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Mystery Tapes

The case of Olive Grace

By hayleyPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Four days had gone by since eighteen year old Olive Grace had been reported missing, last seen leaving her night job at the donut shop, her case taunting me, making it impossible to sleep.

A buzzing noise could be heard outside, snapping me back to reality. Quickly, I ran to open the door, but when looking, saw a drone flying away. Before I could close the door, I noticed a small brown box sitting on my welcome mat, I hesitated then grabbed the package. In big letters, Detective Jack Stone was written on the side. Using a knife and cutting the brown tape, I opened the flaps to see a vhs tape.

Taking the mysterious tape, I walked down my basement stairs where I had an old tv and player set up. Popping it into the machine, I pressed play, preparing myself for whatever I was about to see.

Static came over the screen, then the picture presented clearly. It was security footage from the donut shop dated one month before Olive went missing. She appeared to be sitting at a table with a gentleman, who's face was covered with a mask. The tape played on a continuous inaudible loop of the two of them sitting and talking.

The box had no clues on it as to who had sent it my way, or better yet, what the tape meant. Picking up my cell phone, I texted my partner detective Andrews, telling him I wouldn't be making it in today. This was either someone playing a sick joke, or information about Olive, I didn't want to rest until I found out.

Passed out on the couch after a long, frustrating night, I arose quickly hearing the same buzzing noise outside. Like on repeat, I opened my door and there was another brown package.

Opening the box, there was a VHS tape, again, I took it down to my player. Tossing the other one onto the sofa, I put the new one in and pressed play. This time, the video showed Olive and the unrecognizable man in the parking lot, but now she seemed upset. It appeared she tried to walk away from him, but he grabbed her hand, pulling her back.

Deciding this was too much for only me, I met up with Andrews and told him everything. He was somewhat relieved, according to him he had received a tape too. He told me that on his was some guy picking Olive up from the donut shop, but his face could clearly be seen.

The next day, I walked into the interrogation room, sitting across the table was the man Detective Andrews had just arrested.

"It's your unlucky day." I tossed a folder onto the table.

"Now we've been investigating the disappearance of this girl, we have evidence you were seen with her the day she went missing, that makes you a suspect." Andrews opened the folder and showed him the photo from the tape.

"Wait, I didn't hurt nobody." We could hear the panic in Colby's voice

"That's you in this photo. So you better start talking." I sat down in the cold, metal chair.

"Look, I did see that girl, but I didn't hurt her. I picked her up for my boss." He twiddled his thumbs.

"Great. So who's your boss?" Andrews asked him.

"I um I don't know really. I've never seen him."

"You expect us to believe you've never met this boss of yours? Stone you buying this?" He looked over at me.

"No Andrews, I'm not. I think he's lying to cover his ass." I crossed my arms.

"No it's the truth I don't know the guy. All I know is that he's the big dog, he's the leader of B12." Colby was stuttering.

"Kidnapping and admitting to being apart of a gang? That sounds like ten right there." I grabbed the folder and stood up.

"Wait, wait, I do know that the tapes you received came from our leader. I was picking up the girl as ordered by the boss, I was notified by one of the other members. I picked her up from this donut shop, then dropped her in an empty parking lot. All I saw was her getting into a black SUV, the windows were too dark for me to see inside. That's all I know, please you have to believe me." He stated.

"Alright. What are the names of the other members, and where was this parking lot?" I tapped my foot.

"I know how this works, what do I get in return?" Colby sat back in his chair.

I scoffed "Maybe we can talk to the DA about cutting you a deal."

"If I know something else, can I get a certain on that deal? I know where another tape is." He told us.

I glanced over at my partner.

"If your information is correct and we get that tape. I'll get you a deal." Andrews promised him.

We busted an old warehouse where Colby told us the tape would be. Arresting some of B12's members, we finally found the tape.

Making it back to the station, Andrews and I popped the tape into the player in his office. When the picture became clear, we could see Olive, she was tied to a chair and gagged. Distantly, we heard someone talking to her. She kept trying to pull her hands free, as the voice grew closer. Finally, a man came into frame from behind.

"You underestimate me sweetheart." The deep, cold voice said.

Olive kept shaking her head no in panic.

"I'm so sorry about this, truly I am. But you know too much." The man said while taking his gun out and shooting her with it. As he turned to walk away, we caught his face. I almost passed out when I saw the man... he was me.

I knew it wasn't me and so did my partner but I had to work fast to prove it. Or risk going to jail for a crime I didn't commit.

For hours, we interrogated the B12 members. Almost none of them would talk. Lastly, we talked to a boy who was a part of B12 and was only fourteen and had a pretty smart lawyer. He traded the name of the leader and his office location for a really good deal.

Andrews brought Justin Nolan into the station for us to question.

"Murder, kidnapping, gangs, you're looking at life here my friend." As I walked into the room, I felt I was looking into a fun house mirror, this man looked identical to me.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves here detective." Justin's lawyer said.

"Ahead of ourselves? We have him on tape murdering young Olive Grace." Andrews pointed out.

"But why keep sending us the tapes?" I asked as I sat down.

Justin just laughed. "You really don't know who I am, do you?"

"Am I supposed to?" I raised an eyebrow.

"When I was a baby I was adopted out, because my mother couldn't afford anymore kids." He sat back in his chair.

"That doesn't explain why you sent those." Andrews told him.

"My birth mother's name was Courtney Stone." He looked over at me.

"Ha now's that funny. I don't know how you know my mother, but you let her name leave your mouth again and I swear you'll end up on death row." I clenched my fist under the table.

"About five years ago, I was curious where I had come from and why I was given up. So, I started digging and found out that my birth mom was only sixteen when she had me and my twin brother, but apparently she couldn't afford both boys so she picked between us. She chose to keep you detective and throw me out like trash." Justin was staring me down.

"Believe me I'm going to look Into your little story. But even if it's true, why come after me?" I asked.

"Our mother wanted to keep you, but gave me to strangers. I sent those tapes to taunt you, to let you know I had something you wanted so desperately, just like you did to me. You wanted to solve your case, to bring Olive home safe and sound, but I stole that from you, just as you stole our mother from me." Justin gave us an evil smile.

"Andrews, arraign this asshole." I stood up and walked away.


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The skies are blue, haven't been for a while

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    hayleyWritten by hayley

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