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Not What It Seems

Pretty purple clouds, or sources of destruction?

By Rebecca HackneyPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Every night at midnight, the purple clouds came out to dance with the blushing sky. Everyone in the village of Pallaton was enchanted by the sight. The villagers would dance under the clouds and celebrate their arrival. They all thought it was magical, a gift to bring in the new day. What they didn’t know was that these clouds meant extinction.

“Rain, come dance with us,” Meadow said to her sister.

“No way! Those clouds are dangerous.” Rain replied giving her sister a concerned look.

“They are not. They are blessings, Rain.” Meadow said crossing her arms.

“Blessings of death maybe.”

“If you would just come with the rest of the village you will see how beautiful they are and you would change your mind.”

“Doubt it, but why risk it. I’m good here, where I can sleep, and not worry about what those things are.”

“They are clouds, pretty purple clouds.”

“They aren’t natural, Meadow! Clouds come and go and are constantly changing. These things come every night at a specific time and are purple!”

“Whatever, come if you want or stay here. I’m done fighting with you over this.” Meadow said walking out the door.

Rain sat there at the window and watched her sister walk out to the field. Everyone gathered there in preparation of the clouds coming. It was strange to Rain but all the other villagers seemed to enjoy them. Rain knew something was off with these so called clouds but no one would listen to her. Like Rain kept telling Meadow, these things weren’t natural. They showed up about a month ago and came back every night at midnight, even if it was raining or snowing, these clouds came. Rain felt like she should investigate but she didn’t want to get sucked into the clouds supposedly magic trance. So she sat at the window and watched as the villagers danced and swayed under the purple glow.

The next morning Rain was woken with a start as her Mother came rushing in her room.

“Did you go to the fields last night?” She desperately asked.

“Mama? What’s wrong?”

“Answer me. Did you go to the fields?”

“No, Mama, I didn’t. Why?”

“What about your sister? Did she go?”

“Yes, I tried to tell her not to but she didn’t listen.” Rain said as her Mother took off towards Meadow’s room. Rain jumped out of bed and put her slippers on. She got to her sisters door just as her Mother started asking the same questions.

“Yes, I went to the fields,” She heard Meadow answer.

“Did you see Nadia?” Mother asked.

“Yes, for a second then the clouds came. Last I saw her she was walking towards the forest but she knows not to go in there.”

“Girls, Nadia is missing. She wasn’t in her bed this morning when her parents went to check. Last anyone saw was her at the fields.”

“Maybe she fell asleep at the edge of the forest. Some other kids I know will pass out wherever they can. After the clouds come and we celebrate we get tired. Luckily for me the fields are close to our house.”

“Her parents have looked. They are going to get a search going if she isn’t found soon.”

“I’ll help.” Rain said then went to her room to change into outside clothes.

An hour later some men from the village were making a plan to search for Nadia. So far she was the only one missing. Nadia’s parents were asking all her friends if they seen her or if she slept at their houses. So far nothing as to where she was. Some men came back from the edge of the forest with Nadia’s bag and shoes.

“Okay everyone I know this is scary but we can get through this. Nadia probably just wondered into the forest accidentally after being tired from the clouds. A couple men volunteered to go looking for her. As soon as we know anything we will let you know. Please go back to what you were normally doing. No need to panic.” The leader of the village, Raven, announced then turned back towards the volunteers and motioned them off to start the search.

“Can I help?” Rain asked Raven.

“That’s kind of you but you can stay here and help keep everyone calm.”

“But I’m the best searcher. I notice things other fail to see.”

“Fine. You can come with me but you aren’t to leave my side, understand?”

“Yes, Father.” Rain said rolling her eyes and grinning.

They headed off into the forest with everyone else that was searching. Hopefully soon they would find Nadia or at least a clue to where she was.


About the Creator

Rebecca Hackney

Love writing and taking readers on a journey.

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Rebecca HackneyWritten by Rebecca Hackney

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