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Breathing in the snowflakes

I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

By hayleyPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

We drove up the snowy, winding road towards the cozy A-frame cabin. Snow began to fall outside of the windows, as Silver Bells distantly played on our radio. This year had really taken a toll on our relationship, with Josh being fired from the school, and our best friend overdosing, we had really felt we were at a breaking point. Christmas had to be magical, somehow we needed to put the spark back into our marriage.

"We're finally here." Josh smiled at me as we pulled onto the little gravel driveway.

"Honey, this place is even more beautiful than it was on Airbnb!" I said with excitement as I stepped out of the car.

"Alone time is what we need baby, it's going to be amazing." Josh walked over to me.

"There's no place I'd rather be." I smiled as he passionately kissed me.

"Cut! That was better, but I want to see the electricity!" Our director had gotten up from his chair and was walking onto the set. "I want to believe you two are in love, give me fire!"

This was an important movie and as much as my costar annoyed me, I was going to be professional and make this an Oscar worthy project.

"Corbyn this time try pulling me in closer for the kiss and hold me." I grabbed his hand ready to get into character.

"Michaela, I know how to kiss a woman. Let's just do this." Corbyn turned towards me, ready to get this over with.

"Take it from Michaela's last line. Okay, my little love bugs, action!" Jason, the director shouted as he walked off camera.

"There's no place I'd rather be." I smiled as he pulled me close, kissing my lips softly.

"Let me get the bags from the trunk, while you take a tour of our beautiful home for the weekend." Josh walked over to the car.

Taking off inside the beautifully, crafted home, each room had me falling in love. The master bedroom had a cozy, California king size bed, I couldn't wait to snuggle up to my man while watching Christmas movies and drinking red wine. Everything was perfect.

Josh walked up the stairs and found me "I've always wanted to live in a fancy little cabin."

"Me too. I still can't believe we're doing this babe, everything has been so hard, here's to hoping stuff will start to look up." Sitting on the bed, I held his hand.

"It will darling, we got this. How about tomorrow morning we head down behind the house, and find us a nice tree to string some lights on." His blue eyes glistened as his smile rang from ear to ear.

"Cut! That's a wrap for today. Tomorrow we'll bring in the tree, tonight I need my lovely actors to rest. But be here in the morning seven o'clock sharp." The crew started packing up for the night.

"Good work today, Corbyn." Trying my best to get along with him, I decided to compliment him.

"Thanks, you weren't so bad yourself." He gave a half smile then walked away.

Going back outside, I got Into the black SUV that was waiting to take me to my hotel.

My agent had booked the audition for this movie about a year ago, the process was long and drawn out, but ultimately they had decided to go with me for the role. The plan is to shoot here in Colorado for six months, staying in the same hotel as the cast and crew, as Corbyn. We didn't exactly hate each other, he was just sort of an ego crazed jerk. But, we were playing soulmates in this so I did what I could to be nice.

"Miss. Benson, we've arrived at your hotel." The driver said looking at me through the mirror.

"Thank you, see you tomorrow." I waved as I got out and walked through the revolving doors.

Getting onto the empty elevator, I pressed the button for the third floor. I heard the ding as it stopped and opened it's big metal doors for me to get off. Finally getting into my room, I decided to just go to bed, I had a really long day tomorrow.

Making it back to the set, I was greeted by Jason asking me to get back into place. When I walked around back to get ready for the tree scene, I saw Corbyn flirting with the makeup woman.

"Strike out there did you?" I let out a soft chuckle as I sat in the makeup chair next to him.

"No, why? Jealous?" He laughed.

"Of what? I wouldn't want to go out with you if we were the last two people on earth." I said crossing my arms.

"The feeling is mutual. But you'd be lucky to have a chance with me." Corbyn stated.

I just rolled my eyes as I got in my place.

"Annnddd action!" Jason said as he sat in the directors chair.

Josh and I walked down the little hill over into the woods to find the perfect Christmas tree.

"I've never cut down a tree, I've always bought one from the store." I told him as we headed out.

"My dad, mom, three sisters and I used to track out into the woods over the freshly fallen snow every December to find us one, then once we got home and put it up we would tell stories and drink hot chocolate." Josh reminisced of his childhood.

"Honey, that sounds wonderful. How come you've never told me that?" I crossed my arms as we walked trying to stay warm.

He shrugged. "Those memories haven't crossed my mind in quite some time. Ah how about here? This tree looks like it'll do the job." He said as he stopped and looked up at an eight foot tree.

"Looks good to me, swing away." Stepping back, I watched as he brought his axe up ready to drop the tree onto the blanket of snow.

"Wait, stop. Corbyn you're not swinging that thing right, it's going to slip from your grip and hit someone." I broke character and scolded him.

He scoffed "How about you worry about yourself and not about how I hold this thing."

"Can you please stop being a jerk? No, that's impossible." I chuckled.

"Woah, what what the hell is this? You two straighten up and take two" Jason yelled from off camera.

"Fine, let's get through this." I flashed a fake smile.

"Looks good to me, swing away." I repeated my line.

Josh brought his axe up and swung on the tree over and over until it we could hear the cracking and witness it fall hard.

"Let's drag this back to the house!" I grabbed my gloves from my pocket to slip them on.

"Great, we have to do that over because Michaela cannot learn her lines." Corbyn rolled his eyes.

"Are you serious? I got it right, word for word." I shot back at him.

"No, you were supposed to say Josh, sweetie how do we get this back to the cabin?" He walked over towards me with a script.

"Do no even try to shove that in my face. Listen, I'm not in the mood to deal with an asshole." I started to walk away from him.

"That's it!" Jason jumped from his chair and came over to us. "You two obviously cannot act like professionals, you're done." He blew up on us.

Corbyn and I exchanged looks.

"Wait Jason, we are professionals and we want to work together to finish this." I begged him not to fire us.

"Then the two of you need to work your shit out. You're going to spend the weekend in this cabin, run lines, become best friends. Whatever it takes to get along, do it! We will resume filming on Monday, if you two cannot behave you're out." Jason threw the script at Corbyn and walked off set.

"Great, we get to be roomies all weekend." I said sarcastically.

Corbyn and I walked back to the cabin we had been using for the movie. The studio rented this from Airbnb for the six month period.

"Do we actually have any real food in here?" Corbyn opened the fridge.

"Order Doordash." I said with an attitude.

"Aren't we supposed to be getting along?" He asked as he pulled his phone out.

"Weekends not up yet Hollywood." I told him while lighting the fire.

He sat beside me. "Pizza should be here soon."

Looking over he flashed a sweet smile which for some reason made me angry.

"Whatever, just ready to get this over with." I looked away.

"So, why do you hate me?" He raised an eyebrow.

I sighed. "I don't hate you, but i see you flirting with every women on the set and you're just too cocky I guess."

"I'm not cocky, I'm confident and i definitely do not flirt with every woman." He defended himself.

I chuckled. "Corbyn yes you do, you're a player."

"Is someone jealous?" He joked.

"That's funny, but no." I looked at him, his blonde hair was a mess.

"Come on, I see the way you look at me while we're filming you're not that good of an actor. I know you like what you see." He sounded so sure of himself.

Deep down I did find him attractive and somewhat charming but i wouldn't let him know that. My goal was to focus on my career, someday maybe to win an Oscar, I needed no distractions.

"Okay, whatever you say. How about we run lines? He suggested.

I nodded as he began to read.

"Sarah, this weekend has been enchanting I feel so much closer to you." His blue eyes lit up.

"Josh, the day I married you was the happiest day of my life. I love you and always will." I ran my fingers through his golden locks.

He leaned in and began to kiss me, I didn't remember this being in the script but I didn't question it.

Jason definitely got his wish, corbyn and I were inseparable. We fell in love that weekend, he was the one I had wanted my whole life but had not been searching for.

"Okay let's get this movie back on track, pick up from your line Corbyn. Action!" Jason yelled.


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The skies are blue, haven't been for a while

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    hayleyWritten by hayley

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