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Scorned Pt. 12

The Derek Morgan Chronicles Fan Fiction*

By Cynthia FieldsPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Scorned Pt. 12
Photo by Camille Orgel on Unsplash

Potomac General Hospital –

Penelope stepped into Derek’s room just as the two men began to wheel him out. She saw the relief in his eyes as she approached. Penelope was so proud of him knowing that what he was about to endure was no picnic. Fran and Dave smiled while quietly slipping passed the men and the gurney into the hallway.

“You made it.” He sighed.

“Of course, I made it.” She began. “Nothing could keep me away.” She continued planting a kiss on his lips.

“Penelope, if this doesn’t work you have to promise me something.”

“Derek Morgan, the only thing I’m promising is that I’ll be by your side no matter what happens.”

He smiled and nodded there was no use in talking any sense into her. He loved her and he needed her just where she was.

“We really need to go; your therapist is a stickler for promptness.” The taller of the men warned.

“You heard the man.” Penelope chuckled. “I’ll be here when you come back.”


“I promise.”

Penelope kissed him again and waved as he disappeared into the hallway and down the hall. Dave and Fran joined her in the room praying silently that this day would be the beginning of Derek’s comeback.

Physical Therapy Department –

The two men who’d transported Derek to physical therapy helped get him settled on the long wide table. They both introduced themselves; Mark the younger larger of the two and Eric the older smaller one who reminded him of an old high school football coach. The three made small talk while they waited for the therapist to arrive.

“Well at least we got you here before the Scrooge arrived.” Mark joked.

“Scrooge, is he that bad?” Derek asked.

“But he’s the best.” Eric assured.

“Thanks for the warning.” Derek moaned.

The three were interrupted by the loud slamming of the door. Truman “Scrooge” Oliver walked purposefully across the large room toward the three who fell silent in his presence. Mark and Eric greeted the man and quickly stood.

“Good luck.” Mark whispered in Derek’s ear.

“You’re going to need it.” Eric added.

The two made a hasty retreat while Truman grabbed a nearby chair and sat next to Derek. For the next few minutes, Truman sat reading Derek’s chart while Derek battled the butterflies in his stomach.

“So, how bad do you want to be on your feet again?”

“That’s all I want.”

“Well, they don’t call me Scrooge for nothing. I have no tolerance for excuses, or tears...or fear.”

“Look man...”

“No, you look, man! I don’t give a damn what the doctors have told you, I have never failed and I’m not going to allow you to break my win streak.”


“Now are you ready for this?”


“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m ready.”

For the next two hours Truman delivered on his promises to work Derek hard. Derek never shrunk from a good workout and his conditioning and exercise regime was second to none and it showed. Truman was a beast, and he was determined; he’d read Derek’s chart and the odds were against him of ever walking again but Truman loved playing the odds and even with what he saw in his patient’s chart, there was still a small chance that he would walk again and return to his life as it was before. Failure was not an option, not ever...not now.

Dr. Spencer Reid watched his best friend and the therapist from the small glass window. Derek was more than a friend he was a brother and because of that he could no longer stay away. He hadn’t seen Morgan in two weeks and watching him struggle to work through the therapist’s routines reminded him that he had not been a good friend or brother. The thought of seeing him laying helpless in a hospital bed was too much for him to handle but now, the man working and sweating who was fighting through his own anger and fear made him realize that Morgan had not changed, and he had not been defeated. The only thing that had changed was his circumstance and knowing him like he did; his circumstance was only temporary.

“Come on! Give me one more! Good, good! That’s it, that’s it!” Truman yelled.

Derek hated sit ups and crunches, but they were the reason he could flaunt an amazing upper body. He was exhausted and wanted to stop, but he couldn’t not with Truman in his ear.

“AHH!” Derek grunted.

“Good! That’s it! You’re done for the day.”


Derek collapsed against the table breathing hard but feeling encouraged.

“I’m impressed; you did great.”


Oliver handed Derek a bottle of water and took the seat next to him.

“So, how do you feel?”

“Like I’ve been run over by a truck, but I feel good.”

“Alright, alright.”

Derek didn’t mention the pain he was feeling in his back; he assumed it was all a part of the process. He was also feeling a slight tingle in his feet, that too he dismissed as something to be expected.

“I’ll call and have Mark and Eric take you back to your room.”

“Thanks, man.”

Truman and Derek’s attention was drawn to the door. Spencer stepped inside and made his way across the room.

“Hey Pretty Boy, what are you doing here?”

Truman felt the heaviness between the two men and stood to leave.

“I’ll let you two talk and I’ll see you tomorrow, Derek.”

“Thanks Truman.”

Reid stood nervously with his hands in his pockets. He had some explaining to do and he didn’t know where to begin.

“How are you?” Derek asked.

The irony of his question did not elude the younger man. Comparatively speaking he was doing much better than his friend, yet Derek wanted to know how he was doing. He felt even worse now.

“I’m sorry for not coming sooner.” He began.

“No, no apologies, I get it.”

“But I should have been here. You would have been here for me.”

“Well, you’re here now and that’s what matters; we’re good, really.”

Morgan extended his hand and with a smile of relief, Reid accepted. Morgan was happy and returned the smile pulling his little brother in for a manly embrace.

1 Month later...

Paradise Rehab Center – Baltimore, MD – Afternoon –

Morgan’s condition had improved and so he had been discharged from Potomac General to a nearby rehab center. Paradise was known for its breakthrough achievements on injuries like Derek’s and it was Truman’s home base of operation. The two had grown to respect each other and now Truman had quickly become a part of the growing BAU clan especially now that Desiree had caught the man’s eye. Reid had become a regular and whenever the team was in town, he was there by Derek’s side. Penelope’s pregnancy was progressing nicely, and she had agreed to spend her evenings at home in her own bed taking care of herself and their baby. Morgan worked hard at keeping his doubts and fears to himself wanting to believe that he’d walk again.

Today the team was out of town, including Garcia. Derek missed her and the team but at least his mother was around to visit and to bring him a homemade meal each night. Still, it was hard not seeing his baby girl and the vision of her over a computer screen just didn’t seem to be enough.

Derek sat in his wheelchair waiting for Truman. He still had not mentioned the pain he’d been having over the last several weeks; assuming it was all a part of the process of getting back on his feet. He was wrong.

Truman had been delayed by an unexpected phone call, but he was here now and he couldn’t help but notice that his patient wasn’t himself. The grimace on his face signaled pain; pain that he’d been hiding for a long time.

“So, are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

Derek hadn’t seen him come in; his back had been turned and he’d been deep in thought.

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re in pain, aren’t you? Don’t lie, I can see it on your face.”

“I’m fine.”

“You’re not fine. If I hadn’t seen it on your face you wouldn’t have said a thing!”

“Look, I thought it was normal...I didn’t think it was a big deal!”

“So along with your law degree, you managed to go to medical school too?”

“Chill, man.”

“No, Derek, I will not chill! Pain is a signal, and you can’t ignore it!”

“So, what are you saying, Tru?”

“I’m saying that there may be a problem and we need to get you to the hospital.” be continued

*Disclaimer: The Derek Morgan Chronicles is fan fiction based on the CBS Crime drama, Criminal Minds. We do not own Criminal Minds or its characters.

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

Cynthia Fields

I adore words and I love what happens when we grab them, sleep with them, holler and scream and laugh at them! I love what happens when we throw them in the air and watch them fall magically from our minds onto paper!

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    Cynthia FieldsWritten by Cynthia Fields

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