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👔Falling For A Baddie🌹

{ Under her spell...🧡 }

By Daniel IdomehPublished 9 days ago 6 min read

👔Falling For
A Baddie🌹
{ Under her spell...🧡 }


{Hide and seek}

She landed on the floor with a groan.

"Oh, Heck!"she cussed under her breath, a whimper escaping her lips especially when she saw him coming to a stop right before her.

First day of school turned out to be the day she dies...

Axel crouched on one knee before her and dangerously stared into her eyes. A gulp of nothing went down Hazel's throat as she began to slightly shift backward on her b*tt.

She didn't make it even a feet away when he placed his right hand on her shoulder, his tight grip forcing her to stay still. A chill running through her veins as she met his eyes.

"Who are you?"he spoke up, his voice so icy and yet commanding. She couldn't help fidgeting a little bit, wanting no more than for the ground to open and suck her in.

"I...I... I'm Hazel."she shuttered, at first lowly but quickly raised her voice when she saw the stern look he was sending her way.

Axel scoffed disbelievingly, taking his hand to his side and standing back up on his feet.

"I didn't ask for your f**king name. When I say who are you, I mean who the hell are you to try stop me from passing my judgement on him. When I say who are you, I mean how dare you!!"he growled angrily, looking down at her while fisting his hand as he boiled with rage.

She felt her body pulse. For someone whom she just had a crush on, she would have thought he was someone as nice as his good looks. But no, she was wrong. Her crush was none other than the school's bad boy.

And even though he was like this, it was weird how she still felt those butterflies running around her stomach. Guess she still likes him though. Love at first sight wasn't something that can just vanish out of the thin air.

"Are you listening...?"

She flinched when his voice suddenly brought her out of her trance of thoughts.

"No...I mean, Yes; I...I..."she stammered, not able to get her words together.

Axel briefly closed his eyes, trying to keep his cool and shut down the annoyance that was currently getting him to a start. He felt like going down on her and gripping her neck so tightly until she chokes and realizes that who's currently standing before her wasn't someone to mess with.

Now feeling eased, he looked right at her.

"Three days, Munchkin. For three days, you're going to have to do as I say. You go wherever I want you to be and at whatever time I want you to be there. In short, you're now my three days maid. Got that?"He asked, impatience plastered across his face.

She quickly nodded.

"Yes...Yes!"she added, nodding again. He only scoffed irritatingly before walking off and out of view.

Immediately he was gone, she jumped up on her feet and exhaled, a hand placed by her chest as she felt the hammering of her heartbeats.

She looked around, dusting off her faded jean trouser.

"I need to get to class as soon as possible. Who knows, he might decide to come back."she mumbled to herself and taking a final peek at the hallway, she flashed through the path, wanting no more than to be where she's never going to see him again.

An unknown figure dropped down from a motorbike and tucked a certain gun into his back pocket before furthering into the school's compound.

He entered an empty classroom with the spare key in his hand. Taking his seat on a dusty chair which he didn't bother cleaning off, he placed crossed a leg upon the other before looking here and there the classroom.

With a scowl, he brought out a face mask from his chest pocket and put it on.

Bringing out the gun inside his back pocket, he started loading bullets into the black gun, one by one.

Once it's lunch break, he's going to hit his target...

Charlotte got into her third class only to see someone already occupying her seat. Mrs Evans, the teacher currently standing before the class looked back at her with an angry expression.

"You're late, Char."Mrs Evans said, crossing her arms before her chest and peering a look at her right through her old glasses.

"Sorry, ma'am."she replied, rolling her eyes sarcastic and moving over to her seat.

Mrs Evans shook her head pitifully before going back to writing on the board. Mrs Evans already had enough to deal with already. Losing her job because she wants to punish her doesn't seem like the best idea.

"Get away from my seat, you duck."Charlotte spat annoyingly on reaching her seat.

The whole class immediately turned their heads to look at the scene Charlotte was sure to cause. She's the school's queen bee and other female students has no other choice than to follow her lead if they don't want to face the consequences.

Hazel pretended not to hear, only looking back and forth the board and copying down Mrs Evans writing on her notebook.

"Don't you hear me, I said..."

"Sit down on the floor, angry monk. Stop disturbing my peace, please."Hazel interrupted her saying, not even bothering to look at Charlotte's angered face.

Charlotte made to charge towards her but unfortunately, Mrs Evans voice cuts in.

"Go and take your seat, Char. You're late yet still disrupting my class."Mrs Evans said, unpleased.

Gritting her teeth together, Charlotte shoot daggers at the back of Hazel's head before going over to take another free seat.

"I'll get back to you, don't worry."Charlotte lowly said under her breath, seating down on a seat and looking away from the board. Not even the least giving Mrs Evans teachings an attention.


Hazel entered the cafetaria but immediately regretted it when she looked into her pocket only to find a few notes of money.

"Should I eat lunch from it and just walk the way home instead?"she asked herself.

Looking back at the crowded cafetaria, she was quick to make her decision. She was going over to the food stand when she began hearing murmurs and drools.


👥The three Greeks are here!👥

👥Look... He looks so perfect.👥

👥 Awwn, why do I feel like he's looking right at me?👥

Hazel turned around and sighting him standing between two handsome guys and scanning the crowd, she quickly snuck under an empty table.

"Oh Lord, he's looking for me."she thought in her mind, looking from under the table to suddenly see three pairs of feets right before the table.

"Better get out of there before I'll have to force you, munchkin."she heard him growl and immediately startled.

She shook her head.... Perhaps, he's not talking to her.

"I hate hide and seek. Don't make me force my hands on you...!"he hasn't even spoken finish when she had her head bent and crawled out of under the table.

Standing up, she itched the back of her neck nervously, not finding the courage to look up at him.

"Come with me."he ordered and at once, started marching away with Draco and Dylan.

Axel stopped at the food line and the students on the line hurriedly stepped away for him. Draco and Dylan stayed back at a few distance while Hazel stopped behind Axel, almost bumping into his back.

"A pepperoni pizza and cheese."Axel briefly demanded. The chefs behind the counter shuffled off into the kitchen and came back with his order.

Hazel watched, waiting to see if he was going to pay for the meal or not. Obviously, he didn't and only got the tray of food from the counter and turned around.

"Take."he simply said, and knowing not to question him, she took the tray from his hand and they started walking away.

"But you didn't ask about what I'd like."she spoke before she could stop herself, not knowing where the courage came from.

"Do I look like I give a care about what you had like or not...?"he replied back, his eyes burning with fury.

She shook her head immediately in response before shutting her mouth.

Draco and Dylan stopped at a table with five chairs and took their seats. Hazel placed the tray on the table and waited for Axel to seat down.

Meanwhile, before Axel could take his seat, a red coloured sign came over him and out of nowhere, he was shot. The bullet penetrating into him.

"Hell...!"Axel grunt and before he was even able to look at the direction, he fell onto the floor.

Gasps escaped from the students...

Hazel's eyes widened as she got on her knees beside his body and put a finger by his neck to feel his pulse. Horrified, her hearts began to race wildly.

"Get the f**king ambulance!"

STRICT WARNING: "NEXT" "INTERESTING" or "NICE ONE" is not allowed under my post. Say something about what you just read instead.

I Love Y'all ❤️💋💋💋


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    DIWritten by Daniel Idomeh

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