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Carry Me Away

To a Place I Once Knew

By Ceo Of DyingPublished 3 years ago 17 min read

[Quick Note: This is one of my stories on Wattpad that I am currently still updating almost every day.]


[Please go check out the story, thank you!]

Quick Intro: This fiction story is about gay boys falling in love with one another. The main character gets abused and feels as though he may never be accepted in his skin. While the character's love interest is living his best life, staying out late, buying whatever he wants, and just living out his teenage years happily. So how do they fall in love? -

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"Marco, if you do not get your ass over here and clean up these chips, you are sleeping outside!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

My dad gets on my nerves sometimes, but I have grown to love him. Although sometimes his punishments are harsh, I guess I do learn from them in a way.

And as long as this does not happen to my siblings, I will take it. "I am coming, dad, do not worry," I said to my dad as I walked towards the mess.

Oh, and that threat he made earlier was not a joke. He meant it. At first, I thought he was joking, and he would be better than that until the first time he locked me outside of the house for the night. I was treated the next day for hypothermia, cute, I know. Five years ago, a week after mom left for the military, this happened. Keep in mind my father did not take me to the hospital.

It was the headmaster and the nurse after I was almost frozen solid in math class. Anyway, I miss my mom every day so much. She is supposed to be coming back next month in time for my birthday. I can not wait for dad to pay for making my life an absolute nightmare. Oh, the day he goes to jail for child endangerment, child abuse, child neglect, and all of those horrible things he did to me will be the day I am finally free from this hell hole.

"If you do not hurry the fuck up and clean those damn chips, I will slit your throat!" My dad said as he stomped on the back of my neck.

Oh, God, I just realized that I've been slowly spacing out. That is my fault. How could I be so dumb? Well, at least I am done now. I said thank you to my dad, and I proceeded to walk back to my room when suddenly he screamed.

"Where the fuck do you think you are going without explaining this mess! I know your dumbass did it, so hurry up and tell me what happened so I can go smoke." I have to tell him that I didn't do it, and hopefully, he will understand, probably not.

"Listen, dad. I did not do it. I promise it was Heberto and Julio. They were just here and had made this mess directly in front of you. I promise it was not me." I smiled at him, hoping he would be able to let me go after my well-thought-out response. After all, who wouldn't?

He slapped me across the face hard and said, "wipe that smile off your face, you ungrateful brat. How dare you blame your little cousins? Do you know how nice they are to you? Do you know what that is? I have had it with you back. Talk today, go to your room, no dinner tonight!" I knew it.

I just sat there for a minute and thought about what would happen if I just disappeared, like committed suicide.

Oh, that sounds so nice. "I haven't had dinner in two days, dad. When am I going to be able to eat?" Knowing he wouldn't answer, I walked to my room quickly to avoid disturbing him.

I heard him grab something and run up from behind me, and bam. I was struck in the back of the head with a metal pot, hard. As I was collapsing, I heard him laugh as he lit a cigarette. I hit the ground, and I was unconscious.

Upon waking, I was so confused, and as soon as I stood up, I noticed blood all over the place, and it dripped down my neck, and it wasn't dry. It was still wet, meaning I was bleeding out of my head. I had no time to think. I had to hurry. I had little time to wrap my head and get myself to school.

School starts in ten minutes. I cannot believe I had forgotten about this. I grabbed bandages and my backpack and ran as fast as I could to school. It should only take five minutes to get there. We live five minutes away.

I wrapped the bandage around my head and said, "I love you, dad. I am going to be at school until nine, okay? Bye!" I did not look back. I kept running.

After making three left turns, I saw the school and crossed the street, looking in both directions. Then a car came out of nowhere and struck me. I fell over and busted my ankle, but I got up and continued to run as fast as I could. I did not want to be late. I ran in the doors, and went to my locker, and tried to open it. Of course, it jammed, and I kicked it as hard as I could out of anger as the bell rang. I was going to be late for math.

If I am late, the school will call my dad. I sprinted to math, which was on the fourth floor. My ankle is still busted. I was on the stairs for the fourth floor when I was completely stopped in my tracks by Jack and Angela, the school's "cutest" couple.

More like the world's scariest bullies, oh my lord. "Give us all you money loser, oh wait, you are broke," Angela said as she punched me into the wall. I just pushed past them and ran as fast as I could down the hall. "You will pay for hitting my girlfriend, you fucking idiot," Jack said, yelling at me.

I busted open the door and ran to the seat. I knew I was fucked when I saw my teacher's face. I sat down in the seat near the window and put my hood on. I did that because I did not want the person to see the back of my head. Furthermore, I took out my notebook and started copying down the notes. Then a guy I had never seen before walked into the classroom, and my jaw dropped. He is beautiful.

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He is the person I want. I want him now, right now.

The angel started speaking, "Hi, everyone! My name is Costantino Germano, but you can call me Costa! I am so excited to be here in a new school. I hope we can all be friends, and I am not just saying that." He said as he started giggling.

The teacher advised him to choose a seat next to a person. That person would be guiding him around the school for the day. Everyone started raising their hands and fighting because they wanted him to sit next to them. I automatically knew that I did not have a chance. He would never pick me. So I put my hoodie on tighter and put my head down.

"Hmm, I picked you in the hoodie near the window. I want you to tour me around the school. Here let me sit next to you." Costa said as he skipped over and sat next to me.

He sat next to me. Oh my God, my heart is beating so fast. I am so nervous. What if I say the wrong thing?

He whispered at me and said, "Hey cutie, what is your name? As you already know, my name is Costa. I came here from Italy when I was younger." He was doing that thing where he giggled.

I was dazed, and I realized I had to say something in response, "hi Costa, my name is Macro." I smiled as I stared into his soul.

As long as he is like that, nothing but greatness will follow. Oh, we will get married if it is the last thing we do.

"No, silly, what is your real name? Not your nickname, cuties. You already know my real name. Now I want to know yours before class resumes." He said with a big cute smile on his face.

"Oh, I don't really like my name, it is Macario Ulloriaq, it is uncanny, so please call me Marco. That is what I was planning to tell my friends if I had any. Sadly I don't have friends, but if you do need any help with homework, I can help you with that." I said, smiling at him while fidgeting with my rings.

I noticed that this cutie also has rings on. They were almost identical to mine. I didn't say anything. Instead, I waited for Costa's response.

His face lit up as soon as I said my name. That is when he finally said, "Macario is such an adorable name. I can not believe you would ever be ashamed of it. It is adorable." He said while we both started giggling.

The math teacher interrupted me as I was about to reply to Costa when she began explaining today's lesson. Being a junior in high school is easier than I thought it would be. It is fun, well sure I still don't have friends, but I still have fun. Hopefully, Costa will be in every class I take. That would be a dream come true. The subject was finally over.

There was no one left except Costa and me, and the teacher said, "Marco, please do not be late next time. This is your only warning since you are one of my top students. So please be on time. Oh, and one last thing before you both go, make sure to tour him around the school so he will get a feel of the place and a feel of where all his classes are. Thank you, Marco." That means we get to skip class. I am so excited about that.

I bowed to the teacher and said, "Anytime, I promise to you I will try my best not to be late. My alarm didn't go off this morning. I have no idea why. I will make sure to show Costa all of his classes." The teacher handed me a sheet of paper, so I grabbed Costa's hand, and we walked to what was supposed to be our next class, but since I was touring him around the school, we didn't attend.

"Costa, look out the window. Over there is the science building, that is where our next class is. We have every class together, isn't that exciting?" I turned to Costa smiling.

Costa looked at me, and he smiled. We walked down the stairs, still holding hands unintentionally. But I wasn't complaining; he was so gorgeous everything about him, that blonde hair, those green eyes. I think I'm in love with someone I barely even know. I want him to carry me away from this ghastly place, and we can go live in heaven.

"Marco, I think we just passed the science building. Are you feeling alright? You seemed distracted this whole time." Costa said with a very concerned look on his face.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, sorry I was up late working on a project last night. Well, this is the science building you will have one class in here three times a week. Our class is, in fact, on the third floor of the science building. I know it will be a hassle to walk up there every day, but you'll get used to it. Next, we are going to go to the art building." I said to Costa, lying about the first part.

I can't tell Costa about my dad. That would break his heart; he's way too pure for that. Maybe one day I'll tell him, just not now, not when he still thinks I'm okay.

It took a while, but we finally finished touring the whole school, and it is almost lunchtime.

Since we don't have classes today, we were the first in line for lunch. Costa got his lunch. Rather than telling him, I could not afford it. I explained how I wasn't hungry. In reality, I was starving. It had been days since I ate a full meal.

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"Costa, let us set up your lunch account right now, so you won't have to do it later. Okay?" I said to Costa nervously.

I didn't want him to ask what I was eating. I didn't know how to tell Costa that my family is low on money. Well, we do have enough money for groceries, for my sibling's lunch, and the mortgage, just not enough money for me, I guess. But that's kind of hard to explain to someone who doesn't understand it.

"Okay, how do I do it?" Costa said, smiling.

I smiled back because I was relieved and said, "okay, first, Costa, you need to go up to the cash register on the far left. Follow me. Good, if you go on the school's website and go to your account, you should be able to find two numbers." He showed me his phone, and I said, "Okay, great, now I will tell the lunch lady those numbers. And then you tell her your full name, and then you are set for the school year." He smiled at me.

"How can I help you two today?" The lunch lady said with no emotion on her face.

"Hi, we are here to set up his lunch account. His ID number is 761209623015782. And his password is RyanReynolds123." I said to the lunch lady, looking up from time to time.

"My name is Costantino Germano." Costa said with a smile on his face.

We thanked the lunch lady, and we went to find a table. I wish we could pause at this moment. He's amazing. How does someone this fantastic go to a terrible school like this?

"Where is your lunch, Marco?" Costa said with a concerned look on his face.

Oh my lord, I knew this question was going to come. What should I tell Costa? Do I have an eating disorder? No, because I don't. I don't eat because of my dad. I will tell him that I am not hungry. So he won't take pity on me.

"Oh, don't worry, Costa. I never really eat at school because I am never hungry. I always have big dinners and big breakfasts." I said, smiling at him.

I hope he doesn't ask any more questions. I do know if I can lie anymore. When he's asked to come to my house, I have to back that evidence up with facts. But it's all lies. None of it's true. I don't know if I will ever tell him the truth. I do love him a lot, even though we just met. I can't tell him it'll break his heart.

"Oh, okay, Marco. By the way, what do your parents do for a living? My parents are both doctors. They have their hospital. So if you ever get hurt, I recommend going there. It is very close to the school." Costa said with an innocent smile on his face.

I bet Costa is trying to kill me. My dad doesn't have a job, and my mom is in the military. But I can't tell him that his parents are both doctors. They are successful doctors, and my mom is in the military fighting for our country, while my dad is a deadbeat alcoholic.

"Oh, my mom has been in the military for six years. She's coming back next month in time for my birthday. My dad has a stereotypical office job. He is an accountant." I said to Costa as I lied straight to his face.

Costa just smiled back at me. I'm getting away with all these lies. I'm glad he doesn't know the truth.

"Costa, I will be right back. I need to use the bathroom real quick." I said as I pointed in the direction of the bathroom.

"Okay, Marco. Don't take too long, cutie." Costa said, winking at me.

I smiled, and I walked to the bathroom in a hurry. I wanted to avoid the awkwardness of Costa having to wait for me, so I only took 20 seconds.

I washed my dusty hands and ran out of the bathroom, trying to avoid any unnecessary human contact, until I saw Jack and Angela. The two people who could ruin my day within an instant.

"You think you could get away with pushing my girl. Not on my watch, on the ground, loser. You are about to pay for this bullshit." Jack said as his face started to turn bright red.

"You and your over-gelled hair are going down. Your girl is only with you because of that Rolls Royce you got for your 16th birthday. You know that, right? Why else would she get with you? You have zero good qualities." I said, feeling proud of myself.

The outcome will not be pleasant for either party. Let's say that. I will most likely end up with my head smashed into a wall. But if I am going, to be honest, I am ready for it. I have always felt small and picked on by him since I arrived here freshman year. But I had the guts to stand up to him and not be afraid like I was.

Suddenly my head hit the wall hard, and I fell to the ground, and I smiled. For the first time, I didn't care what he said or did. I had the guts to try to be the bigger man.

"Don't ever say that about my girl again, loser," Jack said as he punched me in the nose.

I saw people crowding around me, and I just smiled at them and got up and walked back to where Costa was.

"Hey Costa, I am sorry that it took so long. There was a long line," I said as I wiped my nose with my sleeve.

"Marco, what the hell happened to your face. We need to get you to the nurse right now!" Costa said, grabbing my hand leading me to the nurse's office.

𓂀 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜 ~ 𝕎𝕙𝕪 𝕚𝕤 ℍ𝕖 𝕊𝕠 𝔻𝕦𝕞𝕓? 𓂀

"Costa, please, I am fine. It's just a little bit of blood. Besides, class starts in five minutes, and we want to be early." I said, walking while holding hands with him.

We walked up the stairs, and we walked into English class. At the back of the room, we sat down.

"Marco, you should go to the nurse, and you have a giant gash on your cheek. It's still bleeding from when you went to the bathroom. Whatever happened, by the way?" Costa whispered to me while we sat in the back of the class.

"Oh, it was just this guy and his girlfriend bullying me. The guy's name is Jack. He had been bullying me ever since I got here for everything you could imagine. Mostly on things, I cannot control, but hey, I'm alright. I've been surviving this long. Anyway, I was standing up for myself, and I think I picked something that was a self-conscious topic for him. And he had lost his shit and slammed me into a fall and punched me in the nose." I said to Costa very calmly.

Costa came up to me and embraced me. Tears began to roll down my cheeks. This was the first time I had hugged in a long time. I hugged him back and smiled. I didn't want this to end. It was one of the best things I've felt in forever.

"Welcome to today's English class. Today we will be reading a play. The play/cut-down short story is called When the Messenger is Hot by Elisabeth Crane. Initially, you will read the story by yourself, but afterward, you will talk about the story with your partner. Marco, please pass out the story/play to everyone." The English teacher, Mrs. Rodgerton said.

I got up and passed the paper out to everyone. Once I was done, I sat back down, and Costa and I started to read the play/story.

One thing I noticed when Reading your place/story was that it was very short. Meaning the teacher had cut it down only to this part. I stopped reading, and I waited for Costa to finish.

"Marco, I am finished. Let us review what happened." Costa said with a big smile on his face like usual.

"Well, in my opinion, the excerpt was a more seriously written smut. Like the first three sentences were very kinky and sexual. The three sentences read; my friend is fucking a girl who has a thing for knives. She likes to cut people. Sometimes during the sex, she likes to cut you." I said to Costa as I giggled.

I felt super lightheaded, but it's pretty normal for me, so I just tried to ignore it until after school.

Costa smirked at me and said, "I feel like you might be into cutting. Maybe we should try this." He was giggling.

I started giggling too. Not at all knowing if he was joking. Then I started to feel dizzy.


I was teasing Marco because I think it's adorable when he giggles and gets embarrassed when suddenly he passes out.

"Marco, Marco, wake up, man. You're in school. Please, Marco, I need someone to talk to." I started shaking Marco.

Why isn't Marco waking up? Oh my. I don't know what to do. If I told the teacher, we would both have to face confrontation, which is frightening for him. I would be fine.

"Marco, get up. You are in class. You, right there, wake him up." The teacher said to me,

I responded with, "I am sorry, I've tried not responding nor waking up. Do you think I should take him to the nurse's office?" I was panicking a lot.

The teacher came over towards Marco and me to see what was happening.

She grabbed Marcos's head and said, "wake up Marco, or else I'm sending you to the—oh my lord, we have to get this man to the nurse's office, right now."

Her face turned from calm to absolutely panicked. Which made my panicked face look very orderly. I picked Marco up, and I noticed how light he was for his height. He was under 95 pounds. And he's about 180 centimeters. Oh, what's wrong with this poor boy? I'll ask him as soon as he decides to wake up.

I was at the nurse's office and realized she wasn't there. I started to panic even more, so I ran to the front office with Marco still unconscious.

"Hi, is it okay if I take Marco here to my parent's office? They are both doctors, and Marcos has been unconscious for a while now." I asked the front desk person.

She nodded, and I bowed and ran out the school doors. I don't know why I bowed. I have never done that before. I guess I copied it from Marco. Weird, I just met him. How in the world could we be so close?

The rest is on Wattpad...


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Ceo Of Dying

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    Ceo Of DyingWritten by Ceo Of Dying

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