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Big Secrets

family legacy

By Jeremy WhitePublished 3 years ago 9 min read
Big Secrets
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

You wake up on your 16th birthday with your mom in your room sitting at the foot of your bed. You ask what she is doing here. She says it is time you knew the truth about your father and the family legacy. You immediately sit up in bed. You are very interested in what your mom has to say. Your father died when you where a baby and you are intrigued about the legacy part.

Your mom starts by saying that what she is about to tell you is completely true, but you may not believe it at first. You just say O.K and she continues. She tells you there is a reason your father died. He is from a family that every generation has a special person in it. Your father was this special person. What makes them special is that they are given a power. Their power is that they have the ability to reverse 2 people’s deaths to the time before what killed them. They also get a take their place one. If they use the take the place one on a person if they have any reverses left, they transfer to that person.

She stops and looks at you. You look confused and amazed at the same time. You ask what this has to do with your dads’ death. You have a feeling you know before you even ask. She takes a deep breath, and she says he used his take their place on you. You just stop and stare at your mom. You knew that answer was coming. You feel grateful but also still have questions. You ask her why he had to use it.

She tells you that when you where one you got really sick, and the doctors didn’t know what was wrong. Your organs started to shut down and you where dying. When you flat lined the doctors came in and tried to revive you. They were not successful. They left the room, and your dad went to work. He put his hands on your head and heart and started chanting in an ancient language. When he was finished you took a breath, and your father took his last breath and fell to the floor.

She screams for the doctors to check on you. She knew her husband and your father was dead and there was nothing they could do about it. They check you out and are amazed that you are completely healthy. They can’t explain it. They think it is a miracle. They really can’t explain why your husband is dead.

She finishes this part of the story and looks at you. You are to stunned to say anything. The only thing you can think to do is to get up and hug her. You have so many questions, but she tells you she will explain everything and answer all your questions later. She tells you let's just enjoy your birthday today. You agree. You enjoy your birthday. Your mom had planned a big birthday party. You spend the day having fun with your friends.

After everyone left you and your mom are sitting at the kitchen table eating cake. She says she will answer one question tonight and the rest tomorrow. You think about it and ask am I the one in this generation and she says yes you are. You say O.K but you will have a lot of questions tomorrow.

You go to bed terrified and excited. You have a wonderful gift but have no idea how or when you use it. You wake up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and bacon and eggs. You get out of bed and take a quick shower. When you get downstairs your mom has a plate waiting on you. As you eat yall make small talk. When you are finished, she says O.K today is the day to get most of your questions answered and to tell you more about your power.

You both take a deep breath and she ask you would you rather ask questions first or hear more about the power. You say here about the power. She says great and gets started.

The backstory is that a long time ago your dads’ family where medicine men in their village. They did it for so long that eventually they were bestowed certain powers. The one that lasted was the power that passed to you.

She then tells you about the power. As you know you get two reverses and one take their place. You have to think really hard about using your reverses because it only reverses back to right before what actually killed them. For example, if they have a disease that was killing them you probably don’t want to use the reverse. The only time the reverse would help is if it was a healthy person that had an accident or was killed. The take the place is different. If you use it the person becomes completely healthy. Does not matter if they were in the last stages of a disease. This is because you are giving up your life to save them. You know the other difference with the take the place of. It is that if they have any reverses left, they go to the person you save.

She stops and ask do you have any questions. You ask how you use it. She tells you she will teach you the ancient chant that goes along with the take the place and the reverse is easier. You just place your hands on the spot or organ that caused their death and wish that they were alive again. With the reverses you don’t actually go back in time. The person will just feel like they did right before the event that killed them. An example would be if you had a wreck, and the other person thinks you caused it and pulls out a gun and kills you. You would go back to how you feel after the wreck.

You say wow that’s a lot of responsibility. You ask what happens if you use the take place of someone that isn’t family. She tells you that happens very rarely. When it does there are people that show up and explain everything to the person that was saved, this only happens if the person has any reverses left when the save the person.

Then you ask the question you have wanted to know since yesterday. You ask did your dad have any reverses left and if not, who did he use them on. Your mom says no he didn’t have any reverses left and that he used one on his best friend. They were out kayaking and got caught up in really bad rapids and his friend kayak flipped. By the time your dad reached him he had already drowned. Your dad pulled him up on the bank and reversed his death.

Then your mom gets quiet, and you ask what’s wrong. She tells you he used the other reverse on me. You are a little shocked and ask why and what happened. She tells you that before she met your dad, she was dating a really bad guy. He didn’t take it well when we broke up. He started stalking me and showing up when me and your dad where on dates. One night when we got home from a date. We walked inside the house, and he was standing there with a gun and shoots your father first then me. Your father saves me. When I go back to normal, I ask him about him getting shot also. He tells me he can’t die in till he uses both reverses or use the take the place one.

You are shocked by this statement. You say are you telling me I cannot die in till I use them. She tells you yes. She tells you don’t be doing anything crazy because each time you cheat death you get a little weaker each time. If you cheat death to many times, you will be forced to use your reverse or your take the place. You say you understand this. She tells you cannot use a reverse on her because your father already used one on her. You say you understand.

It is now your 18th birthday, and you decide to do something crazy for once in your life and go solo sky diving. You have taken some courses so you can do it by yourself. You are excited. Your friends are jumping tandem. You jump last because you are the only one jumping solo. You go to pull the cord and your parachute won't open. You reach for your backup and it wont open either. You don’t panic and you figure this a test to see how bad it will hurt to cheat death. You hit the ground at 40mph. you break both your legs on impact, and you hit your head.

They rush you to the ER. You are in a coma for a few days. During your time in the coma your head completely heals. When you wake up your legs are like brand new. The doctors are really confused but they discharge you the next day. Your mom has been at your side the whole time. When you get home, she asked what it felt like. You say the coma really helped. It was like you where in a dream. You could tell that your legs where healing, but you didn’t feel anything.

You go a few years without anything happening.

On your 21st birthday you are supposed to go out with a few friends. When you get to their apartment, they are not answering the door. You let yourself in. What you see is not good. You see your friend laying on the floor surrounded by liquor and pill bottles. They have overdosed. You decide to use your first reverse. You lay your hands on their head and heart and wish they were alive. It takes a few seconds, but they finally take a breath. You are so relieved and kind of amazed that it worked.

You get your friend into rehab, and they get clean. After they get out you tell them what you did. This is the first person you have told. They think you are crazy at first. Then you remind them about when you were 18 and miraculously healed. They believe you after that. You tell them you cannot use it on them again, so they better stay clean. They actually do for the rest of your lives.

10 years have passed, and you have only cheated death one other time. This time you where not in a coma and it hurt a lot. As you near your 31st birthday you are excited to see your best friend. She has been having some health problems, but they are feeling better. You decide to go to a comedy club. You eat a good meal and have one drink. You have a great time.

On the way home they start having a health problem, so we pull into a parking lot. They have been having heart problems for a while now. They quickly pass out and then stop breathing. You have a decision to make. Do you use a reverse or take the place of? You already knew you would use one of them on them. You have prepared for both options. You decide because they have a young son, and you don’t know how bad their heart problem is that you would use the take the place of on them.

You place your hands on their head and heart and start your ancient chant. When you are done, they take a breath, and you take your last. They freak out and don’t understand why you are suddenly dead.

A week later after your funeral your mom delivers a letter explaining everything. She sits there as your best friend reads it. When they get done, they look at your mom with tears in their eyes and say thank you. You had a wonderful son that has given me a chance to watch my son grow up and have given me a chance to save his life if I need to.

familyShort Story

About the Creator

Jeremy White

I am from a small town. I have grown up surrounded by woods. I love to Write. I started out with poems. I did not start writing stories until I joined vocal. Writing stories is really fun. I have a Bachelors in Psychology.

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    JWWritten by Jeremy White

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