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One For You

You have to live a life thats twice as good, one for you and one for me

By hayleyPublished 3 years ago 17 min read

"Cathy please don't cry." Mason walked in my room. "How am I supposed to react? You're not getting any better." He looked at me, I knew he was hurting but he was trying to keep it together. "Hey we get to take one last trip together. Where are you thinking we go?" Mason smiled at me "I don't know maybe Texas." He chuckled "What's in Texas?" "The Houston Zoo." I quipped up. He shook his head "Nah." "Maybe Florida?" "Better but I'm thinking Barcelona or Hawaii!" He smiled. "Barcelona or Hawaii sounds great!" "We could cruise the streets of Barcelona or ride the waves in Hawaii." I laughed "Let's ride the waves!" For a moment I forgot that this was Mason's last trip. I forgot that his treatments had stopped working and the doctors gave him only a couple months to live.

From the outside, our family looked normal. Our mom, Alice was a loving stay at home mom. Our dad, Brad, was a successful architect. Mason and I were twins, always bickering at each other, but deep down everyone knew we loved one another. But what you didn't see was Mason's cancer. Dad, struggling to pay hospital bills and mom struggling to keep all of us in check. And me? I kept it all inside. We were 5 when Mason was diagnosed, Leukemia. I remember Mason getting so sick that the doctors gave him only a week or two to live. That was such a hard thing for a 5 year old to grip. We all started to give up. But I wouldn't leave Mason's side. Somehow, a few weeks later, Mason's treatments started working and he started to feel better. He was able to go home a couple months after that day. 10 years later, Mason and I were in gym playing dodgeball with the class. One of the balls hit Mason in the head and he went down. That day is still fuzzy. They raced him to the hospital with mom, dad and I not far behind. The doctors told us his cancer came back. He would have to start treatments again. We weren't as lucky this time. His body wasn't responding well to the new medication. After a month in the hospital they decided there was nothing more to do and sent Mason home with only 2 months to live.

I started crying again. "Hey why are you crying now?" Mason raised an eyebrow. "It's not fair." He rolled his eyes "It's not supposed to be fair, it just is." I sniffled "So what am I supposed to do?" He came over and sat beside of me. "You live a life thats twice as good. One for you and one for me."  I nodded.

"Cathy, Mason get up! We have to be at the airport in less than an hour!" Mom yelled at us as I opened my eyes and rolled out of bed. Today was the day. Walking over to my mirror I whispered to myself  "I have to make this trip something Mason will never forget." Picking up my hairbrush I began to untangle my chestnut brown hair. "Cathy are you packed?" My mom yelled from downstairs. "Yes!" I was kind of packed. Just needed to put a couple more things in my suitcase. Grabbing a handful of clothes I walked over to my suitcase, shoved them inside and zipped it. “Cathy I need you to wear this.” Mom came in my room with a blue knee length dress with lots of white flowers on it. She handed it to me “We’re wearing matching outfits.” The dress was hideous but no fighting today. “Okay.” She smiled and walked out of the room.

After our flight we waited for our bags at baggage claim. “There!” Mom exclaimed. Dad grabbed his and moms bag while Mason and I grabbed ours. We walked out of the airport and hauled into a taxi van. “The Hawaiian Stay.” Mom gave the driver the name of our hotel and he drove off. I stared in awe out the window until we arrived to our hotel. We all piled out of the van and grabbed our luggage. “Let’s go.” Mom said as we followed her into the hotel. She checked us in and we finally got to our room. It was massive. The main room had the king bed for our parents while the smaller room has two twin beds for me and Mason. “Time to go smell the roses!” Mason said as he placed his suitcase on his bed. “Let’s surf the waves.” I grabbed my bathing suit and hurried to the bathroom to put it on. “I’m ready! Hurry up!” Mason knocked on the door. I put on my red one piece suit with a pair of shorts and sandals. I flung the door open “Let’s go!” “Mom, dad we’re going to the beach!” Mason yelled. “Wear sunscreen! Meet us back here in about an hour.” She yelled back. “You got it mom!” We both raced each other to the beach. We saw that they were doing parasailing and decided we’d give it a try.

We cleaned up and put our outfits back on. “I made us a reservation at this restaurant on the island called Surfs up!” Mom smiled. We all followed her down the street to our restaurant. We walked through the doors and was greeted by a young woman. “Welcome to Surfs Up! Do you have a reservation?” She looked at my mom. “Alice Jones.” The waitress smiled “Right this way.” She walked us over to our table, we took our seats and picked up the menus. I scanned mine and decided maybe the steak meal would be best. “Mom can I order the steak meal?” I looked over at her “Can I have it too?” Mason chimed in. “Of course you both can.” She smiled and put her menu down. The waitress came over and took our order. “Mason are you enjoying this trip?” Dad smiled. “It’s amazing.” Mason smiled. I was happy Mason was enjoying his trip but I didn’t wanna leave. Here, Mason was happy and living his best life. But at home, he was sick and miserable. I knew he was sick here too, he just didn’t let it bother him. After a few our food came, we ate then headed back to our hotel. “Goodnight i’m so tired.” I told my brother and parents then headed off to my bed. “Goodnight Cath.” They all said.

“Cathy.” Mason was shaking me. “Wake up.” I groaned. “Come on get up.” Opening my eyes I saw Mason standing at my bedside looking at me. “What? It’s late.” “I know but come to the beach with me.” I rubbed my eyes “What time is it?” I looked around the room but didn’t see a clock. “It’s 1am but come on come to the beach with me. This is my special trip.” He pleaded. He knew I wouldn’t say no if he played the special trip card. “Fine.” I rolled out of bed. “Let me get dressed.” He nodded and left closing the door. I grabbed a pair of jeans with a short sleeve white t shirt. Slipping my converse on, I opened the door “Let’s go Mason.” He put his finger to his lips “Shh mom and dad are asleep and we don’t want to be caught.” I nodded and headed down to the beach. Mason walked beside me. “What are we doing here?” He shrugged “I just wanted to come watch the waves.” He got me out of bed for waves? I didn’t argue though. We found a place close to the shore and sat down. “So the waves huh?” I looked out at the ocean. “It’s on my bucket list. I don’t have much longer ya know I wanna try to cross everything off.” It still broke my heart to hear him talk about not having long left. “What else is on your list?” I looked over at him. “I’d like to try a zip line, surf, race you on atvs, build the biggest sand castle, enter a food eating contest, ride in a helicopter.” He chuckled “Just some crazy stuff.” “Okay, we’ll finish the list.” I assured him. “All of it?” He raised an eyebrow. I nodded. “Cath, after i’m gone can you promise me something?” I hated talking about what happened after he was gone but I nodded. “Promise me that you’ll finish high school then chase your dreams? Live them for me.” I looked into his brown eyes. “I promise.” “Thank you” he replied. “But, what are your dreams? What did you want to do with your life after high school?” He smiled. “I wanted to attend New York University. To major in writing. My dream was to be a successful writer.” “A writer? I didn’t know.” He chuckled. “It’s not something I tell many people, but yes, a writer. I love bringing my characters to life and being able to tell their stories.” Damn. That was deep. “I never knew, but I think that’s cool.” I smiled. “Thanks, for everything. You’ve been the best twin anyone could ever have.” I smiled bigger. “You’ve been amazing too.” “Are we gonna hug now?.” He asked. I laughed. “I believe we have to.” We hugged each other. “We have 6 days left here. We’ll cross everything off your list.”

We spent the next 6 days doing everything on Mason’s list. We raced on atvs, he won 2nd place in a pie eating contest, we built not the biggest sand castle but it was big. He went zip lining. Took an island tour in a helicopter, and most importantly, we surfed the waves. Mason was happy we crossed everything off. It was time to head home. We packed and headed down to the taxi van. “Wait, let’s take a family picture before we leave.” Mom handed her phone to the hotel lady and we all got together. “Say Hawaii!” The lady said. “Hawaii!” We all said in unison. She took a couple photos then handed the phone back to mom. We all piled into the van. “Goodbye Hawaii.” Mason said as drove off.

Finally we arrived home. It was late. We all took our luggage up to our rooms. I threw my suitcase on my bed and sighed. I closed my door and laid on my bed. Eventually I fell asleep. “Cathy, come on you’re gonna be late for school.” Mom was knocking on my door. “Okay i’m coming.” I got up and threw on some sweats with a shirt. I grabbed my nikes with my backpack and headed downstairs. I slipped my shoes on and grabbed a pancake from the kitchen table. “I’ve had three.” Mason chuckled. “Okay guys you need to go before you’re late.” We both rushed out the door and started walking to school. Everyone at school was so nice to Mason. He hated being known as the sick kid, but he didn’t show it. He wasn’t allowed to do much, just go to class and his writers club. Time went on and everyday I watched him I could tell he wasn’t getting better. Mason started looking ill. He was losing his energy and could hardly do anything.

Mason took a turn for the worst while in school one day. We were walking and he collapsed. He’s resting in the hospital now but unfortunately the doctors say he’s not getting better. I sat at his bedside, “Mason are you doing okay?” He squeezed my hand “I’m okay, just scared.” His voice sounded weak. “Remember when we used to sit in here as kids while you were getting chemo and eat junk food dad would bring us from the vending machines?” My voice cracked as I began to tear up. He chuckled. “Of course I remember, i’ll never forget.” The tears were flowing, “Mason don’t leave. What will I do without you?” He squeezed my hand again. “Cathy, don’t cry. You’ll survive, I promise.” Mom and dad walked in the room at that time. Mom sat on the other side of Mason and held his hand. “How’s my strong boy doing?” She asked him trying not to cry. “I’m okay, mom. I love all three of you and I wish I could fight this but it’s my time. Cathy, thank you for being a great sister and helping me complete my bucket list. You are the best twin anyone could have. Mom, thank you for all of the love. For being with me through all of this, for being a fantastic mom. Dad, thank you for working your ass off every day for us. I love you guys.” He smiled. Night rolled around and we were all in the hospital room. I was asleep on the sofa while mom slept at Mason’s bedside and dad slept in a chair. Mason’s monitors started beeping and we all woke up. “Help my son!” Mom yelled into the hallway. Doctors and nurses filled the room and pushed us out. We stood anxiously outside his door for fifteen minutes before they opened the door. “Can I see my son??” Mom was trying to get back inside. “I’m sorry Mrs. Jones. We did everything we could.” My heart shattered. Mason was gone? I started bawling. Dad wrapped his around my shoulder. How was I doing to get through life without him?

My long brown hair blew in the wind as the sun beat down on me. Today was the hardest day I ever had to face, but I knew Mason wanted me to be strong. I wore my black jeans with Mason’s jersey. I watched as everyone gathered around the gravesite to see my brother being lowered into the ground. Mom was a mess, dad was too but he hid it well. “It’s okay kiddo, he’s okay.” My dad came up beside of me. The funeral was nice, it honored my brother right. Mason definitely would’ve made jokes about how they played some cheesy music and how there wasn’t a cake. He always joked about wanting a cake at his funeral, he told us he felt it would help celebrate his life. They buried my twin brother on June 14th. It was a cool, calm summer day. We all placed roses on his grave and started to leave. On the way home, we saw a big bright rainbow and I knew that Mason was with us.

The days would drag by, I would visit Mason once a week after school. Graduation was coming up and I hated that Mason was forever stuck as a junior. He was forever stuck at 15. It had been 2 years since he left us but it still felt that he was here with me. I had been accepted into 8 different colleges, but there was only one I cared about. “Cathy, you got some mail.” My dad handed me a couple letters as I walked into the house. Looking at one of the letters I read ‘New York University’ in the top corner. I ripped it open and read. “I got in.” Mom walked over towards me, “What was that honey?” I looked at her “I got into NYU!!” I was excited. “Sweetie that’s amazing!” She gave me a hug. “This is my dream school!” Mom pulled away. “We’re proud of you!” Dad came over and joined the celebration. “What are you going to study?” Mom looked at me. “Photography and writing.” She smiled. She knew I was doing it for Mason. “That’s fantastic.” I was happy. Graduation rolled around and I was ready to get out of this place. We were all getting ready. “Is my gown on right?” My friend Arianna came up to me. I looked her over “It looks right” I assured her. “Are you okay?” She put her hand on my arm. I nodded. “Yep.” Our principal came behind stage “We’re ready to start, places everyone.” We all lined up. She disappeared back behind the curtain and I could hear her introduce us. “Thank you for coming out today to help us celebrate our seniors. We are very proud of each and everyone of them. They have all grown up to be responsible young adults. Please help me cheer as we call out our grads.” She began to call out names and the line kept getting shorter. “Cathy Jones, going to New York University.” I walked out on stage and posed for a photo with my diploma.” I saw my mom and dad cheer as I walked off stage and sat in my seat. She finished calling out grads. “We also wanted to honor Mason Jones today who we lost too soon, but will never forget.” She moved so everyone could see a slideshow of Mason and his classmates behind her. I tried not to cry. I was so proud of my brother, for all he had accomplished.

Stepping off flight 825, I took a deep breath. “New York!” I smiled to myself. This was it, I was starting my life. Grabbing my bags from baggage claim, I headed outside to find my uber. Finally I arrived at the small apartment right outside the school i’m renting, the dorms were too expensive. I opened the door and saw the small, studio apartment. It wasn’t much, but it would do. I placed my stuff down and headed to the school. When I arrived, I found my schedule and my group that was showing the freshman students around. As we walked around, I knew that Mason would’ve loved this. This was his dream and I was going to live it for him.

The next day, I was sitting in my creative writing class when the teacher explained to us that our first homework assignment was to write a 3,000 word story of something that inspired us. Going back to my apartment after classes, I knew what I would write about. Sitting down on my blanket, I began to write. I wrote all three thousand words about Mason. About our lives and how he inspired me to live out both of our dreams. It was around 1am by the time I finished, but I was happy with my work. Putting it away into my backpack, I passed out.

Over the next couple of days, I attended my classes and got my paper back, which I got an A on. The teacher told me she was moved by my words and I should try to publish Mason’s story. I loved that idea. She gave me some places to send my work into. So I did. My writing class was the only one I was doing well in, I was struggling in everything else. My anxiety was killing me, I decided to take 3 days away and go home. I booked a flight, packed my stuff and left. Arriving home, I surprised my parents. “Sweetie! We didn’t know you were coming home.” My mom hugged me. “I wanted to take three days and come see you guys, i’ve been missing you.” They both smiled. “We missed you too.” It was a great couple of days. I talked to mom about how college was going and told her about me trying to publish Mason’s story. She loved the idea. I didn’t mention I was having trouble in most of my classes, I didn’t need her to worry. The time came for me to head back, my parents drove me to the airport and I promised i’d be back soon.

I arrived back to my apartment to find rejection letters. No one wanted to publish my book about Mason. I threw them in the trash. “I’m trying Mason, I really am. But i’m failing most of my classes, in student debt, and just got a ton of rejection letters! This is frustrating! I’m trying to live my life good enough for you too, i’m trying to keep your memory alive with everything in me. But I feel like i’m drowning!” I screamed. I dropped to the floor and sat by the door crying. Mason had such high expectations for me, wanted me to do so much…but I couldn’t do it. I’m not the super person he thought I was or thought I could be. It should’ve been me instead of him, he would be doing better! I beat my fist on the floor. “Mason just tell me what to do!” I yelled as if he was going to answer. I was on my own. I woke up on the floor to my alarm going off. I was going to be late! Jumping up I grabbed my backpack and raced out of my apartment. I was jogging along the sidewalk when I accidentally bumped into a boy, I had knocked his ice cream out of his hand. “I’m sorry” I apologized. “It’s okay.” The boy looked maybe eight, he had blonde hair and was wearing a baseball cap. “Let me buy you another one.” I walked over to the ice cream truck and bought the boy one. “Thank you! You’re great! Like a super hero!” He smiled. I chuckled “It’s no problem.” I gave him a high five. “You’re pretty cool, what’s your superpower?” He licked his ice cream and looked at me. “Umm, writing.” I smiled. “Wow I love reading books!” Can I read one of yours?” He got excited. “I don’t have any books yet but I am writing one about my brother.” “That’s okay, you’ll get your book soon because you’re a superhero writer.” I smiled. “Thank you.” He raised his hand to shake mine. “What’s your name?” I shook it. “Cathy.” “That’s a cool name. Mine is Mason.” He smiled. “Mason?!” We heard a voice yell. “That’s my mom, see you later!” He ran off. I looked up at the sky, you’re right Mason. I can do it. In some odd way, I knew that was a sign from my brother to tell me to keep trying until I achieve my goals. So I did. For the next few months I kept trying and trying to get my book published. I got more rejection letters. But then one day I was looking at the mail and saw I had a letter from the last place I tried. I ripped it open and read it. They wanted it. I was going to have a published book!! “Mason we did it!” I jumped up and yelled. Calling my mom and dad, I told them the fantastic news. They were proud of me.

Four months Later

I closed the book. “So that’s our story.” Looking at the audience I smiled as they clapped. “Thank you all for letting me tell Mason’s story, for helping me put it out there and helping keep his memory alive. My brother told me his last wish was for me to live a life thats good enough for both of us…and having a book published and going to his dream school…I think I did it. Always remember Mason Jones, the strongest, most incredible twin anyone could have.” I smiled “I know if he was here today he’d say something like why would anyone read a book about me? I’m not anything interesting.” I chuckled. “But his story was very interesting, not his cancer story.. his real story. His life story. Hopes, dreams, just everything about my brother was remarkable. Thank you to everyone for letting me share this. You can pick up a copy in the lobby.” I smiled and walked off stage. “Honey you did so great!” My parents walked up to me . “Thanks guys.” “So kiddo, do you think you lived out Mason’s last wish.” He asked. “Not yet dad, i’ve done some of the stuff he wanted me to do but it’s not going to be fulfilled until i’ve lived a full life.” I smiled. I held my book close to me. “We did it Mason.” I whispered.

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The skies are blue, haven't been for a while

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    hayleyWritten by hayley

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