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Scorned Pt. 11

The Derek Morgan Chronicles Fan Fiction *

By Cynthia FieldsPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Scorned Pt. 11
Photo by Anastasiya Romanova on Unsplash

Two Days Later...

Potomac General Hospital – Morning –

The room was extremely quiet, and Derek realized that even though he and his mother had managed to get Penelope to go home, he didn’t like waking up without her in the room. He missed her terribly, especially this morning. With most of the swelling around his spine gone, there still had been no change in his ability to feel his legs. The team of doctors who’d been working on his case had decided to begin a rigorous plan of physical therapy beginning today. His chest wound was healing nicely and most of the time his pain was manageable. Derek was nervous; everything was riding on therapy. Since meeting Penelope he’d had dreams of having a family and being able to run and play and wrestle with them. Never in his wildest dreams did he think that he could possibly be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

Sarah and Desiree had returned to Chicago to take care of personal and family business so that they could return when their brother began therapy. It had been four days since they’d seen him and they both were anxious. They were happy about the baby and the engagement though they both had missed the official announcements. Penelope was what he needed in his life and the sisters prayed that he would accept her help and support and not push her away like he was so known for doing.

Derek was happy to see the two women walk into the room; he’d missed them. Their smiles hid a world of worry which did not get past him. He allowed them to believe that they had him fooled; after all he was still the man of the Morgan family and he wasn’t ready to give up that role just yet.

“Well, here comes trouble times two.” He teased.

“The only trouble in this room is laying in that bed.” Desiree responded jokingly.

“Hello little brother.” Sarah planted a light kiss on his forehead.

“Hey, how was your flight?” Derek asked.

“Uneventful, just how I like it.” Desiree answered.

“I’m surprised your bride-to-be isn’t here.” Sarah mentioned.

“Ma and I convinced her to go home and get some rest.”

“I’m glad she listened; she has to take care of herself especially now.” Sarah began. “And by the way, congratulations! I’m happy for you.”


Desiree noticed the immediate change in his mood, and she wasn’t having it. He needed to be upbeat and ready to take on the challenge of physical therapy.

“Don’t do that!”


“Don’t do that! That look, don’t you give up, Derek Morgan!” Desiree warned.

“I’m not...I... what if this doesn’t work? What if I do all the right things and I still can’t walk?”

“Derek you can’t think like that!” Sarah pleaded. “You’ve been through a lot in your life and you’ve beat it all! You’ll beat this too.”

“I hope your right, Sis. I hope you’re right.”

“Besides, when I tell your son or daughter how you almost burned down our house when we were kids, I want you on your feet!”

The three siblings shared warm, honest, hopeful smiles. Each of them knew the odds but they also knew that Derek had never let anything beat him before. As they exchanged looks, silently remembering the past; the Morgan’s vowed to fight together, to be there for each other and they vowed not to accept defeat.

Home of David and Fran Rossi –

Fran was putting the final touches on breakfast as Dave rounded the corner. He gently planted a kiss on her cheek while she handed him a mug of hot steaming coffee.

“Good morning, Bella.”

“Good morning, husband.”

“I would ask you how you slept but I already know; you didn’t.”

“I’m sorry for keeping you awake. I just couldn’t get comfortable. Today is an important day and a lot is riding on physical therapy for Derek.”

Dave sat at the bar watching her. She placed a plate in front of him.

“You’re not eating?” He asked.

“I’m not hungry.”

“Fran? You’re always taking care of everyone else; you need to take care of yourself too.”

“I will; I’ll get something later.”

“I’m going to hold you to that, my love.”

Penelope had allowed herself to be talked into leaving the hospital and staying the night with the Rossi’s. She welcomed the offer, not wanting to go back to Derek’s house alone; his blood was still on the expensive rug where he’d fallen after being shot and she couldn’t bear the thought of reliving the night that she’d almost lost him.

Penelope stepped out of the shower and before wrapping a towel around herself she stared at her body in the mirror. Lightly placing her hands on her stomach, she imagined what she would look like as her baby grew inside her expanding belly. She imagined Derek’s hand tracing her baby bump and smiling with pride, telling her that he was the happiest man alive. She wondered how it was possible to be deliriously happy and filled with sorrow all at the same time but that’s where she was right now. She desperately wanted to see Derek, it was hard leaving him alone last night, but Fran and her future husband were right; she needed to keep herself and the baby safe and taken care of.

A light knock on the door pulled her from her thoughts.

“Breakfast is ready!” Fran announced.

“I’ll be right down, thank you.”

Penelope quickly dressed and applied her makeup. She wasn’t hungry, but Fran wasn’t going to let her leave the house without eating. She loved Fran, Sarah and Desiree; she hadn’t had family in a long time; she needed them, and Derek needed them too. There was no way they would make it through any of this without them.

Potomac General Hospital –

Derek glanced at the clock for the hundredth time. He was expecting his therapist any moment and wanted Penelope here. Sarah and Desiree exchanged glances knowingly.

“Relax big brother, she’ll make it.”

“Yeah, I hope so.”

Just then the door opened, and Derek smiled at the vision before him. He was in awe at how she seemed to get more and more beautiful every time he saw her. Penelope rushed to his bedside and kissed him sweetly on the lips. Sarah and Desiree smiled. Fran and Dave followed close behind relieved that they had made it before he was taken down to the physical therapy department.

“Good morning, Baby Girl.”

“I’ll show you a good morning, Hot Stuff.”

The two smiled and for a moment it was as if they were in the room alone; no one existed until Fran cleared her throat that is. The couple separated long enough for Fran to kiss her son on the cheek.

“Good morning, baby boy.”

“Hey Ma.” Then looking over at Dave. “Good morning, old man.”

“Old man? Really?”

“You heard me.” Derek joked.

“You better ask your mother about this, old man.” He teased.

“Hey, hey...okay, that’s enough!” Derek frowned.

Once again, the door opened, and two men dressed in white stepped inside. Derek felt his stomach flip with nervousness. The room suddenly became silent.

“Good morning Mr. Morgan; it’s time.” be continued

*Disclaimer: The Derek Morgan Chronicles is fan fiction based on the CBS Crime drama, Criminal Minds. We do not own Criminal Minds or its characters.

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

Cynthia Fields

I adore words and I love what happens when we grab them, sleep with them, holler and scream and laugh at them! I love what happens when we throw them in the air and watch them fall magically from our minds onto paper!

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    Cynthia FieldsWritten by Cynthia Fields

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