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life not easy

By EyraPublished 8 days ago 4 min read

Sure! Here’s a longer, more detailed story about living with autism, written in a casual tone:


In a cozy little town called Maplewood, there lived a boy named Sam. Sam was different from the other kids in ways that were sometimes hard for people to understand. He had autism, a condition that made him see and experience the world in his unique way. Sam's parents, Jane and Michael, loved him dearly and were always doing their best to make sure he had everything he needed to thrive.

From a young age, Sam showed an incredible talent for drawing. While other kids were playing with toys or running around the yard, Sam would sit quietly with his sketchpad, creating detailed drawings of animals, landscapes, and imaginary worlds. His drawings were full of life and detail, often telling stories that only Sam could fully explain.

Despite his talent, life wasn't always easy for Sam. He struggled with loud noises, changes in routine, and social interactions. At school, he found it difficult to make friends and often felt isolated. His classmates didn't always understand why Sam sometimes needed extra space or why he reacted strongly to things that seemed normal to them.

Jane and Michael were Sam's biggest advocates. They worked closely with his teachers to ensure he received the support he needed. They also took him to therapy sessions where he learned strategies to cope with the challenges he faced. They celebrated his successes, no matter how small, and encouraged his love for drawing.

One summer, a new family moved into the house next door. They had a daughter named Emily, who was the same age as Sam. Emily was curious and friendly, always looking for new adventures. She noticed Sam drawing in his backyard one day and decided to introduce herself.

"Hi, I'm Emily! What are you drawing?" she asked with a big smile.

Sam looked up, a bit startled. He wasn't used to other kids approaching him so eagerly. "Um, hi. I'm Sam. I'm drawing a forest with animals."

Emily peered over his shoulder, her eyes wide with admiration. "Wow, you're really good! Can I watch?"

Sam nodded, and from that day on, Emily and Sam became fast friends. Emily didn't mind that Sam sometimes needed quiet or that he liked to stick to a routine. She found his drawings fascinating and loved hearing the stories behind them. In return, Sam started to open up more and found that he enjoyed Emily's company.

One day, their town announced an art competition for kids, with the theme "Our Beautiful World." Emily immediately thought of Sam. "You should enter the contest, Sam! Your drawings are amazing, and people need to see them."

Sam hesitated. "I don't know. What if they don't like my drawings?"

Emily shook her head. "They will love them! And even if they don't, what's important is that you share your gift. Please, Sam? I'll help you get everything ready."

With Emily's encouragement and support from his parents, Sam decided to enter the competition. He spent weeks working on a series of drawings that depicted different scenes from nature—a forest, a beach, a mountain range, and a meadow filled with flowers. Each drawing was rich in detail and color, showcasing his unique perspective.

The day of the competition arrived, and the community center was buzzing with excitement. Kids from all over town had submitted their artwork, and the walls were covered with colorful drawings and paintings. Sam felt a mix of nerves and excitement as he walked in with Emily and his parents.

As people walked around, admiring the artwork, many stopped to look closely at Sam's drawings. They were captivated by the intricate details and the stories they told. Sam watched from a distance, feeling a sense of pride he hadn't felt before.

When the judges announced the winners, Sam was shocked to hear his name called for first place. The audience erupted in applause, and Emily gave him a big hug. Sam's parents beamed with pride, and tears of joy filled Jane's eyes.

Sam went up to receive his award, feeling a mixture of disbelief and happiness. "Thank you," he said quietly into the microphone. "I draw because it helps me understand the world. I'm glad you like my drawings."

The competition changed things for Sam. His drawings were featured in the local newspaper, and people from all over town started to recognize his talent. More importantly, it boosted his confidence and helped him realize that he had something valuable to share with the world.

Emily and Sam continued to be inseparable, their friendship growing stronger with each passing day. They went on adventures together, exploring the woods behind their houses and creating new stories through Sam's drawings. Emily's acceptance and encouragement made a world of difference for Sam, helping him feel more connected and understood.

As they grew older, Sam and Emily remained close friends. Sam continued to draw, eventually turning his passion into a career. He became an illustrator, his work featured in books, magazines, and galleries. People admired his unique style and the way his drawings told stories that resonated with many.

Emily pursued her love for helping others, becoming a teacher who specialized in working with children who had autism. She was inspired by her friendship with Sam and wanted to make a difference in the lives of kids who faced similar challenges. Her classroom was a place of acceptance, understanding, and creativity.

Sam's journey wasn't always easy, but with the love and support of his family and friends like Emily, he learned to navigate the world in his way. His story became an inspiration to many, showing that with patience, understanding, and a little bit of encouragement, everyone can find their place and share their unique gifts with the world.

In the end, Sam's drawings not only brought him joy but also helped bridge gaps between people, fostering empathy and understanding. His story reminded everyone in Maplewood that sometimes, all it takes is one person believing in you to make a world of difference. And in Sam's case, that person was Emily, his forever friend and biggest supporter.


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    EyraWritten by Eyra

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