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Septagon Soltice

The Stone Chi (part One) 🏰🏰🏰🏰🚀🚀🚀🏰🏰🏰🏰

By Ocusan MPublished 10 days ago • Updated 9 days ago • 6 min read

It wasn’t that long until Izzy appeared not in a dream or illusion, but on my cellular watch that came as a surprise. Doctor where are you? The familiar face of Izzy materialized in miniature upon her wrist. I’m not in my Icelandic home, as our hospital moon base called for my expertise. The tall man from the Pleiades image had the familiar picture waves as his hologram fluctuated. I wasn’t aware you had a moon base! I’ve never seen your base up close, may I have a look around? The Doctor quickly closed a sliding silicon partition. She was standing in an empty room allowing for a private meeting. Giving him the permission to teleport, Sir Izzy’s appertain slowly formed particle by particle. He stood about a foot higher than Dr Maine wearing a white robe & Powdered wig holding a golden Aspergillum. His holographic form leaned forward giving the Doctor a warm embrace. The Doctor feeling a bit stunned from someone transcending from a watch had a seat in a nearby chair. Another remarkable view! Sir Izzy stood looking out the window upon the smooth surface of the Moon. Swirls of a grey fog landscape among poc holes of craters made it look more like a painting while the orb of the Earth spun below. Oh heavens! I didn’t expect you so soon! She felt strangely dizzy sitting back in her oval chair. We of the seven star system have honored your request with now the possibility of curing all sick on your planet, if you so desire. You talked about having medical advances, as I ask if you could bring them here. I don’t think it’s necessary to travel all the way there.. We cannot bring the machines in our small crafts, our devices that even cure death are way to large! Izzy said placing his Aspergillum staff firmly on the floor. I see, she said looking at him in all seriousness. Let me explain further..Our planet is about to experience a major Astronomical phenomenon we call the Septagon Solstice. When this conjunction of suns moves into a seven dimensional eclipse of our Mother Sun, it creates a Spectacular transformation that occurs only every 500 years. This orb I hold is an example of what the event gives. Tapping the golden ball upon his gloved hand he produced a glowing stone that he placed in the Doctors hands. Oh my! I’m feeling so overwhelmed! Oh..Oh..Oh! Dr Maine felt everything she was inside rushing up outside as if she could feel the stars & the whole Universe. It lasted only a few seconds, while she became herself again. The pink stone glowed still within her hands. Smoothing her silver spun hair she exclaimed.. If this is what a seven planetary solstice creates, I would love to see it in person! Izzy smiled waving his orb producing not an object, but a replica of the Doctor. The replica blinked her eyes saying, Hallo! What is she for? She asked while staring at a perfect copy of herself. Izzy laughed explaining that she wouldn’t be missed as the replica would allow her to leave in time for the Septagon.. Of course, how do we get there? Our craft isn’t far, we can take a moon rover. I’ll just need to gather a few things..The two seemed to fly out the door as the Doctor took her medical bag along with the glow stone. Overhead the base floated a spinning wheel of the Orbital Hospital still under construction. The stars twinkled as the rover hovered over the moon’s surface. Once they found the hidden craft, the Doctor was surprised to see it wasn’t round. That’s the cigar craft we found years ago occupied by the ancient woman! It’s the same type of craft, the one you found did look extremely ancient. Was the girl inside one of your people? Our ancients were not developed such as her, yet her eyes seemed to tell of another world, You saw her? I have viewed the Apollo 18 report & think it could be hypothetical since the craft & women mysteriously disappeared. Stepping outside the unmanned rover, the door to the long craft opened. A familiar crew of astronauts wearing the insignia of their Star motioned them inside. One was a female that studied Dr Maine closely. She helped her to a seat while the craft flew into hyperspace. A plate of food & water was served as the Doctor found the food pleasant. I forgot to ask how long the flight will be..? Izzy sat on a spatial looking throne as his crew bowed to his requests. Izzy smiled then said, I hadn’t fully told you that I am their King. My Lord, Dr Maine graciously bowed her head in respect. The formula you gave us enabled us to cloak the ship into hyperspace where we will arrive in our Constellation, Taurus in 444 ly in approximately one of your Earth years.

One year can be a long time, yet much better than 75 years.. The Doctor said as stars flew by at an amazing velocity, her eyelids getting heavy. That is precisely why we are going into sleep hibernation. Motioning her to follow him into the sleeping quarters, there she could see several sleep pods that would maintain the body until revived. ZaraBeth has already fallen asleep in her chamber. Looking at the peaceful face of a sleeping Plebeian made it seem worthwhile. I am quite sleepy.. She yawned while Izzy opened up her chamber. Helping her in, he reassured that time would go quickly while one year would feel as seconds. The pod hatch slowly closed as falling asleep was as easy as the stars seemed to guide her trust.. Good Morning star shine! Izzy’s smiling face greeted the small crew as all pods automatically opened with the bright splendor of the Messier Sisters star cluster. Ahh Merope! It is good to see you once again. King Izzy loved to journey as a time traveler yet his people from his kingdom welcomed him with a celebration upon his return to his home world. Stepping out of the cylinder craft into the Sunlight of the closest star of Merope brought many shouts of joy by the beings of elf like nature. Flutes played in rhythm to an assemble of glass shaped instruments while the Castle stood in the distance. King Izzy greeted the crowd while taking the Earth woman by her hand, leading her to his kingdom. You never did tell me your first name my dear. It’s Ostine! Ah.. Ostine, a shining example of Magnificence! Please join me in the great hall where your presence will be honored with a feast & dancing. The castle doors opened while Doctor Ostine felt as if she had stepped back into the 18th century. Rococo wigs were worn by all males & females along with similar clothing. A long table was set with elegant candlelights while the king sat in the middle. He placed Ostine next to him while she wondered if their was a Queen. They were served a plate of what appeared like divinity, yet tasted like sugar spun meat. Glasses were filled with a fluorescent fluid that tasted like Rose Lavender water. Is it not pleasurable? Izzy asked as a servant exchanged his coat for a fresh one. She couldn’t help but admire the glittering diamonds sewed into the lapel. It is very becoming, my lord, yet I wonder if you have a Queen? Ostine.. I have over 600 wives, as I choose to rule with a concubine. Ostine gazed at the ladies elegantly dressed across the table, wondering if they were a wife. Children ran in & out the room playing hide & seek. She wondered again how many children he had. Asking her to dance he took her into a waltz. One two three, 1, 2, 3. He taught her the steps as she had never waltzed before. It was all very tiring after the sleep hibernation, yet the windows of the ballroom revealed a breathtaking scene. She motioned to halt the dancing to spectate the view. Down in a valley lye what appeared as seven separate stone henges interconnecting as one giant circle. It is called, Stone Chi, The Astronomical spectacular of the predicted Septagon Soltice. Is there a meaning to the event? Of course there is not only an ancient planetary occurrence that only the heavens can preform, their is a sacred gift of Chi that activates in the center of the seven Stonehenges. What exactly is Chi? A vortex of life energy that is renewed by each conjunction. There is a stone in the center that collects the Chi of energy that we collect & store in Amphoras that keep for centuries until the next Eclipse. Her scientific mind thought of how astronomers collect neutrinos. I understand & would like a closer look at the inner stone that somehow fascinated her. Tomorrow..


About the Creator

Ocusan M

I write in a surrealistic style learning new realities as i researched Quantum physics in Quantum Dreaming where the man had a Quantum computer in his home that could see into the future.

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    Ocusan MWritten by Ocusan M

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