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Ms. Landonhopfer's School for Young Women

Charlotte Marigold learns the secret

By Joey LowePublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Ms. Landonhopfer's School for Young Women
Photo by Terriell Scrimager on Unsplash

Stand up straight! Don't look around. Breath from your abdomen, in and hold, then slowly release. Never make eye contact at least not at first. Always, always wait for him to open a door for you. Before you sit, hesitate long enough for him to withdraw your seat for you. And for Pete's sake, get rid of that chewing gum right now! You are a proper young lady, not some ner-do-well to be found wandering the streets looking for a free meal.

These firm words of instruction were the last things Ms. Landonhopfer said to us before releasing us to mingle with the invited guests of the school. Once a year, the Landonhopfer School for Young Women held a social open by invitation only. Guests included some of the most eligible bachelors in New York City. It was not uncommon for more than one of Ms. Landonhopfer's students to meet her potential betrothed at these functions. In fact, in recent years there had been more eligible bachelors than students which created a somewhat rushed atmosphere when the doors to the ballroom were opened and the eligible young ladies were escorted into the room and formally announced one at a time by Ms. Landonhopfer herself.

This was a proper venue and there would be no shenanigans as long as the chaperones were alert and watchful. Ms. Landonhopfer had only a few rules that were strictly enforced. There would be absolutely no touching between members of the opposite sex. No student would leave the ballroom unaccompanied by a chaperone, even to relieve herself. No alcoholic beverages would be served. And the social would end promptly at 10 o'clock p. m. and all bachelors would be required to leave the premises. These rules had worked well for the past forty-eight years and there had never been an issue except that one time in 1927, and no one was allowed to discuss that in front of Ms. Landonhopfer.

Amongst the debutantes tonight was one in particular that many bachelors had their eyes on. Charlotte Marigold had recently come of age and was due to graduate in the spring with honors. Charlotte was the sole heir to the Marigold fortune estimated to be worth just shy of $1 billion dollars and it was predicted she would take control of her mother's business who had recently passed away due to illness. Charlotte was described as a spirited young lady more suited for the outdoors than a life of high society and business. Nonetheless, she was graduating with honors with degrees in business and in law. To make matters worse, Charlotte was beautiful in every way a young woman could be beautiful and she knew it. Ms. Landonhopher had predicted Charlotte would break many gentlemen's hearts before the right man is able to settle her down.

Charlotte entered the ballroom and a hush came over the crowd. She had that effect on people. Ms. Landonhopfer introduced her and she curtseyed before quickly walking over to an empty table to seat herself. Of course, before she arrived at the empty table, several suitors met her there and assisted her with her chair. As she collected their calling cards and listened as they introduced themselves, her mind wandered to other places. Charlotte dreaded this place and the sooner she could leave the faster she could get out of this dress and into some jeans and boots.

It didn't take long for most of the men to take the hint and they moved on to meet the other girls, all except one man. He was considerably older than the other suitors. At first glance, Charlotte thought to herself why would Ms. Landonhopfer allow this perverted old man access to so many young women looking to get married. Then she thought it must be his wealth. It's a good thing I don't need his money I suppose, she said to herself. The older man said, "Ms. Marigold, my name is Harry. May I sit here with you a spell? If for no other reason than to rest my feet and dispel any of these other young men from harassing you?" Charlotte giggled aloud and invited him to sit with her.

After a long silence, Harry removed a white envelope from his pocket and slid it over to Charlotte. He told her that he was fond of her mother and had only recently heard of her passing. He asked her not to open the envelope at the social, but to take it with her if she chose to, and read it in the privacy of her room. Harry stood and handed her his calling card and bid her adieu. Charlotte was curious about the envelope, but she honored Harry's request and placed it in her clutch. Ms. Landonhopfer had observed everything from the moment Harry sat down, until his departure. She too was very curious about what was in the envelope.

It didn't take long for the clock to strike 10 o'clock p. m. and as Ms. Landonhopher had promised would happen, the music stopped and the students all stood up and left the ballroom almost in a single file. The gentlemen scurried around for those last-minute exchanges of information, but Ms. Landonhopfer did not mince any words as she strongly suggested it was time for them to vacate the building or risk disbarment forever. Charlotte returned to her room and closed her door and quickly undressed. She was putting on her nightclothes when a sharp knock at the door startled her.

Ms. Landonhopfer opened the door slightly and asked permission to enter. Before Charlotte could reply, she came in and walked directly over to the table where Charlotte had laid her clutch, and said, "I saw that Harry handed you an envelope tonight at the social. Have you read it yet?" Charlotte shook her head no and thought to herself that nosey old busybody. Ms. Landonhopfer continued, "It's highly inappropriate. Please show me the envelope. I would like for the both of us to read it together now." Over the years, Ms. Landonhopfer had made it abundantly clear to all of her students they had no reasonable right to privacy, especially when it came to correspondence. She justified her intrusions as her way of being protective of her charges.

Charlotte walked over to the bed, sat down, and removed the envelope from her clutch. Ms. Landonhopfer watched as she opened it and unfolded the single-page note inside. A dried pressed marigold flower fell from the envelope onto the floor, and Ms. Landonhopfer bent over to retrieve it. When she did, Charlotte removed a second item from the envelope and hid it in her gown. "Well, read it!", said Ms. Landonhopfer, "Out loud, please!"

My dearest Charlotte, I do hope this note finds you in good health as you approach maturation. It has been many years since I last lay eyes on you and I'm entrusting Harry to describe you to me in the fullest of detail. Soon, very soon, you will be free of that dreadful Ms. Landonhopfer and able to come and go as you please. Just remember, you are not beholden to anyone, least of all any suitor that Ms. Landonhopfer thrusts in front of you. Yours truly and forever your beloved aunt, Helen, Duchess of Abercorn.

Charlotte looked up from the note to see Ms. Landonhopfer's face rapidly accelerating through the various shades of red before deciding that crimson red was most fitting for the occasion. Ms. Landonhopfer jerked the note from Charlotte's hands and told her she was grounded to her room until further notice and would not be eligible to attend tomorrow morning's brunch where the eligible bachelors would most likely make their proposals. Although Charlotte's face did not reflect her feelings, inside she was excitably relieved.

After Ms. Landonhopfer left her room, Charlotte sat back down on her bed and removed the item from her gown, and examined it. The item was an odd item. At first glance, it appeared to be a bronze key in the shape of a marigold. But on closer examination, it could also be an old-timey brass whistle she thought. The hour was late, but Charlotte lifted the key to her lips and blew. Nothing happened! There was no sound. She was the only one in her room, yet she was still embarrassed so she quickly placed the item in her desk drawer and continued readying herself for bed.

There was a knock at her door that startled her. Charlotte opened the door slightly to see Harry standing there smiling down at her. In a resounding voice, Harry said, "Did you whistle for me, Ms. Charlotte?" She was stunned and opened the door further and ushered Harry inside before anyone, especially that dreadful Ms. Landonhopfer should see him. Charlotte replied, "Harry, how did you hear the whistle? I heard nothing." Harry laughed and told her the whistle was magical, a gift from the northern tribes to her Aunt Helen for her to use whenever she needed immediate help that required the services of a genie.

Charlotte continued to stare at Harry, then said, "You are a genie?" Harry laughed again and replied, "At your services, Jeune femme!" There was another knock at her door and before she could ask Harry to hide, he had disappeared. Charlotte opened the door once more and found Ms. Landonhopfer standing there and peering into her room. "I thought I heard voices.", she said. Charlotte opened her door wide and stood aside for Ms. Landonhopfer to fully see. After a minute of glaring into the room, Ms. Landonhopfer made a poor attempt at an apology. She told Charlotte that she was too hasty in grounding her and that she should plan on attending the brunch. A young suitor from a very prominent family had expressed an interest in Charlotte after all. Then Ms. Landonhopfer turned and left.

Charlotte had just closed her door when she heard Harry laugh again. She spun around and found Harry sitting at her desk, holding the key-shaped whistle. Harry tossed her the whistle and instructed her to wear it around her neck always. Charlotte had many questions for Harry and they sat there for hours with her asking and him answering. It was the wee hours of the morning when Harry stood and told her it was time for her to rest. Tomorrow would pass and then she would be free to do as she pleased. Charlotte nodded and climbed beneath the covers. Before she closed her eyes, she reached for and found the necklace around her neck. Harry was right. Morning would be here soon and many changes were on the way with the sunrise. It was only fitting since marigolds were considered a flower of the sun.

I hope you enjoyed reading this first installment of a much longer story I am writing. If you did, please don't forget to leave me a like or even a tip if you really liked it. If you would like to communicate with me, I can always be reached on my Instagram via DM at @realjoeylowe. Thank you again!


About the Creator

Joey Lowe

Just an old disabled dude living in Northeast Texas. In my youth, I wanted to change the world. Now I just write about things. More about me is available at including what I'm currently writing about or you can tweet me.

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    Joey LoweWritten by Joey Lowe

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