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We Can Never Run. We Can Never Hide.

An apocalypse over runs the world, but you didn’t even notice.

By Ceo Of DyingPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

"Run, Run, Run, that's all we ever do. Why can't we do something unconventional for a change?" Austria said as she threw her arms down. "Sweatheart, keep running, please, we are almost there–" my husband, Ian said before three IO guards rudely disrupted him.

"Where do you think you six are going?" One of the guards said in a manner that surprised us all.

"Listen, ma'am. We are very sorry my daughter Liliana is very ill. Can we please accompany her to the hospital?" I said, pleading with the frightening guards.

"Madam, don't you worry, us three can get you and your ill daughter Liliana to the hospital in a flash!" The second IO guard said, mocking me with a big grin on his face. A little rude. Aren't these things–I mean people supposed to be protecting us? Right before they grabbed my family and me, they winked, all of them winked at me. I have to write that down ASAP.

I quickly noted that conversation down on my phone so fast they didn't even notice me. Nice going, Bri your so good at this.

I blinked my eyes for what I thought was a second, and we were already there. Wow, we did get here in a flash. I thought about everything that happened today as I was rudely interrupted by one of the IO guards. "We are here. Your family will be in suite 923 at the top of the building elevators on your left. Do not worry about the paperwork. We already have it filled out." I wrote that down. What do they mean we have all the paperwork filled out? We have never been to this hospital before. Uncommon. Very very newfangled.

"My love, maybe the pregnancy sickness is just getting to your head. There's nothing wrong. The world is perfect." My husband whispered in my ears. Does he think I am crazy or something? We have been married for many years, and he dares to guess me second. My thoughts were overtaking me. Again. I didn't even realize we were almost at our suite.

"Hunny, we are here!" My husband said as he kissed me on my neck. I like when he does that. It calms me. I never told him that, but he always knows what makes me happy and upsets me for some odd reason. I picked up Liliana, and all six of us walked to our suite. As soon as we got to the room, my husband got a call, and he said, "sorry, sweetheart, I have to take this call. It is for work. I love you all." He gave me a quick peck and walked away.

"Mommy, where is daddy going?" Liliana said with a pout on her lips. "Oh, Lili, daddy will be back very soon. He has an important call," I said as I rubbed my youngest daughter's back.

"Mrs. Thomas, we are ready for you guys. You are all required to come into the room." But why do we all have to come into the room? I was caught in my thoughts again—my husband's right. Maybe I am overreacting. Suddenly the lights shut down. I was about to scream, but I couldn't. Something was holding me back. Suddenly I heard an IO guard say, "ma'am, we are having electrical issues. The lights will be on in a few seconds."

I heard footsteps, then suddenly a flash of light.

I wrote that down. My vision started to get blurry, and I heard something I would never forget. "Mr. Thomas, they are just robots. They can't feel what we humans feel. they are heartless monsters who took over the planet. give me the locket and let us wipe them all out before this world crumbles." "Listen, here you work for me. You wouldn't be here if I didn't save your ungrateful self. They are my family. She functions just like us. She's not only my creation, but she's the love of my life–" we are robots? I was right; I am not a human–

A intact mansion in an apocalypse. That makes sense.

I woke up next to my husband sweating. I got up and ran to check on my kids. Liliana was sleeping in her crib, and Austria was sleeping next to her in bed. I ran across the hall. Tyrone was sleeping on the top bunk, and Kenith was on the bottom bunk, fast asleep. I ran back to my room, and I saw my husband sitting on our bed holding a baby, smiling at me. "My wife, did you have another nightmare? Don't worry. I am here. Here is some water! Please get some rest. You just stressed from giving birth yesterday. Sit and hold our new baby girl. Her name is Kathryn." How did he know I had nightmares? I don't remember telling him, nor do I remember what happened in the nightmares.

I didn't even notice he was patting the bed next to him so that I could sit down. "How did you know I had nightmares?–" "Darlin, I know everything about you. We have been married for 21 years after all!" He said as he winked at me and smiled. Something was off about him, and I couldn't find out what. He handed me our new baby girl. She looked exactly like him. All of our kids looked exactly like him. Which was cute, but they didn't resemble me at all. I never really thought about it too much until this moment.

He has never yelled at me. He's never fought with me. He always insists on doing everything even though I can do it myself. He takes the kids to school every day. I don't know why when I can do it all. He is a very busy man. He makes sure I never leave the house without him. He tells me I'm too precious. Some other person might try and take me away from him. I have done this for 21 years, and I've never complained. I want to see the world, but he won't let me. I want to know why he won't let me.

"Princess, I'm off to work now. I love you. I'm taking the kids to school, so you won't have to worry." He said as he kissed my lips aggressively and left for work.

I waved at him as he walked out the door. I noticed a big diamond ring on my finger.

Oh my gosh, He so extra. He gives me a new ring every day as a 'sign of love' even though we are already married. I then realized I was wasting I have to find what he's hiding.

I searched everywhere. High and low up and down. I searched for what felt like hours. I was losing all hope. I fell on the ground in defeat, and as soon as I fell, I found something under the bed. A secret passageway? How long has this been here? I opened the door, and I saw a ladder that leads down somewhere. I was about to go down when suddenly my phone went off. It was a message from my husband.

The statement read, "Lover, make sure to be careful! I can't have you getting hurt can I?" he sent a smiley face at the end. How did he know I fell? I'll think about that later. Right now, I have to find where this passageway leads.

I went down the trapdoor and climbed down the ladder for what felt like hours. I finally got down there, and I saw something I've never seen before. A lab. a giant lab. Televisions and monitors everywhere. I walked around in awe. This lab was so big. I saw a big door, so I went up to the door, but I saw a lock on it. I typed the day we got married. 5/2/2250. I was right. I went into the room, and I didn't see anything. I walked forward, and I found blueprints. I looked at them.

Search ~ Robot Blueprints

They looked exactly like me. I looked at the blueprints, and I saw a heart-shaped locket on the blueprints where my heart was supposed to be. Am I a robot? Did he build me?–

"Baby girl, what do you think you're doing?" My husband said as he slammed me up against the wall smirking at me. "Why did you not tell me the truth? I am just a robot—nothing else. Just a dumb robot." I said as I started to ball my eyes out. I wanted to run and hide. I got up and ran, but he stopped me. He pinned me to the floor so I couldn't get up, and he whispered, "Listen, I'm sorry I didn't tell you that you were a robot. I didn't want people to try to take you from me. Especially what's inside of you. It took years to make you. After ten years of trial and error, it finally worked. But you weren't as real as I wanted you to be. I took the heart-shaped locket that kept the world in balance. I love you with all my heart, and if we get out of this apocalyptic place, I can make you human. I need one more thing, and it on the other side of the world. We will get this. We will do this together."

I was in shock. Did I cause an apocalypse? I was about to speak, but my husband interrupted me, "We need to get out of here now. They are coming for our family and us. I will make you human, and we can live in paradise. I need you to trust me." How can I trust him when he has lied to me about my whole life? I didn't respond; I was lost in my thoughts. I was thinking about what would happen if I went with him. will we live in paradise? Free of all hunters? But how could the world be ending? And I didn't even know.

"Does that mean our kids aren't humans?" I suddenly said under my breath. I was in my thoughts again. I did not even realize I said that aloud. "No, our kids are humans. Since you are human, you still function as a human. You aren't fully a human." It took a lot of thinking, and I still haven't decided if I should go or I should stay.

A message by the IO guards played aloud:

"WARNING WARNING Ian Thomas, we have your house surrounded. Please give us the robot, and no one will get hurt. We have your children. You have nothing else to lose but that dumb robot."

I mustered up the courage and said, "Ian Sweetheart listen, they have our kids and won't give them back unless they have the heart-shaped locket. so please let them take the heart-shaped locket for the better of the world." I smiled at him, but he did not smile back.

"I'm not going to lose you to these IO guards. Don't worry. We will make it out of this alive. I already have the kids in the underground tunnel system I installed last week. Those are holograms of our kids. They aren't our actual kids, to be clear. So please come with me. Let us all run away. We will be safe there." he said, pleading with me on his hands and knees.

I heard knocking on the door, not knocking, banging. I heard banging on the door. The guards were going to knock down the door. I still didn't know if I should stay or if I should go. I thought about it thirty seconds more, and I finally spoke, "I'm coming with you." He cut off my sentence by picking up and kissing me. They are coming. There are so many of them. I do not think we are going to make it out alive.

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Ceo Of Dying

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    Ceo Of DyingWritten by Ceo Of Dying

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