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👔Falling For A Baddie🌹

{ Under her spell...🧡 }

By Daniel IdomehPublished 15 days ago 7 min read

👔Falling For
A Baddie🌹
{ Under her spell...🧡 }




{Danger: His wrath!}

His breath hung in the air, his eyes burning with fury...

The nurses burst into the room as soon as they got to know about his recovery. Hazel immediately closed the door after the nurses entry, so quick to slam the door on Vienna's face, leaving her face drained with colours.

Axel ripped off the hospital clothing on him, letting it drop into shreds on his feet. His jaw ticked as he swirled around, the two nurses almost bumping their faces into his huge muscular chest.

"Axel Brown, you..."

"Get the f**k out of my way!"Axel growled at them and just like lightning, they two nurses pulled apart and made way for him without any ounce of courage to tell him off. Most especially now that his face looks so dreadful.

Axel stormed towards the door, the anger radiating from him caused Hazel to let open the door without even been asked, letting Axel out of the door and the hospital.

Hazel slowly walked out of the room too, closing the door and walking so slowly behind Axel's disappearing figure, not daring to make a sound or notify him that she was following right behind him.

The two nurses looked at each other's faces, the shock from earlier still evident.

"He hasn't even recovered. This happened to be the sixth time he'll be admitted here in this particular hospital in the last two months..."The first nurse spoke with a frown as she picked up the shreds of clothing on the floor.

The second nurse made for the door with urgency.

"I'm telling the management. Next time he's been brought here, I won't be the one attending to him, maybe someone else."she muttered on her way out.

"Who's to attend to him then? Me? Course no way. I'd rather take the day off that day. I don't want an early death, I still need to see my grand childrens."the first nurse was quick to interject, closing the door and going after her, dumping the torn piece of cloth into the trash bin on the way.

Still shirtless, Axel sped up the road with a tightened grip upon the steering wheel. Arriving at a certain house, he turned off the car's engine and bolted out of the car and up the pavement.

He knocked on the brown door just once before turning his back on the door, anger evaporating hie vision as he raked a hand up his hair.

The door opened and Axel instantly turned around, brutally landing a punch on the person's face and causing the owner's head to snap to a side, and a cut on the bottom lip, blood emitting from it.

Not giving the man before him a chance to speak, Axel slammed his hand upon his chest and pushed him against the wall.

"How dare you Jasper! How dare you send your men after me!"Axel cussed between gritted teeth, his hand going up over Jasper's shirt till it was around his neck, wrapping tightly around it. It was such a smooth move but yet, a bad one as Axel could choke him to death in just a simple second.

"You couldn't just take a whomping grand of money from me and refuse to show up for Friday night's fight."Jasper replied, now feeling the forming of sweats over his forehead.

Axel dropped his hand away from his neck, giving a fake chuckle.

"Really? That was actually why you think you could take my life? What sh*t could your money to do my existence anyways? I had wanted to take pity on you and refund for money but right now, you're getting nothing from me."Jasper's eyes went wide as Axel dropped the bombshell on him.

However, before he left...

"And tell your daughter, Hazel Jones, how much better it'll be if she starts running far away from me. Else... Me myself can never guarantee that I wouldn't hurt her and kill her off as much as that's going to please me."

Jasper was left with an agitated expression on his face whilst putting his two hands in the air in a circle form, closing his eyes, tightening the hands together and pretending it to be Hazel's neck that www in between it.

"Count yourself dead, Hazel."

Axel got out of his car, sitting over a small fence at sight and lightning up the cigarette in between in his lips. He began smoking, actually starting to feel relaxed.

"It's high time you get out of my car."He demanded, setting his eyes straight at the back of his car, rolling the cigarette in his mouth and smoking it in and out again.

Hazel gasped in shock, wanting to scream out with frustration.

"I should have knew he was aware I was right inside his booth all this while."her instinct said into her head, and she started feeling like collapsing and just go into a month coma. As long as that would save her from Axel's wrath.

Creeping out of the car's backseat and out through the passenger's door, she slipped out. Only to look straight at his face to see him staring back at her, his emotions unreadable.

"Axel, darling."Charlotte catwalks towards Axel out of nowhere, causing Axel to break the eye contact with Hazel.

His eyes left her, withdrawing to be upon Charlotte who had by now wrapped her arms around his neck, levelling her head down and peppering kisses to every inches of his neck.

Hazel quickly whirled her head to the other side, a tear escaping one of her eye. It became surplus when she started hearing the moans coming from Charlotte as they make-out.

"I couldn't believe you would call me for this the second time. I had lost all hope of ever having you again. Let's get inside... I can't wait."Charlotte murmurs, seemingly feeling overjoyed as they did to themselves what Hazel didn't even wait to witness the rest of before she took on her heels.

Loads of tears blossomed down her face as the rain began drizzling and started raining so heavily on her, whilst, she never stopped.

Hazel rested her head against the door, water dripping her hair as heavy loads of rain was still raining on her from the porch.

She shivered, her teeth chattering and grounding against one another as she brought one of her fidgeting hand up to knock.

"Dad, I'm back. Open the door, please."she shouted on top her voice, nuzzling her head deeper against the door as if it could suck her in.

She sighed when after a minute, she got no response and neither was the door opened. She knew he was inside, aside the fact that his car was right at the parking lot, he doesn't go anywhere except when it's midnight. Perhaps, it's just 8 o'clock now.

She sniffed in her tears...

"One last try."she mumbled lowly, pounding against the door. Her knuckles abruptly stopped in the air when the door was flung opened and came her Father's angry looking face.

"Get away from my door, you br*t!"he bit at her, glowering with his sharp edgy red eyes before shutting the door on her face.

Falling limply down at the doorstep, her tears reinforced the rain slowed down to bits, until it was no longer raining but only drizzling.

A thought crossed her mind and she rose to her feet, her legs wobbling in the process. Only after she's taken about three steps forward did she regained her strength, a crack coursing through one of her legs as it straightened.

"I need to find somewhere to spend the night."she told herself, walking faster and wrapping her arms around herself.

"My backpack is at school, I have the little bit of my remaining money in there."

Her face fell at her second thought, disappointment flashing through her eyes as she came to a stop. Looking around to see she was at the dangerous area of their street. Rumors had it that it gets real dangerous here by this time of the night.

Frantically, she turned away in an attempt to leave when a strong hand gripped her arm from nowhere.

"Hey beautiful. Lost your way? Well, we can go to mine."A hoarse voice chuckled, turning her around to face him.

She looked from the owner of the voice and towards the second guy. She really couldn't see their faces in the dark but that doesn't stop her ticking with panic.

"W..ho are you??"she shuttered, struggling to waltz her arm out of the hunky guy's tight grip.

She was horrified when all her efforts proved futile.

"Let's get you home... You look to sweet to wander around. Too sweet to go without us having a taste of you."the second guy, who looks lean, answered.

The big guy laughed at what wasn't even funny that his co- evil friend had just said

Her body went tensed when they two men began dragging her away with them into the dark.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. I might be in a distress but..."

Her yells stopped when a particular car screeched to a stop before them, almost running into them and causing the men to move backward hurriedly, shuffling her body alongside with them.

"Help....!!"She screamed aloud, wanting to gain the attention of whoever was the owner of the car. But it only earned her the sharp pain the men's finger caused as they tightened their hard palms against her.

The two men with so much urgency made to move her past the door for a quick escape when the car's door flew into the way, stopping them from furthering more into their adventures.

Someone stepped out of the car, dangerousness radiating off him.

The men freezed... The other lean guy blinked rapidly, seeing the perfect image of the car's owner.

"Darn it, it's him!"the lean guy shuttered, looking over at the other guy who furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Danger... A-xel...!"The lean guy whispered, and immediately, the other guy snapped his eyes to the direction of the person leaning his back against the door, smoking.

Axel dropped the cigarette onto the wet floor and stepped on it, walking over it and walking the men's way.

The hunky guy almost raced past Axel, but he should have knew better because before he could get away, Axel punched him on the face and he dropped onto the floor, collapsing...

I LOVE YOU ALL ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

familyLoveYoung AdultthrillerSeriesHumorFantasyFan FictionFableClassicalAdventure

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    DIWritten by Daniel Idomeh

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