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For the Vocal + Assist Hallmark story challenge

By Rick Henry Christopher Published 7 months ago Updated 7 months ago 4 min read
Top Story - December 2023
Photo by kermit nicou on Unsplash

This story is part of the Vocal + Assist Hallmark story challenge:

The Phone Call

It's a beautiful sunny Christmas Eve day in the suburban city of Orange, California. Nick was taking his brisk daily walk along the bike trail when his cell phone buzzed.

“Hello,” Nick answered.

“Hey, Nick, this is Winston Montgomery…”

“Win,” Nick responded, “Wow! It's been at least ten years since I last heard from you.”

“Yeah, I was hoping we could get together the day after Christmas. I have a few ideas that may be along the lines of your expertise.”

“Sure, that sounds like a great idea Win.”

Christmas Day

Christmas day arrived with a picturesque view of fluffy white clouds adorning a clear blue sky as the sun cast its warm glow upon joyful individuals singing Christmas carols at street corners.

Nick spent the day at his parents' beautifully decorated house. They had a wonderful time exchanging gifts and sharing a meal at the family table.

Nick left his parents' house feeling energized and appreciated. His family means the world to him.

The Pancake House

The next day Nick met With Win at the local Pancake House to catch up and share ideas.

“Win, it is so great to see you. You haven't changed a bit.”

“Great to see you also Nick. How is your mom doing?”

“She's doing great. She's been sitting in on several of the city council meetings. The mayor thinks she should run for mayor.”

“Your mom would win. She is such a smart lady.”

“So, you said you had some ideas, Win.”

“Yes, the last time I saw you, which was just after we graduated from high school, you mentioned something about starting a pay-it-forward program in some of the local restaurants.”

“Yes,” Nick responded, “To make meals available for needy people.”

“So, after I moved to Chicago for college I kept thinking about your idea. So, I got it started in a small cafe. It worked out very well. Next, I went to a family restaurant and they loved it because it increased their revenue while allowing them to do something good for society. Before long I had the pay-it-forward program going in more than 20 restaurants in the Chicago area.”

“That's pretty amazing Win.”

“I'd like to do something like that here in Orange.”

“You would?” Nick commented.

“Of course, you and I would work together on it.”

“Let me think about this Win. It sounds like a great idea to move forward with this and it would certainly help a lot of people in need. I'm always up for that. But, my plate is full (as he looks down at the empty plate in front of him) and I need to wrap my head around this idea. Maybe figure out how I can fit this into my schedule”

“Okay, well let's meet again next week.”

“Excellent. Maybe we can go hiking and talk as we enjoy the beautiful outdoors.”

“That would be great Nick. See you next week.”

“Yes, it was great to see you again, Win, after such a long time.”

The two young men shook hands before departing.

The Hike

Nick picked Win up to drive up to the Open Space Hiking Trail in the Orange Mountains.

“It is so beautiful out here Nick,” Win said as he took a deep breath of the cool crisp morning air.”

“I love it here. This is one of my favorite spots. The view from the top of the mountains is just amazing and it's so quiet and peaceful.”

The two got on the trail and started hiking to the top of the highest mountain as they spoke about their pay-it-forward idea.

“Certainly, Win. I have decided that I want to go forward with the pay-it-forward program.”

“Oh, that is wonderful, Nick.”

As they reached the top of the mountain Nick enthusiastically pointed straight ahead.

“Over this way Win. You won't believe the view.”

Nick led Win to the edge of the mountain. The two stood at the cliff looking over the view of rolling green hills and clear blue skies. What a majestic site to see.

“What a great idea this was,” Win said, “Being out among nature always fills my heart with joy.”

Nick took a step back and took a deep breath as Win continued looking over the mountains.

Then Nick said aloud, “This is what you get for stealing my idea and using it as your own. Now it's my turn to pay-it-forward.” as he pushed Win off the cliff.

Win went sailing down, looking graceful and poised before he splattered down on the rocks of the desolate and dried river bed.


⭐️ The the first and second name of a person I am associated with on the internet is mentioned in this story. The two names are not mentioned together but both are in this story. If you have figured out the name mention it in the comments below.

With Love, RHC ❤️

This tune is the Theme Song to my story "Pay-It-Forward":

Short StoryPsychologicalMicrofictionHolidayAdventure

About the Creator

Rick Henry Christopher

Writing fulfills my need for intellectual stimulus, emotional release, and soothing the bruises of the day.

The shattered pieces of life will not discourage me.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  4. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (23)

  • Judey Kalchik 6 months ago

    This story structure reads like a script, which makes it perfect for this prompt.

  • This is the only of these entries I have previously read. The Hallmark Christmas Prompt inspired a number of intriguing stories, and this was among the best. Due to the prompt, I began the story expecting a twist, but this one still surprised me! I especially loved the surprise element of the story. There was an almost-whimsical and humorous twist to what had the initial appearances as a heartwarming story. The dialogue was particularly well done in this story, Rick. It was natural-sounding, and you kept the story moving with a good pace through the dialogue. I love that you used the tools available to shape your story. The Title was perfect, and I appreciated the Subtitles. Plus, your music selection was perfect. While the story is not particularly “believable”, it was not intended to be, and it produced the shocking response for which it was designed!

  • Novel Allen7 months ago

    I honestly thought Win did a good thing, not sure if he profited from it, and he did admit that it was Nick's idea, so was it jealousy since Nick never acted on his own idea. Shame on Nick for putting an end to a good thing. It did make for a heck of a finishing twist.

  • JBaz7 months ago

    Pay it forward and then some,,, well done Rick.. Try as I might I could not come up with a strory for the Hallmark challenge. Your story is my kind of hallmark tale Congratualtions

  • Great twist for this challenge... extreme Pay it Forward concept.

  • Hey Rick, this person has been going around doing this. I first saw them do this to Scott Christiansen with his story Windy City Ice. And now it's with your story Pay It Forward. I don't know if this is plagiarism but I'll leave it for you to decide. I'll leave the link in the below

  • Avila Osinta 7 months ago

    well done! Love your story! He needs to pay it forward.....

  • Lamar Wiggins7 months ago

    Well… I guess he got even, in a big way. Love the premise of your story, Rick! Congrats!

  • Kageno Hoshino7 months ago

    Always pay it forward!!

  • Ace Melee7 months ago

    Beautifully done, and congratulations on getting top story!

  • Tressa Rose7 months ago

    Haha that's what he gets! Great job on top story!

  • Real Poetic7 months ago

    Great work! Congrats! 🎉

  • Dana Crandell7 months ago

    I had a feeling. Probably because it's what I felt like doing in a similar situation. I didn't find River Joy, either, but then, I'm pretty dense. Great story, Rick. Happy Holidays!

  • Oh my! What a twist! Nicely done. I was worried you might end this on a cliffhanger 😁

  • Test7 months ago

    Great twist! Idea stealing is never good, but Karma works in the end. River Joy was a lovely touch!

  • Hannah Moore7 months ago

    I didn't get it! But a fun story even without the name drop.

  • Hahahahahahahahhaahhaha and that's what you get for stealing ideas, Win! Oh wow, apparently I'm the only one that didn't catch on the River Joy thing 😅

  • Well done, Rick. (No, I didn't figure out River Joy on my own. I was too lazy tonight & just looked for comments from those who had.)

  • Mother Combs7 months ago

    Great story, Rick. love the twist.

  • Paul Levinson7 months ago

    Excellent story, with a whiplash ending!

  • Tiffany Gordon 7 months ago

    Fabulous job! Not the ending that I was initially expecting! I found the name! Shoutout to the talented River Joy!

  • Babs Iverson7 months ago

    River Joy! Awesome story & twist!!! Loved it!!!💕❤️❤️

Rick Henry Christopher Written by Rick Henry Christopher

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