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Young Bull

By Adrianne Kirksey

By Adrianne KirkseyPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 11 min read
Young Bull
Photo by Thalyson Souza on Unsplash

That girl is a real crowd pleaser-

Small world, all her friends know me-

Young bull livin' like an old geezer-

Release the cash, watch it fall slowly-

Frat girls still tryna get even-

Haters mad for whatever reason-

Smoke in the air, binge drinkin'-

They lose it when the DJ drops the needle-Rae Sremmurd

Alijondro was a nightmare walking. He was a ladies man since the tender age of 4. He grew up in a house divided and had learned from "Big L" his father, that women, no matter the type, all had a weakness. Big L taught him quick how to use his looks and charm to "snake" women, because they were all whores, and should be treated the same; even his mother. She was of no exception. He also had developed a creed in order to keep this charade going, " Pimps don't cry." In other words, show no emotion.

Alijondro was pulling them all. White girls. Black Girls. Latin girls. Asian Girls. Fat girls. Skinny Girls...and boys. The list goes on and on. He knew how to wheel them in. The reason he knew how, is because he studied them. He was and had vowed to forever be a pimp. "An alpha hoe." "A male gigolo."

Alijondro saw how awful his father treated his mother. What's crazy: his mother was sweet as pie; never raised her voice. He watched her take it. The let downs, The put downs. He observed how his father took her paycheck every two weeks and how, he controlled everything. Alijondro knew two things. He would never be like his father and damn sure, would never, be like his mother, either.

Nothing was going right as of late. In the present time, he was caught up in a love triangle. Someone was playing on his phone; calling his house and cell. He had played the wrong one. Someone had busted his car windows out. Flattened the tires. The thing is, this fool had played so many women, he couldn't even pinpoint which one of his "whores" it was.

He had used them for money. He had used them for sex. Stability. Energy. Alijondro was to love them, then leave them. He had no plans to settle down at any point. He was 35 . He was still , in his mind a "catch." He was a successful enterpreneur. He knew he was fine, and didn't look his age. In his mind, he was a "Young Bull." A grain-grinding, unstoppable force of game. He would never fall in love. So he thought.

He had got himself caught in a "sticky situation". He was living and shacking up with a woman-Bryleigh. He was making false promises, and giving the "business" to another woman-Tessa. But out of nowhere, an old friend sparked his curiousity; someone from a past, where he remembered being different. Some might say, "soft". Her name was Dulce.

Alijondro knew he had moved way to fast with Dulce and they both knew it. Dulce seemed to fall for him way too hard, too fast. He loved it, but loathed it, at the same time; you see, because he was really a player. She was getting parts of him no one had gotten to. Dulce was way too emotional about him, so he began to slowly ghost her, knowing full well, she had sparked something in him he had not felt in years. He wanted to change for her; for himself, but he made a promise to himself to never reveal this to her. He was a pimp.

He fantasized about her all the time, yet was totally confused about her. "Would she end up being a stalker, if I keep sleeping with her? Telling her I want her when I don't but I do..." He thought. He was certain it was Dulce, because he had not had any issues with his "whores" before. He pretty much had Bryleigh and Tessa "in check." But Dulce was the wild card. He knew her, but...he didn't "know her".

He had ruled out Bryleigh, first. She was entirely too close to damage his property-on top of the fact that he had her so brainwashed, she couldn't think straight. Or, so he thought.

Tessa, was his ex- wife. She was an ex "whore" he accidently married, while filled with the spirit of Cognac . Alijondro felt she deserved not an ounce of respect. For whatever reason, however, he continued to sleep with Tessa. He kept promising they would be married again, but Tessa was no fool. Alijondro had some love for Tessa, but he just kept her in his back pocket, because he knew she would always be around, no matter what. If he needed something, he could call Tessa, and she would do what he told her to do. Or, so he thought.

Then, there was Dulce. She had caught him off guard. He and Dulce were pals who went way too far sexually, too soon. She was his "lost love". The person who knew him before he became a ratchet nightmare in the eyes of the other females he pretended to love.

Right before the "vandalism" of his 2020 Toyota Camry, it had occurred to Alijondro that he needed to "slow things down" with Dulce. Dulce, didn't want that, but she sensed it was things going on behind the scenes, that she didn't want any parts of. She knew he was seeing other people. But they had a chance to be something great, and the powers that be, just couldn't have that.

It all started with this intense feeling, that the way he had been living as of late would later come back to haunt him. He had hurt so many people, and gotten away with it, that it was only a matter of time, before karma paid him a visit.

It all started with a recurring dream. After 2 weeks of having the same dream, he began to try to interpret what he was seeing. In the dream, He sees a white bull, and a black bull; One old, One young. He deciphered that the bulls are he and Big L;

The pair seem powerfully driven, but are just standing still; sitting back, waiting on the next best thing. In the distance, he can see 3 figures. 3 Silhouettes. (Alijondro figured these were the shadow sides of these 3 souls he had gotten himself entangled with). Each time he had the dreams, the figures kept getting closer and closer. But, those bulls, remained. What did it all mean?

This disturbed Alijondro. When he looked out his window, all he saw was concrete and old houses owned by people who looked down on him. But, he could care less. All he knew is, he was tired of having this dream. He knew he had to choose or something bad was going to happen. And, it had.

As Alijondro stared at his vehicle in disdain, wondering where he went wrong, he received a phone call. " Hello?" Alijondro yelled. "Look Dulce, I know it was you that did this!" Click. Phone goes dead. Now, he had these three on his mind, but Alijondro was "butter slick." He knew it was more like 6 different women he was involved with but those other 3 didn't even count.

He had blocked Dulce, but decided to continue things with Tessa. On the evening in question, he was at Tessa's house; spent the night there. When he awoke and got dressed to leave is when he noticed his vehicle had four flat tires. Windows busted out; with multiple scratches in his new paint job. He stared at the pink, spray painted words of "LIAR", and he just knew something even worse would be happening, he just didn't know when. He grew livid as he stared at the broken glass spread across his brand new interior seats. "You gotta be kidding me!" he yelled.

Tessa ran outside to see what he had saw. Housecoat on. Bonnet on the top of her head. She began to laugh hysterically as she focused in on the damage to his vehicle. Whomever had done this had managed to destroy the entire vehicle in the most malicious way ever. " You think this funny!?Man, call the police!" he screamed in a soprano tone.

How was he going to explain this crap to Bryleigh? Alijondro thought. He had to go home eventually. "I'll just tell her I was in a car accident, take an Uber home, and get the car repaired. No sweat." he thought.

Alijondro filed a police report and had the vehicle towed to a dealership for the car to be repaired. When the policeman who arrived on the scene asked him if he knew of anyone that wanted to harm him, Dulce popped in his head. "No, officers I don't know anything." he told them vaguely. People were outside, enjoying this spectacle and Alijondro did not like it. He was outside, with no shirt on looking like he had been lying.

After getting home in the Uber, and crawling into bed without any questions from his other "doormat" he slid into a deep, "coma like sleep". He was having the dream again, but this time, the bulls were closer to him, and one of the "figures" seemed to be barely there and disappearing. He woke up in a cold sweat, turning to a "back turned" Bryleigh. Alijondro stared at the back of her head, wondering if she even cared, at all. She never said anything. She never reacted. She seemed to be somewhere else anytime he had an excuse as to where he had spent the evening.

Tessa just wasn't concerned about him at all. "The nerve of this "wanch" he thought. But, Dulce had left several messages. She wanted to know why he had ghosted her. She demanded to know why he made love to her, if he didn't love her. Oh, but he did. Bryleigh was his safety net. Tessa, was really all he knew. But Dulce, was dangerous. She had caught major feelings to fast, and that perplexed him. He knew deep down he was not a good person and he didn't deserve her. Or, so he thought.

Deep down he knew it wasn't Dulce. He knew it was someone else, but things went left, Dulce was going to be the "fall guy". He wanted to contact her badly, but he needed to figure out who jacked up his ride. He needed to keep his eyes open.

The next day, things got worse. He never thought he would go out like this. Bryleigh was sitting at the kitchen table with a troubled look on her face. Alijondro sat down next to her, wondering why there was no breakfast made. She had been getting "out of pocket lately. "Are you going to get off your ass and make breakfast?" he questioned.

Bryleigh slowly got up from the table and brewed a pot of coffee. She decided she would make him breakfast, right after taking a sip of the "Folgers" coffee in her cup! She had been waiting for him to get up. She knew full well, that he had not been in a car accident the night before. So, Bryleigh was at that table deciding. She decided! Yup; to get off her ass and make him breakfast! She also decided this would be the last breakfast he was going eat. She knew blueberry pancakes were his favorite. So she got busy; adding cheese eggs, bacon, and orange juice.

As Alijondro listened to his voicemails on his cellphone, hoping to hear from a "distressed" Dulce, he didn't notice the crushed up rat poison she had crushed up real fine, weeks before her decision; Bryleigh sprinkled the poison into the pancake mix. She took her time, and made sure to add just, a little love to the yummy, toxic substance, she was about to whip up for "daddy".

She had brought his plate, and watched as he gobbled down the syrupy poison he so enjoyed.

As Alijondro ate, listening intently, he had no clue of what his "bottom bitch" had planned. He had no clue, that two weeks prior, she had come home from work early to surprise him. He had no indication, that the doormat Bryleigh saw him having sex with Dulce in their bed. Nasty, passionate, sex. Neither of them had even noticed her presence as Dulce rode Alijondro. The dummy had the stereo so loud; sexing to the lyrics of "Black Beatles", madly playing in the backround. It was on that day, that she silently snapped, and Alijondro didn't even know it. She was ready to show her hand.

Bryleigh had a seat in front of him. "You not eating?" Alijondro said. "No, I'm not hungry. Something has made me lose my appetite." Bryleigh muttered. Alijondro continued to listen for Dulce, when he ran across a message from Bryleigh.

"If you are listening to this, it is too late. I want you to know, that I know about Tessa; You never stopped seeing her. So, when I decided to contact her, we decided, that your last night with Tessa, would be a good night for you. Did you enjoy her? You don't have to answer that. I also know you had sex with Dulce in my house, in our bed. Soo disrespectful." Dulce said.

Alijondro looked up at Bryleigh and began to feel dizzy but continued listening to the voicemail. Bryleigh continued, " I also know who vandalized your car. You weren't in a damn accident. I tore up that car! You treated that car better than all of us! How are you feeling by the way? Not so good, huh?" she shrilled.

Alijondro dropped the folk, and looked at the plate of yummy death she had just served up, and started choking. He placed his cell phone on the table and ran to the bathroom; vomiting all over the toilet. He slipped into unconsciousness, as Bryleigh stood over his body.

"You poisoned ME!" he yelled as blood and more vomit came out of his mouth. He knew he was dying. Alijondro laid on the bathroom floor and began to feel himself, slipping away. Bryleigh was standing over him, saying something but all he could hear was a long, ringing sound in his ears. She was fading. As he waited for his life to leave his body, he saw those two bulls on the ceiling, peering down at him. The young white bull, was disappearing.

He then realized that the dream had been a warning. He closed his eyes and began to dream of those two bulls again. But this time he was walking with them towards a blazing sunset. This dream, was his hell.

He was surrounded by a blaze of fire, and would be forced to see from a distance, life go on through the eyes of all the women he had ever hurt. He would be forever tormented and regretful, because he was never sorry, for what he was doing; for what he did. He never asked for forgiveness, because mistreating women, was his way of life. Now, he had to lay in the bed, of hell he made. The pimp finally got played.


About the Creator

Adrianne Kirksey


I am just a young grandmother with an old soul.

My goal is to create generational wealth for my family by doing something I love!

Victor's Daughter- AK

"The Writer of all Wrongs"

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    Adrianne KirkseyWritten by Adrianne Kirksey

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