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Episode #34 Continuing the Sweat Lodge...

Decisions, Opportunity or Fate

By Susan McGillPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Sweat Lodge Photo by·@52Things52WeeksBlog·

The Elder begins to pray again in a language you don’t understand, continuing, “When I pray, I pray to all directions I ask for, truth, for kindness, for sharing, for caring, for strength, for respect and for humility. I pray not only for myself but for all.”

You reach for your water, before you are able to take a sip, the Elder requests, “Can I have the one who has the purified water to please pass it around for all others before you take your drink?”

Obliging without even a thought, handing your bottle of water off to Jordan, who takes a drink, thanking you, passing it on to next person.

While your water is being drank by others you listen to the Elder, “By offering your water, you show yourself to be of pure mind. We thank you for sharing your purified water. By bringing your water in this Sweat Lodge you allowed for it to be blessed by healing power we have tapped into today.

Again, we thank you for this.” He takes a drink, handing you back your water. You then take a drink yourself, this time you can taste a crispness about it, you can feel it travelling through your entire body, inch by inch, refreshing every part it touches as it is making it’s way slowly through your blood stream.

Time seems to have no meaning in the Sweat Lodge, it’s so awesome to just relax and feel so healthy. Elder requests Fire Keeper to open the door again, giving any who may want to leave the opportunity to go. Only one person seems to be having issues, requesting to leave due to feeling claustrophobic. He sits outside next to Sweat Lodge while the Fire Keeper brings in another round of Grandfathers, placing them where Elder requests. The Elder doesn’t leave this time, instead he confirms there is nobody else wanting to leave before requesting Fire Keeper to close the door.

Again, Elder splashes water on the red-hot Grandfathers, causing more heat and more steam, saying a prayer in his language, continuing, “Is there anyone who would like to speak or have any questions?” You ask, “Is it normal for a white person, such as myself, to have the ability to be spiritually open enough to be healed?”

“I believe the answers that you seek can be found during the Sundance. Yes, you are spiritually open enough, to not only be healed, but experience many different opportunities offered through the spiritual realm.” He splashes more water on the Grandfathers. Others ask if they can leave, even Jordan, becoming too hot for them.

Elder complies, “Fire Keeper please open the door.”

Door opens, all leave, only person other than Elder left behind is you! Fire Keeper again brings another round of Grandfathers, placing them where the Elder wants, leaving and closing the door on request. Your conversation becomes more personal and relaxed.

“Is it normal for me to be feeling no pain, to just want to stay here forever?”

“To be honest, I am surprised you are able to last as long as you have. That doesn’t mean there is something wrong with that, rather it is genuinely nice to share this with you. It is my responsibility to keep you safe, so when you are ready to leave, we will leave. There is no time limit.”

“I can tell others who are waiting outside are getting anxious and wanting to leave. Yet, I would rather stay here for a bit longer. If that’s alright?”

“There is no need to worry about what the others may feel, even though it is a particularly good part of your nature. Right now, it is time to just think of yourself and what you need.” Splashing more water on the Grandfathers and continues to pray.

After another thirty minutes or so you request to leave the Sweat Lodge.

“Yes, if you are ready to leave, we can leave. Just let me express how impressed I am that you were able to last four hours today. Which means you will need to replenish your body. A meal will be ready for you once you return to your teepee. It’s been my pleasure meeting you and you are welcome to attend my Sweat Lodges at anytime.” Requesting for Fire Keeper to open the door.

Crawling out of Sweat Lodge, Jordan is right there to meet you, “Wow, you were in there for an awfully long time. Are you alright?” Smiling, “Actually, I’m doing awesome! I have never felt better!” Turning to thank the Elder only to find him gone.

You continue talking with Jordan, “So, the Elder advised me we are going to need to replenish our body after doing his Sweat Lodge. He also told me there will be a meal ready for us once returning to our teepee.” Jordan still a bit concerned, “I must agree, you look hungry! Let’s head back to our teepee for some supper and a good nights sleep. You look like you need it!”

Together you make your way back home for the evening. Finding Abbe standing outside your teepee smiling as always, “Good evening it is especially important to eat a feast after attending a Sweat Lodge. Your body, spirit and mind need to replenish I have prepared a meal for us all. Please come and enjoy it with me.” Walking into the teepee.

An amazing smell engulfing teepee, salmon and deer meat simmering in the frying pan, atop the campfire. Fresh bannock, fresh fruit, and fresh vegetables sit covered with a cloth in baskets on a small table Abbe added to the teepee. On table also sits a kettle, a jug of fresh water, tea, three wooden glasses, three wooden plates and three sets of what looks like utensils made from bone.

During meal, “Abbe, can you explain to us what a Ghost Dance is and why you have a Clown Dance?

By Nathan Lindahl on Unsplash

“A Ghost Dance is when the Elder calls the Thunder Spirits to promote return of the dead and restoration of traditional ways of life. Allowing Spirits to roam free during Sundance. A Clown Dance is performed the last day of the Sundance as a way to celebrate all the dancers who sacrificed, for the healing of others.”

You both thank her for not only all the information, but for the wonderful meal she prepared. Standing up off ground you begin to clean up and make your way outside to enjoy the sound of drumming coming from a distance. Abbe joins you, along with Jordan.

Abbe says, “I will be staying right here in this other teepee if you need me for anything tonight. I will return in the morning with breakfast, before we go cut the sacred tree.” She heads to her own teepee. “Yes, the beautiful drumming, it’s going to put me to sleep in no time.” “Talking about sleep, I’m exhausted, we should head to bed soon.”

Agreeing, following Jordan back into the teepee. Within only a second of crawling in between the two buffalo hides you previously laid out for a bed; you are out cold!

Oh my, you got to go to a sweat lodge today and tomorrow is the cutting of the sacred tree. This part of the Sundance is very amazing and will leave you awed, trying to decide if it is best to just go with what is happening around you, or try to figure it all out?


Just a piece of advice, if you are wanting to check another episode out feel free just be aware they do not necessarily take you where you might think you are going. And they sure are not in any set order! Enjoy and have fun! Good Luck!


Just a quick hi to my readers! Thanks guys your tips are very much appreciated. If you could be so kind as to hit the heart button and share so others may enjoy an adventure or two through this Damn Pandemic!!!! Thanks! Stay Safe and Smart All! Thanks for Being You! Love and Peace and Self Respect goes a long ways...


About the Creator

Susan McGill

I am a Seer, a Druid, a Teacher, a Healer, an Empath, and I am very Spiritual most of all I am One with the Universe.

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    Susan McGillWritten by Susan McGill

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