The family had become Serenaā€™s familyā€¦ London was but a hazy memory.

Then came terrifying clashes between the settlers and aboriginesā€¦ warriors silently appeared in clearingsā€¦ naked grease smeared skin, decorated with red ochreā€¦ hair and beards hung in long black locks! Serena was bewildered about the right and wrong of it allā€¦ couldnā€™t everyone live together in peace as in the animal kingdom?

During one conflict, Jack and Sam were out drafting the cattle. In the melee Jack, thrown from the brumbyā€™s back, landed hard at the edge of the herd. He narrowly escaped being trampled by the spooked beasts. Jackā€™s injuries were severe (especially for those days). Months inched by... Jack remained chained to his bed, unable to stagger to his bedroom door.

Heartbroken that his beloved master had forsaken, abandoned and deserted him, the beautiful, bay brumby, Sam pined. He ignored his oatsā€¦ took too few sips of water. Soon, the family grew alarmed. Would he survive Jackā€™s lengthy recuperation? Everything was to no avail! When all seemed lost, Sam began to make an inexplicable recovery.

One night as a thunderstorm was approaching, Jackā€™s father, Ned visited the stables, to check everything was secure. Soft singing met him. Nearing Samā€™s stall, a lullaby wafted on the air.

Sweet, sweet Sam

Dear, sweet Sam

Please come back now

Yes, you know how.

We all love youā€¦

We all need youā€¦

Itā€™s time to live your life againā€¦

Dear, sweet Sam

Sweet, sweet Samā€¦

Ned smiled to himself and crept silently out of the barnā€¦

Legend claimsā€¦

Jack and Sam recoveredā€¦ however, the nocturnal lullabies crooned by Serena the Songstress miraculously restored the ailing brumby! Her tale was passed down through the generations... a small statue was erected in a formal garden, gracing the tiny, country township which sprang up in the intervening years.

And so, the spirit of Serenaā€™s Song lingers still to this very dayā€¦ inspiring passersby along their way.


About the Creator

Angie the Archivist šŸ“ššŸŖ¶

Addicted to reading, especially fiction and poetry.

Personality of a Labrador.

Attention span of a gnat! šŸ˜³

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

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Comments (14)

  • Judey Kalchik 5 months ago

    Such a backstory for this challenge. I can hear the photo singing!

  • Rachel Deeming5 months ago

    This is like a novel, Angie. You managed to get so much of the content of Serena's life into this. A mythical tale! I loved it and all those Australian similes!

  • Lana V Lynx6 months ago

    Sad and serene, but also beautiful.

  • Chloe Gilholy6 months ago

    The picture and the story is beautiful. I love the descriptions.

  • Lamar Wiggins6 months ago

    You thoroughly captured my attention with this story. I loved how you told a very believable tale of how/why her life was commemorated with a statue. And Serena fits her perfectly. Awesome entry!

  • Paul Stewart6 months ago

    Stunning, one word, Angie. This is a beautiful tale and I love how you used your strengths to their advantage and the inclusion of the song too...loved it so much. Felt like a real historic tale.

  • Whoaaaa, I loved this soooo much! Like so freaking in love! Jack and Sam have my heart!

  • Mackenzie Davis6 months ago

    This is such a cool story. The voice is like an historical account, so matter of fact, yet heartfelt. I adore the song that Serena sings; its simplicity speaks to the level of care she has for her new life; nothing is romanticized or idealized, but it is pure love and respect for the people and animals. The best kind of magic.

  • Very well done! Great story!

  • Poppy 6 months ago

    Lovely, wholesome story. Glad they bother recovered but especially Sam šŸ˜Š Especially liked the last line!

  • Test6 months ago

    I couldn't stop reading. Your writing was really well done!

  • Leslie Writes6 months ago

    Early Australian historical fiction is a perspective I don't often get to read. Fascinating tale. I can picture her leaning back in that pose when she gets off the boat.

  • Shirley Belk6 months ago

    This was such a beautiful story about such a lovely young woman. Enjoyed it greatly

Angie the Archivist šŸ“ššŸŖ¶Written by Angie the Archivist šŸ“ššŸŖ¶

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