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Discovering Happiness Through Small Steps.

By Rakaa F.Published 11 days ago 5 min read
Photo by Izzy Park on Unsplash

In a small, quiet village at the foot of a forested hill, there lived a young man named Aria. Aria was an ordinary young man with a simple life. However, his heart was always restless, feeling that something was missing in his life. He often wondered what truly made someone happy.

One cold and dark night, under the bright full moon, Aria sat by a small fireplace in his house. The flickering flames provided warmth, but his mind was still filled with unease. Suddenly, there was a soft knock at the door. Cautiously, Aria opened the door and found an old man in a brown robe standing there, holding a large book.

"Good evening, young man. I am the keeper of wisdom," said the old man with a gentle but authoritative voice. "I heard your restless heart, and I have come to help you find true happiness."

Curious, Aria invited the old man inside. They sat by the fire, and the old man opened his book, revealing pages filled with handwritten notes. "This book contains wisdom from many ages. Each quote in this book is a small step toward happiness."

Aria looked at the old man with hope. "What should I do?"

The old man smiled. "Follow these quotes, one by one. Do it with an open heart, and you will find happiness on your journey."

Aria nodded, ready to begin his adventure.

The next morning, Aria decided to start his journey to find true happiness. He walked out of his house, breathing in the fresh morning air. He saw wildflowers blooming around his home, birds chirping happily in the trees, and the sun slowly rising.

Aria remembered Dalai Lama’s words in the book about enjoying small moments with gratitude. He knelt by the wildflowers and felt their beauty. He realized how rarely he noticed the small wonders around him. A smile began to spread across his face, and his heart felt a little lighter.

A few days later, Aria faced a big challenge in his field. The corn he had planted was not growing well, and he felt hopeless. But he remembered the quote from the book emphasizing the importance of consistent small steps. Aria decided not to give up. Every day, he diligently tended to his crops. He watered them, removed weeds, and applied fertilizer. Although the change was not immediate, Aria kept taking small steps. Slowly but surely, his corn started to thrive.

One night, Aria sat under the stars, reflecting on his life. He still felt an emptiness in his heart, even though he had started finding happiness in small moments. Suddenly, he recalled Dalai Lama's words that happiness must come from one’s own actions. Aria realized that happiness could not be found outside himself. He had to create it from within. He began to remember the things that made him happy, like playing music and painting. Aria started spending time each day doing what he loved, and little by little, he felt happier.

One day, Aria decided to climb the hill near his village. He wanted to see the beautiful view from the top. The hike was exhausting, but he remembered Roy M. Goodman's words about enjoying the journey, not just the destination. Aria began to enjoy each step. He stopped to admire the scenery, listened to the sounds of nature, and felt the refreshing breeze. When he finally reached the top of the hill, he felt happy not only because of the beautiful view but also because of the meaningful journey.

A few months later, Aria felt frustrated because there were still many things he wanted to achieve. He felt dissatisfied with his life. But he recalled Oprah Winfrey's quote about being grateful for what you have. Aria started making a list of things he was grateful for. He was thankful for a supportive family, loyal friends, and good health. By being grateful, he began to see his life from a different perspective. He felt more content and happy with what he had.

One day, a big storm hit Aria's village. Many houses were damaged, and his field was destroyed. The villagers felt hopeless. Aria remembered Epictetus' words that happiness does not mean being free from problems but having the ability to face them calmly and with hope. Aria decided to stay calm and help the villagers repair their homes. He worked hard alongside them, and despite the big challenge, he felt happy because he could help others and face problems with a positive attitude.

After the storm passed, Aria felt tired and stressed. He remembered Dalai Lama's quote about taking time to do things you love and make you happy. Aria decided to take a break. He went fishing at the lake, played music, and painted. By taking time for happiness, he felt refreshed and ready to face the next challenges.

One night, Aria sat by the lake and reflected on his life. He still felt a void in his heart, but he remembered the wise words that happiness is not about having everything but appreciating what you have. Aria started appreciating the small things in his life. He was grateful for the fresh air, clear water, and the beauty of nature around him. By appreciating what he had, he felt more peaceful and happy.

One day, Aria met a little boy crying by the roadside. The boy had lost his toy and felt very sad. Aria recalled Dalai Lama's words about spreading kindness. Aria helped the boy find his toy and comforted him. The boy smiled happily, and Aria felt warmth in his heart. He realized that by spreading kindness, he also found happiness within himself.

Time passed, and Aria began to feel a big change in his life. He remembered the last quote from the book that said happiness is a choice. Aria decided to choose happiness every day. He faced every challenge with a smile, appreciated every small moment, and continued to spread kindness. Even though his life was not perfect, he felt happier than ever before.

In the end, Aria realized that true happiness is not a goal to be achieved but a journey to be enjoyed. By following small steps to happiness, he found deeper meaning in life and felt peace in his heart.

And on a quiet night, under the light of the full moon, Aria sat by the fireplace, reading again the quotes of wisdom that had changed his life. He smiled, feeling content with the journey he had taken, and ready to face tomorrow with a happy heart.

PsychologicalShort StoryLoveAdventure

About the Creator

Rakaa F.

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    Rakaa F.Written by Rakaa F.

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