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Saccharine Lips

VCS Fiction Short Story Collaboration Part 3

By Angela DerschaPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Images from

This story is part 3 of a Fiction collaboration between myself and my colleagues in the Vocal Creator’s Saloon on Facebook. The first part was written by Sofia Duarte and the second by Julie Lacksonen. Check it out if you are interested in becoming a member, we do stuff like this regularly. We are all hard working, goofy, creative individuals that write to our heart’s content.

Thank you for your time!

Previously: Nadia and her two best friends Helen and Sasha went out for a girl’s night at a trendy new club near their metropolitan area. The club proved to be exactly what they needed until a fateful encounter occurred.

And now: Within the club, wistfully named Lush, our epic love story continues…

By Sofiia Skrypka on Unsplash

Nadia felt two emotions boiling to the surface as Stephano uttered her name: unbridled fury and burning desire. He had the audacity to use a silky smooth tone that sent a shiver down her spine, in the good way, and laid those devilish lips on her skin. Nadia’s flesh pimpled under his sensual touch. Had it not been for his douchebagery earlier, the moment would have been perfect. Alas, he’s smirking like he’s won an invisible war she knew nothing about; his perfect smile stretching across his cheeks covered in day-old stubble. What an arrogant jerk!

She ripped her hand away from his invasive mouth. “Stop it,” Nadia snapped.

Stephano took three steps away from her, hands up in surrender. “Sorry, force of habit. Especially for gorgeous women.” He winked mischievously at her and the girls. They giggled, Nadia glared daggers at his attitude.

“We don’t know where those lips have been!” Nadia exclaimed, crossing her arms. “You could have a disease.”

A hearty chuckled escaped from him. “I’m clean, but I could be dirty for you baby.”

Sasha and Helen swooned over Stephano’s proposition. Nadia, on the other hand, was not so easily won over. “It’s bad enough you forced a kiss on me, why would I want anything you’re offering?” She had a look of disgust on her face.

He laughed. “I was being playful, little kitten.” Stephano closed the short distance between him and Nadia; lust hazing his eyes. “But, it seems to me, that you might be in denial.”

Was he serious!? Not only did he behave like a Neanderthal, but now he’s claiming to know what Nadia wants? Nope, this has gone too far.

“Really?” Nadia scoffed, staring down Stephano; inhaling his stupid, nauseating cologne. “What, pray tell, am I in denial about?”

Sam, Helen and Sasha watch our exchange like an episode of a soap opera, each moment more dramatic than the previous.

He exhaled slowly, his warm, alcohol-laden breath filled Nadia’s nostrils.

“Wanting me.” Stephano declared, reaching out to stroke a piece of her hair.

Nadia, unable to control her anger anymore, slapped him hard across his smug face. The sound echoed through the bar despite the obscenely loud music. Stephano rubbed the area with his thumb with a grin curving along his lips. “Hit the nail on the head, didn’t I?”

Nadia, full of fury, grabbed a full liquor bottle from the bar and tried to strike Stephano in the head. Before the connection is made, a strong hand grips Nadia’s wrist, keeping it still. “Whoa, darling!”

Behind the bar stood a tall, handsome man with jet black hair slicked back with gel, wearing a grey tailored suit. It was his hold that kept Nadia from assaulting her annoying admirer. “I think he gets the picture. Now, put the bottle down.”

Reluctantly, Nadia obliges. She doesn’t want to get kicked out of the club and ruin Girl’s Night over some jackass. “Fine.” She said with a heavy sigh.

“Good.” The man said, turning his attention to Stephano. “As for you, I would back off unless you want this hot piece to kill you.”

He chuckled heartily. “It’s not my fault that Nadia doesn’t know how to flirt.”

“Why you piece of-“Nadia began.

“Alright, it’s clear you two-“ The man cut her off then gestured between Nasia and Stephano. “Can’t be around each other. “He walked around the counter. “I’m gonna have to ask one of you to leave.”

Horror riddled Sam, Helen and Sasha’s faces. “Wait!” They shouted in unison.

There was a brief silence before Sasha and Helen grabbed Nadia. “We’re going to get some air and cool off.” Sasha said, dragging her two best friends with her. “When we get back, everything will be settled, right girls?”

Helen and Nadia nodded. “Yeah.”

“That’s fine,” The man responded. “But anymore trouble, and I’ll start kicking people out, got it ladies?” He stared intensely at the trio.

“Got it, Mr.-?” Helen questioned.

“Leon,” The man replied with a grin. “Leon Evans, I’m the owner here at Lush.”

With that, the ladies shuffle off through the main entrance.

Sam’s eyes shined with excitement.Leon, is that you bro?”

The owner observed Sam for a moment.Wait, it can’t be… Sam?”

The two men share a tight hug. Finally, two brothers reunited.

”It’s been too long, kiddo.” Leon said, summoning the bartender to his side. “Pour me and my little brother some shots, the good stuff.”

The bartender nodded dutifully before producing two glasses filled with luxurious Russian vodka.

“Cheers!” Sam exclaims, pounding the drink quickly.

“Amen to that!” Leon shouts in agreement before doing the same.

Meanwhile outside…

Sasha and Helen, each holding onto Nadia, lead her out into the night.

“Look,” Helen began, with an edge of attitude in her tone. “I know that guy rubbed you the wrong way. But, if you can’t get along, our night is ruined.”

Sasha nodded in agreement. “Unfortunately, she’s right. Besides, will it really hurt to try and get along with Stephano? He seems like a decent guy.”

Nadia sighed. She hated to admit it, but they made good points. Maybe she was being too judgmental of Mr. Lyft Driver. He was handsome, sexually confident, and had some sweet, sultry lips. Gosh that brief, rough kiss did things to her body that years of romance novels couldn’t accomplish. With nothing else to lose, she gave in.

“Fine!” Nadia huffed in frustration. “But, if he forces his stupid sexy lips on me without my permission again, I’ll kick him in the nuts. Got it?”

To be continued by Anna Turnitsa .

If you liked what you read and would like to see more, be sure to check out my profile for more works of fiction, poetry, etc. Any and all support is appreciated, but completely optional. Be sure to show the Vocal Creator’s Saloon some love!

All the best,

Angela Derscha.

Short Story

About the Creator

Angela Derscha

Twitter @angied7592. Long time lover of literature. Obsessed with adorable animals and coffee I spend my days playing video games with my brother and fiancee. I got a medium account too check it out.

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    Angela DerschaWritten by Angela Derscha

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