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Asteroid Landing

A selfish, dejected Scientist witnesses a life changing event

By QuirkyMinPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

December 24th 2081 7:35 pm

Another un-eventful day in the life of boring old me. Nothing much to say. At least I’m off of work for the next few days. Supposed to be an asteroid passing by later this evening. I’m going to go deep into the canyon and find a good spot to watch it. It’s about the closest thing I’ll get to snowfall seeing as where I live. I should probably quit my rambling seeing as I have nothing else of value to say.

I finish my electronic diary entry and pull on some hiking gear before grabbing my zeroboard. As I’m heading out I realized I could of wrote about my lonely Christmas Eve and all of the woes and wishes I had as a 25 year old bachelor. But what was the point? The only reason I began a diary was to keep track of my mostly un- eventful life, since my memory had been failing me as of recent.

I kick the zeroboard into the air and it begins to purr, the small eco-boosting engine coming to life and hovering a few inches off the ground. I secure my gear on my back before hopping on. I flicked the speed function with my left foot and I zip off into the night. The cool breeze licks at my ears and face, along with some dust swept up by vehicles far off in the distance.

I scoffed at the plebeians in their less-than-modern means of transportation. I didn't mean to be such a snob but its difficult not to be when you’re a scientist and know the ill effects using cars has on the environment. It made no sense to me, seeing as how modern technology all ran off of natural elements that actually enhanced the environment.

I shake my head at my inner rambling. I get to the base of the canyon and hop off of my zeroboard. I carry it in my left hand as I trek across the canyon. I would of just kept going but I needed to let it power back up. I didn't want to be going at top speed when it ran out of juice. Luckily I was able to mechanically modify my board to power up off of sunlight and air at the same time.

I find the perfect spot and set up my gear. I had a travel size telescope and a thermal blanket, along with a little snack. Not much else was needed. Though in my hurry I had accidentally packed an unnecessary item. I shove the Christmas letter deep into my pocket. There was no need for it. It would do me no good to think about these things now. I check the time once again. 8:55 pm.

I take a peek through my telescope to confirm. The Asteroid was just coming into sight, though at a faster speed than I had originally been anticipating. I get my eyes ready to take in all that is about to happen. The quieting from being by myself in nature was truly astounding. I felt… at peace. A feeling I rarely got to experience now a days.

Just as the asteroid was overhead, I see a flash in the sky. Coming straight for the asteroid was a- a meteorite!

All I could do was watch in horror as the two masses collided. The asteroid broke up into many pieces. They seemed to shatter across the sky like stepping on too thin of ice in the earliest part of winter.

One large chunk flew, catching on fire in the atmosphere. Though the tragedy of the Asteroid that was close to a millennia old, now smashed into oblivion, I couldn't help but appreciate this once in a life time view. It was like my own personal demolition fireworks show.

Though, I knew most of the world would be paying attention to this moment as well. But here among the quieting canyon, It felt like it was all just for me.

My awe quickly flooded into a panic when I realized the asteroid chunk wasn't breaking up now that it was in the atmosphere. In fact, it didn't dwindle in mass whatsoever. Through my telescope it looked like it was rather close! I couldn't believe what a great view I was getting with this sub-par microscope. To get some perspective of the distance, I look up away from my telescope only to find that the Asteroid was really just that close to me.

I scamper away from my small set up as I realize the trajectory was headed in my direction. I couldn't help but laugh thinking about how out of all of the spots in this canyon, the asteroid had to aim for the one spot with an actual living human to squash.

I seem to get out of the way just in time. I duck into a small cavern in the canyon wall and just as I do so, the asteroid makes contact with the earth. The sound was booming and left a ringing in my ears. I coughed through the dust it stirred up. For a while I debated on weather I should stay put.

But, being the scientific curious mind I was; I quickly decided to scope out the area. I exited the crevasse I had jumped into just as the dust began to settle. I had to hold my arm up to my mouth to keep from breathing in the dry clay that threatened to stick to my lungs. I peered out into the twilight filled dust. I could just make out a crater, directly next to my un-touched telescope. The sight made me laugh.

The crater was at least 7 feet in diameter. I had no idea as to how deep.

As i drew closer I soon realized it actually wasn't that deep at all. Maybe only 4 or so feet. Plenty of room for me to be able to climb back out- if I decided to venture in, that is.

I got to the edge of the crater and peered in. There wasn't much to see, but there was a strange noise coming from the base of the crater.

“Shit I'm too young and handsome to die like this.” I mutter to myself, half-heartedly. I let out a forced chuckle as I take a step away from the crater.

Unfortunately for me, fate would have me doing otherwise. I stumbled on some loose gravel and fell straight on my ass into the hole. Now, with my ass hurting, and me sitting at the bottom , I could clearly make out a mass among the dirt. Shakily, I get on my feet. I stagger a few steps forward until the mass is in full view. I take in a deep breath as I stare at the foreign… entity.

From what I could gather she seemed to not be harmed, though she was unconscious and stark naked. Her skin was Teal, with a darker blue splotched across her forehead. Her hair was Neon yellow, and her eyelashes white. Peeking out from her hair were small coal like antlers. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

I quickly climbed out of the hole and grabbed the blanket I had set on the ground for my little stargazing venture. I scampered back into the hole and covered her. I studied the beautifully enticing creature as it continued to sleep. Other than it’s odd colors and small antlers, it seemed to have mostly human attributes. 10 fingers and toes, a nose, two eyes- at least eyelids. Her eyes were still closed so I couldn't tell.

My heart was beating fast still, even though the adrenaline had long passed. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to wake her up or just wait and see. The most ethical choice would of been to call the government. But if this was some new scientific discovery; some new species or even Alien entity… I was damned sure not going to let the government take the credit- or even worse, cover it up.

I knew it was probably dangerous. But something about how she slept so peacefully made me feel at ease. There was no way this creature was a bringer of destruction.

A light scopes over us and I look up to see many distant lights. Was it a search party already? It had been only 20 minutes since the crash. How did they find the sight of the crash already? I sense of panic and greed swept me up and suddenly I was bending over and waking up the entity as gently as I could.

Her eyes shot open and to my surprise they were very human like. I was expecting some sort of vibrant color but they were a dull blue-gray.

“Um Hi my name’s Jay. I’m a scientist here on the planet earth. A meteorite smashed into an asteroid and you fell to the earth as a result. I’d love to explain more but there’s some people coming for you and I cant guarantee your safety with them. God I hope you can understand me.” I mumble the last part.

The creature stands up, The blanket falls from her and I turn around as a reflex. “Then if I go with you can you guarantee my safety?” I turn back to face her, shocked to hear her speak so eloquently in English. I extend my hand to her. “I’ll do everything I can to keep you away from them.”

She smiles and grabs my hand. I help pull her out of the crater and we quickly hop on my zeroboard. It wasn't intended for two riders, but it was our fastest option. We zipped off into the night.

December 25, 2081 5pm

Her name is Elequila. She says she was trapped in the Asteroid long ago. She wont tell me why, though she’s happy to tell me about where she originates from. Her planet was made up of unique creatures like her. She says they all have a distinct birthmark; hers are her horns. From what she’s told me, most of them possess qualities- er, birth marks- much like some of the animals on our planet here on earth. Fish scales, gills, or fins, Antlers, horns, etc.

She’s made herself right at home.

She’s also disclosed that she can change her appearance at will, except for her horns of course. She asked to study pictures of the women of my planet. Soon after, her skin turned milk chocolate and her hair a few shades darker. I suggested she go with an afro look to help hide the horns. She liked that. Ellequila was too hard for me to pronounce. I’ve been calling her Quil. Shed doesn't seem to mind. All in all its been a very interesting Christmas.

Part of me feels guilty for not disclosing that i offered my help purely for selfish career fulfillment reasons. But That thought quickly faded as Quil started to ask more about Earth. I feel we can learn a lot from each other. It’s also not so bad having someone to spend the holidays with.

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Aspiring writer, sharing articles of personal interest as well as original short stories.

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    QuirkyMinWritten by QuirkyMin

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