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Love Without Conditions

The suffering, the pain, the hardships – everything I went through for you was worth it.

By NoonajPublished 3 days ago 4 min read

As I sat in the crowded auditorium, my heart swelling with pride, I couldn't help but tear up. My son, now a renowned professor, was standing confidently on stage, sharing his knowledge of plastic surgery with a crowd of esteemed professionals. I felt a sense of accomplishment wash over me as I gazed at him, my eyes welling up with tears.

"Everything I went through in my life of hardships and pain for you was worth it," I whispered to myself, my voice trembling. "You are my joy, my pride, my life. You are my everything in life."

I thought back to the day I met your father, when I fell deeply in love with him at first sight. We married and built a life together, working side by side in that textile factory. And then, on the day of the anniversary celebration, tragedy struck. The fire that engulfed the factory, taking your father's life and leaving me with severe facial disfigurement. I remember holding you close to my chest, shielding you from the flames as they raged around us.

Dr. Lee, my husband's friend, had been by my side that day, helping me through the aftermath of the tragedy. I suffered a severe facial disfigurement that left me feeling like an outcast. I had to face the cruel stares and whispers of strangers every day, and struggled to come to terms with my new appearance. I would do it all again in a heartbeat if it meant keeping you safe. I would burn and be disfigured again in exchange for your protection. You were my everything, my son. My source of strength and courage in the darkest of times.

Even in the midst of all this pain and suffering, I found a way to keep going. I worked multiple jobs to make ends meet, often going without sleep or food to ensure that you had everything you needed. I fought to overcome the physical and emotional scars of the accident, using every ounce of strength I had to push through the darkness.

And then there were the countless nights spent awake, wracked with guilt and anxiety as I thought about what could have been if only I had done things differently. I replayed the events of that fateful day over and over in my mind, wondering if there was anything I could have done to save my husband.

Despite all these challenges, I never gave up. I kept pushing forward, driven by my love for my son and my determination to give him a better life. And as I watched him stand confidently on stage, sharing his expertise with a room full of professionals, I knew that all my struggles had been worth it.

"I would sacrifice my life for you," I whispered to myself, tears streaming down my face. "I would do it all again in a heartbeat."

I thought back to the countless times I had felt like giving up when the pain and suffering seemed too much to bear. But every time, something inside me had sparked – a spark of love and determination that had kept me going.

As I watched you on stage, I felt a sense of gratitude wash over me. My son, you are a strong and wonderful person, just like your father. I knew that you loved and respected me unconditionally.

I thought back to all the times you had apologized to me for your past behavior, and how it had broken my heart to see you struggle with guilt and shame. But now, as I looked at you standing tall on stage, I knew that you had forgiven yourself and you were proud of who you were.

And now, as I sat in the auditorium, watching you shine on stage, that spark was burning brighter than ever before. I knew that I had given everything I had for you, and that you were now giving back to me in ways I never thought possible.

"My love will never change," I whispered to myself. "Love without conditions or anything in return. This is the love of a mother."

I smiled through my tears as I gazed at you, my son, feeling grateful for the journey we had shared together. I knew that I would always be there for you, no matter what challenges lay ahead – and that you would always be there for me too.

As the applause died down and my son took his seat beside me, and he gave me a beautiful flower, I reached out and took it. "I'm so proud of you," I whispered, my voice shaking with emotion.

And as we sat there together, surrounded by strangers who admired and respected our bond, I knew that we would face whatever came next – side by side – as long as we were together.

Note: This story is the second part of the story "It Turned Out That I Was The Monster."

The story talks about the character of the mother. The suffering, the pain, the hardships, everything she went through for her son was worth it.

Stream of ConsciousnessShort StorySeriesPsychologicalLovefamily

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    NoonajWritten by Noonaj

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