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Give me the Green Light

By Adrianne Kirksey

By Adrianne KirkseyPublished 3 years ago Updated about a year ago 10 min read
Give me the Green Light
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

When you live in the heart of the city, one thing you learn about fast is to look both ways, before crossing the street. Twice. Now a days, folks will hit you with their ride, and not blink twice; pass right on by, like they didn't hear or see you. The pedestrian "used" to have the "right away". I even heard, that back in the day, people in cars actually paid attention to people walking.

If by some happenstance, you were to get hit by a car, you were lucky if the driver even cared enough to stop. Most didn't; liquored up and drugged out, in foreign cars, playing loud, trap, garbage, music. So of course, at the mph of, lets say 80 mph, you'd be lucky if they even heard, saw, or noticed you. People in the city, never stayed anywhere too long.

When you live in the heart of the city, you have to watch your back. Janel knew this. She lived this everyday, and longed for the neighborhood her parents always seemed to brag about when they were kids. Things were not always peachy in this neighborhood in the eighties and nineties, but things now, were terribly worse. On her way to school the trail of trash, and glass from broken bottles, grabs her eye; almost as a warning, to never forget where she is, and where she is from.

Each street block held a different memory, Some good. Most bad. But everyday on Janel's way to school, she is struck with grief. Each day at the main intersection, she remembers a time when life is good. She hated approaching it because she knew the memory would come back. She wished they were on time that day, for once. They never left early enough to really be able to stroll to the bus stop. They were always goofy. And laughing and running; rushing.

She loathed the intersection as she veered near the corner to cross this dumb street to get where she needed to go. It didn't matter which side of the street she crossed on. She just knew it would be something she would never forget. She had to remember where she was! Everyday, her life, depended on it.

She remembers the matching pendants they wore. A "BFF" friendship necklace for 2. Each necklace contained a matching heart that said, "Best Friends Forever." Janel thought they indeed would be friends forever, but she didn't know that forever, would be so soon.

Her name was Theresa and everyone loved her. The boys and the girls. Much of her life at home was unknown. All anyone knew, is that she had an older brother and sister. Janel had assumed her mother was always at work; making sure to never ask her too much information. Theresa was very guarded. However, Janel loved the mystery around Theresa. It made her interesting.

Theresa and Janel had an unbreakable bond and had most of their classes together all their lives. As of late, each had never seemed to be on time for the school buses that ran at 5:30am, so they caught public transportation everyday; making it just on time to grab breakfast and run straight to their first period classes.

Janel hated reliving this event. It was the last time she would see her friend alive. Laughing. Smiling. Running. Rushing. On the way to the bus stop, Janel and Theresa were doing what they normally do. Cracking jokes. Singing stupid songs from commercials. Talking about boys.

As Theresa was walking backwards toward the street corner looking, laughing, and smiling at Janel, she didn't notice that she had stepped into the street. She also didn't notice the high speed chase between a trigger happy cop and a "Cutlass" that was approaching right around the time her "Nike" tennis shoes touched the street.

Janel had no time to warn her. Theresa, had no time to react. The car was going so fast, that as soon as her size 8's hit the pavement, the car was smashing into her small, beautiful, body; striking her fast and hard; silently knocking her body 50 feet into the air. For a minute, Janel thought Theresa was flying, like she was soaring straight to heaven. But, it wasn't heaven at all. It was a green headlight. Janel did not know this at the time, but she would always cringe as an adult, anytime she drove while the light, was green. Anytime, it was time, to go.

In Janel's mind, Theresa was the strongest person she knew. That car, that stupid car, had hit Theresa so hard it sent her flying right into the stoplight. Best friend had made that stoplight crooked! It did not deserve to be touched by her. This idiot had sped through a green light during a high speed chase; unconcerned about the neighboring children on their way to school that day. He didn't give a damn. No one did. Janel knew one thing. She hated the color green. She HATED stoplights.

It didn't matter if a driver had a green light or a red light. Someone was always running the light when they shouldn't. It seemed to Janel that no cared about this fact; she, had never seen what she saw that day and was distraught about something she learned. Life. Friends. They were not forever. Janel knew this because she watched her best friend die alone, in a split second. Right there. In the street.

Janel felt like Theresa was still breathing. Neighboring pedestrians had to restrain her from running into the intersection. She remembered hearing herself screaming, "That's my best friend! That's MY FRIEND! Come on Theresa! Theresa! Theresa!!! Get up! Please get up! Get up!" Janel cried. She remembers hearing herself yell over, and over again. She knew her friend could hear her, because she thought she saw her trying to get up. But unfortunately, Theresa would never get up, again.

Someone had called 911. She watched men passing by in their cars; heads hanging low. Putting "two and two" together; yellow tape. Another death. Hit and Run. Janel was in shock, and remained quiet, as tears rolled down her face. Then suddenly, she was surrounded by strangers and waited to see who would arrive. All poor Janel could do is sit on the curb, and cry.

The white van, had arrived there first. Janel was not new to this. She knew the white van contained one or two groups: The Coroner or Homicide. Shortly after, five police cars and a firetruck had arrived to the scene. She couldn't believe her homegirl, her "Ace", her "Pea in the pod" her, "Ride or die..."was gone.

Janel was waiting and wondering why no one would let her go out there, and talk to Theresa. She knew her friend would survive though this. Janel began to grow agitated. She wanted to go and hug her friend. She wanted to tell her she was sorry.

Janel didn't know it was all real, when she watched Homicide lay a white sheet over her friends' lifeless body. Janel didn't know it was actually real, when she saw her father pull up; running to her side, "pissed off" but thankful it wasn't "his daughter"; clutching her body tightly, asking if she was ok. But, she knew it was real when Theresa's mom pulled up, making eye contact with Janel.

No one had ever saw her mother more than once. But, somehow Theresa's mother knew Janel. A worried look of "what happened" locked in, showing through the lines in her forehead. Janel would never forget that look. The outside of her face. Telepathically she was asking , " Why didn't you protect her?" The only thing Janel could do, was look at the ground. But, she REALLY knew it was real when after 3 hours, they picked up her greatest distraction, and took her away.

She had asked her dad if they could move. She didn't want to live in this unstable, destructive, neighborhood anymore. Her dad could not afford to move, and though it was tough, he knew for a fact his daughter had not done nor seen some of the things he saw growing up here, in this same neighborhood.

So, Janel was forced to go on. Her father didn't believe in grief counseling. She needed to talk to someone about the flashes she was seeing of Theresa. She needed to reveal to someone, that greenlights, angered her. It was the first and the last thing she remembered. That stupid Green light. Janel needed her friend back. Everyday, Janel had to cross the same intersection where her best friend lost her life.

Janel began to have hallucinations. It had only been a few weeks since Theresa was hit. Theresa's family had decided to have a private funeral. From what Janel was told, she looked pretty; good to be "dead". Janel's dad thought it would be best that she didn't go to the funeral service.

Janel later found out, that they had reduced her best friend to ashes. She would always be pretty. She would always be young. They had put her in an urn. When Janel heard this, she made a mental note to visit Theresa's mother when she was up to it. Months had passed. They never found the driver of the car.

It was a melancholy Monday. The skies were cloudy and Janel could feel a slight chill in the air. When she awoke that day, she felt something coming, but couldn't pinpoint what it was.

Janel stopped as she approached the corner. Something was off. There was someone already at the corner. Dressed like... "It can't be." Janel said as she ran toward the corner. She could see the necklace on this person's neck--she knew that charm. Best friends forever.

This person who looked liked Theresa was encircled with by a bright, green light. Same color as that stupid greenlight. By the time she reached the corner, that person who decided to play that terrible trick, was gone.

Janel's grades began slipping. It was getting to the point, that poor Janel could not stand being in class. You see, Theresa and Janel had all their classes together. Janel had decided that the most important thing for her do, was to get her driver's license. That way she could drive. She certainly would not be going through this "intersection of death" that had taken her friend.

Sadly, until then, she had to take that route to get to the bus stop. Each day, she prepared to see the imposter, impersonating her friend. For a while, she felt and saw nothing, but she made sure to always look both ways before she crossed the street.

Summer days had turned to autumn nights. Janel had obtained her driver's permit, and was looking forward to getting her driver's license. She had gotten used to the fact that her friend, her best friend....was gone.

Janel was determined to get over things and had started doing better in school. She began to socialize with other students and even joined the cheerleading squad for an after-school activity.

On Halloween, Janel approached that same corner; dressed like a cheerleader, when she saw the masquerader. Janel ran to the corner at full speed. She looked and saw that the greenlight was shining. Janel was about to hit the corner when the fraud turned around.

Janel stopped dead in her tracks. Theresa was standing in the street, right in the exact same spot, where she was hit. "Hey Bestie!" Theresa yelled. "Theresa?" Janel questioned. "Yeah, its me! Can you believe it?" Theresa whispered with a devilish grin.

Janel began to look around to see if anyone could see her, seeing Theresa.

Janel turned back toward her "walking dead" friend.

"How are you?" Janel asked. Theresa took a deep breath, and began to do circles in the street.

"I'm fine, considering..." Theresa whined.

"Considering what?" Janel said.

"Considering that you pushed me off that curb when you knew a car was coming, the light, was green. Let's see what else! Hmmmmm.. Oh yeah! Let's also talk about the fact that right before you pushed me off the curb to get hit, we were arguing. Do you remember what we were arguing about?" Theresa asked.

Janel knew that the " jig was up". Atleast, supernaturally. "Yes, I remember. Theresa, and I just want to... to say, I'm...sor.." It was then that Theresa started giggling. She had on the same outfit she got hit in. Theresa began spinning in circles in the street.

"You were mad at me about some boy. What's his face. What's his name again?" Theresa grinned wickedly. " "Gerald." Janel whispered. "Gerald. That's right. So, you got mad at me because you liked him and didn't make a move. Scary tail self! Got mad at me, because he made a pass at me." Janel stared at Theresa and began to frown. "Theresa you were being mean to me that morning, and I was really tired of it for real. Everybody don't want you." Janel said.

"Of course they don't. You had to kill me so they wouldn't!" Theresa laughed again. I can't help it if all the boys like me" Theresa smirked. "Look, nobody pushed you. You fell, ok?" Janel said.

Theresa was turning in circles in the street again. Janel kept looking around to make sure no one saw her talking to....Theresa. "You lying. I remember you pushing me then BOOM! I hit that stoplight, But, I'm not mad. Not mad at all. Just dead," Theresa screeched.

Theresa reached down in her pocket and pulled out the pendant, slowly putting it around her deceased neck. " I'm not mad Janel. You know why? Because we're friends. Best friends. forever."


About the Creator

Adrianne Kirksey


I am just a young grandmother with an old soul.

My goal is to create generational wealth for my family by doing something I love!

Victor's Daughter- AK

"The Writer of all Wrongs"

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    Adrianne KirkseyWritten by Adrianne Kirksey

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