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Malodorously 2012

Ark of Humanity

By Tyronn Rahda MonroePublished 3 years ago 2 min read

(Two men stand side by side as only one speaks. Horrid sounds and noises of people screaming and the chaos that ensues down the valley, only miles from them, creep up to the mountain top like ‘devil dogs’ announcing their near presence. The elder speaks to his much younger disciple. The younger of the men, just eagerly and intensively listens as the elder speaks…...)

“As Nibiru comes into focus and I place this ‘heart-shaped’ locket into your hands, you must acknowledge these dire times and the severity of the Mayan prophecy and it’s importance as it is upon us all. Of all of our mountain ‘clan of bandits’, we all realized that a changed was going to come soon, but, are we all ready for it’s outcome? You saw that this December, was the warmest on record around the world and tempers ran even hotter amongst the people. Many experts thought that the record weather and rapidly, rising sea levels were due to ‘global warming’. Let me assure you of this, they were dead wrong and we all knew of such, including you”.

“Isn’t it uncanny how this 20th of December, 2012, in the daytime, we can even witness the ‘tail of the Red Dragon’, Nibiru, as she passes by our small planet? Riddle me this, do the gods frown upon our violent terrene, with tremendous disappointment, as they surpass humanity at it’s weakest state? Tell me, my dearest of friends, is it akin to Michelangelo setting ablaze the artwork of the Sistine Chapel, as he cascades on by? Or, could it be likened to someone cutting the head off of a gigantic serpent of which they created? I tend to feel as if it holds the similarity of a ‘Burning Phoenix’, rising again from the ashes, and the ‘Weight of Beginnings’, carries a ponderous fate”!

“As the waters rise around us and the magnetic poles begin to shift, I feel a rise in more than just the sea levels, my friend. Placing this locket into your hands, carries the keys to our intellectual existence and hopefully, a rapid rise, after a tremendous decent. As history repeats itself, we realize that this is not the first time that Nibiru has passed by us creating havoc, and if this planet exists long enough, well, my friend, she will pass again. But, with the safe keeping of this locket, that I relinquish to you and only you, mankind will not have to start completely over again from just simple loincloth”?

“Tomorrow will be upon us, and the pole shift will be complete, causing a catastrophic worldly outcome. Never speak of failure and do not ever be afraid of ‘tomorrow’, fore, ‘tomorrow’ is ‘Today’s Lover’ and brings the ‘Birth of the New’. Don’t look back at me as you board the A.R.K., just sail until you outsail the the waters and the chaos. Take this locket and know that it is the key to existence itself! You may have a chuckle or two on your long voyage, knowing that in that heart-shaped locket is sizable amount of hair. Believe it or not, it is Stephen Halkin’s hair. I stole his hairbrush seven months ago at a conference. Know this and know it well, brother… posses some of the best DNA know to mankind to start all over again!”

(The younger man never looked back at his elder as he boarded the A.R.K., he just chuckled and closed the door……..)


About the Creator

Tyronn Rahda Monroe

poet, violinist, musician, short story writer, furniture builder, artist, photographer.....etc....and recently trying to write screenplays. Covid has dictated that I must travel down exciting, new roads of prosperity to survive financially.

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    Tyronn Rahda MonroeWritten by Tyronn Rahda Monroe

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