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Echoes of the Otherworld

Twisted Mirror

By Mogomotsi MoremiPublished about a year ago 3 min read

The mirror showed a reflection that wasn't my own. It was like looking into a parallel universe, a world that existed just beyond my reach. My hand trembled as I reached out to touch the glass, my fingers brushing against the smooth surface.

At first, I thought it was just my imagination. A trick of the light, maybe. But as I stared into the mirror, the image began to change. The colours became more vivid and the shapes more defined. And then, the figures appeared.

They were strange, otherworldly beings that seemed to exist only in the reflection. Their skin was pale and their eyes glowed with an otherworldly light. They moved in unnatural ways, their bodies contorting and twisting in ways that defied explanation.

I tried to pull away, but something held me there. A force that seemed to be pulling me towards the mirror, drawing me deeper into the other world.

As the days went on, I became obsessed with the mirror. I spent hours staring into its depths, watching as the world beyond the glass came to life. And then, something changed.

At first, it was just small things. A flicker of movement in the corner of my eye, a whisper that I couldn't quite make out. But then, the changes became more pronounced.

Objects began to move on their own, doors opened and closed without explanation, and I could hear strange voices calling out to me in the dead of night.

I tried to ignore it, to convince myself that it was all in my head. But the mirror was always there, a constant presence in my life, a gateway to a world that should never have been.

And then, the bleeding began.

It started small, just a trickle of blood on the bathroom floor. I thought I must have cut myself without realizing it. But then, the bleeding continued, spreading out from the mirror like a dark stain.

The mirror had become a portal, a gateway that allowed the horrors of the other world to seep into my own. I knew I had to do something to stop it, but I didn't know where to begin.

I tried to break the mirror, to shatter it into a million pieces. But each time I struck it, the glass only cracked before healing itself, the images within becoming more vivid with each passing day.

I consulted experts, paranormal investigators, and priests, but no one could offer a solution. The mirror had taken on a life of its own, and it seemed determined to consume me and everything I held dear.

As the bleeding grew worse, I knew that my time was running out. I could feel the other world calling to me, a siren song that promised release from the pain and suffering of my own reality.

And then, one night, I saw something that changed everything.

It was a figure, a woman with long hair and a face that was both beautiful and terrifying. She stood in the mirror, beckoning to me with a skeletal hand.

I knew then that the mirror was not just a window into another world. It was a prison, a trap that had been set for me. And if I didn't find a way to break free, I would be lost forever.

In a moment of desperation, I reached out and grabbed the mirror, pulling it from the wall and smashing it to the ground.

There was a blinding flash of light, and then nothing. When I opened my eyes, I was lying on the floor, the broken pieces of the mirror scattered around me.

The bleeding had stopped, and I knew then that I had won. The mirror was gone, and with it, the other world that had threatened to consume me.

Sci FiHorrorAdventure

About the Creator

Mogomotsi Moremi

Author and entrepreneur

Telling stories, one word at a time. Bringing worlds to life through my books and articles. #WriterLife #NeverGiveUp #business

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    Mogomotsi MoremiWritten by Mogomotsi Moremi

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